A New Born Devil?

Chapter 29 Giving My Evil Piece To My Girls?

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Chapter 29  Giving My Evil Piece To My Girls? by Harem-Fan


     It has been some time now, and things had settled down, but now with my 12th birthday yesterday, my independent time has come. Now my life has turned into chaos. Why am I looking out the train window wondering where it all went wrong?

     Tsubaki, who had returned from her secluded training last week, is firmly holding my left arm, glaring at Akeno who is standing in front of us, while Kuisha on my right looked helpless at the arguing girls.

     Akeno gives her reasons.

     "Sure, the Queen should always be at her King's side, but you are only the Queen in name only, not now, and I have been at Ray's side for the last 6 months. So you're coming in now and claiming the spot is not right."

     Tsubaki then calmly said.

     "All of the Gremory are on this train, officially taking Ray to the Kings Monument to get his Evil Pieces, so this is an official event I need to attend. Thank you for being a good Bishop, but I will take it from here. Ray, can I make you some tea?"

     Akeno heard that said.

     "Ray, let me get your tea, because you love my tea, right?"

     Ni and Li, who love trouble, join in my suffering. Ni said.

     "Oh, I want some of Tsubaki's tea ~Nya!"

     Li, with a grin says.

     "Oh, I want some of Akeno's tea ~Nya!"

     Yup, the girls are excited about me getting to make everyone official Peerage members, and they like to claim territory. I also in my heart will remember the two cat girls trying to get me to drink twice as much tea again, sigh. My bladder cannot take that again, with the taste testing.

     Kuisha, knowing dealing with the girls is her job said.

     "Akeno, being by Ray's side on formal events is technically true, and as his fiance, I should also be at his other side. But ask yourself, Akeno... Who gets to sit in Ray's lap?"



     Sirzechs looked down at the small Nekoshou, and asked.

     "Shirone, are you feeling alright? You will meet Ray today, so are you maybe nervous?"

     "No, it must have been dust, Devil King Lucifer, I am fine. And I do not think I am nervous about meeting your brother."


     Akeno now sitting in my lap is looking at Tsubaki smugly and like she thought of the seat, but Tsubaki said just after Akeno sat.

     "She seems to be comfortable, so I shall prepare your tea, Ray."

     Tsubaki then got up and did so with an air of a winner, while Akeno knew she got tricked. Rivalry became strong between the two who had so much in common. So I patted Akeno on her back and said,

     "You can make tea for me after the event, because I will be thirsty then."

     Akeno got off me and said.

     "Alright Ray, you can count on it, let me go help Tsubaki then, fufu."

     Kuisha asked me.

     "Well, did the two distract you well enough? You know they like one another, right?"

     I held her hand and nodded.

     "Akeno and Tsubaki are both good girls, and normally it is you and Akeno going at it, but now it looks like Akeno is claiming 'Ray time' with Tsubaki now."

     "Yup, both Akeno and I like to be rival Bishops, and fight for your attention, fufu. But at the end of the day, we are good friends now. Oh, will Sona come to the event?"

     "Hah! Lady Serafall said she was going to drag Sona there no matter what, so yes. She will soon also get her set in a few months."

     The car door then opened and Mother and Father came into the Servants car. Dad said to me.

     "My Son, we are almost there at the Kings Hall, let us all get ready, this means you girls as well. And your dresses look wonderful."

     All five of my girls are wearing crimson formal dresses to mark the special occasion.

     As the train stopped at the station, everyone got up...


     After dealing with the press outside the Kings hall, our family all made our way in.

     I had already been instructed on the event and what would happen. I am basically just going to register on a massive control crystal linked to all of the Evil Pieces and have my Demonic Power tied to my Set. That way, when I reincarnate a Devil it will have my traits. This is what makes the Peerage part of the Gremory when their Devil powers gain a bit of the Gremory aura and ability.


     Inside the main hall, I see a few Devils I know all too well.

     My Brother Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub, Sona Sitri, Reya Kusaka, and Momo Hanakai! The last two are going to be Sona's new Bishops. I remembered Momo from the anime, because her white hair stood out.

     There were a few other Devils from the government here to meet my Father and witness my results. What do I mean by my results? Well it is to see my Evil Piece Set's results end up with any Mutation Pieces.

     What are Mutation Pieces? Well it was a glitch in the system of the Evil Pieces, that allows Devils with high potential greater odds of gaining stronger Servants.

     For example, in the anime Kuroka needed 2 Bishop Pieces to become a Bishop, due to her strength, but if you had just one Mutated Bishop Piece, you could have made her a Devil with just one instead of two.

