A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 131: Princess

” ‘Do I want to be killed?’ ….are you an idiot?”

He mocked me.

“Apparently, you don’t know what Demons are capable of. If I get serious I could erase you and this bar along with you!”

Why do super villains always want to take out buildings? The bar didn’t do anything?

“The bar doesn’t have anything to do with it. Why don’t we take this outside?”

“You don’t get to decide! I’m the one that decides!”

His right hand started to glow.

“《Soul break》”

Was this guy really going to try and destroy the entire bar?


The white arms came out and subdued the demon, it’s really convenient because it stops them from using magic as well.


The demon shouted but it was already too late.

“Let me go damn it! You idiot…..my magic!?”

“Excuse me!”

I called out to the waitress.


She popped up from behind the counter.

“I’ll be back so, can you leave the table alone?”


“Hmm? You three aren’t coming?”

When I turned back the other three hadn’t even stood up.

“You can deal with it can’t you? ”

Toa answered as if she was annoyed.

“What are you talking about, don’t you know this guy!?”

“I don’t know him!”

“You don’t know him? Then why does he know you?”


I was faintly aware that Toa was hiding something. And Nem wasn’t even paying attention to me as she inhaled meat.


“I’ll leave it to Lord Nito, there’s nothing I can do anyway. ”


I sighed and put my mask on.

“I see.”

I instructed the arms to carry the demon outside.


Toa spoke again.

“Don’t kill him.”

“Hhh, what about me? He just tried to kill me you know.”

“Still, it’s not a problem for you is it?”

Well, no but…


I still think it would be better to kill him before he bothered me again though.

“Let me go! Let me go human! How dare you touch me! ”

“If you don’t shut up I’m going to strangle you to death.”


“Oh, you’re surprisingly obedient. So why did you try and take Toa?”

“Hahaha, you think I’m going to tell a human like y-Gyaaaaaaaa!”

I strengthened the restraints, are all Demons this troublesome?


“Lady Totalica is the next Demon queen.”

“Next demon queen. Why do you even know about Toa? I’m in the process of taking her home. Do you know where that is?”

The demon grinned.

“I see, apparently you know nothing about lady Totalica. What? You want me to tell Gyaaaaaaaaa!”

“Hurry up an answer, or are you some kind of masochist?”

“I got I got, just stop.”

“If you want me to stop hurry up and answer…. In a way that I can understand.”

“Lady Totalica is the princess of the demon kingdom of Urzola.”


For some reason I wasn’t all that surprised to hear she’s a princess.

“Lucius Rosef Urzola, he’s one of the demon kings that rule the demon country like queen Cassandra.”

He doesn’t seem to hold much respect for Lucius.

“Thats the name of Toas parent?”

“Yeah, now let me go!”

“No, you haven’t answered my question yet. Why are you after Toa? You’re with a different ruler right? Why are you after Toa if she’s not related to her?”

“What do you mean not related?”

“Thats what you said right? You’re from Shastain and Toa isnt.”

“That’s your own misunderstanding. The royal family is all related. Toa is a descendent of the first demon king and is particularly powerful among Demons. In Shastain only a woman can be crowned so we need someone like her.”

“You’re talking about Cassandra right?”

“Queen Cassandra! Show some respect!”

This guy’s annoying.

“Fine, Queen Cassandra. She told you to bring Toa then?”

“Yeah, I said that already didn’t I!? ”

“What about her parents? Why is someone with Lucius not here?”

“I don’t know! Of course Lucius is looking too! Haven’t I said enough already!?”

I really wish I was drinking right now.

“Are you going to attack Toa again if ibrelease you?”

“Attack? I was being polite from the very beginning!”

“Wouldn’t grabbing her be considered disrespectful?”

He shut up.

“I really don’t want to kill any Demons if at all possible.”

He seemed tired of my questions already.

“Got it? I don’t want to kill you but I will if you try and take Toa, understand?”

“Yeah. I know what situation I’m in, it’s my mistake for underestimating you. If you let me go ill leave. ”

Oh he seems to understand quite well. Maybe humans are just dumb?


I let him go.

“Who are you? Aren’t you just an adventurer? Although there must be some reason that Lady Totalica let’s you remain beside her.”

“Nope, I’m just a new adventurer.”

It’s technically not a lie.

“Now go, and don’t come back.”

“You know that I will have to report this when I go back right?”

He said this normally.

“Do what you want, although I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“That doesn’t matter, I have an obligation kukuku.”

I really don’t want to kill Demons, but maybe it’s necessary this time?

“I’ll be taking Toa to the demon country one day. To bring her home, wait until then.”

“I told you, you’re intentions don’t matter.”

“Tell your queen that Toa will eventually be returning then.”

“You really are an idiot. We don’t want her to be returned to Urzola. That’s why we are looking for her.”

I knew it, if I don’t kill him he’ll be back with an army to kidnap Toa.

“Then I’ll just kill you.”

I stretched out my hand.


“It can’t be helped, I want allow Toa to be put in danger.”

But Toa walked out before I could cast the magic.


Why is she here?


She just stared at me not saying anything.

“Toa, I have to kill him.”

She still didn’t say anything.

“He might do something.”

“If it’s you it’s fine.”


“Its easy to kill right? But you have the power to choose not too.”

This doesn’t seem like the usual Toa, her gaze is unusually sharp.

“But if I let him go…”

If I kill him now then the danger to Toa is eliminated.

“I don’t want to kill demons.”

“You don’t have too.”


“Masamune, I believe in you.”



“I believe in you.”



I know I don’t ‘have’ to kill him but….


I waved my hand.


“What are you doing Nito!? The foods getting cold!”


Suddenly the Toa I knew was back, there was a clear difference from before. The demon ran while my head was turned.

“I’ll me going home then.”

The demon was smiling.

“Whatever, get out of here.”

“You still haven’t healed that huh? Kukuku”

I wanted to ask what he was talking about but he was already gone.

“Teleportation huh?”

Healed what? …. I’m probably going to regret not killing him.

“Lets go.”

“Y, yeah.”

I went back in the pub for the time being.

[《T/N: You guys ever have your wife/gf/mom give you that look where your life flash before your eyes? Pretty sure Toa just looked at him like my fiance looks at me when I try and take her chicken nugget. 》]

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