A Pervert's World

Chapter 95: Main Villan?

Rick knew that this guy is going to continue after he had completed his regular dose of laughter. 'Hmm? Why do you look so depressed boy?' The dragon realised that Rick had let him continue without any interruption and watching his unimpressed expressions he felt that something might be wrong with him. Rick sighed with a deep breath trying to forget the trauma that he had to go through in front of that red mark. 'You are laughing it off but you are simply not aware of what I had gone through. It was like my puny life was going to end just from the fuc... voice itself.' He rein in on his swear words but the signs of torture that he had gone through was visible on his non existent face. The dragon grew silent. He had indeed taken this matter very lightly. This was a kid on the level of mortal mage at the end.

This time the voice was more serious but gentler 'Believe me kid I have the first hand experience of how it feels.' Rick might have reminded him of some painful memories. He might have spoken too much. He had no idea what the dragon had gone through but if this guy had come face to face with the 'entity' then he knew he can't even imagine his condition. Even though he had got a fair amount of idea from dragon's last sentence but he still had to make sure 'I understand. But can you tell me who is more powerful you or him?' Dragon knew he was talking about the 'entity'. He corrected him with 'Not him kiddo. It's her. Atleast before she was corrupted she was a female but anyway I am not even sure about the gender anymore. And about her power levels hhahaha why do you think I have been injured so badly that all I can do is to gather enough mana to talk to a child hahahaha.'

This guy can laugh at anything Rick speculated. He was talking about his defeat like it was no big deal. Shouldn't a dragon be a prideful creature? Atleast that's how they were portrayed in his previous world. Suddenly Rick has lost a huge amount of faith in this stupid dragon. Previously he had assumed he got a trump card in his form that he can utilise in cases of severity but this was a defeated guy and heavily injured on top of that. He can't leave his precious life in his care. Now he got no interest in being this knight in shining armour for anyone. He was simply going to lose his life and he had not enjoyed this world enough to leave it. He asked dragon in a severe tone 'Ahem.. Mr. Dragon is there a way I can transfer all these powers to someone else.. I mean, I am not confident enough to do all this good vs evil fight.' Although he will feel very bad to forfeit this literal money making powers and settle for an ordinary life. But any 'ordinary life' still had 'life' in it, what was he going to gain by dying for people he didn't even knew properly?

'Hahahaha You are funny kid hahah ha. I am not expecting you to fight some good vs evil grand war. Not right now anyway haha And regarding transferring your powers? Do you think a few of us didn't put up this question right when you were born? But it was not possible without getting you killed in the process.' Rick nodded in understanding. If he was going to end up loosing his life anyway then he will very much like to keep his powers to himself. But he was not sure as to why they did not kill him? Like was he related to these guys in anyway, otherwise why would these majestic creatures care for the life of a human baby. Also, how was he born was he not related to his parents? He had his own doubts on this matter but the more he interacted with the dragon the more he felt his birth birth was surrounded in mysteries. But he can't ask these questions right now because firstly he had other pressing matters to get his answers on and secondly he was skeptical that the dragon will choose to answer that.

'Okay then can you atleast tell me why that event took place and how can I avoid it from now on?' 'Yes, that is the correct question. That's why I contacted you actually. It was a very rare event that should not have happened. But these rarities does not feel so rare when it comes to you. Anyways, you subconsciously established a link with the bad guy or girl whatever. Allowing her to communicate with you. But considering the situation this was the best result possible. She was not able to identify you and left. So, try not to repeat this again. Not every krypto vine will have her consciousness. Only those that feel too alive might have it, be careful with those and whenever you have to touch them keep channeling your mana in the way I told you earlier and you will be good.' Dragon explained patiently.

Rick nodded in understanding. Dragon had to build up his lost confidence 'Keep working at your own pace kid. You have done really well till now. It's not that we are completely helpless. We got some friends too haha. Although we had lost badly but we still we refused to get wiped out. Now it will very much depend on you. You will be the answer to the gamble we all took part haha' Rick didn't mind his mysterious words as he can see the dragon symbol in front of him flickering. That meant he must be out of mana to maintain this link, but he still had his last question that he wanted to get answers for. 'Hey before you leave please tell me if some I have sex with can be pregnant?'

'Hain? Where did that come from. Hmm hmm kid we were having some serious discussion here. Don't you think?' Rick noticed from his voice that this dragon was pulling his leg so he protested 'Oi tell me that it's very important.' 'Hahahha why do you want to be a dad so badly haha.' He did not look to be in the mood to answer that. But just as Rick sighed he got his answer 'You can't make them pregnant even if you want hahhaa' And that's how the laughing dragon left. Sometimes Rick feels if one of the powers of this dragon included ability to laugh continuously. But his answer sure made Rick happy and sad at the same moment. It was definitely a good thing that he can't become a father, meaning that he can fuck around as much as he wants without any worry. At the same time didn't that mean he was essentially impotent?

Mulling over this depressing thought he slept through the night. This time he was not drowning in his own sweat like usual. He had a plethora of questions for the dragon but he only answered what he had already planned to answer. It was the next day when Rick felt some movement in his groin. Checking out he saw Mira with her puffed cheeks full of his cock head looking directly at him. 'You are becoming very greedy little girl.' Mira replied in a haughty voice 'You did not let me have it yesterday too. I will have it today then.' He can't stop her so he just closed his eyes and slept again while enjoying the little warm mouth of his sister on his cock. Mira didn't care if he was awake or not she kept her mouth and hands engaged. But disappointment shadowed her face when the hard cock in her embrace wilted down after a few minutes. Rick was once again woken up by and angry Mira. 'Now what do you want Mira? Let me sleep for a bit then I will let you have it okay?' She calmed down a little by Rick's assurance and left him alone. Opening his eyes Rick saw it was not even morning proper. How early does this girl wake up? With that question in mind he slept again for an hour.

He woke up and stretching his limbs got refreshed. Mira and Amelia were having breakfast together when his sister saw his entering the hallroom. He asked them 'Had dad left for work?' 'Yes Ryu, you too can have your meal. I have prepared it in the kitchen.' Once Rick got out of the kitchen he found that Mira had removed all her clothes and was arguing with her mom. 'I have already done it mom I can take it. Hey brother tell mom that you had already used my bum once.' Rick was astounded how did their peaceful breakfast turn to this. 'Well yes I have used it once. So what are you trying here Mira?' 'I want you to use it and give me all the semen but mom is afraid I will get myself hurt. You tell her it's going to be okay.' Mira replied. Rick would have chosen his mom's asshole over his sister anyday but the excitement of fucking Mira's asshole infront of Amelia made him say otherwise 'Yes, she will be fine mom. Don't worry about her. She takes it like a champ haha'.

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