     Mutations can occur when the King also gets stronger, even after the set is given. Think of Mutation Pieces like how Devils have Demonic Potential. It is something that can grow, but once used it is spent.

     Sona off to the side waved to me, and I waved back. We can hang out after the ceremony, so we can only wave now, but she looks happy.

     As we approached the Devil Kings, we all bow our heads to recognize their Devil King positions. Then Ajuka Beelzebub walked up to me and asked.

     "Congratulations Prince Gremory, are you ready to register for your King position?"

     "Yes Devil King Ajuka, I am both humbled and anticipatory to see if I can live up to my Gremory House's expectations."

     In this large white-stone hall, he walked up a set of steps to the platform, with red carpeting softening our step to the large floating black crystal. This massive crystal is made of the same material all Evil Pieces are made from.

     Then Ajuka takes a blank set of boxed 15 Evil Pieces containing every Piece but the King. He then slid the box into a slot in the crystal, and told me.

     "Ray, place your hand just above the box on that square panel, then channel your Demonic Power into the Master Crystal. It will then register you as a King and infect your set with your Demonic Power recognizing you as the Master." (This is why King's can summon pieces to themselves from anywhere, and use abilities like castling, and more.)

     So I touched the stone panel, and focused, and almost prayed to the damned God as I pushed my Demonic Power of crimson into the large Monument...

     Soon, everyone saw the massive stone glow with my crimson light. Fun fact, that Evil Pieces are naturally white, and Mutation Pieces get the color of your Demonic Power when they occur.

     Soon the light from the stone faded, and Ajuka removed the box with my set, and handed it to me. Opening it can be hidden or publicly shown, because some Kings want to hide their trump cards or failures to acquire Mutations. Only around 1 in 10 Devils are lucky enough to get them.

     Everyone is hopeful I will show, and I do not disappoint. I decided to not look first, and I held the box to everyone, and then slowly opened the box. Everyone was leaning close like it would let them see what if anything I got...

     The first person to break the silence was Serafall.

     "Wow, 1 Bishop and 2 Pawn Pieces Mutated, that is incredible! Not one but 3 Mutations, great job Ray!"

     Ajuka patted my stunned shoulders and said.

     "I think Heaven wants its luck back you stole from them. To just get one is good, but three, I hope you find good candidates for them."

     My Father said.

     "We will have to celebrate this fantastic news! And, now you can trade me the 2 normal Pawn Pieces in a bit, we can do the trade soon. The girls look excited, ha-ha."

     And everyone gathered around for congratulations and to witness the use and trading of the Evil Pieces.


     My Father was creating a special Magic Circle on the floor right there in the hall, while everyone watched and chatted.

     Sona came to my side to watch the processes, she said.

     "Thank you Ray, for letting me come to the territory of Kuoh Japan with you. Next year we can start Human school, and I can see my best friend more often. That is you in case you forgot."

     "Really? I think you should remind me more, because I like the sound of it. I also want to hang out more in Kuoh, it is a nice place after-all. You and I only meet in Tokyo, but Kuoh is just comfortable."

     My Father said to break us up.

     "Okay Ray, it is time to begin, so Ni and Li, come and stand right inside the Inner-Circle closest to Ray. And Ray place your two Pawn Pieces in the one next to me, that is perfect. Now channel your Demonic Power into the input Circle, great just like that..."

     Crimson Demonic Power from the both of us surges in the Magic Circle showing the connection my Father had with the twins and mine with the Pawn Pieces changed and now I have the connection with the twins instead of my original Evil Pieces.

     The two girls looked at me and could now feel our connection, and they wanted to run into my arms, but remembered where we were. I whispered to them.

     "I know how you feel, so be patient, ha-ha."

     Then I turned to Tsubaki. I held up my hand and summoned the Queen Piece into my hand and I asked.

     "Tsubaki Shinra, do you still accept the position as my Queen?"

     "I will not let you down, my King."

     Then she and I performed the ritual to place the Queen Piece in her, and a couple of things happened!

     Most obvious, she transformed from a mere Human into a Reincarnated Devil. Her two bat-wings extended, and her left eye transformed from light brown to a violet purple color. This change was noticed by everyone. Tsubaki said to me.

     "Ray... My Sacred Gear fully awakened! Look!"

     Tsubaki then held her hands up and swiped them down to make a beautiful full length mirror float in front of her. Seeing me smile, she then dismissed it, and she fully smiled unlike her normal flat expression, well we will forgive her this one time for slipping.

     Clap Clap Clap! Many of the Devils seeing her Sacred Gear thought it was incredible, since at this time, Sacred Gears are still rare.

