A Pervert's World

Chapter 65: Explore Space stone

Emily always desired to have a progeny that would be able to achieve all that she could not, in her life. So when her husband died in the wars she took a recluse from the society and focused all her time to develop her son's abilities. Once Jeff had gone through the awakening, he was able to gain control over the water magic just like her. Even though her younger son Ryder didn't possessed the same talents like her elder son, she was nevertheless satisfied. So she utilised all her time to train Jeff. But she was very unlucky when one day she found out Jeff met with an accident while he was out of the town with his friends.

The injury to his body proved to be disastrous as it managed to damage his mana reserves permanently. With her dream shattered, she felt weak in her heart. First her husband then even her son met with disasters. She raised her sons like commoners after that and once she completed her parental duties, she again took on a life of vagabond. But today she was very ecstatic that she has gaind an opportunity once more in the form of her own grandson. Maybe he is not the son of Jeff in reality but how does that matter when they have raised him since his childhood. To her that was enough. Thus she was rubbing his head affectionately. 'haha poor guy, he didn't even know that as a mage we should never deplete all our mana at once and he managed to do that twice. This guy might be able to surpass me if I train him properly.'

Rick was in a very deep sleep for a couple of hours in Emily's lap. Once opening his eyes Rick found himself looking directly at the charming smile of his grandma. Getting up he apologized for falling asleep midday 'Sorry grandma I didn't know what happened to me. I felt a little dizzy and now I am here.' Looking at a confused Rick, Emily smiled 'First rule of the mages, kid. Never use up all your mana. Always leave some amount for emergency use. We mages are an easy target to take out once we are out of our mana.' Rick smiled wryly of course he knew that 'I know that granny. I just went all out because it was safe here. I won't do it in places I am unfamiliar with.'

This made Emily frown a little 'Ryu looks like you did not understand me correctly. Then allow me to reiterate it for you to grasp properly. I said 'never' use up all your mana. It never takes a safe place more than a few seconds to transform into a death trap. So whether you feel it is safe or dangerous, never use all of it.' Rick realised from her serious tone that she was trying to give him a life lesson here. Hence he nodded with understanding. Now that he thinks of it Emily has been in actual war. The dynamics of which a simple world hopper will never realise without ever personally taking part in one.

Seeing Ryu nod like a chicken Emily smiled 'But there will be one exception to that, can you tell me that Ryu.' Rick hurriedly nodded and replied 'When I am already in a life and death situation. No need to save mana at that time just to die before I could ever use it.' Emily was happy this kid was smart as well as he was talented. 'haha good kid.' she took a long pause and continued 'It's late now. If you want you can eat something inside the house or if you want you can leave for the day. Let us meet here again tommorow.' saying that Emily busied herself with the plants in the garden.

Rick registered it was already going to be dusk so he said his goodbyes to Emily and returned home. The first thing he noticed at his house was the big butt of Amelia as she was bend over for some chores. Silently moving behind her he grabbed her butt cheeks while pressing his dick in her butt crack. Amelia was startled with this but once she turned around to see his son she took a sigh. 'Ryu you should inform me when you are back. Shouldn't you.' Rick was dry humping Amelia when he replied 'Yes mother and that what I am doing. Isn't it hehe.' watching Ryu in a happy mood made her happy too and she resumed with her work.

Rick didn't fuck Amelia today even though his boner has been raging the whole day. There were two reasons for that. Firstly Rick had decided not to fuck Amelia as much as he did previously and leave some for his father. Secondly he was still exhausted from his training with Emily so he directly went to bed after having something to eat. He had already let Amelia know he wasn't going to have the dinner so the slept like a log.

Next day Rick was up very early. First thing he had on his mind after freshening up was the gem stone. Now he knew the way to get in and out from it. Applying some of his brain Rick figured out that the dragon must have provided him with this because it might be useful to him in some way. And why would someone gift a land full of soil to a guy who has the literal ability to make plants grow. Reaching this conclusion Rick was determined find out the usability of this gem. This time he carried on him many fruits in order to bring them to the other dimension with him. Focusing again on the gemstone while he circulating his mana according to the pattern he was told, sent him inside the stone.

Rick fell face first in the soil this time. He must have to do something about his awkward landing both while coming in and moving out. But not minding it, he got on with his work. He dug the soil with his hands and placed all the fruits he bought with him one by one in their seperate holes. He had bought one of each quality that his family can afford that were 1 nida, 1 virgo while the last one was the most expensive, the tura fruit. He will have to lie to Amelia that he ate it all, but he was sure she won't mind about a single one. The fruits in this world were special in many ways. The most important fact about them was they never deteriorate, even if they are left alone for years on years. That's the reason bartering is done using using the fruits.

Since the fruits never degrade in value, it was of no value to use metals for currency or money. Why use the intermediary when you can directly exchange the fruits for all your needs and services. Secondly fact about the fruits of this world was that their nutritional value can not be compared with the fruits of his world. Although Rick was sure that this body of his would definitely be able to digest animals too but he had learnt that eating meat is looked down upon. Only those that can not afford any fruits and live in very disastrous situation such that they might lose their lives, resorted to eating meat. There was one more reason the humans disgusted meat eating was that their mortal enemies from the beastmen alliance were the ones who ate meat. So naturally humans developed an aversion towards it.

While Rick was thinking about these matters he was simultaneously working on the fruits he planted as the seeds. He felt that after using around half of all his mana he was only able to get a sapling to burst out from the soil. Going with this speed he might require months before they grow to become a tree. Then Rick recalled one of his other ability and began chanting the mantra to release his seal. Once it was done Rick found out he had access to a large mana pool that he can't even describe properly. Excited with that he began pouring down all his mana in the sapling. This was the tree for the nida fruits. It was actually of the lowest value. He could have started directly with the tura fruit tree, but he had a hunch that the more valuable the fruit was the more hard work it will require to grow it to a blooming tree.

Within a few minutes Rick was drained of mana but this time he followed his grandma's advice and left some of his mana in his reserves. Although Rick was again feeling dizzy but his face weilded a large smile. The reason for that was he had infront of him a larger tree with cherry like fruits on it. With an initial count Rick had a total 20 nidas on his tree. He immediately harvested all of it and placing them on the ground, Rick's smile was not going away. Suddenly he was very much excited with his ability to control plants. This was simply was useful to him then a stupid fire or water ability could ever prove to be. This ability was simply the key that would make him rich. Thinking this Rick fell asleep again inside the dimension itself. But within a few minutes he was thrown out on his bed while he kept sleeping.

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