A Pervert's World

Chapter 56: I choose her!

Rick was taken aback by the declaration. Checking around himself no one looked startled. The commoners were happy while the boys from nobility side were uninterested. Rick found it logical since money for sex was a concern only for commoners like him. For the noble participants they may even feel insulted if they are offered a free sex instead of paying for it themselves. Sure enough the two with noble background turned around and left the stage after bowing towards the dignitaries. 'Huh tying to act high and mighty.' Jeff said with disgust on his face. 'Brothers don't get affected by their behaviour. You guys can choose any lady for yourself and believe in granny she will take care of the cost hehe' Jake said giving his friends a wink.

'Aren't you going to join us Rake?' Kyro offered even though he knew Jake had little to no interest in sex. He was close to a training maniac. He will train all day long if he is left unattended. 'Why ask when you already know me Kyro. I got no interest in these things. Haha' then he gave both his friends a hug and left with a reply 'Ryu take care and you actually surprised me with your results. I would have loved to spend time with you but I have to let my father know my results. Haha he will be very happy.' Jake's father was the one person he loved the most in this life of his apart from his friends but unfortunately he remained bedridden most of the time, hence he could not attend his son's ceremony.

Under the heavy discussion bought by the declaration from the granny Rick realised 'This guy sure has a terrible life. His mother hated him with passion while the only person who loved him a his life, his father, was always in a bad health.' He signed. But to cheer up the situation he asked Kyro 'So brother you got someone in your mind that you can't afford to pay haha'. Kyro too sensed his cousins intention so he replied with a grin 'I can only ask my neighbourhood lady. I can't aim too high since there is always a chance, ladies can refuse us' Kyro replied with a grin. 'What about you Kira? You got anyone to choose?' Kira looked like she was shaken out of her day dreaming. 'No, I have no interest in that.' With that said she turned towards the dignitaries, bowed down and took her leave.

Girls always had less sex drive compared to boys here, in addition to that there was no transactions involved as it was just for self indulgence. Exchange was happening among the people on and off the stage. Only boys of common origin were left on the stage and they had decided to take granny on the offer and they were deliberating on which one too choose. Aim too high and the lady will simply refuse you, aim too low and you found out that you managed to waste a great opportunity. 'Since granny has decided to handle everyone's cost you can choose with a free mind. Don't care about the cost but don't get refused haha' Eric gave the boys some confidence.

Right then Kyro asked 'Brother do you have someone decided?' Rick was not interested in this proposal. First he knew no one in this crowd of people and the people he knew he will be able to fuck them anyways. 'Wait a second! She said I can choose anyone and as long as they don't refuse I was ready to go hmmm' Rick replied to Kyro 'Give me some time I will check once again if I have someone in mind.' 'Yeah, brother decide on it don't waste this chance.' With that said Kyro joined the line where people were letting granny know about their choices. As the names came up granny tasked some gaurds to help the participants meet with their choices. Slowly all participants left with gaurds and Kyro too left the stage waving to him.

At last it was only Rick left on the stage when granny initiated a conversation with him 'Go ahead child make your choice. You had one of the best performance in the ceremony so don't jest on it too much. I believe whoever you choose will not refuse you.' She said with her ever present smile. 'Thank you granny for your kind words. May I ask if your offer is valid for everybody present here?' Rick tried to question her commitment. But she was still smiling and said 'Of course you can choose any one present here and not worry about the cost.'

'Okay then I choose her!' Rick said pointing to Nana, that is the wife of chief. This left everyone with a gasp. What gave him the confidence that she would accept this? 'The boy certainly is bold with his choice let's give him that haha' one of the elder attending the ceremony remarked. As everyone expected Nana refused 'Huh A commoner trying to insert his penis where it doesn't belong. Why don't you take a look in the mirror at your home vulgar creature. Just managed to get some decent scores and you thought you can have sex with this mistress here? Dream on! I refuse!' Jim smiled at Ryu. He had a fair amount of idea why he would choose his mother. He wanted to get back on him and since he was poor, he wanted to utilise this opportunity to do the same.

Although Somewhat astounded with the results Rick has achieved in the test but all in all he was still a mortal mage and he was at the 5th level of junior mage and is already planning to enter earthly mage. Rick would have to go a long way if he wanted to intimate him. Granny gave Ryu a helpless smile saying 'I told you kid I can't do anything if they refuse you. You still have your chance though, you can choose someone else.' Rick was ready for this situation as he didn't believe that Nana would agree to his proposal in his first try. Now he can only try to strike at the pride she held so dear. 'Yes granny you are right, I got carried away and thought even though miss Nana was pregnant she can take up my proposal. But I was too willful. I didn't realise that having sex with me in this condition might harm her instead. I apologise for my mistake.' Rick paused and continued 'So I would like to chang....' but he was cut midway by Nana's angry voice 'What did you say brat? I can't take you on just because I am pregnant hahah how laughable.'

'I can take on 10 brats like you and it won't even sweat.' Eric frowned at her statements and Jim too realised that his mother is getting too carried away. 'Leave it mother, he is just trying to rile you up' Jim tried to hold her down. But all his statement did was to riel her up even more. She felt like no one on the stage belived her. She took a deep breath and freeing her hand from the Jim's grasp she moved towards the pipsqueak. 'Okay brat count your stars lucky. This mistress will have sex with you let's see who lasts longer you or me haha' Although Rick had confidence in his plan, it still shocked him that this worked. Now to implement next part of the plan.

'Okay lady I think we should move to one of the rooms in your mansion. I can't have sex with the wife of the chief on the stage infront of the crowd.' He was giving the impression that he was scared to perform the act infront of the crowd. Sure enough Nana took the bait, as she thought the brat was now chickening out after challenging her. She won't let this end like he wanted. 'haha brat what are you talking about we will do it here itself on the stage. Don't be scared to show how much of a 'man' you are.' with that she ordered her maids and they began taking of her clothes for her. Eric was now used to this behaviour of his wife. What can he do? He should have decided this would be the attitude of a women from high birth.

Nana was not from Korua, they met with one another when Eric had to visit capital years back for some chores. They fell in love and decided to marry against the will of Nana's parents. As a result her parents had cut their ties with her. During the early years of his marriage Nana was not like this. She was just a kind and virtuous wife. But later on as time passed she began showing open disgust with weak people of low birth. Eric had come to the conclusion that Nana was most probably regretting her decision not to have done more to convince her parents before marrying him. But what's done is done now, her parents don't even want to look her way. Talking and convincing them is an entirely different ball game.

Down below the stage in the crowd Amelia was concerned for her son 'Why does he want to have sex with chief's wife? Didn't he already did that with Ruby? Then why now?' Suna tried to explain her hypothesis 'Must be due to his grudge with chief's son. You already know the character of that jerk and how he bullies our children. Don't worry Amelia there are many people on the stage so they won't hurt Ryu.' Amelia nodded in understanding and decided to hope for the best.

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