A Saiyan Owl

Chap 99 – The calm after the Storm

Chap 99 - The calm after the Storm:












( A/N: The motivation to edit these has not been hitting me lately, tho I will say Chapter 100 is probably gonna be the end of Book One, so yeah. Don't worry, { A Saiyan Owl }’s Universe will be continued in the future with a Second Book, but ya might also see our Owl in some other places in the meanwhile, the Omniverse is beeg ya know?


Chap 100 will likely be a very Beeg one, probably my largest one given how I have ideas I wanna go over as well as others that I think deserve to be touched on.


I've been doing this for a few years now, and I want to focus on other projects without worrying about Muun and lower the scales for each Chapter. My hype has been losing its shine over time and this is supposed to be a fun ride, dammit!


* Sigh * - That aside!


While I work on my other projects( New and Old ones ), I plan to also slowly build up Book 2’s lore and framework so we can have more crazy stuff happening and Progress even further in the future.


That's about it, don't wanna be yapping all day, sooooo to the chapter we go!


 Ye~  :D )















{ Shortly After the Mumei and Fu’s Battle }:


After the struggles that had originated from Fu’s actions in an attempt to persuade Power, the waves of time had finally started to take their course yet again toward a calmer present.


At the same time, some tried to tidy up the mess that was brought all over the different Universes, a certain Owl had chosen just to push all those troubles she caused aside while laughing.


Soon after returning to Kronton being supported by Kro and Fauna on each side. Mumei was quickly brought to her peak state by yours truly; Warden of Time, Kronii.


Almost clumsily destroying everything she touched yet again, they were met with a familiar scenario when the bird tried to pull the sliding bedroom door open to get some water.


Ending up stopped by Kro who opened it before she could do so and destroyed it by exerting what in her mind she thought could be considered ‘little’ to no strength.


Blinking in awe, Mumei glanced over towards Kro and the door in confusion until the complicated face from the other party got across, getting an understanding. - ‘ Ooooh! ‘ - from the feathered Pillar.


 Thanking her girl while laughing, Mumei had become seemingly even more powerful. Mostly due to her constant evolving throughout her two meetings with the small Tako that now hugged her legs as she went to get her water and then walked back to the bedroom to rest a bit.


Obviously she didn't think of sleeping before taking a better view over her bratty disciples, who even at times like this were snoring loudly at their beds, almost falling over to the ground.


Smiling, she accepted Kronii’s wish for her to get some rest quickly sitting on the bed Kro was slumbering earlier and picking Ina by the armpits, resting the Tako onto her lap like she was a doll.


All while the shorty one had circles for eyes and a mouth opened in a small triangle for a mouth. Patting her, Mumei was quick to sense the looks coming from the others standing up, looks of curiosity.


Grinning happily towards the one who acted just like a kitty cub, Mumei's face warmed up into a strangely motherly smile that was deadly enough to creep a deep red blush in Kro’s face while Fauna stared in awe before a trail of blood ran down her nose.


“ I just kinda glimpsed myself in her… All alone and being forced to do something even I didn't quite understand why, only knowing it was the only purpose I had…. It makes me sick….. Fu and The Ancient Ones are one in the same in that regard….


 Though I don't have one flying fuc-...  - * Peeks at Kro & Fauna * -....- Fun of an idea…where and when they were involved in my creation. All I know is that they are still the ones who forced me to fight those unending Monsters every day and night, and all that for what? Proving my worth as a Concept? Proving Humanity’s worth? 


HAH!! I'mma prove mah worth by shoving my worthy fist down their very shiny ass- HMPHMM!!!- * Angry Muffled Cursing *” - Quick to act, Kro sealed Muun’s mouth using her hand.


Solely sighing in disdain at this bird's actions. - “ Go sleep Muun… Me and Fauna are gonna help Kronii answer the billion questions Omega is going to be asking in a few minutes…. And don't worry Ina, you can go nap with your Mum too…”


Noticing the cursing Beast had stopped her ‘rampage’, Kro bent down a bit to shoot a smile to the smaller one in Mumei's lap, receiving back a nod that wobbles her slimy hair and nub parts around in a manner that makes the bluehead scream inside her mind with how cute it was.


Saying their ‘See you later's while Fauna contemplated if she should stay and nap with the other two after witnessing them cozily lay down on the bed, Mumei just spread her body lazily in the meanwhile Ina used the Owl's body as her bed.


“ Let's go branch-head, we have things to do on our end as well.” - Biting her nails bearing a face full of contemplation, Mother Nature was dragged away like a heft log by a serious Kro who knew they had an important meeting to attend involving their superior, leaving the other parties to rest for the moment.


Yeah, Kro was a very responsible and dependent person…. It was not like she, herself wanted to cuddle in seeing the scene!


Not at all…












Noticing the others had left, our dear Owl chuckled to herself earning Ina’s attention. Turning around above the taller woman, Ina laid her head yet again onto Muun's breasts staring at the strangely happy bird.


Noticing the gaze the smiley girl gave a complicated look towards Ina. - “ Ya know, it's been a while since I've felt this free lil’ Tako…. Like, look at it from our perspective! We're free, in more ways than one now!” - Spreading her arms up, Mumei couldn't hold the feelings of joy from taking over.


Maybe after all this chaos she finally could worry about having fun instead of worrying that some Outer Dimensional being that could show up to cause havoc. In her mind, it was a comeback to when all she had to worry about was the future and how others would turn out to be.


Now, all she had was to take a glance towards the beds allocated on their side to see the future she wanted in the form of a gremlin and shark sleeping while snoring loudly like brats they were.


And as if a joke from fate, the one lying on top of her was also somewhat part of all that. She represented Mumei's past, what she could've turned into if the Omega from her Original Timeline hadn't stepped in to help.


The innocent Tako didn't avert her gaze from those glowing yellow flamey eyes for even a second, even when they turned towards herself.


Mumei was about to pat the girl when she received an Uno reverse card, Ina had moved an arm forward, and albeit very clumsily she patted the wild brown hair of the Owl using her tiny hands. Even if she didn't speak a word, her intentions were still shared.


Stunned momentarily, Muun soon just gave in. It seems she had already taught the Tako something, even if not intentionally. 


Closing her eyes and humming along the pats from the one above her as they rested.


A very old humming Mumei would keep on singing till the day she couldn't anymore if that ever came to be. 


It felt soothing in a way.


“ Don-Don…..Shikakunaru~ ”
















{ Meanwhile in Kronii’s Main Laboratory: }  


A few minutes later after the Owl and Tako had fallen into a somewhat deep sleep everyone had moved to Kronii’s Lab to have a meeting.


