A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Epilogue: Civil War of Velantas: Final

Whoaaaaa... it's pure white...

I entered the Central Tower. As the name suggests, it's the tower located in the middle of the ring that the other six towers that make up the city of Velantas. And the inside is dazzling white. To the point that my eyes hurt. Ouch...

The floor, walls, ceiling, even the antique pillars are all made of pure white marble in the style of the Venetian Renaissance. The only thing that's not bleached is the furniture. Paintings, sculptures, books, there are loads of them everywhere. For some reason, I've got this feeling of nostalgia, but where have I seen this...

I ignored the strange feeling for now and moved on... to the best of my ability. Some of these works of art are simply... guess I already said it.

After a while on the road of masterpieces. I entered a large room filled with bookshelves filled to the brim with books and other works of art. There's even something that looks like a steam engine here! This kinda museum is in my strike zone.

For some reason, there's a canal that's circling through the whole room. Don't the owner of this place know that humidity is bad for books... guess they know. There's some barrier-like thing protecting the books.

"Pretty awesome room." - ???

"Yes-, huh?" - Garami

Who's that guy!? I didn't notice-, whoa!? Don't start slashing at me all of a sudden!

"Hmm? What the-, AAAIIEEE!!" - ???

At least, not when I'm in so high tension for the fear of having to make a speech in front of everyone. That instant web with added Ailment-Attacks must hurt...


"...You pass." said the black-clothed man after I helped him outta the web. What's he going about, all of a sudden? Don't expect that I'll let you off, especially when you're hiding your face with a mask-, he's gone! Where, where? No way, teleport!? Can everyone use them except for me!?

Seriously, what happened right there...


Acquired Blessing: [Proof of Agnir].

Acquired skill: [Burning Warlust Lv.1]

Okay, what happened just now!?

"Are you two finished now? Thanks for not making a mess of my private quarters." - ???

And who is it this time!? Is this place powering down my Perception Skills? They aren't working at all!

The man who just spoke looked like a painter of the old Venezia. Kinda a Da Vinci character. He looks pretty old, but his face is radiating a youthly vigor that you wouldn't find in an old man.

"Ah, where are my manners? Thank you for coming, and more importantly, saving my beloved city, chosen one of my Chief Goddess." - ???

'Chief Goddess'? This doesn't spell well...

"Relax, relax! There is nothing to worry about. I am on the same side as you, the one that is always having to pay for the 'pranks' mistress Alvatria always comes up with." - ???

...I'll hear him out for now.

"Retracing my steps, thank you for saving the city. I am what you could consider the patron god of this town, the Lesser God of Art, Skvalv." - Skvalv

A god... Skvalv, Skvalv, where have I...

"Ah! You're the guy that owns that dusty office!" - Garami

"Yes, there has been a long time since I last visited that place..." - Skvalv

I was right! Then doesn't that mean he's the reason...

"You delayed an assignment given by that goddess?" - Garami

"I had no other choice!! The drought in this region had created too many problems for me to take care of anything! And it is that woman-, er, I mean, lady Alvatria who was supposed to take care of that, but she 'outsourced' it to me." - Skvalv

The old man's got trouble with modern terms...

"And before I forget, thank you so much for saving my collection as well. Two times already." said the god while bowing in gratitude.

Guess the plan was for the battle against mister black-mask must have been the second time. The first... yeah, that goddess' unreasonable enough to punish people she's forced her work on.

"Collection?" - Garami

"Yes! All the items in this room, no, in the whole tower is part of my collection of offerings my believers have gifted me over the many years." - Skvalv

"Oh? Sounds important." - Garami

"Of course it is! Offerings and prayers are the most important a god can receive from its believers! ...Even if that makes the gods do some stupid decisions..." - Skvalv

I knew it. Mountain Shamans and mountain gods are too close-knitted for it to have been a coincidence.

"Consequently, what about Fire and Life?" - Garami

"I heard they only joined the war out of boredom." - Skvalv

Those damn gods!! Guess I got something outta that attitude, and not just the "Proof" from before... hmm?

"Wait, what was that guy from before about?" - Garami

"...Lady Agnir only grants her proof to Champions that can defeat the warriors she makes them face. Still, to think that person went and offered his services..." - Skvalv

The black mask from before? I don't think he's anything special, except that I couldn't feel his presence at all.

To think there are different conditions to obtain the different "Proofs"... no, I simply didn't think about it seriously before. It's not like I'm required to collect them all. Even that goddess said so herself.

"Then, there's something for saving your precious collection, city, and everything else?" - Garami

"...To think she would ask for the reward instead of demanding it like that one..." - Skvalv

He's crying... hey, goddess. Give your subordinate some slack.

"*Sniff*, you can ask me for anything. I am in more debt to you than what I can repay you with, so I will do anything in my power to grant your wish." - Skvalv

"No speeches at the victory party." - Garami

"T-that was quite the straight response... and I am sorry to say, but a Lesser God like me cannot change the decision of an Ultimate God regarding the content of a War Quest, among other subjects..." - Skvalv

The damn divine hierarchy!!

