A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 109: Toa's crisis

Sabrina couldn’t believe her eyes. Why were those girls here? Of course Kromuel did say to come or they were going to kill a hostage, but Sabrina still couldn’t believe it. Did they come knowing the opponent was the empire? She took a moment to remember that they are Nito’s companions and that they probably have no reason to fear the empire like normal people do. However, this is still a bad situation.

“Why…..are you here……”

“Huh? ….because the broadcast…”

Toa answered as if it was only natural for them to come. Sabrina couldn’t respond, if she did the empire would know that they are Nitos companions. For some reason it seemed as though these two didn’t know what the three girls looked like.

“Hmm? What? ……..that woman…..I feel some magic power from her.”

Kromuel was staring at Toa, when he said that Ivan opened her eyes.

“Pink hair….white cat…..blue hair…”

Ivan muttered to herself just loud enough for Kromuel to hear.

“Hmm. I see, in other words you’re the adventurer Nito’s companions.”

Kromuel had figured it out and turned a keen eye onto them. Toa didn’t say anything but she looked wary of him and from that look he judged that he’d hit the nail on the head with his comment. But he wasn’t just observing Toa, he was observing Sabrina as well. He was observing her body temperature to confirm his theory.

“They finally came!”

Ivan stood up with a big smile, however it wasn’t cute, it was a cruel smile.

“Yeah, their body temperature told me the truth.”

Kromuel drew his sword.

“Wait! These girls aren’t them! They’re just students.”

“If you don’t want to die, get out of the way.”

Kromuel saw straight through the lie and pointed his sword.

However both Toa and Nems expressions changed, they weren’t going down without a fight. Sufilia on the other hand knew she couldn’t win.

“For master, Nem will do her best! 《Will o’ wisp》!”

Nems fire appeared around her.

“Teacher, it doesn’t look like you can fool them.”

Toa understood the Sabrina didn’t want them to be found. But as she said, it’s not longer possible for them to hide or lie their way out. Sabrina hesitated for a moment then her resolve began to show itself.

“Support me.”


As she said that she hardened her resolve and pulled a white wand from out between her breasts.

“Kromuel, it seems the principal is going to participate as well.”


Ivan grinned wider, in the next moment Nem shot a fireball and Sabrina pointed her wand.

“《Matoma Haik》”

A large amount of light particles filled the space around Ivan and Kromuel.



Toa fired a lightning bolt, it was faster than trying to cast advanced magic, the particles enlarged to respond to her magic.

“What useless magic, is this really Nitos party?”

“Kromuel, I’ll take care of it.”


“《Invisible Aqua》”

A large amount of water released from Ivan’s wand creating a giant water shield. Toa lighting was easily absorbed into the water shield. Kromuel rushed Toa, swinging his sword at her, Sabrina saw it coming but reacted too late to prevent it. However Toa was able to stop Kromuel’s sword on her own.

“What…..that sword?”

Toa was holding Shawn’s favorite sword, Kills Gills. Did Kromuel feel something from the snake sword?

Toa takes advantage of the opening.

“《Storm Spear》”

Kromuel put distance between them to avoid the spear, he smiled at Toas conviction that she could win as long as that hit.

“This is not very satisfying, is this what Raj was so scared of?”

Kromuel casually swung his sword and dissipated Toas magic.

However Sabrina hadn’t expected her to win the confrontation in the first place and wasn’t surprised by him cutting the magic. She then began to fire light beams at Kromuel, he blocked them with his sword. However she continued to shoot at him, changing up her aim with every shot.

Then as if to interrupt, Nemー


A yellow magic circle appeared around Kromuel’s feet, in the next moment Lightning leapt up attacking him. But he was somehow able to evade or deflect it.

“Kromuel, if you don’t kill them can I?”

Ivan was waiting behind Kromuel but she was tired from the trip and growing frustrated as Kromuel showed no sign of actually killing them.

“Sure, but the only one we’re here to kill is her, we have no orders regarding the others.”

‘Her, was referring to Toa.”

“Alright, I’ll take care of it.”

Now Ivan was participating in the battle.

Then a glowing magic circle appeared around Sabrina’s feet.

“Thats enough, this is a place of learning. I will not allow it to be tainted by the empire.”

“Are you taunting the empire?”