“ Don't fret, I've already initiated toiling on my end attempting to try and diminish the collateral damage Mumei had generated over Space and Time… The one behind my aid did mention not paying excessive attention given the damage hadn't skimmed any parts from the side she surveys over.” 


Hovering above the ground while they had a meeting inside Kronii's laboratory, Omega Alpha bore a complicated look given their situation wasn't one of the brightest. She had arrived a few minutes ago with the other Pillars that came after feeling the earthquakes that spread all over the different Universes.


Now they sat across the Lab’s room in different moods.


Hakos Bealz sat by a free space she found on a laboratory countertop swinging her legs back and forth, by her side just leaning her lower back on the same counter was Iryis keeping the rat in check. 


As for the one tapping her facial cheeks repeatedly trying to figure out who the Omega was citing, the eyes of the tall tanned girl who was sitting elegantly on a comfortable chair just beside OA widened to their full stretch.


“ Wait-wait-wait…. Omega-Sama…. Do you mean to tell us, she accepted letting this one go by and even giving in a helping hand… Just like that? Knowing that fox wouldn't she have requested something outrageous of you!? ” - Sweat rushing down her face, Sana was tense, fully expecting to hear that Omega had to pay a price.


Strangely all she got was a complicated look from the Loli followed by a head shake dismissively. - “ Although she is infamous for all her… Plays and Games, this time she was strangely good-willed given her request was something quite…. Unique…. “


The calm time brought the others who didn't know about this piece of information to be curious. More so about whom they were referring to.


“ Hmm… The ‘fox’ you guys are talking about… May I take it as the same Kronii was mentioning when we were talking about Omniversal and Outerversal Theory?” - Tapping her shoes on the floor, Kro couldn't help but feel a bit pressured seeing how the strongest around the room bore quite a bit of worry in their eyes.


 While beside her stood Fauna not apprehending who this ‘Fox’ was… She did hope it was a cute one at least.


Humming agreeing with her sister, Kronii who also stood on Kro’s free side took a chance to add further. - “ Exactly. - * tired sigh * - A better manner to put it is she's an overseer of everything and anything… 


It’s one of the best ways to describe her persona. Being able to destroy and bring anything to reality, reminds me quite a lot of the Higher Rank of those arrogant Ancient Ones…. Even their name is full of arrogance.”


Provoking a domino effect to be taken, Kronii boasting about another's arrogance made many inside the room bite their mouth shut so as to not laugh. True the most hypocritical moment, even Kro had to turn around acting like she didn't know who the other bluehead was. - ‘ Of all people…. You should know sister…. We can't even think of opening our mouths to touch that topic, arrogance….’


Having quite a lot of self-awareness Kro just played it off for a moment before coughing in her fist as to acquire the other's attention.


“ Kronii's own opinion apart…. This ‘Fox’ could be better put as one of the figures in the < Omniversal > that represent an important and absolute existence akin to how our own Omega Alpha is around here. Although we did find some holes in that logic, it fits the bigger picture we're trying to paint.” - Not being done yet, Kro turns around standing in front of the whiteboard that was there.


Grabbing a black pen and flicking off the cap before she starts writing at lightning speeds, not even a full second later she finishes and steps aside showing three separated boxes full of smaller boxes that have words written all over them. 


As she goes scrambling, the other Pillars just watch curiously. Most of them are sitting/standing around a side in the room.


Pointing toward the first large draw box while fixing a pair of glasses Kro stole from somewhere. - “ We went over in the meeting before, but reassuring never hurts; < Universal Level > as we call them are deities who usually never have Actual Functional Conceptual Powers, and when they do have most can't be used in Outer Verses. 


They're locked into that Verse where their powers come from, so they usually have very limited capabilities….


Be it limited by the specific way their powers work or energy that can be only found in their Verse, or if their divine powers come from a civilization’s prayers which won’t help them outside their comfort zone of a universe… Now moving on.”


Quickly Spinning the pen in her hands before hovering the tip over to another word. - “ Then we have < Multiversal Level >, perhaps the most complicated one out of the three given how it works overall. To be capable of using such Conceptual Powers you would have to make use of their ‘ Conceptual Energy ‘...


 Chaos Energy for one is the best example we have given its uniqueness which greatly varies from user and absurd abundance all over existence itself.” 


Taking a deep breath Kro stretched an arm towards Kronii, giving her the pen marker so the Warden would take on from there as at the end of the day it was a system the both of them simplified together after spending time around the Lab going back and forth Using each other's knowledge.


Grabbing the pen all smugly, Kronii walked over to the board. - “ As for the ones who bore such power, they are viewed as Gods or Above Gods seeing that we can manipulate reality depending on what their Concept Originates from.’’


 Demonstrating in practice she picks up the pen cap that was by the side, covering the cap in a blue grow while reversing time on it so the cap would go back to a moment in time when it didn't exist in its current form.


First, it got back to seeming rough shapes and colorless shapes before falling to only remain as the materials it was composed of until all that was left were electrons as well as all up and down quarks. She had basically made it so that it ceased to exist in a way.


Feeling what made the cap start to slip away, she is quick to reverse it, progressing the cap once more to its regular form... Grinning, Kronii flicks it towards Kro who catches it. 


 “ Although we can do a lot in our own Verse, in the grand scheme, our strength is limited solely to the Conceptual Energy when we leave our Home-Verse and its Timelines to travel to another Verse, giving up the absolute control over that Concept to only rely upon a lesser scaled version by solely utilizing it's fueling energy…Now…


That would end up being a different story for the likes of Mumei and Ina, right Kro?”


Confirming in a hum, Kro knew they already had touched this topic given how the other Pillars seemed to be carefully listening.


It appears the two blueheads managed to make a theory that even Bae understood! For now, she would try to add in the information while resuming even further what they had already.


“ Yeah, most of the information we talked about in the last meeting about Muun’s status as a True Anomaly is still coherent... 


The same can be said of Ina-chan. From what Muun and Ina explained, showed, and spoke their powers can manifest and manipulate their Concepts and their range of effects in all places with no exceptions, be in here or in another Verse their strength stays the same with no diminishment. Those are said to be < Omniversal Level >. 


Where both this infamous ‘ Fox ‘ and the Ancient Ones stand at its very Top for all we know.“ - Taking back her place by Fauna's side Kro swooped her arm across her forehead, cleaning a drop of sweat. 


At such a presentation Omega smiled while starting to clap, soon everyone joined in, even whistling came from the rat’s side. Waving her hands around as if thinking it was nothing much, Kro felt a vein almost pop in a deadpan when her very sister had her nose up as if asking for them to praise her more.


Flinching at the stare Kronii gave a glance at her sister before looking away, a bit shameful but still smiling proudly.