     Kuisha pushed Akeno in front of her and said,

     "Ray, like you said, do Akeno's first, and show her the potential you said she has."

     Akeno was confused, but I knew what Kuisha means, so I summoned the normal Bishop Piece. I said.

     "If you are as special as I say you are, you will not be able to use this normal Bishop Piece Akeno, so watch..."

     Everyone witnessed the Bishop Piece refusing to enter, because she was indeed too strong for a single piece, just like Sirzechs 2 Piece Bishop Mac Gregor.

     "Then Kuisha, it is you first then, my fiance, please be my Bishop and keep us healthy and happy."

     "Together forever dear, fufu."

     And with no suspense, instead of Reincarnating, her magic powers and types of magic have improved with the Bishop's spell-casting, Demonic Power reserves, and Healing specialty.

     Then I faced Akeno, holding out my hand and the Mutated Bishop Piece appeared and I said.

     "You will become a Devil Fallen Angel, and to me this is incredible, so please do not be sad and know that this Mutated Piece shows how special you will be one day."

     "Thank you Ray, for believing in me, I am ready..."

     And as the ritual to place the crimson colored Mutated Bishop piece on her, the thing that hurt her self esteem in the anime happened now...

     As Akeno's wings appeared, she indeed had the garish mix of a left side Fallen Angel wing with her feathers becoming discolored from the pretty color they were before, and even her right side Devil bat wing was lacking in beauty compared to other Devils.

     As the surrounding Devils in the Government, and even a few others I personally know, made insensitive comments under their breaths, I saw Akeno's eyes water in shame and humiliation. So I told her.

     "Akeno Himejima, I promise in my very soul, you are the most beautiful in my eyes. Right now, you will not believe me, but in the future, you will become admired and loved. I am never wrong about people, and you Akeno are now one of my beloved family. So hold your head up high. If anyone wants to say otherwise, I have the power to change their opinions."

     She makes her wings disperse, and with a sad smile, she says to me.

     "I will try to remember, Ray..."

     "Don't forget you have to make tea tonight."

     She put on the practiced smile taught by my Mother and nodded. Yeah, I cannot magically fix her heart with only a few words, but at least she knows I like her, that is at least half of the battle, next is just taking a lot of time.

     I then turn and bow to everyone to thank them.

     "Thanks to everyone for coming today to witness my Kingship, Evil Piece acquisition, and finally the beginning of my Peerage, thanks."

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     After most of the oddball guests left, only Sirzechs, our parents, and my Peerage were in a side room getting ready to go home.

     Sirzechs said to me.

     "Little Brother, don't be in a rush, I have a surprise for you... Grayfia, come in."

    Yeah, where was Grayfia during my ceremony, I thought it was odd, but when I saw who she came in with, I froze.

     "Koneko..." (Means kitten, yeah, Rias sucked at naming.)

    Sirzechs hearing me thought I meant she was a white Nekoshou, so he said.

     "Ray, this is Shirone, and this is my little brother, Ray Gremory."

     Her gold eyes looked at me seeing my resemblance to my Brother and I just smiled and said.

     "Hello Shirone, it is very nice to meet you, please forgive my being surprised to meet a pure Youkai Nekoshou here in the Underworld."

     I think I put my foot in my mouth cuz her ears went down thinking of why she is in the Underworld.

     "Ah, I am sorry, please don't be sad."

     She heard the panic in my voice, looked at me curiously, and could see it in my eyes. Shirone is a very intelligent girl, despite her cute looks. My Brother then said what I thought would happen.

     "Shirone has been placed in the Gremory care, for reasons. I discussed it with her, and she is willing to become your new Servant, Ray. What do you say, you did ask me to keep an eye out for good prospects."

     I held out my hand and my Rook Piece materialized in my hand, and I knelt in front of Shirone and asked.

     "The Rook is the most durable and strongest of my Servants, and the best part, if you are ever in danger, I can trade places with you. Shirone, become my Rook?!"

     "I will listen to you then, Ray."

     Mofu Mofu! I could not help it, and I rubbed her ear. She looked at my Brother in amusement, it seemed my reputation precedes myself, so I pulled back my hand, and held up the Rook Piece.

     And then the two of us performed the ritual, placing the Rook Piece in her body. Her small wings extended cutely. I grin and for some reason I feel like a child abductor at the age of 12?!

     (Peerage members officially... 6!) (Tsubaki Shinra Queen) (Kuisha Abaddon Bishop) (Akeno Himejima Mutation Bishop) (Shirone Toujou Rook) (Ni Pawn) (Li Pawn)

I wonder who the two characters are that will get the two Mutated Pawns? What do you think?


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