Kromuel stared at Sabrina with murderous intent.

“You two fall back, I will do this alone.”

Sabrina ordered Toa and Nem to retreat, she wasn’t a combat mage but she couldn’t put them in any more danger.

None of the other students evacuated either, although their lives may very well be in danger their curiosity won. They are still young and often times their curiosity wins out over their better judgment. Although Sabrina is still a little hesitant because she doesn’t want to involve any of the students in the fight.

“《Guardians sword》”

A glowing blue sword rose up from the ground at Sabrina’s feet. She stowed her wand and instead gripped the sword.

“Its been a while since I’ve held a sword but, I’ll have you die now.”

Kromuel moved first, he must have been angry at Sabrina’s disrespect for the empire. Every time they crossed swords a loud metallic sound rang out.

“《Water Jet》”

Ivan attacked Sabrina as well. While still contending with Kromuel using her right hand, Sabrina left away from the magic circle that had appeared at her feet and summoned magic of her own using her left.

“《Distorted flame》”

A flame whip appeared in her left hand, then with a flick of her wrist it wrapped itself around Ivans wand. The wand set on fire instantly.

“Damn, how annoying! ”

Ivan started messing around with her cane trying to put out the fire.

“Where are you looking?”

Kromuel had closed the distance while Sabrina was distracted. He was it position to swing his sword down on her and Sabrina brought her own up to defend. However the sword never came and instead he brought his foot up into a roundhouse kick slamming it into Sabrina’s sword arm.

She lost her grip on the sword.


Sabrina went after her sword but Kromuel didn’t miss his opportunity. As she went sideways to recover her sword Kromuel swiped his sword diagonally across her torso.


Blood flew from her upper body, the cut traced down from her shoulder all the way to her hip. However Kromuel did not stop he grabbed her by the throat and tossed her with all his strength so that she flew over and rolled to a stop at the feet of the students. They still had yet to evacuat.


Toa called out as the other teachers ran to gather around Sabrina.


“Its fine, hurry up and evacuate the students.”

Sabrina glared at the students.

“You…do you want to end up like this….? ……this….isn’t class…it’s an attack…”

Sabrina used the last of her strength to try and get the students to run, her body couldn’t no longer fight. And then, Toa charged Kromuel.


She swung the snake sword at him but she was avoided completely and Kromuel’s sword cut across her stomach.



Nem came running up to Toa and blood flowed from her stomach.

“Toa! Keep it together.”

Nem tried to stop the bleeding.


Toa laid there as she slowly turned pale, her vital signs fading.

“Nem can’t stop the bleeding! What does Nem do!?”

Nem panicked trying to stop the bleeding, she couldn’t use healing magic and panicked even more because of that. Then a voice called out.

“Hurry and kill them!”

It was a student that had called out.

“This has nothing to do with us.”

Patrick had rushed here, when he saw Toa and the principal he had a rough idea of what had happened.

“It didn’t have anything to do with the principal either! We’re just here to learn! Your purpose is the adventurer Nito right?! Then it has nothing to do with us!”

It took a moment for Patrick to fully understand, but he knew that he had to first treat Toa and the principal. But what about those guys from the empire? What could he do if he went out there?

The desire to help them and the desire to not die clashed in Patrick’s mind and he ended up just standing there.

“Hurry up and leave!”

The students were still yelling. This isn’t courage though, the students were not beginning to panic as well. The reality of death has suddenly become apparent to the students.

“Please! It has nothing to do with us!”

Kromuel glared at the students.

“As expected of Halekuwait, they boast about being first rate, but when you tear the lid of its just a bunch of sheltered brats. Hahahaha. Relax, if I killed brats like you I would be shaming myself for life, we’re just here for Nitos companion.”

Kromuel pointed his sword at Toa.

“Now both the king and Raj will be happy.”

Kromuel went to swing his sword but….

His arm wouldn’t move, he slowly turned to face ‘It’.

There was a black vortex there, Kromuel stared at it and the first thing he saw come through was a foot the color of blood. The entire body appeared slowly afterwards.

Kromuel was at a loss for words.

Everyone was stunned at his appearance, Kromuel pointed his sword at him and Ivan pointed her wand, both of them were alert.

“What….are you?”

A robe the color of blood, with a full face mask. It looked like the devil himself had appeared.

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