“ Splendid explanations, you two…. Going past that, Mis. Fox’s support also appeared to be associated with the troubles her daughters had brought to Universe’s 7 Earth while Mumei was absent…” - Calmly saying that, OA got many looks from the girls around the room, Kro and Fauna both shared the same reaction as their easy-going faces immediately warped into a frown.


Happy to see their dedication OA waved it off as not being a real problem, the so-called ‘daughters‘ didn't do much besides destroying an empty building from what she witnessed.


“ If Omega-Sama says so…. It still feels bizarrely strange for Outer Gods to be so careful in another's territory.” - Pondering about the situation, Sana in all her years of existence had already had a few encounters with Outer Gods.


As one of the oldest, she had been carrying the protection of the Multiverse and its Timelines with Kronii and Omega. They've seen a bit of everything in all these thousands of millennia.


Every time she or the others crashed against those Outer Gods who invaded, wishing to cause havoc at least one or two Solar Systems were bound to be destroyed as a consequence of their engagement…. Well for her and Kronii at least, Omega Alpha had her Full Power liberated to deal with those who didn't belong in her territory.


The Divine Law she forced herself upon a few millennia ago, giving the short girl even more power Power like no other beyond her Limits when anyone whom Divine Law considered an Outsider who didn't belong in her Verse had entered it. Even if she was held back by a lot given the rules to be unable to act in many scenarios inside her Reality, to be able to fight off Outside Interference she accepted such a Law!


Luckily or unluckily the Law she imposed back then had its holes, be it when Omega helped Mumei for good…. Or when she was deemed useless against the threat of Fu and Inarch given they're beings who are acknowledged by Divine Law as belonging inside her Territory.


The first, when she helped the bird it was completely allowed given how Mumei’s soul could be seen as an outside Deity of Civilization. So, handling it and giving her some bonus and fixing some screws using the ‘System’ she was able to make it work.


There's also Kro, who even though OA found herself ashamed to be using one of her daughter's Essence… Looking at the tall woman in front of her who stood on even ground with Kronii in terms of character and strength wiped away any regrets she could have upon seeing both interact so casually.


Now for the Second flaw, Fu's creation of Ina was a construct of pure insanity. Omega does not carry any ill intent towards the girl whose mind is that of a child, but her creator used said innocent girl as a weapon.


It left a disgusting taste in her mouth seeing how he probably also attempted the same to Mumei, a lecherous creature who she did search for any potential traces of his existence in the process of life and incarnation. Finding that all traces that had any connection to the Demon had just disappeared, even his future Incarnations had been replaced.


As for how his existence seemingly disappeared from all Timeliness? Well in better words ‘ He fucked around with the bird. And found out.‘, But what he found was a ticket to nothingness.


Returning to the conversation after a minute of thought while humming at the topic, Omega shrugged while explaining she didn't have much understanding of what was occurring in the ‘fox' territory besides noticing ones that had crashed into Earth had Ascended not long ago from what she could tell. Most likely just newborn Outer Gods who just stepped into Divinity.


After saying that, one of them even left some things for Mumei herself… Omega even asked how did the Outer Goddess know about the Owl.


She would receive her answer in the form of one of the two blueheads. Making an exasperated face, Kro thought it was someone else who had invaded Earth.


But hearing the explanation and asking OA for their appearance got Kro’s eyes ticking. The floaty girl summoned a holographic image of them.


One was a kitsune bearing multi-colored hair who she knew very well given the times she went over Mumei's memories back then. As for the second one she was fighting Kro knew too many that matched that appearance, pitch black hair and red eyes…. It was a familiar appearance but there were too many for her to differentiate where this one belonged to…


Sighing, Kro gave a short explanation saying Mumei knew that Kitsune for a while and both were on friendly terms, which as she expected was received with questionable looks before they just shrugged it off…. 


She frankly didn't want to go in-depth and appreciate how the others didn't linger further, as the way the bird knew the Outer Kitsune wasn't the most conventional…… How would she even go about it? - ‘ Oh Mumei knows that girl from a book she read-’ - Not even in her thoughts did such an explanation make sense.


Then again, she could transform and even came to the real world after Evolving from a System Core…. At this point, anything she considered and everything they thought about was viable to come into reality.


Omega knew there was more to it, but chose to just trust them, if there was something the Warden sister was leaving behind she must've had her reasons.


* SNAP * - Attracting the others' attention cracking her knuckles while sitting on a counter the redhead rat was about to start threatening whoever was attacking Mumei's home while the girl wasn't even there! In her mind that was the greatest act of cowardice imaginable. Sharp teeth showing in a growl, the rat was about to start dissing her heart out.


Before she could go into a rant that would take maybe a half hour, Iryis who was standing up by her side flicked the red one’s nose interrupting any further words from being thrown around. - “ For you to be so calm Omega-Sama, can I assume they didn't stay for long?”


Having been shut silent, Bae’s eyes sparkled with wonder, having her annoyance lower ever so slightly while glancing at the hovering Leader of the Pillars.


Stretching a hand forward, Omega created a tablet-sized holographic screen that showed the current state of Earth, from how the warriors now rested to the damage Fu’s minions had brought. 


 “ Nothing that can't be fixed with a finger snap from any Angel, they had no ill intentions whatsoever towards their surroundings besides their combat, so I had no problems with just ignoring them given Ms.Fox herself said to excuse her children playing…..”


Finishing her speech Omega took note of Kro’s eyes carving holes in a few of the screens she showed. - “ Kro, it's as you suspect. Those blue pieces that I briefly displayed close to the Earthling are Fragments of the Gift I had bestowed upon Mumei, or the so-called ‘System' as you guys liked calling it.”


Waving her petite hand towards Kro, the bluehead yelped, feeling the fragment she kept stored between her breasts had vanished. Now hovering about OA’s palm. - “ I desire to study their current predicament based on how they can be reused and find a reason as to what occurred to Mumei’s Essence and Soul after it was broken apart…


 I doubt such a ‘small’ thing as Essence fragmentation from the ‘System’ being torn apart would pose many problems to endanger her Current Soul seeing that Mumei has Ascended yet again… Dare I say the pieces of her Essence might have been forced back to the owner…


 I want to be sure of all of that, that is if you authorize me I would like to run experiments on these fragments, also, both you and Kronii are more than welcome to aid my trial of tests if you were to accept.”


Humming from her sister's side, standing beside Fauna who is trying her best to keep up. Kronii explained it wasn't a bad deal, they could solve any potential problems and find a way to re-use them on Kro since they were once part of the taller blue-haired girl.


Not seeing anything wrong with it Kro just accepted, if anything she might gain something from the fragments. Mumei never seemed to bother with the System functions besides abusing how convenient Inventory was…


Or should she put Kro’s old ‘body’ was?... If a blue screen can even be called a body that is.







