A New Hope Nier

Chapter 17

"Ok, so we can all see my guardian can protect me from a good number of threats I will be going to destroy a few machine's life forms that are nearby." It looked like their worlds collapsed and I could hear a loud thumping noise as 9S and 2B obviously heard me speaking in the open bunker making them rush out at my declaration to the other androids.

"Absolutely not Jake." Commander White roared from all the pods nearby as she clearly lost her temper if she is using all the pods in her panic but once again, I wasn't a soldier under her command despite my respect for her work throughout the years. Eh, there's a reason I never joined the military despite how many of my family were in it.

I don't do authority figures or conformity.

"Whitey I am going soooo." I drawled out making the A2's face twitch in amusement at me basically countermanding the leader of the strongest android force on the planet. "Don't worry White, I am not going to try to punch out a goliath or something, I just want to try out the offensive effects of my magic on acceptable targets not to mention I have three combat models with me and even the other models are capable of throwing me over there shoulder and running away if something happens." I shrugged as I walked towards the city ruins where I heard there were reports of lesser robots over there from the androids in the resistance camp.

"Yes sir...." I could hear the sheer irritation Commander White had for me basically throwing my own choices around, but I refused to be some damsel in distress anymore.

Admittedly being smothered and cared for by scantily if not clad at all androids was certainly amazing but a man needed to go out and do something stupid or in other words manly every once in a while, otherwise it will build up into a midlife crisis and he will try to mountain climbing, parachuting, hang gliding or something equally stupid.

Basically, they elaborate ways of suicide disguised as fun or a challenge.

I happily skipped ahead and managed to tune out the caustic muttering of Commander White, but a thought occurred to me and for the life of me, I couldn't help but voice it. "Sooo I had a question for the YoRHa bunker and their androids." The twins were looking at me with an odd expression seeing my own wry smile.

"Yes, Jake what is it?" Commander White groaned out audibly groaned out at me basically ignoring her.

For a moment the words didn't come out but I managed to take a deep breath and speak. "So I hope you guys locked up the recordings of my uhm intimate moments," I spoke as a bit of pink crept to my cheeks at the silence and light snickers of the ladies around me.

"Oh, Jake." White's voice was sultry in how she purred the little sanity I had. "They are in the safest place in the world. They were made into posters and mounted onto the wall and have been watched countless times and we even sent it to the moon base to be kept safe eternally."

Kill me...

'Wait actually I can actually die in glorious battle here. To Valhalla, I come!' I thought before mentally dismissing it and just tried to put the audible muttering of god knows how many operators saying through different pods, all the time they watched me doing things and not even just the sexual things and how they wished we could meet.

Seeing a decent-sized group of about a dozen squat little machine lifeforms ambling down the road I made a solid blast of wind beneath my feet to launch me away from the teasing of the androids around me, the Operators and Commander White at the YoRHa base.

The wind explosion launched me several meters into the air and remembering how Iron Man fucked up by only having propulsion on his feet I also used my hands at the same time as I made a steady jet of wind push against my feet and propel me through the air and I used the wind coming from my hands to sort of aim myself.

In key words, aim myself as I wouldn't call myself accurate at all as I couldn't stay in place at all while hovering.

Thankfully the wind propelling me wasn't all that loud from a decent distance and seeing a golden opportunity in how the machines were walking in sort of a circle I condensed a dense ball of wind around myself and then tilted myself upside down and used the powerful propulsion to assist gravity in launching myself at the ground.

With a mighty crash, my wind barrier exploded inside the formation of the machine lifeforms and launched them bodily several meters into the air, and due to it simply being air only the machines which were slammed into the nearby buildings seemed to take any damage as the others quickly made their way back to their feet.

I could see the androids already made their way into the battlefield and were clearly all ready to intercede should it look like I was going to get hurt at all so I quickly used the Xemnas style of magic by making lightsabers in my hands and with the sheer heat of the blades cut through the machines and any of them that attacked from a distance had there attacks nullified by my Guardian or when they hit me, it seemed to drain my magic by a decent amount and didn't even damage my clothes.

'So that's why no enemy is debilitated by any wounds in KH other than heavy lethargy. That could also explain why so many characters fade into dust as they die, it must be them overspending their magic and falling apart literally at the seams.' I thought feeling the greater drain in comparison to the number of magical actions took paled to the passive defense cost it gave me.

A much taller machine ambled out from between the buildings at about five meters tall and as it raised its large arm at me, I was smashed literally through a concrete wall as my Guardian teleported in front of me and likewise met the rocket punch sent at me faster than I could even react with a mighty punch, but the force still forced the guardian against me and through the building but it seemed like my own magic the guardian couldn't hurt me as the impact of its body didn't hurt me just the force of going through the wall hurt my magic reserves.

"Ughhh..." I groaned getting back on my feet and even if I didn't really hurt from the blow my body sort of felt sympathetic pain like it expected much worse damage and didn't know what to do with the lack of damage.

Before I could get revenge on said machine life form it was spilt in half from top to bottom as 2B and A2 in unison slashed down from a large leap obviously killing it as it collapsed from the combined blow.

The Twins ran up to me obviously worried heavily about me, but I waved them off. "Don't worry I am protected by my magic and don't even have a scratch." After literally pulling my shirt over my chest and pulling my pants open a bit and seeing I was completely unharmed they both sighed a breath of relief.

2B A2 looked pissed as they stomped over to me, and I sighed waiting for the coming tirade, but I was surprised when 2B launched herself into my chest and I was almost knocked onto my back from the weight of the android's frame. But the happy moment wasn't to last as her hands grasped onto my collar and she started shaking me.

"You stupid human man!" She yelled and continued as she pushed me out of her arms. "Will you be satisfied when you die and leave us all alone again!"

I couldn't help but sigh at seeing how emotional the normally emotionless 2B was and then without me noticing I felt arms wrap around me from the sides and around me and with a quick peek I saw it was the rest of the girls and even 9S was shyly holding into my arm as she glared at me. "You aren't allowed to die..." E6 muttered and squeezed me hard enough to prevent me from breathing for a few moments till she released me.

I raised my free arm and patted 2B on her head and pulled her into the group hug as I spoke. "I am sorry, but I needed to know my limits and I am perfectly unharmed. So next time if we get into combat with machines, you all are welcome to kill them all before I can fight them." I knew those were the golden words as all their eyes lit up at the simple knowledge that if they killed every machine in the vicinity there would be no machines for me to fight or get harmed by.

Either way, I say this was a great exercise and it was time to head back home.



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