"W-what about one of the items here... just threat them with love and care!!" - Skvalv

Don't be so desperate if you don't wanna part with them...

"Then, give me that." - Garami

"That? ...Aha. That is fine. Do you know of someone-" - Skvalv

"A copy's fine. Deliver it to Armveil of 'Armveil's Smithy & Item Shop' when you got the time." - Garami

Hope he heard the second part, considering he started to dance in joy after hearing the "copy"-part.

"Anyway, I'm returning now." - Garami

"Oh, okay. Good luck with your speech." - Skvalv

So there is one...

"Also! All of you are welcome to this city whenever and however! No matter what your jobs are!" shouted the God of Arts as I walked out of the tower...

Mission complete?


Meanwhile, in Nibiru:

"Welcome back~." - Alvatria

"Don't talk like that with your monotone voice and face. It's dishearting..." - Chaos

"Yeah, yeah. And the results?" - Alvatria

"She got Agnir's." - Chaos

"That's the most difficult one to get from those three when I think about it. Good job~." - Alvatria

"Why'm I getting no feelings of gratitude despite breaking a leg and more here?" - Chaos

"Because you should have prevented the war from the beginning. Be glad that your punishment is just that." - Alvatria

"'Just that' is more than someone with the durability of a normal human should experience... what happened to the four idiots?" - Chaos

"Rus-chan wanted to draw on their faces since she won, but..." - Alvatria

"One of them burned away the ink, the other's face turned to loose sand, and the final one would be too erotic that she couldn't do the deed?" - Chaos

"Wow. A triple jackpot." - Alvatria

Despite the dangers the lower world has to face, the divine realm is as peaceful as ever...


Garami's PoV

"Ehem, citizens, congratulations on surviving the war. You have fulfilled your duties to the city splendidly. Now, enjoy the victory banquet till you drop. That's an order." - Garami


What's up with this disciplined party-fever?

I stepped off the podium that was made outside the Union Hall and let the people outside start the festival... and it's really a festival! How did you guys get those stalls ready at such short notice!?

I walked away from the party ground... and collapsed the moment I stepped into the store that Armveil had reserved for the organization members.

"Good work today." - Mira

"Crowds... scary... crowds... scary..." - Garami

"She is paler than normal..." - Noire

"Need a barf bag?" - Mira

"......Yes." - Garami

I was taken to a table and given something to drink by Iron. He's so nice~. It's a waste that he can't be dressed in a butler outfit.

"They can sure party, despite there being casualties of the war," said Revi as she peered outta the window.

"In War Quests, the sides that have a city with a church can be revived up to twice at a cost of their stats being temporarily reduced by 10% each time until the end of the war," said Alf-, wait a sec, is that true!? 


Rewards for War Quest: [Civil War for Velantas], will now be handed out.

Calculating Quest evaluation.........

"Guess it's starting now." - Alf

"What are they 'calculating'?" - Revi

"Probably the amount of damage the city's taken and such." - Mira

Whatever it is, it should be worth the pain we did to protect it.


Quest evaluation complete!

  • Number of Commander incapacitations: 0
  • Commander death: 0
  • Number of Officer incapacitations: 0
  • Number of Officer deaths: 0
  • Number of combatant incapacitations: 827
  • Number of combatant deaths: 0
  • Enemy army suppression: 100%
  • Enemy army deaths: 88%
  • Damage to the city and non-combatants: 0%

Quest evaluation: S-rank!

Additional rewards will be granted to all participants.

A bonus reward even. Seems like deserters like the Tunas had anything to say for the evaluation.

Then, a new message appeared in front of me. Let's see...


War rewards:

  • S-rank clear: Medallion of Velantas
  • No-damage clear: Mid-Grade Recovery Potion *30
  • No Commander deaths: 5 Skill Points
  • No Officer deaths: Goblet of Purifying Water
  • Complete victory: Chose one of the following rewards:
    • Skill Scroll: [Recovery Trait]
    • Skill Scroll: [Magma Touch]
    • Skill Scroll: [Water Walk]
  • 80% Slaughter: 80,000 Sol

Personal rewards:

  • Participation prize: 1 Skill Point
  • Commander reward: Title[Commander of the Velantas Civil War]
  • For defeating Enemy Commander: 5 Skill Points, + Volcanic Warsword
  • Special reward: ???


You have acquired a total of 11.0 Skill Points from Quest.

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 11.0 Skill Points earned.

A lot of different stuff. And a lot of Skill Points! They're all gonna disappear when I obtain my next classes...

"What's with the noise outside?" - Garami

"Wait, you didn't notice?" - Mira

"Notice what?" - Garami

"Garami, all of your Leadership-related abilities affected the whole army. The Skill Point-doubling boost as well." - Alf

...Whoops. Guess that's gonna be a pain later on. Glad I've already ordered an escape car.

Mira, Alf, and Iron got 3 Skill Points for having defeated so many mobs. Noire got 2 Points for her support work. And they all obtained 3 Points for having defeated an enemy Officer. Mira got twice of that since she helped in defeating two of them.

"...Skill Scrolls..." - Garami

I have a bad experience with those, and there are no skills that I'm in a hurry to get...