Nevermind scratch that, Kro didn't mind Muun's nonchalant attitude toward the functions seeing how she always considered Kro herself a close friend more valuable given she could talk and receive opinions from.


That realization made Kro gain a faint blush and almost break out a silly broad smile before she pushed forth a pensive face, maybe she could try and regain those basic functions… 


The ones that gave away Cheat-Like always abilities seemed to be too good to be true. Now that she put a bit more thought into it getting more than three thousand parts to get the likes of ultra Instinct or ultra Ego always seemed absurd..


‘ It was a Gacha mechanic… 


Fu could very well have meddled before to add that function and make it give him some command over the main codes like he did blocking Muun from accessing the Inventory option when she attempted to Heal…. Another notable change he made was using Kronii’s Essence to change it further too, even though I'm certain that Omega's help was needed.


The Gift(System) at its very raw core was probably supposed to be mostly convenience-wise and support one… Aww- *mental sigh* - Always found it weird, but back then… I….’ 


Pushing those thoughts away Kro returned to reality when Fauna massaged her shoulder asking if she was alright, the leaf head could still read Kro’s emotions as she was part Saiyan.


“ If you don't mind Omega-Sama, I would like to give in a hand myself. Knowing the numerous ins and outs of various Souls, I might be able to be of some help.” - Taking a step forward and bowing ever so slightly, Iryis smiled at the aspect of helping the Owl once more, she had tried to spark some Hope in Mumei's heart in the past.


Now she would do so personally.


Smiling widely and accepting her in the project, Omega continued relating everything that had happened over each side, until finally reaching the part where a certain Grim Reaper and Phoenix action took part.


Explaining what she heard from Calli until a couple of steps echoed around the room and the pink lady herself stepped out from one of the chairs she had allocated in a darker corner of the Lab. This time albeit alone, Kiara had to stay back and return to the Otherworld as per OA’s request. 


Things there were getting pretty agitated with two of its big names going missing for so long.


“ Whoever that girly was, we had a damn bad time getting even a scratch on her. Who the fuck that brat even was, to begin with?!” - Indignant at the fact even after their arduous training all that strength served no purpose against the Void one, needing Bae’s help to put a true end to the clone they faced.


Calliope was pissed at a lot of things as well as excited.


Her anger came from hearing the re-telling of how useless she was against that clone, while excitement obviously showed in rivers given the strength level Kro and Fauna were at.


Mother Nature was understating, given her powers were through the roof after she trained as she was the Pillar of Nature and had who knows how many races mixed in her body, and a more diluted version of Saiyan’s powers. But still, an extravagant strength when paired with her Concept.


Now as for Kro, who was already said to be relative to a few of the stronger G.O.Ds in brute strength made the Shinigami wonder some things even if she knew that Kro’s current biology was based on Mumei's own before the Owl ascended. 


Nonetheless, the bird represented { Progress }…. Such explosive growth sprouts should've been expected from the very beginning.


Which was exclusive to her, that being said the only answer would be that even if Mumei hadn't been a Pillar her overall Potential would still be seemingly boundless. And the living proof of that was the same one’s wife, who if she was to power up to her maximum..


Calli judged Kro would match the likes of herself fully powered up, needing to use { Death } to a degree to win…


 Currently, the only thing limiting the Warden's sister was the fact she lacked a Concept to fight Conceptual Forces, but even without one if she were to power through there was the possibility of her overcoming even those with power and sheer will alone to a certain degree if she played her cards right.


It Made Calliope wonder…. How overwhelming would the strength of the slumbering bird be if she were to not hold back… Even though they did feel the shaking and crises her power growth brought to the Omniverse, it still itched Calli to one day try her luck.


‘ These gurl's do know how to get my blood pumping…. Anyway…’


On the side, Omega hid her small mouth using a hand not to display the small smile she bore towards Calli. - “ Oh you mean Ina-chan? She would be now Mumei's daughter, or so it appears.”


Following it without questioning much the pink head clenched both fists which ignited with black flames in a hyped way making it a new objective for herself. - “ THEN LET IT BE! Mumei's daughter! I'm gonna make her pay- Wait …. Daughter?.... Mumei!?….. Should…. both those words even be used in the same sentence to begin with or I'm starting  to hear things…”

Having her hype be overshadowed by wonder, Calli’s flaming fists dissipated.


Breaking in a giggling fit given the Pillar’s flabbergasted look, Omega waved a hand towards Kro and Fauna asking if they could explain it as the topic had finally reached the surprise. For her enjoyment OA already had received a full report from Kronii so this was pretty entertaining seeing all the girl's faces just start to ponder about the ‘how’s’ and when’s’.


She calmly kicked her feet in the air hearing Kro and Fauna take turns trying to explain the situation before Kronii stepped in to put technical details in to aid a bit more.


Sweating hearing the words being spilled out, Sana teleported to OA’s side and whispered asking if it was okay to take her in as one of them. She wasn’t against it and more so worried for the other's sake.


Not bothered one inch Omega just nodded. - “ As far as we comprehend she's just a Pillar similar to any of you, artificial or not her role as a Pillar is already concreted itself in our Verse…. You saw it as well, right Sana? The pit-black Crystal back in my palace is more than enough proof she bears the same fate as you girls. - * smiles * - And Mumei has gotten the small one under her wing already… She will grow to be a wonderful child.”


Humming happily at how joyful their mother figure was acting, the taller tanned girl couldn't hold a chuckle of her own. - “ Omega-Sama always has a bit of her attention on Meimei hmm…. Must feel good owning the youngest privileges~”


Not taking the teasing seriously Omega spoke out calling the others' attention back to herself given Calli had already been given an extreme resume of what had transpired so far adding to her knowledge of the Tako.


Now that everyone was back in focus her red rainbow-detailed eyes shifted from an easy-going shine into a more serious mood. - ‘’ Lastly what I ought to bring up is a point I was given from the same Miss. Fox, after this incident Mumei will be….’’


* CREAAAK * - Mood that was cut short by the sound of a wooden door being torn apart aggressively coming from somewhere outside along the corridor, Kronii flinched before running a hand through her face exasperated. She knew who the culprit was after hearing a loud, high-pitched - ‘ Fuck! ‘ - coming from the same direction.


The others hearing an annoyed mumbling closing in after the sudden cursing shout tried their best to hold in the laughter.


Already figuring out what must've happened, Omega shared a look with Kro before nodding.


Knowing what she meant, the blue one walked towards the Lab’s sliding door and pulled it open, meeting face to face with a certain feather head who had her eyes closed while yawning and scratching her toned abs. It seemed the bird was about to reach for the sliding door when the yawn caught her off guard.


Something that attracted Kro’s attention was the fact Mumei seemed to have grown another set of canines besides the four she already bore, totaling eight. She only added it to another one of the changes that had occurred to the girl after her outburst.


