A new world’s F*tanari Messiah




1 Available Combat Metric


“Okay, that’s… not very helpful.” Clicking on the lower tab, another menu opened up.


Combat Metrics

  • Physical Condition (Lv. 0)
  • Magical Ability (Lv. 0)
  • Physical Ability (Lv. 0)

Next Page ⇒


This, on the other hand, seems perfect. Selecting [Physical Condition], the window disappeared, and some new information had been added to Gorse’s scan.




Physical Condition

Stable, improving


“That’s good.” Closing the scan, Lilith turned to Amelia. “Do you mind if I quickly scan you? I want to have something to compare to.”

“Go ahead.”







Follower of Medenta

Major Enhancement

Brood Mother

Combat Level


Sexual Level


















“I guess it works differently when used on an Acolyte,” Amelia said. “I think the reason it only says ‘human’ at the top is because all the other information is already in my menu.”

“Well, it’s good to know for the future. For now, we know that Gorse is fine, so we should figure out what we do next..”

“Well, do we know when Kass and the others are getting back? I don’t think they’d be moving much slower than you, since you were carrying Gorse, so they might be returning soon.”

“Maybe. Let me see if I can reach him.”

Focusing her mind, Lilith tried her best to reach Kass, but to no avail. “He’s not close enough yet. I’ll try again in a little while.”

“Alright. In that case, we need to figure out how to occupy ourselves until then.”

“We could talk about the village? I mean, if I’m going to propose that everyone here change religions, it’d probably be a good idea to know what the village as a whole thinks of the current religion.”

“Good idea. Well, for the most part, the village isn’t all too religious- we have a church, but it’s fallen into disuse. Really, we just observe Remembrance and the Feast every year, and that’s about it.”

“And those are?”

“Remembrance is a holy time- the first night of snow, specifically. It commemorates the death of the goddess Claria, so we’re supposed to spend the night in mourning and contemplation.”

“Huh. And what’s the other one- the Feast?”

“Well, the Feast is a shorter name for it. It’s actually the Feast of the First King. While Remembrance commemorates the death of Claria, the Feast is the day the First King founded the kingdom- a day of celebration, held on the first day of spring.”

“Speaking of that, what’s the name of this kingdom?”

“Oh- It’s called Luceras. It’s not a name we use very often, though- mostly it’s just ‘the kingdom’, as there aren’t any other human kingdoms to compare it to.”

“Makes sense. So, nobody’s especially religious?”

“Not really. The only person I would describe as ‘especially religious’ was Solomon, and he left about a year ago to be ‘especially religious’ elsewhere.”

“Left where?”

“One of the bigger cities. He wanted to join the church.”

“Huh. Well, I should probably do some thinking regarding my own religion- all we really have right now is a goddess. We should get some holy days or symbols or something.”

“Speaking of the goddess, maybe she has some ideas for that sort of thing?”

“Oh - good idea. I talked to her earlier, but I’ll see if she has anything to say on this topic.” Closing her eyes, Lilith began to meditate, reaching out to Medenta’s consciousness.

<You’re contacting me again already?>

I wanted your input on the matter at hand- you know, since it’s your religion.

<Well, as it happens, I have designed a nice symbol.>

Nice. What is it?

<Well, before I met you, my symbol was a four-leafed clover. Now that I’m also a goddess of love and sexuality, I altered the design a bit, so now the leaves of the clover are heart-shaped.>

Huh. Simple but good.

<Thank you. I was rather proud of having thought of it.>

So, did you have any holy days previously that you’d like to keep?

<Not really. All of those traditions and festivals were products of that world. I want this to be a fresh start of sorts- I suppose we’d have to make things up as we go along.>

I guess. Hey, I just had a thought. If you can see what I’m doing, can you see what anyone else is doing?

<Not anyone- Just my followers.  Are you wondering how Kassander is doing?>

Yeah. How close is he?

<Still a ways away. While you wait, there’s something I would like you to do.>

Which is?

<The old church Amelia mentioned. I would like you to investigate it.>


<It’ll be easier to refurbish it than attempt to put in place a new place of worship, and I’d like to see what it’s like inside and what we’d need to change.>

Good idea. 

Severing the connection, Lilith turned to Amelia. “Could you show me where that church is? Medenta wants to check it out.”

“Oh, sure. Getting up, Amelia walked to the door. “Follow me."


- - -


In the godly void, Medenta thought to herself. She wasn’t being entirely honest to Lilith- about why she wanted to start over. Moreso than a desire for a fresh start, it was to avoid the pain of the memories.

Those last days, when her final few followers made a defiant stand and were mercilessly cut down-

<No, don’t think about it. A fresh start, remember?>

Despite her efforts, the memories overcame her in flashes.


Her temple burning.

The inglorious deaths of her most devoted worshiper.

Losing control over her afterlife.

  The souls within scattered to the ether.


<Stop- stop. You can get past this,> Medenta said to herself, attempting to convince herself.

Attempting to take her mind off of her bad memories, she returned to Lilith’s point of view, seeing that she had reached the church.



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