A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 113: Conspiracy theory

“A Relic of Adams?”

Every time something happens, Adams, Adams, Adams. Who is this guy?

“Above all, it’s an existence who protects the world from the abyss.”

“Thats a spirit?”

I asked tiredly.

“Yes. But the spirit queen is different. It’s said that those who rule over the spirits have the memories of the first spirit. In other words they inherit the will of Adams.”

“I see, was that in the book as well?”

“No its my own personal research. I found the diary of someone who had a contract with the spirit queen in the past.”

I was wondering why Patrick and Sarah were getting along so well.

“And you said that it’s an existence that protects the world from the abyss?”

“Not quite, they are lives that Adams created using his own existence. In other words they were left to kill the fools of the abyss that are out of control.”

I see, so if I go out of control I’ll be killed by Patrick?

“Hahahaha. That’s a pretty interesting story.”

The principal looked into my eyes.

“You don’t believe me do you?”

“No I believe you. I just thought it was funny because you basically just said that Patrick would kill me. That won’t happen.”

But in fact I wondered if Sarah had infused Patrick with something? The guy who had the spirit queen in the past was able to write that because he asked the spirit. If so then Patrick as well.

“Speaking of, Sarah was very familiar with the abyss.”


“The spirit queen with Patrick. Her name is Salamander so, Sarah.”

“I see.”

“But, I don’t think I could be suppressed with that level of power.”

“Of course, it’s said that when the time came, all the spirit lords would come together. It’s possible that the man who wrote the diary died without knowing what that time was.”

I don’t think the teacher called me here just to talk about Patrick.

“You saved me.”


She was talking about the ordeal with the empire.

“Do you know what they said to me after that?”

By they I assume she meant the students that were gathered there.

“Theres no way I would know. I don’t know how the rich think.”

“I see…..”

She was a little frustrated but I don’t know what I don’t know.

“Some of them have entered the school matches?”

I gave a casual reply and the teacher sighed.

“They abstained. They said they don’t want to participate or serve anywhere anymore.”

“Hahahahaha! Did they get scared of blood? Hahahaha! But that’s good isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

The principal squinted at me.

“Important people from all over the world are coming to watch right? It’s good to sort out those who can’t make the cut early on.”

“Some of those who abstained were the top performers in their class! What do you mean by can’t make the cut?”

Apparently she’s mad.

“You have no affection for the students do you?”


“Of course I don’t either, just that they’re unpleasant.”

This was of course a retaliation against them. They told Toa, Nem, and Sufilia to get out, even if it was out of fear it’s necessary to clarify who was in the wrong.

“Its better for you. After all they definitely would have died at some point if they continued down that path. So it’s a win/win.”

“Wait, what are you saying? What you said thenー”

“ーthat was my true opinion. All of it.”

The principal look dismayed.

“Do you really think the empire would do that? The story of then starting a war with the entire continent was from hundreds of years ago!?”

Apparently she knew of the war, I didn’t know until I heard about the legendary party that participated.

“I don’t know if it will involve the entire continent but there will definitely be a war. After all there are convenient weapons like magic.”

“You say that like it’s someone else’s problem.”

“It doesn’t matter to me, I was just saving my companions when I got involved at Razhousen.”

“Thats Sierra’s country isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t save the country for the sake of saving it. I didn’t it for my companions. Although I guess I do have a lot of good memories there so it worked out in the end.”

Although it was subtle I felt like the principal was relieved. Although I don’t know why.

“But, what you did was still wrong. They are children who haven’t gone outside yet. Everything has an order to it, what you did was cruel.”

They said that they would abstain but there participation was probably part of a magical contract. I wonder what will happen to them?

” Thats just how the world is. The cruelty of the outside world will only continue to grow.”

“That again? Just stop, I’m tired of hearing your prejudices.”

“You don’t believe me do you?”

“Certainly that country has been strange for several years but….”

“Oh strange for several years huh? I’ll tell you something interesting.”

“Something interesting? What is it this time?”

The teacher looked dismayed, but she also taught me several things. Besides I don’t want to hide who I am anymore.