"What are you guys choosing?" - Garami

"[Recovery Trait]." - Alf

A safe choice, not to mention it sounds useful for a vampire.

"I think of selling mine instead for cash since I do not need any of them." - Noire

"Think I'll do the same. Don't want to end up like Garami did on Plain Island~." - Mira

Hey, we've gotta have a conversation after this.

"I will... also take [Recovery Trait]." - Revi

That is the most useful ability after all. Other adventurers are gonna take [Magma Touch] since it's a great skill when considering firepower alone. The more local adventurers will probably take [Water Walk]. I mean, we're in a massive lake region.

"...[Magma Touch]." - Iron

Yes, yes... huh?

"The Magma-one? Not [Recovery Trait]?" - Noire

"...Have resistance to it..." - Iron

Oh? That's another way to use it. 

"Then you can get my scroll for [Recovery Trait] then." - Garami

"Much obliged." - Iron

That's one problem out of the way. I chose which skill scroll I wanted, and a treasure chest appeared with all the items I had won from the Quest. The scroll to Iron, the sword... can go to Mira. Too big for me. The goblet looks useful, so I'll keep it. Same with the potions. Iron's sharing his bunch since he can't use them. The medallion... looks like something only a Guild can have. Guess I'll make one for my Division to be members off.

And finally:

Title Name: Commander of the Velantas Civil War
  • Unlocks all Accessory Slots.

A title that is granted to the Commander of the Velantas-side during the [Civil War for Velantas] War Quest

Useful. While the others didn't get any titles, their accessory slots were still unlocked. 3 for Mira since she was an officer, and 1 for Revi, Iron, Noire, and Alf.

"Garami, there is some trouble at the front door." - Noire

"What is it this time?" - Garami

Can't I have a break for just one night? *Slurp*...

"There are many people outside that want to 'serve the princess-Commander' and cannot take no for an answer." - Noire

"Pfft!?" - Alf & Mira

"Hmm? They're asking for me~?" - Garami

"There are no other Commanders here at the present, so I would think so." - Noire

"Of course there aren't! Wha-ha-ha-ha!" - Garami

"!? G-Garami, are you alright?" - Revi

"Of course I am! I'm in tip-top shape! Give me another drink! *Gulp*!" - Garami

"...Iron. Just what is the contents of that bottle?" - Alf

"...Wine, and so?" - Iron

Bwha-haha! Alf and Noire turned white as me when they heard that! What a laugh! *Gulp*. Another refill! Iron, you should change your class to Sommelier! Wha-ha-ha-ha!

"Hey, Iron, I think that's a bad idea..." began Mira, who also started to look paler by the second. 

"Hmm? Is there something wrong?" asked Revi while tilting her head. So cuuuute!

"Garami, what about the mob outside?" - Iron

Wow, Iron spoke! "The mob outside"? A-ha-ha! Let's go and meet them. Gotta pay them back for that lame title they gave me! *Glug-glug-glug*.

"Garami, where are-" - Revi

"Have a nice trip~." - Mira, Alf, Noire

I definitely will! Oh, thanks for the other bottle, Iron. Wha-ha-ha-ha!

Kigal-Note/Demons: Kur Kigal (Revised)

Name: Kur Kigal
Rank: D+
Type: Demon
Lifespan: 100~300 Years
Attribute: Darkness, Heretic
Traits: High Demon


A High Demon that knows the arts of assassination. Despite having the standing of being a noble in the demon world, they voluntarily dedicate themselves to the art of killing.

The Kur Kigal is known to be a race only highly talented demons can evolve to, due to their various and rare evolution requirements. 


Kur Kigals takes on a complete humanoid shape that is almost no different from a human, sans for a pair of demon horns on the top of their heads, and they got paler complex and hair colors than normal humans. The reason for this is speculated to be part of the demon's assassination methods, as the Kur Kigal can move more undetected due to their plain appearance.

It is also known that the Kur Kigals can shapeshift to certain degrees, so they can take the appearance of others to fool others, or take on a monstrous shape so to scare others if needed. 


Average HP: E+ Average MP: D+ Average SP: E
Average STR: E+ Average VIT: E- Average MAG: E
Average RES: D+ Average SPD: D+ Average DEX: D+
Average INT: C Rarity: S+ Danger Rank: C+

Kur Kigals possess the power to command both light and dark, but they are leaning to the forces of Darkness, all so they can improve their skills in the killing. They are truly heretics towards all creatures alive.

As they require an Advance-tier Scout-line class to evolve, they are experts in information-gathering and sneak attacks. Due to their talent with both the Darkness- and Light attributes, even if they are not that great of an expert with the latter compared to the former, they are capable of hiding, sabotaging, and outspeed most enemies of the same racial rank as themselves.

The first observed individual of this race has shown that Kur Kigals has a knack for commanding troops, showing that despite the race have dedicated themselves to the arts of assassinations, they still hold the potential of being a ruling class like other High Demons.

Revised by the Lesser God of Arts, Skvalv

Mira's comment: Ah, she left her mark in history, didn't she?

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