A New Hope Nier

Chapter 2

I gingerly approached the guards who noticed me as I came through some bushes and hailed me as I got closer. "Halt! State your name as a newcomer."

I raised my arms away from my guns and called out my name. "My name's Jake. I was wondering if I could enter the camp to get news and to trade."

Honestly, trading wasn't too big on my mind as I had plenty of food and with the current cloudy climate getting rainwater won't be too much of an issue, but I truly did need to know what the hell was going on at the moment.

The duo of guards whispered to one another for a couple of seconds before the one who seemed to be in a leadership position waved at me. "Just don't do anything stupid inside. Oh, and make sure to give Anemone tell her where you're from and what's been going on in that encampment.

'Uhhh... I am not from an encampment...' I thought dryly but I couldn't help but think it was not a good idea to play the Hey I woke up after a few centuries-long nap so what's going on? card.

I just smiled and nodded as they opened the gate and as I walked inside the underpass filled with tents, I saw what seemed like the whole camp crowding together around what sounded like a radio, so like the good little social duckling I am, I merged into the crowd to quietly listen.

"During the great opening battle of what is currently the 14th Machine War many great androids fought bravely to destroy the machine factories and most importantly one of the central server bases for the machine life forms at Pearl Harbor." The male voice continued to speak about the great battles the current androids whether they were serving with YoRHa or with the resistance army were currently fighting around the world.

I listened raptly to what amounted to a history lesson as these events were at least a couple of centuries old and that made me realize with the number of machine wars that I couldn't be in Fallout then it struck me as I carefully looked around at the androids literally standing beside me within hugging distance.

'Holy shit this world is that depressing ass game where everyone dies so people said fuck it, and just made porn of it...' I mentally screamed.

Whelp frankly I know damn near nothing of this shitty world other than I am probably the literally last living human so that's just peachy... I groaned and then I froze as the android started leaning in my direction as the speech ended so I quickly moved out of the way as I knew I was a fleshy human and I had zero interest in being experimented on.

I managed to dodge all the androids moving around and then I saw one of them standing by what seemed to be weapons stand idly standing there.

I then approached him trying to look through his wares.

"Hey, new guy what can I get for you?' The male android questioned gruffly.

"Do you got an axe and some thin pipes or metal sticks to trade for some ammo?"

Granted trading ammo of all things for these things may seem like a loss but I truly needed these things as I would need to start up some kind of farm and make fish traps along the river as I needed to preserve my dehydrated and otherwise preserved foods for as long as I could.

I was finally able to haggle out an axe with a strong aluminum frame and get a deal with his buddy, the general supplies store guy for a whole bag of good stuff in exchange for a book I was carrying that was in their words mint condition.

Yeah, apparently having a name is apparently a pretty big deal to Androids as they can only be given by a human otherwise you are stuck with whatever your occupation is or just a model number.

But I know for a fact there haven't been any humans for a long ass time so whatever names have been gifted are given by Commander Whites's orders.

'Whatever apocalypse comes whelp I got food for a solid decade at minimum, and I can decide what I want to do in the meantime.' I thought but my hopes of not getting between this whole robot and android war weren't going to be so easy as I heard a loud machine gun firing repeatedly down the street.

"Nope!" I said cheerfully jogging into the shadows of an abandoned shop front and just as I hunkered down with my K98 across my lap and holding my MP 40 against my shoulder waiting for whatever was coming.


Three small robots mounted on what looked like fans bounced off the ground with two of them seemingly destroyed in the collision but the other one seemed halfway functional enough to start spraying its machine gun in a circle as its chopper blades made it spin violently on the ground making me cry out in shock and dive behind a concrete pillar as the shop front was light up with machine gun fire.

"Burrrr!" Its machine gun didn't seem to stop even after firing several hundred rounds and I was starting to get desperate as I saw the bullets gouging out the sides of the concrete.

Just as the machine did one of its passes I leaned to the side of the concrete pillar and saw that it wasn't just the machine on shooting I saw a YoRHa-style android's pod shooting at the frantic machine.


I managed to strike the machine straight on in the chest with my rifle and the battle stopped for a moment as both android and machine turned in confusion to see who the hell was using such a dinky rifle and worse not even using armor-piercing rounds as the round clearly plinked off the metal frame of the machine.

The machine clearly saw me first and this time it wasn't just errant bullets being shot at me as he spun around trying to kill the android as it just unloaded on the poor concrete pillar I was hiding behind and with a cry I held onto my new wound as a bullet pierced the pillar and hit straight into my shoulder making it so I couldn't even shoot my rifle if I wanted too.

