A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 116: Earth magic

Nem and Patrick faced each other waiting for thr match to start.

“Lets both do our best.”

“Of course!”

The two fell quiet after that, Nem wore her usual expression while Patrick’s was more confident than before.

Then Patrick suddenly realized that since it was Nems match as well Nito would likely be here to watch.

“Is Nito coming?”

“I think he’s in the audience.”

“I see…”

Nem looked at him confused by the question.


A gong rang out after the announcement, pulling Patrick out of his thoughts as the audience cheered.


“Yeah! I know!”

Yui called out to Patrick who immediately began to cast magic.

“《Salamander’s rejection》”

This time the flame didn’t merge and expand but instead flew directly at Nem. Nem was usually reserved and didn’t show off her strength so no one really had the impression of her being strong. However this was the Semifinals and the competitors had won several matches to get here. Moreover she was recognized as someone from Nito’s party. This was why Patrick decided to fight using all his strength from the very beginning, this magic was what he’d spent this whole time training.

“《Thunder demon armament》”

Nem had the same idea, a yellow magic circle appeared around her. However the magic was unfinished and the lighting only covered her feet.

“Nems going to win!”

As the flames approached her Nem instantly dodged as her lighting took the form of boots.


Patrick said this involuntarily put of surprise. To him it was if Nem had simply disappeared.

“Damn, where is she!”

“Patrick! Calm down!”

Yui calmed Patrick down.

“Feel her magic!”

Patrick calmed down and immediately began to search for Nems magic but he was too slow.

“《Cat rage》!”

Nem appeared right next to Patrick and smashed her fist into his face.


Patrick was sent rolling across the field as his flames disappeared.


Blood was leaking from Patrick’s mouth due to Nems strike. Cat rage was a very powerful attack, staying conscious after receiving such a blow could be considered a feat. Patrick’s legs wobbled as he stood.


Yui looked worried.


There’s no way he was OK, Nem on the other had wore a relaxed expression.



“One more time, I can only do the flame once more.”

Patrick had only ever trained in magic, contrary to Nem who was accomplished both physically and magically. She also had experience in real battle, unlike Toa and Sufilia, Nem had participated from time to time with Nito.

In battle its not about who can use the most advanced magic, but who can deal the most damage to their opponent. In other words while strong Patrick’s Magic wasn’t practical, there was an experience gap between him and Nem.

“Surrender! Patrick can’t beat Nem!”

Even though only a couple minutes had passed everyone was already convinced that Patrick would lose.

“《Salamander’s rejection》”

The two colored flame erupted from Patrick’s body again.

“I’ve already seen that! It’s strong but slow!”

Although it was stable because of Yuis magic it was too early for Patrick to be able to speed it up.

“Surrender. Otherwise Nem will get serious.”

Nem still seemed relaxed.

“Serious!? Are you playing around!? Then come at me! I’m trying to have a serious fight here!”

If he said this around adventurers he would have been a laughing stock, those without real experience have no right to talk about a serious fight. However Nem wouldn’t belittle her masters friend.

“I’ll end this!”

Nems eyes changed. Noticing this Patrick split the flame in two and fired one at Nem while wrapping himself in the other.

“I won’t lose!”

Patrick chased Nem with his eyes instructing the fire to follow after her however he quickly lost sight of her again.


He looked around the field searching for her.

“Where are you!”

There was no reply and no matter how much he looked he still couldn’t find Nem.

“I’m going to finish you off like you wanted!”

Patrick heard her voice above him and looked up.


Patrick gathered his flames and fired them at Nem. But it was too late.

“Its over! 《Bowl of the primordial trinity》”

A white magic circle enveloped Nems body as she folded her hands as if in prayer.

At that moment two hands of rock appeared from the ground near Patrick.


In the next instant the two hands clapped together sandwiching Patrick between them.


The audience fell quiet, this was extremely advanced magic. Once Nem landed the two arms dissipated back into the ground leaving an unconscious Patrick there alone. The announcement announced Nems victory although Patrick was obviously still unaware of his loss.

Patrick woke up in the infirmary with Sarah and Yui by his side.

“I see…I lost.”


The other two didn’t know what to say.

“Its ok, a loss is a loss. I knew from the beginning that I couldn’t beat Nem. It’s as Nito said, someone who grew up sheltered like I did can’t beat an adventurer.”

Of course with Patrick’s power now even an A rank monster wouldn’t be an issue for him to defeat. But what if he made a mistake and got injured? And one on one, he might be able to make up for such a mistake but what if there was more?

For those with such tactics and thoughts in their heads like Nem, spirit magic alone isn’t enough to defeat them.

“Its not a problem though. If I win the next match I can still be in third place and participate.”

Sarah and Yui let out relieved laughs.

“From here on Patrick.”


“The competition is important but it’s not as important as your life, or your future ok. You should remember that.”

Patrick knew what Sarah meant.

“I go by what I think is right. As you helped me I would also help him, I won’t abandon my friends.”

Sarah didn’t reply.

“Lets go back to the venue.”

Patrick and Nem were on the right side of the tournament line up, in the finals the right and left side winners would clash. However the next fight would have an unexpected outcome.

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