Soon she started to smile seeing the Owl was fine, Kro could only give her a deadpan glance before she kissed the girl on the cheek receiving back a happy humming, shortly after the bluehead returned to her proper place opening the way for the other party to enter.


‘’ Thank’ye mi’lady… But Mannnn…. My body still somehow feels sore as hel-..... Ouh yeah-  Oh Hai~ to ya’ll~…..’’ - Shooting a lazy wave towards the ones inside the room while going back to yawning a second time to the others' dismay, the clothes she wore were nothing more than some casual shirt and pants, paired with some flip-flops she ‘borrowed’ by Amelia’s bedside.


She had left Ina sleeping on the mattress and made her way towards the multiple energy signatures she felt. On the way, she was a bit thirsty so resolved to walk into the kitchen to see if she found any soda cans.


After entering and not having many problems opening the door, Mumei was confident she could hold back pretty well with the aid of the Limiting rings she had put back on.


However…. On the way out, just when she tried to close the door some of the rings in her fingers simply exploded into a small burst of black-yellow electricity, ending with the door part she gabbed being torn apart.


 Biting her inner lips Mumei focused like her life was on the line at the time as if she had just exited Taco Bell, eating her aura inside her body.


Then after taking care of the problems momentarily she cursed out loud and went over to the others, somehow keeping her aura in check for now but nonetheless she was feeling incredibly uncomfortable because of not knowing how much force she should exert for anything.








Now, with the Owl here, Omega pointed a finger toward her while the oversized white shirt she wore moved back and forth as she hovered above the ground before her transparent rainbow cloak materialized.


Soon putting a rainbow-colored protective barrier around the girl that lets Mumei sigh in relief not having to hold her aura inside. It was pretty hard, her power now felt strange, it was teasing and tickling her body to burst out at full glamour. Omega’s trick did nothing more than work as the Limiter rings that had been burst.


Seeing that everyone had momentarily forgotten the broken door, Omega spoke forth finishing her unfinished sentence from before.


‘’ Mumei after this Incident with Fu, could be considered a Catastrophic-Class Anomaly. Her Powers have evolved to bend the greater Reality to her Will, outside our Verse….- * motherly smile * -  I can say with precision, she is above me in the Divine Classification for Dietys…. She has become an existence resembling the Ancient ones… I ask myself if her Essence is even endangered anymore at such a level…’’


Just having arrived, Mumei’s feathers twitch around at the mention of her next targets. - ‘’ I’mma fucking what now?... Sounds like I’m some type of freaky-ass Kaiju when you put like that lil’ boss…  Baddass tho…’’


Getting a few laughs left and right around the room the bird’s eyes hover towards a certain Reaper who stood up from where she was sitting, walking and grinning until she was within striking distance. Acting quickly both Sana and Kronii raised a Field around the two.


“ Heya birdie, nice to meet ya!” - Grinning, Calli’s hands were slowly eaten away by black flames.


Scratching her nose and sharing the same smile. - “ The feelin' is mutual, pinky!” - Mumei’s hype was cut short as she reminded herself…. She didn't get used to her current strength, the only thing holding her aura right now was Omega's help.


Calliope swung both arms back beside her head as if she were swinging something, and when they were fully positioned her whole body ignited in Divine Ki black flames creating shortly after a scythe burned to life in her palms.


Not even exchanging a word, both girls shared a knowing look, Mumei’s own nonetheless screamed - ‘ Bring it! ’.


Shouting Calli swung forward putting in quite the effort, the Fields held up just fine until they shook slightly when Muun moved, briefly, her eyes flickered into a strange symbol that went away just as fast, shocking both Space and Time Pillars that their barriers twitched like that. It was just an involuntary reaction of her body's Instincts coming forth. 


However, those eyes were quickly shushed away once there was no real threat, Bloodlust, or Danger detected. 


Inside the field, a curtain of black flames rose for a moment before it settled down showcasing Mumei holding the blade of the scythe sides using both palms, Calliope's hands trembled in place as she tried to apply more force but ended up not even moving the blade an inch away from the Owl's grasp.


. ‘’ ...Yeeeah... - * Sweats * - .... How bout we chill a lil’ now Calli?.... Don’t wanna hurt ya…Annnd you'll have to excuse me here, right now even I, myself don't know my limits Ehehehe.’’


Mumei was still somewhat mentally sore after using Chaos, and that didn't help her one bit to know how much power she should exert right now, she was without a few rings too so things could get ugly quickly… 


Luckily she had pushed out just enough to stop the Reaper’s test attack, and she didn't try to shove excessive strength that might seriously hurt the other party…. But even she was taken aback that she only needed this much…..


On the other hand, Omega Alpha seeing how Mumei acted gaped with a small shocked face that even if for a frame of a second of bringing Primal chaos out would have such overpowering results.


However, she was quick to shake it off and sighed understanding that she would have to do something herself so one of her daughters wouldn't go around killing people by doing high fives or handshakes.


As for Muun? Well, she got reminded once more why she didn't train seriously in the past… In the back of her head, she grimaced thinking she might have lost the fun in what she loved the most again….


 However, seeing what came their way Mumei knew her own love for combat wouldn't justify seeing Kro, Fauna, and the other two brats as well as anyone else in a similar state to near death or actual death again.


 And what had made a cold run down Calli’s spine was the fact that for her the Owl was still in her base, she wasn't able to catch the fleeting time Mumei’s Chaos had spiked up.


Dissolving her weapon and powers, Calliope laughed loudly patting Mumei’s shoulder. - ‘’ Ahhh… It’s my defeat Mumei…. - * wide grin * - … Though I still want a round after I Ascend to True Pillar… The Otherworld Tournament that’s happening next year seems like a good spot, what ya think?’’


Pulling her arm back, Calli swooped it forward seeing Mumei do the same while still feeling flabbergasted at her own strength. Ending up in a ‘ World Ending ’ dab up. - ‘’ Bet. ‘’


Finishing their ‘Bro moment’ the other Pillars watched how the two light-headed fighting maniacs started to chat about Martial Arts, mostly Calli questioning Mumei about certain moves she has seen the bird pulling and such for her own benefit.


Soon enough Bae jumped from her place and tried joining in just to almost cry like a baby given how many critiques she was receiving from both Fighters.


She even tried to make a comeback by crying out that she had the power to back up her lack of Skill! Which propelled both Mumei and Calli to look at each other before bonking the Rat using karate chops asking if she was an idiot. 


“ Your form before we entered that shitty Chamber was pretty ass, stiff as hell, even more after I got Primal Owl, then I started being able to predict ya base-speed moves to a point…. And I gotta say, when you were punching it reminded me of those teenagers who watched anime for like, over twenty years and now found themselves in a bar fight!


