A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 48


Usagi moaned loudly as Haruna pounded away at her, only halfway feeling guilty about the fact she was thinking about Roxy.

Usagi was, in her own mind, defective. Her entire mind and soul had been created from the ground up by the System itself to be Haruna's life partner, and yet... aside from a few early encounters, Usagi simply couldn't bring herself to have sex with Haruna. They'd instantly built a strong rapport, and understood each other intimately; they were life partners in truth, and yet, Usagi simply could not be Haruna's husband. There was a reason Akane was an only child, despite her father fucking like a rabbit.

That was why only half of the cowgirls were earmarked for Akane's use; Usagi needed a steady supply of cocks inside her, too, and so did Haruna. Because despite Usagi being a beta in body... she didn't feel like one, in her heart. She hated having a cock, and hated using it even more. As much as she loved Haruna in every other way, she simply couldn't bring herself to fuck Haruna properly, like a beta should fuck her omega.

Which brought her to Roxy.

"Fuck... Harder," Usagi gasped out.

When Akane had first brought Roxy home and pleaded for a spare room to house the otherworldly alpha, Usagi had taken little convincing. Roxy had been an intoxicating sight for her; one of the most butch alphas she'd ever laid eyes on, who was in turn quite taken with the sight of Usagi... and Haruna, and Akane. Yet, despite the wandering eye, Usagi found it quite validating; when Roxy glanced lustily at her, it was in the same way she looked with lust upon an omega.

Haruna picked up the pace, slamming her hips against Usagi's ever faster.

Roxy looked different, now, with the biggest difference being those fat knockers of hers, but that didn't really change things. Usagi knew Roxy still wanted to bend her over a table, and she very much wanted Roxy to do that too. The only reason she wasn't even more forward with that desire was quite simple:

Akane got there first.

Still... it wasn't all bad. When Roxy created a synthetic rubber that was, among other things, well-suited to making sex toys, it had taken very little time for Haruna and Usagi to barter for enough of the right formulation to cast a perfect replica of Usagi's cock- which was, if Usagi was being totally fair, actually a very good cock, just not one she wanted attached to her own body.

And it was that silicone duplicate of Usagi's cock that Haruna had strapped to her hips and stuffed inside Usagi, bringing her to a powerful orgasm.

"Fuck!" Usagi cried out as she came, her pussy spasming as she clenched her legs. It had taken some practice, but Haruna had figured out how to use that dildo in a way that didn't give her a prostate orgasm, and Usagi didn't have to deal with the miasma of hating her own body that inevitably came with being reminded of her cock's existence.

The dildo, which Usagi had enchanted herself, sensed Usagi's climax, and simulated one of its own. The knot at its base swelled up, locking Haruna's hips tight against Usagi's, and issued forth a conjured geyser of fake cum.

The cum would disappear on its own after a few minutes, as the magic leaked out of its imperfectly formed material lattice, but for now, it filled Usagi up very nicely, and gave her a delightfully warm sensation inside.

Haruna leaned forward, stealing a kiss from Usagi, and grinned.

"As soon as this knot goes down... it's your turn," Haruna whispered.

Usagi grinned. Just because Haruna couldn't sit on her dick didn't mean Haruna couldn't sit on her face.

"Bring it on."

"Morning, everyone. This is Lisa," Roxy said, accompanied by a searingly hot foxgirl beta wearing what looked to be a brass collar and a thin layer of shiny black bodypaint. It was, somehow, even more scandalous than Lisa simply being naked, as the sheen of the paint drew the eye inexorably to the foxgirl's fat tits and fatter cock. "Lisa is my new Familiar, and also my pet foxgirl, according to her. Lisa, those are Akane and Nicky- the two other people in this room you're allowed to fuck-" Dammit. "-and those are Akane's parents, Haruna and Usagi."

"Hey," Lisa said, waving flirtatiously at Usagi, a wolfish smirk spreading across her face.

"Please don't tease my girlfriend's parents," Roxy said dryly.

"Spoilsport," Lisa said.

"That is one hell of an outfit you gave her," Akane remarked, staring at Lisa with naked desire in her eyes. "How'd you do it?"

"Enchanted latex," Roxy said, shrugging. "Anyhow, I tried to put her in a yukata at first, but the moment she awakened, she tore it off because it got in the way of me staring at her tits."

"A woman of culture," Usagi said simply, nodding her head. It'd been months since she started wearing her own yukata in such a way as to display cleavage, and Akane had more-or-less gotten used to it at this point.

"Don't pretend you're not getting anything out of this," Lisa said.

"Well of course I like the sight of a sexy foxgirl who's very adamant about being owned by me and wearing the fetish gear to prove it," Roxy said. "I'm just also well aware that this is breaking the general nudity taboo in a very slightly unconventional way." Roxy paused. "...Wait, I control the collar and the bodysuit. Hang on, one moment..."

The bodysuit shifted, and suddenly was no longer clinging so tightly and faithfully to Lisa; her tits were still well-emphasized, but now they formed the semi-united bulge seen in a tightly-fitted shirt, rather than being clearly visible as though they were wholly naked.

"Aw, dammit," Lisa complained.

"Could I get one of those?" Nicky (apparently she preferred that to Veronica?) asked, drawing Usagi's eye to the fact that she was also wearing a collar.

"Be horny some other time, we're about to eat breakfast," Roxy scolded her.

After breakfast, Usagi opened the new conversation. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Nel and El are gonna come over around lunchtime, meet Lisa and all that," Roxy said. "I'm also wanting to get started on my own monstergirl ranch, with these two other monstergirls I picked up in the same dungeon as Lisa."

