A Sinner's Eden

Ch 100 - EVO

***Tirnanog, Mount Aerie***


I was awoken from my sweet sleep on the living room couch by the insistent whine of a very loud and dangerous-sounding siren.

My main-me was still trying to figure out what the heck was going on while my sub-identities were already on the move, rolling my body off the couch and running off to the entrance corridor where my equipment was stored. The armour slipped on with practised movements as Astra joined me from the bedroom.

The more I got used to partitioning my consciousness, the less I was thinking about it. But it were moments like these during which the true disturbing inhumanity of the ability resurfaced in its full, terrifying glory.

There was a particular element of surprise to it if your body suddenly started moving without your conscious will behind it. Kind of like a reflex, but much more disturbing.

I was already fully geared and leaving our private quarters by the time I truly woke up and the sub-identities on watch duty reintegrated with the main-me. Astra was marching next to me with the blank expression of a sleepwalker when we left our private quarters, indicating she was also in a semi-autopiloted state.

Outside, we encountered more members of our strata on their way to the estate's entrance hall where we found Sullivan standing on the receptionist's desk while barking orders and handing out instructions written on sheets of paper. The arms master had been on night shift and was now apparently calling for a full mobilization of the strata.

“What happened?” Astra called over the crowd as soon as she snapped out of her daze.

“The fleet reached Jeng,” Sullivan replied while handing out notes. “The Thich attacked them and the situation is dire. The elders decided to call for reinforcements. Everyone who isn't in the reserves to ensure the colony's safety is called upon to go through the wormgate now.”

“What about keeping the gate a secret?” I asked, perplexed.

“Haven't I said it's bad?” Sullivan replied a little incensed. “Who cares about a secret gate when we are about to lose a third of the people who might fight on our side?”

The situation with clan Jeng was that bad? Well, if he put it this way... fuck secrets.

“Get to the wormgate,” Sullivan gestured. “I am sure you two don't need transportation.”

I took Astra by the arm and pulled her towards the exit. As soon as we left the estate, we took the connection tunnel leading to Gilbert's estate where the wormgate was set up.

“We should have placed the jaunt-point closer to the gate,” I complained, even though I knew it wouldn't have worked. That close to a gate, even a small one like the wormgate, a jaunt-point wouldn't be stable and deteriorate to uselessness quickly, depending on how much the gate was used.

It was why we had to move the jaunt-point at the Old Camp a little further up north to zipper shit creek – knowing that Earth's gate connection heavily influenced the area around the Old Camp.

We now had jaunt-points at Hochberg, the Old Camp, and in our quarters at Mount Aerie. The only place we couldn't reach easily was the fleet since it was constantly on the move. But in a way, the wormgate took care of that problem despite being less convenient than a jaunt-point.

“Doesn't matter where we put it,” Astra retorted. “As long as we can't place the jaunts close to each other or a wormhole, there will always be some inconvenience involved. I for my part would rather have one at home.”

“About yesterday...” Since Astra seemed less moody than yesterday, I decided to try my luck by probing the waters. “How long do I have to keep sleeping on the couch?”

“Till Isaac stops having nightmares, you bastard!” Astra shot back. “You traumatized the poor child! What a bright idea to have him watch baby molerats being fed to the treemonae! Haven't I shown you how the feeding animals get torn to bits between the filaments with guts flying all over? How could you show that to Isaac?”

I sighed inwardly. “I guess that's fair. Though you have to admit he didn't leave our side the entire evening. And he apologized to you.”

The long-term effects of my educational treatment had yet to be seen. Personally, I believed Isaac had understood the lesson I tried to impart.

“He would have done that anyway once I was done with him,” Astra chided.

“Says she,” I mocked and received a light lashing from one of her filaments, to which I responded by running faster. The truth of the matter was, Isaac couldn't have been forgiven any faster for scrapping Astra's music player.

Yes, my way of giving the boy a reality check was harsh, maybe a little overdone, but I was sure he would bounce back from the experience soon enough. I also recovered when my father took me hunting and forced me to gut the deer he caught.

It wasn’t like I gave the boy a beating – just showed him the reality of the world he lived in. A few days of recovery and he would be just fine. Children were like that.

We postponed the argument as soon as we reached Gilbert's estate. The guard contingent ran us through an abbreviated version of the authentication process and we were cleared for access to the wormgate. Despite the medical check we had to go through, we were in fact cutting a long line of warriors and supplies, which was only possible thanks to our status.

The other side of the gate was controlled chaos. People were everywhere as not only combatants but also members of all militarily relevant professions spilled out of the gate and had to be organized.

Once again, a helpful attendant took us to the side which allowed us to bypass most delays.

A few minutes later, we found ourselves on the flagship's observation platform. Sadly, the overwhelming atmosphere of chaotic urgency was no different here.

It looked like shit had truly hit the proverbial fan, making me wonder what the tactical situation looked like.

After two minutes of waiting, we found ourselves at a table with the elders Skye and Juliana, as well as matriarch Vanya with one of her attendants.

A strangely familiar attendant, as my Second Sight revealed. “Why is the Thich here?” I asked Vanya.

The matriarch blinked at me in obvious dismay. “Why does everyone have skills which allow them to identify people at a glance? It's just unfair!”