 I didn't think much becuz your instincts are pretty good so we built up your knowledge using all Styles the dozens of Martial Art moves and techs I stol- * cough * - Borrowed… But damn even your Angel said you slacked after Calli stopped training ya!” 


Shooting an imaginary spear that would pierce Bae’s every time she spoke, Mumei complained now that they had the time. The rat had good Instincts and overall Absurd Speed and Strength… But her Martial Art was absurdly lacking for someone who lived for who knows how many millennia.


The feeling of frustration built up while Bae held her chest, those words put a dent in her. -“ Meimei… you're the crazy wanker here! Do ya even know how absolute bullshit is it to grow that much in strength and skill in what?!  A frickin few years!? Look at fucking Calli for God's sake!” 


Pointing a finger towards Calliope while almost throwing hands with Mumei, Bae was baffled that if there was someone who should be saying something about another person's Growth it could be anyone minus the actual impersonation of it!


Sweating at the redhead's words, Mumei called for support in the battle. Sighing loudly to gain their attention, Calli did put her own opinion as well.


“ As Mumei says. I thought you kept up after leaving my tutoring…. Seems like I was wrong, I wonder if you could block my scythe by solely using Godly Ki now, or would end up using  Destruction… And yeah, Mumei for more than I know you're the one here with very likely the most built-up skill given your unreasonable adaptability mid-combat, ya want it or not you're a walking cheat.” 


 Piercing even more imaginary spears coming from the disses, the Rat who begged for mercy fake-cried for them to stop while our Owl was sent to cloud nine thinking if she was expecting too much of others to begin with.


Mumei so far was surrounded by what one could call the ‘genius’ of their respective races. Be it Humans or Saiyans, even a Namekian who was super intelligent…. It made her want to walk around Earth after so long… 


All these Universe-Eradicating people were distorting her senses to a point where she forgot a normal human couldn't destroy a wall, and even with a sledgehammer, it would take quite a while.


 Only pushing out a strong grimace, the pink head was hyped to fight strong people like these two… Although it seemed like one of them had focused so much on power alone they left skill aside, while the other feathered one forgot what the ‘normal gain’ for hard work was long-long ago.


It could be seen in the usage of Chaos both Rat and Owl bore. Creating respective variants for each of them.


While Baelz focused on something much simplified focusing such as Absolute Power, Domination, and Destruction. She did make an out-of-the-box feat from time to time, but the - ‘ I'mma throw a Planet/Star at it! ‘ - Mentality was always something she couldn't see someone surviving, even more so when adding Destruction(Hakai) to the mix.


Mumei's version made use of her unexpected playful Martial Arts which many whom she fought couldn't take a read of, she was unpredictable. And so Primal Chaos reflected that, even being powered further by her ways and Progress.


Their synergy apart, Omega giggled wondering if they had already forgotten the topic she just brought up.


Face slapping herself while walking into the trio’s way, Kro's stern face was enough to break Mumei out of her conversation. Even giving her a chill down the spine when the blue lady points her index to Omega who waves softly to the Owl.


Excusing herself from her duo and leaving Calli there still going about having to re-educate the rat.


Stopping in front of Sana and OA, Mumei didn't know much about what to do right so she just rolled with it. - “ Soooo… You need something Smool Boss?” 


Her response came in the form of a head pat - “ Later after leaving here I will converse with Shin(Dainshinkan) about some topics and go to Earth or ask Kro to give you a gift observing your struggles to keep a hold of these newfound powers of yours…. Besides that, In six months Earth’s time, would you mind coming to my Palace?....


 I might need to introduce you to someone. It was one of her requests, fret not as they have no ill intentions towards you.” 


With Sana’s eyes widening as she was about to step up to say she would also attend, a simply nonchalant head shake from Omega pushed her to stay put in her duties, and so she sat down with a defeated sigh. Seems like the Oldest wouldn't be able to help much this time.


“ As for the ‘ Catastrophic-Anomaly, ‘ I brought fort. - * giggles * - It seems to be more of a title for those who can just mold Multiple Realities on a whim, unlike a regular Anomaly who can change their surroundings independent of where they stand with their abilities….


 The ones such as you who bear that title hold a reputation of being rather troublesome in the eyes of the Higher Outer Gods, and even though they don't know of your appearance many of them still fear your capabilities and the unknown possibilities of what more could come from you. ‘’


Omega being more happy than usual got Mumei feeling a bit strange given her tone was carrying a bit of mischief, she just got something that labeled her as a true monster among monsters. 


And so after accepting the gift that would save her ass from the struggle of having to hold back her strength which had become even more rampaging, she asked why OA was so happy.


Just to receive a full-on Star Wars wall of text in speech format about how there would be no Outside Divine Intruders seeing that no matter the Timeline, Universe, or World they would feel like Mumei's presence in it given she’s a Conceptual Pillar in their Verse.


All as a side effect of her breaking through the place known as ‘ In-Between Dimension ’, leaving in it Mumei’s energy signature that even if Timelines away should be more than enough to scare them away, and Omega would accomplish it by linking the Owl's Conceptual Crystal with Kronii's. 


It wouldn't change anything in the crystals as per se, but given Kronii's influence covered their whole Verse. It should serve as a warning carrying the energy of the one that shook the Omniverse.


And while clapping both hands together Omega said all delighted. - “ And I desire is that to be sufficient to drive them to run away with their tails between those legs of theirs like the stray canines they are.” - Finishing with a very warm smile that didn't match what she just said one bit.


“ Not gonna lie…. You make me sound like sum type of Metal Gear to deal with all the crap that may come our way. - * wide grin * - Alrighty then! Might as well be a weapon that surpasses Metal Gear then!” - Leaving the creator of all in confusion, Mumei looks away remembering her references didn't work with many besides Kro.


However, the way the Owl understood got Omega to open her eyes wide and panicked waving her arms around trying to break the misunderstanding. - “ Nononono- Mumei! I didn't mean to refer to you as a weapon! Perdo-” - She was about to start apologizing when Muun walked close to her and poked the small whitehead’s cheek.


“ Dis nun but a joke lil’ Boss~ Don't need to sweat over it.“ - Showing a closed eye wide grin before taking a few steps back to her original place.


Leaving Omega to just stare in awe shortly before breaking out a small burst of giggles. The others around the room nodded at how the bird had dealt with the situation.


Seeing the awkward smile the Owl developed after walking away got Kro walking forward while playfully pulling on Mumei's facial cheek. - “ Don't bother much about it, Omega-sama. I will make sure to remind her in six months.”


