A New Born Devil?

Chapter 26 Tannin vs Naberius?

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(A/N for readers not familiar with my writing, for characters with masks, invisible, or with mouths that do not work like humans, the speech is done in... [words here] So like a Lich's voice or a Dragon would talk like this, as well as loudspeakers, enjoy the chapter.)

Chapter 26  Tannin vs Naberius? by Harem-Fan


     [Greetings Devils, today I, Congreve Vassago, shall be the Arbiter of this Blitz Style Rating Game between the King Tannin and the King Amorous Naberius!]

     On the giant floating magic screen, is a Devil in a rainbow set of Underworld robes, with a vivid and hypnotic coloration that really confuses your eyes to look at directly. But he is a middle-aged looking Devil with two small curved horns on his forehead.

     [On top of our normal Rating Game rules, we will be using the 1 hour time limit rules, and when the King is defeated, the match will end. And the following point values for defeating the opposing team in the case neither King is defeated goes as follows... The Queen is worth 9 points, Bishop and Knight are worth 3 points, the Rook is Worth 5 points, and the Pawns are worth 1 point. In the case of multi-piece Servants like Tannin's 2 Rook Piece Servant, his value is 10!!!]

     Seeing who the two Kings are, I know I know Tannin, due to his Dragon Valley being on the edge of our Gremory Territory, but also the anime. But this Naberius Devil name is scratching my Human memories, and I do not understand why? I do not even remember this name clearly but it seems to be important, dammit. I say to my Servants.

     "Girls, come and watch this match closely, especially Tsubaki, because you will be a Queen. Tannin before becoming an Ultimate Class Devil, was a Queen Servant as well as now being a King of his own Peerage of Dragon Devils. His King no longer plays the Rating game, and Tannin instead has become one of the top ten players. He is the Ultimate in Power Type."

     Grayfia supplements my usage of Type for the Rating Game.

     "In our Devils Rating Game, players are put into 4 broad categories, with many sub categories, but the main four are... Power, Technique, Wizard, and Support. Now some specialty categories apply here, Ray give an example."

     Looking at Tsubaki, I remembered her Sacred Gear from the anime a bit, and said.

     "Hmm, If Tsubaki has the Sacred Gear I think she does, then despite having many skills, she will be considered a Technique and Counter Type."

     Tsubaki looked at me with wide eyes, because I had not yet told her I knew what gear she has, because she has not fully learned how to control and use it properly, so she asked.

     "Ray, you found out my Power? And what does it mean to be a Counter type?"

     This time it was my Brother to answer her with a smile on his lips.

     "Little Brother had me look up past possessors of the Sacred Gear known as Mirror Alice (has gone by different names, but abilities stay the same), and we believe his guess is correct. I have found out what it is capable of and it is very formidable. It is called a Counter Type Sacred Gear, and it creates a mirror that can block an attack, and if the mirror shatters, it reflects the attack twice as strong as it was absorbed, very powerful. So Tsubaki, if this ends up being your Sacred Gear, hold your head up high, for you are exceptional."

     Tsubaki was in a daze thinking about her Cursed Demon Mirror, and finding out it was such a good thing, slowly made her feel all the suffering she had from it, had instead been a secret blessing. First, it brought her Ray, then to find out she could use it for her King made her years of isolation feel more like a trial of will.

    Kuisha pointed to the field and said.

     "Look girls, the teams are coming out..."

     [Now give it up for King Tannin and his Peerage of Devil Dragons.........]

     A 50 foot tall massive Dragon with purple scales on most of his body, and tan scales on his underbelly, came out on two legs majestically. He has a distinctly humanoid form and wears black armored pauldrons that extend down to his draconic arms and a loincloth decorated with metallic accessories. I do not want to know if he is covering something!


     Tannin lets out a roar to signify his arrival on the field and show his domineering side. And the crowd went wild with his showmanship. I too had stars in my eyes, because he is one of my personal favorites to cheer for, and not because of his anime appearance, but because he is a bad ass motherfucker!

     Behind him came a group of similarly colored Dragons but at only ¾ of Tannin's size. The second largest is what I am guessing is a female Dragon, his Queen. He also has a greatsword wielding 2×Knight, a massive meaty 2×Rook, and 2 smaller female Dragons, I am guessing they are the Bishops. Finally he has two Pawns, that are 4×Pawns.

     And after that, the announcer said,

     [And here he comes with his Peerage... give it up for King Amorous Naberius!]

     All of the Naberius Peerage is wearing black hooded cloaks to hide their appearances and to give them an assassin feel. This also makes them harder to identify by just sight , but the Dragons will have no problem with their keen senses.

