A Pervert's World

Chapter 49: Meeting with the Dragon once more

Rick as somewhat afraid of the dreadful laugh but still he was delighted to know that the dragon came to meet him. This was the only one guy Rick believed, can answer his questions. Before he can even greet the dragon properly it continued 'Brat I believe you have your awakening ceremony tommorow?' Rick nodded but was filled with doubt about how the guy knew about his situations in the real world. Either he has access to his memories or else he must be close to my physical location he has all the news from Korua. Rick had a hunch that it was most probably the first.

'I have contacted you to give you two mantras, as always learn them by heart. Also, I can see you have practiced the mana circulation technique I taught you. Very Good brat, either you are an obedient kid or you are more scared for your life then us too hahahaha haha' completing the sentence, dragon laughed it's exaggerated laugh again. He can only face palm himself. Even though this guy always have a limited period of time to contact me, he still manages to waste half of it laughing. 'Ahem.. Mr. Dragon if you allow I have a few questions to ask you.'

'Okay! But ask it fast I have only very limited time. You can't imagine boy how much pains I have to take to contact you. Hmm hmmm' Rick cringed hard feeling like the dragon was nodding to himself. If he had not interrupted him it was pretty clear this idiot of a dragon would have continued laughing. 'Yes Mr. Dragon. Its related to the 'demon' inside me. What is that entity? He overtook my body and created quite a mess.' Rick saw the dragon sign in front of him moving like the dragon was frowning. 'Did anyone realise that the demon came from you?' This time Rick can feel some seriousness in his voice. 'No as far as I know. No one actually saw that.' Rick answered.

'Hahahha then there is nothing to fear.' he was back to his old self after discerning the situation to be in control. 'But the question is who was that. I swear he was not afraid to kill people.' Dragon answered Rick 'What do you expect him to do, he 'is' a demon afterall? And regarding the who he is... hahaha guhaha that is also you brat haha'. 'Was this dragon retarded?' was what Rick thought and 'Can you explain that some more?' was what came out of his mouth. 'Hmm there is a lack of time so don't put up any counter questions and listen to what tell you. This was our mistake but more like we had no other choice. We interfered with your birth to further our goals and the heavens retaliated by giving you this defect.'the dragon sighed, took a pause and continued 'Only way to counter it will be, to grow stronger and merge your 'other self' back in you. I will need provide you a thrid mantra since the situation is dire and next time may not be this fortunate. But be warned that mantra can only help you pacify the demon somewhat. It will depend mostly your own will power to get it under control.'

Rick liked this dragon when he talked business. He had many questions but he will keep them for his next meeting. 'I had thought that this was not the time for it to surface. What exactly did you do that it emerged?' Rick turned red at Dragon's question. He can't actually tell him that he was so engrossed in fucking his mother's ass that he ended up giving control to the 'demon' inside of him. Seeing Rick not willing to share the details, dragon laughed again 'Haha Okay. Anyway we are out of time for this chit-chat. Now listen carefully I will repeat each mantra thrice so remember them well.' Later the dragon started reciting hymns in some entirely different language. But Rick was relieved to know that although he didn't understood it at all. It was not at all hard to remember.

Once dragon was done, he felt like he has exhausted his energy just like last time. 'Brat the first two mantras are for controlling the mana reserves in your body. There is a seal placed on your body's natural capacity to contain mana. I believe you will figure out the uses by yourself, use it if you are ever asked to reveal your mana reserves in front of humans. One more thing you will be able to utilise the gemstone on your neck after the awakening ceremony. So familiarise yourself with that. And just one last thing.... Don't die brat hahahaha haha' The dragon said whatever it wanted to tell in a single breath. Towards the end his laughter died out and Rick was left alone in the dark with the dragon symbol in the air now fading.

Rick woke up in his bed, breathing heavily. Once again his clothes and the bed is ruined by his own sweat. He sat on the floor naked and hurriedly tried to recite whatever the dragon taught him. He was glad to see he can recite all three of them. Now he tried all of them one by one. First one did nothing. Rick frowned but continued with the next one. This one felt like this was meant for his body. Mana from his surroundings rushed into his body filling it to the brim within minutes. Rick can feel a large amount of mana in his body for the first time.

Rick deduced that his body always had the capacity for mana reserves but the dragon or his friends must had put a seal on him so that his capabilities are not revealed. This mantra actually opened that seal. Rick hurriedly sited the other mantra. He now has the fair amount of idea what this was going to do and sure enough all traces of mana left him. It was like all of it was forcefully flushed out from his body. So what he meant was if he had to reveal his talents anywhere he should seal hi reserves. But if he faced a life and death situation he can open the seal to have a better surviving chance. Rick now felt the genius of the dragon. These guys have everything planned out.

Now it was time for the last one. He tried reciting it but apart from cool and refreshing feeling in his mind this mantra did nothing special. Rick can only hope that this will work when there was some actual threat of his mind being taken over. Having tested all three of them, Rick took a look at the pendent or more importantly the green gemstone. He tried to focus his mind on it but as always it didn't respond. Rick was not disappointed as the dragon told him he can use it after going through the ceremony.

Rick got up and went down to the bathroom, washed himself up of the sweat and entered his parents room. Amelia was sleeping on her side turned away from the door and towards Jeff. Rick climbed onto the bed beside his mom. He raised her skirt up to reveal her large butt cheeks and put his cock against her butt crack. Rick slept of holding onto Amelia's boob in his hand. His last thought were 'Lets hope I do not mess anything up tommorow.'

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