“ Hey! Even I won't forgesh shomething from the Smoll bossh ya know.” - As soon as she said that Kro shot a look at a bird that screamed ‘Oh, really?’, the blue head already got used to having to remind Mumei of things.


Taken back by the sudden glare, all that was left to Mumei was to accept her defeat. - “ Oukay..… There's a lil’ over ten percent of a chance I MIGHT forget… I'm saying it's a big IF ya know!….”


“ * sigh* - Anyway, I think it's time for us to return home and see how everyone is doing. Hope you girls have a good day as we have to check with this battlejunkie’s friends and make sure she gets a hold of herself enough as to not break all the doors she touches. Let's go, Fauna.” - Turning around and pulling Mumei by the face, Kro wanted a segment of peace after all this spectacular stuff happening left and right.


Trying to persuade Kro to let off her face but to no success the one being pulled away was left with only one option. - “ Ow! Ow! Ow! See y'all later!” - Waving them goodbye to the best of her capabilities.


* Vuush * - Opening the sliding door, Kro was ready to step outside when Omega's petite red-rainbow iris lit up remembering something that made the leaving couple stop for a moment and look back.


“ OH! Mumei, if it's not a hassle would you mind filling me in on what uses you've found for the Concepts you possess? Usually, I keep that information to aid you girls further.” - Gently smiling while hovering she summoned a thick book out of thin air, the cover was just a white clover with golden treads for details.


Being let free for a moment, Muun massaged her face idly before nodding and going over what she found so far. - “ Well, might as well help I guess, so I don't really mind. Do I just say what I've felt and done so far? Because it's a strange thing since most of what I can do comes naturally to me as I use them instinctively.”


Saying that made most Pillars around the room widen their eyes in different shows of amusement, some of them had more difficulty than others in reaching the level the Owl was referring to.


For one's Concept to fall under the every-day use type of power, you have to grow accustomed to it, which means Mumei already had developed a great mastery over them in such a short time after awakening as a Pillar.


Happy to hear the Owl agreeing, Omega mentioned with her a wave of the hand for the bird to go while she engraved the words into the book, and knowing Mumei… Omega was ready to resume it a less…. Casual way, to say the least.


Shrugging and cupping her hands under her chin, Mumei nodded and started speaking while a pensive face twisted her facial expressions following her thoughts.


“ Better start with the one that I know the most of so far hmm…. Okay! I'mma do it!” - Getting past her thoughts she cracked both knuckles and started rambling and moving her arms around as if to paint a bigger picture.


“ Sooooo Progress! It's what it's, it involves growth from what I've noticed so far. But I dunno if it's becuz I already had access to it to some extent or my whole Potential playing a role didn't change my way of going about things.


THOUGH! I can relate it was pushing my Instincts and skills further and further in both stances. I had to go full out, it was nuts now that I think about it…. At some point I had to start lowering my guard here and there to have fun back in the Void…. - * Clenches fist * - It coupled with Primal Owl could very be said to be absolute Power, it matches my fighting style and gives me room to basically adapt to anything…”


Laughing sarcastically Mumei remembers how after she was in the Void for a long period she somehow grew to adapt to that environment, - ‘ I'MMA EFFING UPDATED MAHORAGA! ’ -, Shaking her head to get rid of stray thought she goes back to the main topic.


“ But I did notice it seems to not stay stuck to my battle abilities, it might sound silly as hell but… I got crazy good at basketball after playing for less than an hour… Tho when I was attempting to cook it seemed to have the opposite effect…. Felt like I was progressing backwards?...” - Sharing a complicated grin with Omega, she couldn't bring up how she dunked those kids and some Time Patrollers without even needing to rely much on overwhelming speed and strength.


Or how she lit up the kitchen when she was following a recipe to make spaghetti, that day she somehow managed to make the usual sauce look like and taste exactly like poison…. So she just destroyed the thing and ate a couple of cups of noodles she found… 


Silence fell into the room for a second, Omega's mouth ends twitched while she looked at the book that hovered in front of her. Strange words appeared out of thin air in paragraphs, though she didn't stop Mumei and only nodded.


The others around the room did hear the last bit but were more thoughtful about the consequences of it, the potential of growth of being able to Progress at everything no matter the task.


Seeing the silence was about to go on for a bit too long Kro arches an eyebrow and takes a step close behind Mumei delivering a light slap on the Owl's butt causing her to jump a little.


Sharing a deadpan with the bluehead that now whistled and stood in her former place, seeing the shameful act Kronii in the other side of the room almost stepped up to reprimand her sister about not doing such things in front of Omega Alpha! 


She sighed in shame with a large blush before deciding against it, staying in silence while glaring daggers at her taller twin.


After the slap all that was left to Mumei was to shrug and go back in, she didn't mind it but it was so out of nowhere that it got her off guard… But then again…. The one behind her was also the one who made bold moves in the past….


* Ahem! * - “ Anyway! Ignoring all… dat…. What I explained is what I noticed from Progress, now the second one I had a long story with…. Chaos, or as I’mma call it - < Primal Chaos > - given it did force itself to go on top of Primal Owl at the time….. - * whispers * - Talk about stacking powers. First, my Ultimate went to my Kaiju-like Owl state, making Primal Owl(Ssj4) fundamentally Ultimate Ssj4… Now even Chaos went to it…. I'm turning into Super Goku at this point….


* Cough * - I can't explain much besides…. That ‘Me’ was acting on pure Instinct while some feelings guided her, she had one mission and went away after accomplishing it, which is weird putting it like that I know…. But all I could take out from the experience was that she has a mission…


I….had a mission, to end Fu’s existence after seeing what his actions brought to Kro, Fauna, Gura… and Ame, for that alone everything in between that objective and me was just…. 




For a moment there, Mumei got a glimpse of what she saw that day which made her sclera start to turn black and slowly start to have a few yellowish veins show themselves. 


Everyone lying on the ground in a pound of their blood and Amelia's head hanging in Gura's arms, it almost made Muun's aura that she had been trying her best to keep in to burst out in a nuclear-like explosion inside the room.


Seeing the Owl's face lose some of its original outgoing feeling and some sparkles of black-yellow electricity appearing, Omega was quicker than Kronii and Fauna who had both noticed the change, teleporting in front of the Mumei and pat her head a few times while emitting a gentle aura that brought the brown haired girl back to reality as she blinked her eyes a few times.


The sudden action made Mumei huff understanding she lost for a moment there, and dryly chuckle hearing OA’s - “ Don't worry about Chaos…. I mean Primal Chaos as you named it, even if it's incredibly interesting we already have an idea of its capacities with Bae's own Concept and Kronii's report about what transpired.”


Deviating from the topic, Omega asked to just jump over to the last one before teleporting back to her book and nodding towards the blue and green girls who now stood behind Muun for precaution.