“What do you think this world is?”

“The world? What are you asking?”

She didn’t seem to understand what I’d asked.”

“Do you know of parallel worlds?”

“Parallel worlds? You mean other worlds? I know the concept?”

From her point of view I’m probably just a child, but it makes this easy if she understands the concept.

“In that case this will be quick. You’ll find this interesting.”

“I doubt it, what you say is usually uninteresting.”


It was a friendly laugh.

“The country of Greyberg performed a hero summoning. 21 people in all, I am one of them.”


When I said that her mouth fell open.

“However when I was summoned I was judged as useless and incompetent as a healer and exiled by Aries who was the princess at the time. So I ask you again, what is a parallel world?”

However the principal seemed like she was desperately trying to calm down.

“Hahahaha! Isn’t your surprise a bit exaggerated? ”

“A summoned hero!?”

She seemed to be calming down little by little.

“I heard the story but, I didn’t think that you were the missing hero. No wonder.”

She seemed to believe me.

“Yeah, but just because I was a hero didn’t mean I was strong. I was a healer. Hahaha!”

“Ok, and? What isn’t you wanted to tell me?”

“This world was a parallel world to us, but now it’s just the world.”

Parallel worlds that was just a dream to us, they’re no longer just dreams.

“But recently I met a person named Romero, who told me something strange.”

“Something strange?”

“Yes I thought for a while about what he said but I still couldn’t understand what Romero said. Although it was quite simple.”

“Romero….Dr. Romero? He’s famous, what did he say?”

“It seems that I had a disease called ‘parallel world syndrome’.”

“Parallel world…..syndrome?”

“Yes, apparently when I was summoned I realized I was in a parallel world that I had longed for. And had a thought along the lines of ‘I don’t want to break it’.”

Romero had said something along those lines.

“Apparently it’s even stronger in those who are weak and it ended up lowering my base attribute value.”

“Lowered the base value? Because you didn’t want to interfere with this world for fear of losing it?”

As expected, she caught on quickly.

“I don’t know how deep it ran but the problem was that on the status ‘parallel world syndrome’ was displayed. In other words I was ill.”

She seemed to not understand what I was saying.

“Can you say that again a little clearer?”

But I just kept talking.

“One day however it was completely cured. My base values jumped back up and I figured it had been because of the illness. However Dr. Romero told me that the Status had misunderstood something.”


“Yes, he said the drop had nothing to do with the illness but instead had to do with my desire not to break the world.”

“What are you trying to say? We were just talking about the empire?”

“But now my status is normal. Do you understand what that means?”


I kept speaking.

“Romero said that parallel worlds didn’t exist but he just wasn’t aware of them. After all me being here is proof.”

“But what does this have to do with the empire?”

“Everyone lives for their own selfish reasons, it’s the same for the empire. They want to make a move against this world, no they are moving against it even now.”


“Just like the empire before this, if this empire fails then another country like the empire will appear, that’s what kind of world this is.”

I stood up, it seems she doesn’t understand what I mean after all.

“I was an idiot, I can’t believe I listened to your story seriously. I’m different from you, i live in reality.”

She sighed looking disgusted.

“Did I answer your question? It’s good that they noticed, I’m glad that I noticed in time as well. On the battlefield even a moments hesitation can be fatal.”

She stayed quiet, there was only the sound of our breathing.

“I asked why the empire would want a war.”

“I already answered that. If you want more information then tell me everything you know about the abyss.”

“I can’t talk about it, but you were wrong after all.”

The principal left the room frustrated.

“She kind of hysterical isn’t she.”

The kings shield was made up of three people, and like Raj the other two were sent as spies to other countries. The same thing will happen again like what happened with him. The goal is war.

But with the power of the empire they should have been able to defeat Razhousen fairly easily. Although they couldn’t do that last time because I was there. But now that I’m not there they have an opening. Why didn’t they attack? Should I go help Sierra? Would she accept my help?

I can’t answer that.

I could see Patrick and Alice fighting from here. He’s the prince isn’t he? Is it OK for him not to return to his country? I sat and watched as I thought about this.

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