"Oh?" Haruna asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Are you a Rancher now, or are you just asserting that much ownership over poor Nel?"

"Weeeelllll..." Roxy hummed quietly, before grunting. "Keep this under your hat, but, I've developed some potions that can grant monstergirl Traits on a temporary or permanent basis. One of my other pet monstergirls is a Carmine Elf, and she's got the Extra Class Slots 3 Trait, so... yeah, I've got five Class Slots now. One for Wizard, one for Alchemist, one for Blacksmith- so if you notice I'm not giving you anymore work, that's why- and one for Rancher, with one more leftover for whatever I feel like filling it with. Probably Farmer, honestly; I'm gonna want to be able to feed my ranched monstergirls."

Usagi blinked a few times. That... should be impossible, but... well, maybe it wasn't impossible, and high-level Delvers did this all the time, and simply kept it to themselves.

"Would either of you like a dose?" Roxy added. "I made a huge batch of Mimic Potion, so I've got plenty."

"You know, Roxy, if you keep this up, we're going to have to stop charging you rent," Haruna 'threatened.'

"That's a price I'm prepared to not pay," Roxy said solemnly, provoking a snort from Usagi. There was just something about Roxy that filled her with joy, and cut through the gloom that had hung over her for most of her life. "Anyhow, consider it a trade for letting me borrow your cowgirls to stud my bunnygirl."

"You have a bunnygirl?" Usagi asked, a bit too eagerly.

"Yeah, she's the first monstergirl I got in that dungeon, actually," Roxy said, nodding. "My thinking is that, since bunnygirls probably breed a lot faster than most other monstergirls-"

"We do."

"-then it'd be smartest to start by breeding her, so I can get a handle on ranching, before I move on to the elf."

"That's reasonable," Haruna said, nodding. "Is this bunnygirl a beta?"

"Beta exemplar, but yes," Roxy said, nodding. "It's my understanding that, unlike every other pairing, a beta/beta pairing can only create more betas?"

"Mhm," Usagi said. "That's why all our cowgirls are betas."

"Nel's probably gonna be weirded out by your ranch, if she thinks you just have a thing for betas," Akane added.

"If Nel really wants some alphas and omegas in my ranch, I can make those with potions," Roxy said dryly.

"Hm?" Usagi asked.

"I've got transformative potions, too," Roxy said. "That's where my tits came from, actually. I'm pretty confident that I can change what arrangement of genitals someone has with potions, too."

"...May I have one of those?" Usagi asked, her heart racing.

"I'd like one too, actually," Haruna added, to Usagi's surprise.

"...Huh," Roxy said, suddenly contemplative. "That... Yeah. Absolutely, I can do that for you. In fact... If you two wouldn't mind entertaining Lisa, Akane, and Nicky for the next hour or so, I'll go get those brewing now."

"Thank you," Usagi said, quietly.

An hour later, Roxy opened her bedroom door, and called Usagi and Haruna inside.

"Alright, so," Roxy said, gesturing at a rack laden with test tubes, labels written in black grease pencil. "I've got a lot of potions here, for fine-tuning your body for maximum gender euphoria. Buuuuut, to start things off, I've got a few bundle potions for the basic, bulk gender change operation. So! Usagi. What would you like?"

"I... want to be an omega," Usagi said. "I'm sick of having this, this thing on me. I want it gone."

"And I'd like to be a beta," Haruna added. "With how much use we get out of the strap-on, I'm starting to think I might like having the real thing."

"Alright," Roxy said, nodding. She picked out a pair of tubes- one a bright pink with the ancient symbol for omega written on it, and another a pale, bright purple with the ancient symbol for beta written on it. "For Usagi, and for Haruna."

Usagi threw hers back immediately, and grit her teeth as she felt it take effect. She was intimately aware, for what was hopefully the last time, of her prostate, her cock, and her balls, as they almost burned, shrinking and shriveling over the course of long seconds until, finally, there was nothing there.

"Why are her tits bigger?" Haruna asked.

"She's still an exemplar, and an omega exemplar that tall would naturally be a bit bustier," Roxy said. "But, if she wants them back to bef- mmph!"

Usagi cut that line of thinking off with a kiss, pressing herself tight against Roxy, and throwing both arms and even a leg around the alpha. Roxy froze for the barest moment, before returning the kiss warmly, and moved to put her hands on Usagi's sides.

Usagi, with a daring she hadn't known she possessed until now, caught Roxy's hands and moved them to rest on her newly-fattened rack. After all, if Roxy was going to go through all this trouble, she deserved as proper a reward as Usagi could muster. A reward which, it would seem, Roxy very much appreciated.

After a good minute of this, Usagi (with great reluctance) pulled herself back from Roxy, a dopey grin on her face.

"Why are my tits bigger?" Haruna asked, drawing Usagi's eyes over. She was taller now, too- nearly the same height as Akane and Usagi both. But, well, when considering the ways in which her yukata no longer fit properly, the fact the hem was too high was slightly less noticeable than her chest having completely fallen out, hanging bare to all witnesses.

"Because you are now a beta exemplar," Roxy said. "They are, when measured objectively, bustier than non-exemplar omegas, which you were up until a minute ago. Now, if it so happens that you're not happy with your newly-fattened tits, then I've got potions for that, but... if you're not a coward, I've also got a spare yukata you can borrow while you remake your whole wardrobe."

"I think you're just horny for old women," Haruna said.

"You're not old," Roxy protested. "I don't see a single gray hair or wrinkle on you. If you're a day over fifty, I'll eat my hat."

"Not protesting the horny part?" Usagi asked, waggling her eyebrows.

"I've changed my mind, both of you get out."

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