They had asked if the ever-grinning one was okay and surprisingly immediately after OA’s words the bird’s mood sprung back up because she did have a lot to say about the last topic…. Not good things.


Fauna felt her chest heavy at first and pouted before jumping on Mumei's back and hanging like a cape, her arms locked around the other's neck and her chin lazily resting on Mumei's shoulder. Seeing the action, Kro, who was now acting like she hadn't slapped someone's ass, walked up to one of the bird’s arms.


Wrapping her chest around and also resting her head onto the one free shoulder in a head tilt. The one who was being used as a supporting table stood in place without any change of expression, it was like she hadn't even felt any discomfort….


 Well besides the pairs of breasts pressed on her that made Muun blush a bit, it was badly perceived. Different from the monkey tail that was wrapped around her waist until recently, now it just moved back and forth repeatedly akin to a joyful puppy leaving the onlookers to giggle.


Even Bae laughed mockingly before receiving a slap to the back of her head from Iryis, glaring back at the Nephilim holding her head using both hands she squeaked involuntarily, the half-demon shot the rat a glare the shouted - ‘ You do the same most of the time. Don't mock her.’


Redtail fell while her head did the same before Iryis sighed and held Bae’s hand looking back at the main characters in the room today. The small action, just like she thought, brought life to Bae’s tail as it waved rapidly back and forth while the owner sported a wide smile.


Now with the threat of the Nuke(Mumei) being defused and secured, she was left to go on about the last Concept and she found out about it ever since she had Re-Awakened it.


“ Civilization huh…. Hmmmm…. I dunno, so far the most useful thing it did was let me sense when there are a lot of people to be considered a civilization if I concentrate enough. Tho I came to Kronton, I mostly felt those people around here, only when I hunted down Fu I started feeling other planets and such… Luckily it did help me to stop the useless killing, thinking about it Ina-chan seemed to have some good senses too as she always teleported to deserted worlds.


There’s also one thing that back in the day used to be my biggest weapon though…. Which I gotta say it’s utterly useless now, and makes me wanna throw up just remembering it… The power-up it gives taking into account how many individuals a Civilization has alive is…. 


Even ‘small’ would be putting it lightly, I pretty much can earn that much power doing almost nothing!” - Increasingly speeding up her words, Mumei's anger evidently started to be shown as she tried to keep her head up and explain it.


But different from her stream of thoughts, a calming voice came from her shoulder. - “ Muun…. Don't lie to yourself…” - Fauna hugging the bird's neck tightened her lock while caressing her cheeks against Mumei's while pouting ever so slightly.


Hearing her words, Omega stops writing for a moment and looks at Mumei as if saying she didn't need to speak if she didn't wish to.


All these actions around her got the Owl awkward, and groaning after Kro also nudged her head towards Muun's neck, she finally let out.


“ OKAY! OKAY!..... I fucking hate how it feels, y'all happy now?….. I was forcibly ‘fed’ billions of souls Essences, AT ONCE… And becuz every time I borrow that useless power it comes with the said Civilization's strongest emotions. Back then I stood strong as a wall for hundreds of years feeling all that anger and sadness from humans.


Every-Fucking-Time! I wanted to grow stronger? I had to ‘man-up’ and take those feelings, keep an innocent smiley-smiley bullshit of a face, and go out fighting some giant-ass lizard that spits atomic breasts or some shit…. Then that Fu-cker shoved what I hated the most down my ‘throat’ multiplied by a few billion times…


 Damn, that without context sounds wrong….


Anyway, it doesn't change the fact that it's a useless power-up that doesn't even work as a multiplier and more so enough to make someone a superhuman that can destroy a few buildings at max. I might try to find more uses later if I'm in the mood…. Tsk… Even tho it already screwed up my current mood-…OW! OUCH! KRO! GODAMNIT!“


Pulling on the angry bird’s face, Kro knew this was a sensitive topic…. But Mumei had already gone over it, she probably was just annoyed and her pride as a Saiyan was kicking in at the idea of having to draw power from people who probably treated her like disposable trash back then…


Shooting everyone around the room a smile and short bow, she signaled to Fauna that they should go. Getting the message the leafhead hopped off Muun’s back.


Having Fauna off, they start strolling outside with Kro pulling her ‘property’, she had many things to talk about with Mumei who was complaining a lot. - “ I'm not even pulling that strong Muun…” - And many of them involved their future going forward, and she saw a strange worry in the bird’s eyes that she would talk out later. 


 “ Emotional Damage counts too ya’know!” - Mumei's voice could be heard getting further away as she and Kro started their back-and-forth conversation.


Following their exit, the last of the trio prepared to follow. - “ Uum! - * Nods* - I'm going too…Bye everyone.” - She softly said before doing a short bow and following the other two who left, Nature didn't want to fall short behind herself.


Being left alone there given the trio’s escape, the Pillars looked at each other for a good few seconds before breaking giggling, or laughing to themselves. 


Taking back her seat after a long exasperation, Calliope couldn't help but smile. - “ Are they married yet? If they aren't, they should hurry up. Already even got a Kiddo now. ” - The scene that followed such a serious conversation was too comical in her eyes, Kro must've had her reasons but carrying possibly the strongest Pillar away like that….  It was funny to witness.


“ Nah, they were rambling sum bout getting a place to stuff their things in before doing dat. “ - Shrugging from her side now holding happily to Iryis’s hand, Bae also grinned like the devil, running her free hand under her chin thinking if she should ask Muun to be a Maid of Honor when it took place.


Playful doing what Kro did to Bae, Iryis pulled the rat's face grinning. - “ I know what you're thinking~ And I already asked Kro to let me be one~ Ehehe.”


“ YOU WUT!? DATS CHEATING YA HALF DEMON!” - Indignant at the reveal the redhead started to also pull the Nephilim’s face until both started to pull one another almost falling to the ground.


Deadpanning the situation before looking at each other, Kronii and Sana shrugged before looking at Omega Alpha.


Who kept a calming smile. - “ We have duties to fulfill. Sana and I are going to fix what remains of Kronton before proceeding to see what more needs remedying. You all are free to go for now, Kronii if you don't mind will you please get the others back to my Palace as their respective Angels should be waiting to bring them home.”


“ “ As you wish Omega-sama! “ “ - Space and Time both bowed before getting going for their duties, Sana just disappeared going to help whatever they needed around Kronton or any Spacial cracks that might have been left while Kronii waved to the other three to follow her as she would get Mumei and the others and go home.


The Warden still had Gura's place to fix as per Mumei's request. Usually, she wouldn't get involved but seeing who had asked and the situation was Fu’s fault…. She would make an exception this time.


Watching them leave had brought even more joy to OA, things might have finally returned to peace. At the very least their Verse was no longer endangered.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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