"Fuck!" I whimpered holding onto my shoulder in agony as no matter how much a tough ass you are when a bullet slams into you and breaks skin even through a winter-issue military jacket you know you got off lucky.

Finally, with another small explosion the YoRHa model managed to kill the machine lifeform.

I mean while was in emergency wound treatment mode as I almost mindlessly did what my grandparents told me to do if I was ever shot which was to clean the wound and then cover it up and wait for a medic.

Well, I had no medic, and I knew that plus the fact that I wasn't actually completely shot as the bullet was flying at a much lesser speed that ripped a piece of my flesh off but when bullets are flying, and something hits you and the pain comes the only thing on the mind is. 'Oh shit I'm hit!"

It felt almost like hours as I gingerly wrapped a length of gauze around the already red bandage as my blood soaked through it and I couldn't help but wince at the continued sting that sang from the wound.

But as I looked up still in shock from the pain, I saw the clearly female android model gawking at me in silent awe...

I do mean gawking as even with those stupid as hell blind folds shielding my view of her eyes her open mouth dumbfounded expression told me plainly that she was astounded to see me.

"What! Never seen a dick before?" As the android clearly was hard resetting from my stupid ass question I quickly hobbled to my feet and started carrying my gear out of the storefront and crouched behind a set of thick bushes as the android came to her senses and sprinted out but unknowingly, I left behind splatters of blood and some bloodied bandages I threw aside in my frantic need to take care of myself.

"Pod 49 call in backup! There's a wounded male human on the surface we need all scanner models and battle units sent here promptly!" The Android roared and the pod almost sarcastically answered.

"E6 He's in the bushes currently 75 degrees west of you bleeding out and is expected to perish in four days with the current rate of bloodless."

And this is why I threw Alexa in the trash when she cast my videos to the living room during my private time...

The now-named executioner model slowly approached my bushes of sanctuary and then I noticed something as I looked up to see if I could find a god in the sky to whisk me away.

"Hey!!! Help me! She is going to touch my no-no zone!" I saw both androids stagger and literally the one I was calling out to fell from the top of the building she was looking over.

Luckily the Pod that was following behind her allowed her to grab it and slowed the fall to a manageable level and she landed with a graceful crouch.

As the androids sized each other up E6 spoke. "Model A2 you are wanted for dereliction of duty and stealing confidential information with the sentence being decommissioned however if you help secure the human. Your slate will be wiped clean."

I could see A2 struggle mentally with her choices before her face hardened as she turned to me. "Kid you better run as you can't survive whatever transport they send to supposedly pick you up..."

The executioner model actually nodded as the pod confirmed her statement. "Her line is correct as all transports or even attack ships are not atmosphere stable and any human within will expire leaving orbit."

E6 somehow made the huge great sword she was wielding disappear and reappear behind her and likewise, A2 seemed to withdraw some of her hostility at the symbol of good faith.

Meanwhile, I was still hobbling back to my bunker, and just as I crossed into an alley A2 dropped down from the building's roof to land right in front of me our noses were only inches away from one another and as I turned around, I saw E6 standing in front directly behind me also right up in my personal space...

Now that I was getting used to the pain, I was able to see the silver hair matching A2's but instead of long straight hair that went all the way down her back, E6 had hers in a tight bun and had a gentler face.

"Can you guys just let me go home in peace?" I asked softly.

"Negative." They all including the pods said in unison. A2 then continued. "You obviously need medical attention and there's a couple of doctors living in the resistance camp that could possibly help."

Already exhausted from this nonsense I put my free hand on A2's shoulder and spoke. "I am the first human to walk on Earth in literally thousands of years... Do you even have food for me?"

That shut them up for a second and just before they could agree about trying some kooky space food or something sent from a meteor or the moon, I cut them off. "I actually got food back home. So now either you allow me to pass freely, or you will be known as the first androids to kill a human through starvation..."

Now honestly this was a crock of bull, but I know for a fact their mind is running a logic loop of "Oh shit it's a human, what now???"

The androids seemed to share an entire conversation as they stared at one another before they both nodded. E6 answered my obvious confusion. "Very well we shall escort you to your abode and then secure it to await backup." The executioner turned to A2. "A2 you have been cleared of all charges pending review and are strongly requesting assistance in protecting the human in front of us."

A2 grimaced as something seemed to war in her thoughts before sighing. "Fine then." She straightened herself up and then saluted. "For the glory of mankind!" which E6 met in return.

'Did I get myself involved in a cult?' Was my only thought as I started limping back to base.



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