     King Naberius was the only one to remove his hood, showing a handsome black haired Devil. He then waved to the crowd with confidence. This guy had recently risen up the ranks at a rocket speed, catching everyone's attention. He was only a normal High-class level of strength, but presently, his strength has risen to Ultimate-class in a short 2 years time.

     Including himself, he has the maximum sized Peerage of 16. (1 king, 1 Queen, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, 2 Rooks, and 8 Pawns.)

     [Both Kings agreed to battle in The Secluded Canyon Valley, with only two directions and few places to hide. Both Kings will rush and Bliiiiiitz! Now are your Peerages ready?! Then step on the Transportation Circles, and lets goooooooo!]

     As both teams did so, the light covered them and sent them into the Rating Game Field, with a sky covered in an aurora of blue, green, and white swirling beautifully.

     In the arena, when the two teams vanished, 24 illusory monitors floated in the sky, to show the camera on each player. And no matter where in the arena you are, the screens always appear to be facing you, cool really.

     Anyway, you can watch the entire game focusing on one or two screens at one time, so in a sense, you can watch two fights. On a single massive screen separate from the 24 smaller ones, is controlled by this announcer who changes to the most interesting parts of the fight, and comments on it in real time for the fans.

     So on both sides of the valley, the two teams move. Tannin's group take flight to make a fanned out formation, while the Naberius Peerage all split in random directions to avoid Dragons Breath.

     Naberius himself let out his Devil wings, and made a swift beeline to the nearest 2 piece Rook Dragon!

     While his peerage distracted the Rook Dragon, Naberius surged up a massive Magic Attack Circle, and pointed it at the Rook. Soon, a nasty Kamehameha-Beam of purple energy had been launched into the chest of the Rook Dragon-Devil, and he was instantly covered by the Light of Retirement, the safety mechanism to keep the participants from dying, but it looked like the Dragon took heavy damage before he fully was saved, showing that was an attack of Ultimate-class-high strength!

     Seeing this, I told my Peerage.

     "It is very rare, but one can die if not careful. So when we in the future have to participate in games, do not treat them as simple games, but a real battle with rules. I can never lose any of you to an accidental death... I would never be able to live with myself if that happened. So never sacrifice yourself needlessly, and fight for your safety, for me."

     Sirzechs patted my shoulder proud of me, and Grayfia smiled in satisfaction of not treating my Peerage as tools. I gained warm eyes from my girls while I frowned watching the conclusion of the battle...


     Naberius smirks at the power he has gained from his Uncle and the Secret King Piece the Old King Faction nobles gave him. And he is showing his Naberius ingenuity here. If he can only beat the Former Dragon King, he can prove to his Uncle that the Super Devil Project is heading in the right direction.

     Seeing one of the two Pawn Dragons, he charged up yet another beam to end the artificial Devil Dragon... All Reincarnated Devils are just disgusting Devil wannabees, while his Pure Blood Family are the real Devils here.

     With intent to kill the Pawn, Naberius used his Magic powered by the Illegal King Piece to try and disintegrate this filth! But just as his beam would take the life of his target, a voice above him was heard...

     [Tamale, I forcefully Retire you!]

    In the nick of time, Tannin's voice was heard, and his Pawn was covered in white light and made immune to the beam, sending him out of the battle. Naberius clicked his tongue and started charging another beam to take out Tannin, but...

     [Naberius, you are too late, Meteor Blaze! BLAAAAAAH!]

     And from above, Naberius had nowhere to flee as Tannin's most powerful attack. His breath weapon covered the entire area, melting both rocks and the opposing King, who after being burnt, was retired. Then the announcer called it.

     [Ohhhh! That is the game folks, Naberius is TOAST! Winner, King Tannin, give it up for our champion!]


     Seeing Naberius's live fight, I frowned and said to my Brother.

     "I have a bad feeling about this guy's strength. He does not fight like an Ultimate Class, but like one of my fellow students from school. How did he become so powerful? I just cannot see it?"

     "You are right, but I could not see through it, but the power seemed... Unstable? So I will ask Ajuka to watch this fight then, perhaps the Naberius House is cheating somehow, but let us forget this for now, let me send you back home, I want to see Rias, and pinch her little cheeks!"

     Rolling my eyes at my Brother, who has become obsessed with his cute daughter, in healthy ways, I had no idea I changed fate again!

-    If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Ray will never know how he actually changed things for the better, because he had not known the past... Sadly, not everything changed, just different...



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(A/N Rough Estimate Power Levels)


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