A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 124: Injustice

Fishnatica, the matches to determine the representative for the additional match was being held.

‘Winner, Kyogoku!”

Saeki and the others were amazed by Kyogoku, he had overwhelmed all his opponents with physical ability alone. Saeki leaned forward and stared.

‘So this is Kyogoku.’ He thought.

He was clearly far above Saekis level.

‘Saeki, the principal is calling for you. Please go to the principals office as soon as possible. ‘

Another announcement was made.

“Saeki, you’re being called.”

David said.


“The principals calling you. You have to go to the principals office.”


Saeki left unsure of what he’d just seen. He walked down the hallway contemplating it in his head, could he catch up to Kyogoku?

“Excuse me.”

He knocked twice and entered the office to find Oswald there waiting for him.

“Sorry for calling you here so suddenly.”

Oswald said as Saeki waited for him to explain.

“Your opponent for the tournament has been decided and an announcement will be played later. But first we have something to report.”


Saeki looked confused as he sat down.

“Its about your opponent.”

Saeki still didn’t quite understand.

“I’ll be frank. Your opponent is the adventurer Nito.”


Saeki looked stunned. He had of course heard of Nito, he was much more famous than even the 21 heros. His confrontation with the empire had spread around the world.

“This story is still undisclosed but have you heard the story about people from the empire appearing at Halekuwait?”


“Because of that, many people abstained from the representative matches. Many of them were the best Halekuwait had to offer. That’s how we ended up with Nito.”

He’d left our the main part but the tone of his voice seemed to imply that something bad had happened.

“Because of that, Nito was selected to be one of the representatives and he’s to be your opponent.”

“I……I see..”

Saeki still didn’t understand why.

“Hero, dungeon clearer, S rank adventurer, he’s a mage of various titles. It’s no exaggeration to say that he’s probably even more formidable than I am.”

Saekis eyes opened wide.

“Wait! Wait a minute! The adventurer Nito is even stronger than you are!?”

“Yes, it’s already an unquestionable fact for me now. You’ll understand if you meet him.”

“So…from the very beginning…..there’s no way I can win is there!?”

“Because of Nitos participation, our school will start one point in the lead.”

“Meaning I’m definitely going to lose.”


“Then what’s the point in even having my match?!”

Saeki wondered why he had worked so hard, what’s the point? He felt like he was being discriminated against and was angry and what he considered to be his own mistreatment.

“Unfortunately, these schools are businesses. These schools won’t survive without a good amount of capital and the investors want to see Nito. Because of this Nito is the main attraction this year. That’s just how it is.”

Saeki realized why Oswald had called him.

“In other words I’m being abandoned because of my lack of talent.”

“Thats not the case. The fact that Nito is at Halekuwait is well known. Because of this Nito would have been forced to participate as well even if he didn’t want too, luckily though he was willing. That’s just the way these things are.”

Saeki wasn’t an idiot, he understood what Oswald was saying he just didn’t accept it. He kept swallowing as if trying to suppress his anger and keep himself from talking.

“It would be good if I won right? ”

Oswald squinted at Saeki.

“I’ll win. I’ll break Nitos nose! And the investors noses! Our tournament isn’t just to show off Nito!”

“Nito won’t take you seriously.”


“Around the venue there is a guardian ward. You’re aware of that of course. It can handle beginner, intermediate, advanced because the ward is of Talking wand class.”

Oswald was doing his best to choose his words carefully.

“If Nito were to take this seriously, his magic is so powerful that the ward wouldn’t be able to save your life. Which is why Nito is forbidden from taking this seriously.”

Saeki didn’t understand, it was the first he’d heard of Speaking want class.

“What level magic can you use now?”


“Advanced huh? It’s rather impressive that you can handle such magic when you’re as young as you are. That doesn’t change anything though, Nito is an exception. You may think that you can beat him but you can’t, of course this shouldn’t stop you from trying your best.”

Saeki thought about those words, he had felt sophisticated and powerful when he’d learned advanced magic. Of course it was no different for any other mage but Nito still surpassed that, it was unbelievable. However, that wasn’t Saeki’s intention in the first place.

“Teacher, do you know about Dragon’s Heart?”

Oswald looked confused.

“Of course I do.”

“Who is stronger? Dragons heart, or Nito?”

Oswald rubbed his long beard as he thought about the question. He then began to speak slowly.

“There are many mysteries surrounding that organization. I’m not able to answer that question. But…”

“Hmm? What?”

“I think Nito is probably equal to or better than them.”

Saeki stood up when he heard that.

“Thats all I needed to know.”

Oswald didn’t understand.

“No matter what I say nothing will change right? I have to participate in the match regardless?”

“Yes, I would like you too. ”

“And if I refused you would choose another student? My point is, you want to show Nito fighting right?”


“It doesn’t matter, I’ll participate. ”

“My apologies.”

“No, you have my thanks, I didn’t expect to be able to fight someone so strong so quickly. Much less the hero of Razhousen and S rank adventurer Nito.”


“My opponent isn’t lacking in anyway.”

Leaving those words behind Saeki suddenly left.

Oswald couldn’t blame Saeki, the school was tied to investors. Even as a skilled mage there wasn’t anything you could do before power.

After Saeki left the office an announcement was made, announcing the representatives from Halekuwait.

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