A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 118: Arrogance


This guy was the cause of all of Sabrina’s problems. After showing the students his ‘truth’ many of the students had dropped out of the matches. If he hadn’t don’t that the matches would have proceeded smoothly just like every other year.

“Teacher! Please allow me to participate in third place!”

Sabrina could barely restrain her anger.

“You….want me…to appoint you to third place?”

Everyone in the venue was staring at Nito, even Patrick was wondering what was going on inside this guy’s head.

“Yes, currently no one other than Alice is suitable as a representative. But since she declined you have to appoint someone else right? Am I not the appropriate person?”


Did this guy actually just say appropriate? Sabrina thought to herself.

“Nito, you’re already supposed to be participating in the additional match. There’s no point in having that match if you are selected to participate normally. Otherwise you would be participating in two matches.”

There isn’t a student alive who could beat Nito, by having him participate it completely gets rid of any meaning behind the school matches and basically declares Halekuwait victorious. However Nito didn’t back down.

“Teacher, I don’t care if I have to fight in two matches, or even three. Let’s do this.”

Then Nito suggested something.

“You can also give Fishnatica a handicap. You can start the tournament at 0-1 in favor of Fishnatica. That way even if i participate it will be fair.”

Sabrina had no idea how to handle this situation. Of course, Masamune’s proposal didn’t violate the rules of the tournament and could easily be handled by discussing it with the other principal. In addition to that her reputation with the investors who come to see Nito will rise.

However, what about her reputation with the parents? That may fall if she prioritizes one student over the others and if the parents’ opinion of her falls then it will eventually affect her relationship with the investors.

“In other words, Nito is saying that he can both represent the school, and participate in the extra match?”

“Yes, but since you’re the one that proposed the additional match I’ll leave everything to you. And as for being a representative it is just a proposal, I’ll leave that decision up to you as well.”

This of course didn’t violate any part of the magical contract, but there was one thing that Sabrina was afraid of.

“Ok I’ll give tentative approval for Nito to be a representative. However I will make the final decision later after some discussion.”

Sabrina then added that any students who didn’t agree with this decision or were willing to participate should come to the office.

A few days had passed since the decision.

“Excuse me.”

I had been called to the principals office and when I arrived I’d run into Alice who was just coming out of the office. When she noticed me she glared coldly and left.

Not long after the match between Patrick and Nem had finished Alice had asked me to help her with a spirit contract. Alice had no idea how Patrick managed to form the contract, only he, I and the principal knew. However I had refused her.

It was for a simple reason, Patrick had gained power and she just simply couldn’t accept it. Her reason for wanting power was pure emotion based off of Patrick. As such I decided her motivation was flimsy and didn’t help her.

ーknock knock

“Excuse me.”

When I entered, next to Sabrina I saw a man with a long white beard.

“Hoho! You must be Nito.”

I wasn’t wearing my mask.

“Yeah, who are you?”

The old man smiled.

“I am Oswald. Principal of Fishnatica.”

I see, so in other words the three of us are here to talk about representing the school. For now I took a seat.

“The tournament is where students, as well as the schools themselves, appeal to investors from each country.”

Oswald began to explain slowly.

“Although the truth is, this is nothing more than a trap to lure in the fool of the abyss.”

Old people’s stories are always so long.. I mean I’d come at least a little prepared for this but still.

“Why don’t we skip to the main part about whether or not I can be a representative.”

I very much wanted to participate because ‘they’ are going to Fishnatica and there was a non-small chance that they too would be participating.

“This too, is the main part.”

Oswald took a sip of coffee.

“The fool of the abyss is an existence that invites the world into chaos. Therefore we at the school watch those who come to the school as well as those who leave very closely. However neither Sabrina nor I have ever actually seen anyone related to the abyss since we have become the principals of our respective schools. As such all we have to go off of is the books left behind by Beatrice and Marcellus ”

The fact is that people who can even handle the abyss are rare. It’s Sieg said, no matter how real the abyss is to me, for this world it’s just a fairytale.

“I don’t know about Sabrina, but I myself haven’t decided whether or not you are indeed a fool. Of course I cannot feel your magic power and while that means you are most certainly much stronger than we are, that does not prove that you are a fool.”

“So the question is whether or not I’m a fool, because a fool is not allowed to participate?”

“Not at all. There is no rule saying a fool cannot participate.”

So, I can participate?

“The problem is simply you’re too powerful. Because we can’t feel your magic power we cannot measure your power.”

“I understand what you’re saying but I don’t see what’s wrong.”

“I want to avoid the students being injured, that’s all. And there is no point in having you participate in the match. Although there are more than just two magic schools out there and this might be a good time to appeal to the world we cannot allow someone with personality issues to participate.”

I see, so Sabrina told Oswald about the incident with the empire.

“All I want is a peaceful life as a student. The got in the way of that and I taught them the reality of their situation. Of course when my friends got hurt I got a tad emotional but I don’t think I was in the wrong here. If I can’t participate in the up coming matches because of that then I don’t care.”

Sabrina cleared her throat and began to speak in place of Oswald.

“You were going to be a representative to begin with. You’ll be participating in this year’s competition in third place. However the additional match has already been announced and cannot be canceled. So you’ll be asked to participate in that as well. As such, you may be asked to fight in two matches back to back so please prepare yourself for that.”

For the time being I felt relieved.

“I see, I don’t have a problem with consecutive matches.”

This is all going how I wanted it too.

“Who will be my opponent in the additional match?”

I asked Oswald.

“I can’t tell you. It’s the same for the normal match.”

“I see.”

It’s possible that all three opponents will be from the group of summoned heros. But it doesn’t matter if they are or not. Although I can’t actually kill anyone here, if I do ill end up throwing away my title as a hero and everything I’d been working towards. Of course I would also inconvenience my companions including Sierra. This isn’t hesitation, just not everything can be about revenge.

“Young mage.”

Oswald suddenly opened his match.

“Oh, you’re not in any hurry are you?”


I couldn’t give a proper reply.

“You are strong, however you are still quite young. As such before making a decision about something I advise you to think it through carefully beforehand.”

I really want to leave.

“Because you are young you may be worried. Having such rare talent such as the talent you possess will come with difficulties that others cannot possibly understand. However if you are understanding towards others, they will be understanding towards you.”

“I think I’ll be taking my leave here. Pardon me.”

I left the principals office. It was unexpected but in the end I received the spot as a representative of the school.

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