A Rural Life in the 70s

Chapter 971

At noon that day, when Xiaoqiu and Li Fangyun were eating together, they took out a box of forks and hemp leaves, and Li Fangyun was happy.

“What else do you have fried in the New Year?” Li Fangyun asked while eating.

“We don’t blow this up in the New Year. This was just bombed last night.”

“…It’s good.” Li Fangyun snorted, and once he saw Qiu Qiuyi and Xing Hai, he quickly greeted the two and came together to share. The three girls met and ate together to eat snacks, creaking, and three flowers. Like a chinchilla.

In the evening, Peng Peng went home and happily reported to Liu Yuzhi, saying that the teachers especially liked the snacks she made. This gave Liu Yuzhi great encouragement and secretly pondered. Soon, jujube cakes, flower buds, medlars, mung bean cakes, and glass enamels were constantly developed by Liu Yuzhi and Qiufen scorpion.

Xiaoqiu eats delicious food while not praising: “Daily this craft, you can go to discuss with my mother to open a snack shop.”

Liu Yuzhi and Peng Peng gradually adapted to the life of the capital, and the weather warmed up day by day.

Xiaoqiu wore a needle sweater made by Liu Yuzhi, and walked on the campus, and inadvertently picked up a needle sweater. In many girls’ dorms, girls can see a large group of woolen sweaters rushing to win a sweater with a stick. The needle sweater is woven relatively fast, the girl with fast hand speed, grab a little time, and can wear it before the heat gets hot.

During the Ching Ming Festival, Xiao Qiu was drawn to participate in the grave sweeping. Follow the team of the school and walk to the cemetery. When you come to the cemetery, you will see the teams of several schools. The early arrivals are on both sides of the road, leaving the road in the middle.

Xiaoqiu’s school was also asked to wait at the roadside. Soon after, the dispatcher heard the whistle blowing a team of people into the whistle. Then Xiaoqiu saw the team wearing the military uniform, and Wu Ge As a volunteer, it is naturally at the forefront of the team.

The eyes of the two men touched each other through a thin layer of dust. Xiaoqiu didn’t see anything in Wu Ge’s eyes. Some tired, she only noticed that Wu Ge’s nose was re-attached with glasses – this guy, Doesn’t he say that he has a ‘contact lens’?

Forget it, he is in the army after all, how vision is also very important for his future work arrangements, and how to express his opinions on the outside, she will not think too much.

The next activity was solemn, and Xiaoqiu stood in the ranks of his school. He only vaguely knew that the two schools were students of the military academy.

Xiaoqiu participated in this kind of activity for the first time. He only knew how to follow the classmates, but he did not expect that after the ceremony was over, the school actually disbanded the team on the spot. All the classes that participated in the grave-sweeping class were cancelled. The students did not It’s okay to delay the afternoon class. How to go back and when to go back, the students decided.

Spring is just right, the wind and the sun are warm, the willow green is red, a large group of familiar young students have convenience, naturally no one is willing to go back to school to study hard, one by one just left the cemetery, like a windy bird, cheering And leaping, rushing to the green fields and the river. Pick a small yellow, pink, unknown flower, or just a piece of tender grass, smell the grass, it seems to have the whole spring.

Xiaoqiu’s children grew up in the village and were very kind to the fields, but they didn’t make a fuss like the students.

She found a big willow tree by the small river, ready to sit under the tree, take a look at the ripples of water, feel the warm spring breeze, and enjoy the warm spring sun… Waiting for the students to play enough Now, everyone goes back to school together. They have two classes in the afternoon.

Under the willow tree, she saw not only the spring scenery, but also the human condition. Several schools were dissolved like them. Some schools still lined up, such as two military schools, one police school, and another school that is militarized.

Under the tree where Xiaoqiu was sitting, a small piece of thatch was grown. The thattle has grown very tall. The flower spike that has just grown is still tender, and the white brush head is the same. Xiaoqiu has a piece of it. In the mouth, gently bite, back against the trunk of the big willow tree slightly tilted, close your eyes, let the mottled sunlight fall on your face, through the eyelids, you can feel the light point beating on your face cheerfully Like a naughty child…

The wind is light and warm, and the sun is hot and dry, and the skin is crispy, and the eyes are closed for a moment. Xiaoqiu has some difficulties, and there are some ambiguities, like sleeping and not sleeping.

“Oh, you are looking for a good place to be lazy.” The familiar male voice rang at the top of his head, and Xiaoqiu’s heart jumped for a moment before he slowly opened his eyes.

I took off my hat, short hair, and I didn’t have a black-skinned skin that was too dark, but I’m carrying a light, but it’s a big burly…

Xiaoqiu’s gaze with a little waking fog, his expression is calm, not surprised, not even scared.

She faintly looked at the sudden emergence of the youth, for a moment, turned her eyes away and landed on the meandering river. “Why didn’t you go back to the school team?”

“I am an extra person, there is no class constraint… I just say hello.” Wu Ge said freely, no one greeted, just sat down next to Xiaoqiu, picking up a small stone in his hand and gently throwing it. Into the river, a sizzling sound, splashing a small splash.

“Winter vacation, I went out for a while… my eyes need to be “healed.”” Wu Ge did not explain in detail, but Xiaoqiu understood.

He went abroad not to play, but to give his eyes an excuse to heal. As for whether there is any confession to Xiaoqiu for the winter vacation, Xiaoqiu did not think, but did not ask.

Seeing Xiaoqiu just listening, without the meaning of talking, Wu Ge can only open again: “I can’t go in and out of the military school… um…”

After a pause, it seems that I have been brave enough to say: “I’ll come out once, let’s have a meal together, I’m going crazy with the rice in the school cafeteria, just like feeding pigs.”

Xiaoqiu glanced at him and said: “…fat.” It seems that the pigs are very good to feed, and the food is unpalatable. It is obviously more healthy than in the hospital, and there is a little more meat on the cheeks.

Wu Ge took a moment to react, and suddenly raised his hand and touched his cheek, then laughed: “The intensity of the exercise is great, and the amount of rice is slowly rising back…”

Speaking, it may be that I touched my baby on the cheek, and I was somewhat embarrassed: “Returned to the army, and together with a group of old and old, people are rough.”

“It’s very good.” Xiaoqiu ignored the joy of Wu Ge’s face and faintly said, “I don’t know how your eyes are healed. I hope you don’t feel free to jok that I have cured your eyes. Even my master and cultural and educational search for things they can’t do, how can I do it?”

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