Juliana raised a hand. “Not the time.”

Then she addressed us. “Be assured that the matter is addressed and of no issue right now. We need you two to run some errands and come back as fast as you can.”

“Forget about my bodyguard and errands!” Vanya exclaimed. “How are the two of them here? I thought they were supposed to be with the Old Camp liberation party!”

“We... flew?” I suggested as sincerely as I could.

Vanya crossed her arms. “It takes an airship several days to travel between the Old Camp and Jeng. Even if you took a drake and risked the flight on your own, there is just no way.”

Juliana shut down the matriarch with a wave of her hand. “We are allies and Aerie decided to share some of our secrets in having the two show up here. But we aren't obligated to hand over all the details about the various modes of transportation we have access to. I can only assure you that – should the situation require it – we will share. I am very sure you and your people have your own secrets.”

For a small moment, Vanya looked like a child about to throw a tantrum. But when she looked into Juliana's eyes, she clearly reconsidered and nodded. “I guess I can't argue against this mutual relationship. Everyone has their secrets. At least it explains the 'presumably' nonsensical orders you had me prepare.”

The elder returned her attention to us. “Astra, I need you to get this folder to Hochberg as quickly as possible. Hand them to the first official you find and return to us. Magnus, this folder is for the Old Camp. The same goes for you.”

“What about the fighting?” I asked while I took the offered documents.

Juliana dismissed the question. “For the moment, your mobility far outweighs any impact you could have on the field. Now go. Time is of the essence. This won't be over quick, leaving plenty of fighting for the two of you once you return.”

I didn't want to imply I 'wanted' to fight. Rather, I wanted to know what was going on.

But I didn't bother to correct the elder whose attention had already turned to an attendant who gave a short-worded report on Jeng positions being overrun.

Meaning, Astra and I were dismissed.

I sighed while Astra and I walked away. Using a single filament, I established a secure connection with her through our special communication mode.

'How are we going to do this? Set up a jaunt point here?'

'We can't place a jaunt in a moving airship,' Astra pointed out. 'And judging by the chaos in here, the outside is a battlefield. As inconvenient as it may seem, maybe we should just deliver the orders and then jaunt back to Mount Aerie, then take the wormgate again.'

I mulled it over for a moment and nodded. 'Seems like the best solution. Let's meet at Aerie in half an hour?'

Astra nodded and thought for a moment. “Don’t make a fuss if it takes an hour. I figure showing up at Hochberg with an urgent missive might raise some questions.”

We searched out a more private area of the airship. The corridors to the living quarters were practically abandoned right now and once we had verified there were no observers present, Astra took a few running steps before she jaunted and was gone.

I followed her example, focusing on the jaunt point at zipper shit creek as I exerted as much power as possible to form the right energy field. The world distorted and I found myself at the desired destination.

The area was reasonably safe for a human of my current power level and I made my way to the Old Camp without too many interruptions.

Once I arrived, I found only four ships hovering above the Old Camp. Two more were grounded next to the bunker with ongoing repair works clearly visible. Meaning, two of the undamaged ships were missing.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I flash-stepped the rest of the way, even if doing so continuously was exhausting.

I wasn’t willing to try my luck with an experiment. Flash-stepping all the way up to Conla’s flagship would have been cool, but a slight miscalculation might have undesirable consequences. So I did the responsible thing and found myself a drake rider at the bunker who took me up to the flagship.

A few minutes later I was at the flagship’s observation platform where Conla was conferring with elder Bruce and Tianna.

“What’s up!” I asked as soon as I was in comfortable speaking range. “I found two airships missing when I came back. Did something happen?”

Conla shook her head. “No. Elder Annie Kline took two airships northwards to check the shelters for more survivors.”

I raised an eyebrow. “How generous of her.”

“She also wants to retrieve the body of her granddaughter,” Bruce pointed out quite frankly. “If there is something to retrieve.”

“Oh.” How could I have forgotten? “We closed the shelter with the bodies inside after the Thich attack. I mean, there should be something… though I can’t imagine it to be pretty.”

“I am sure she just wants the remains in their family crypt,” Conla pointed at the documents in my hand. “I see you have something for me.”

“Right!” I handed her the folder. “Directly from high command.”

Conla threw a glance at Tianna who was listening very interestedly.

I waved a hand. “Just read the missive. I am sure it answers most of your questions. I myself wasn’t given the whole picture when I was at Jeng. Let’s just say Juliana ordered what looks like a full mobilization and that Thich attacked Jeng.”

***Tirnanog, Mount Aerie***


“-up! Wake up!”

I groggily opened my eyes and growled while my hand began fumbling for the knife beneath my pillow. “If this isn't something urgent, I will skin someone and hang their hide on the door to my private quarters! What is it with this new generation not honouring an old woman's privacy and sleep?”

The attendant who had woken me up gulped and took a step away from my bed as soon as I turned my attention to her.

Isaac was in her arms and waved as soon as I looked at him.

I stared at the kid who had become entirely too familiar with me and glared at the frightened woman until I finally remembered her name. Maybe I wouldn't exactly skin her in front of the boy, but a beating was still an option. “Fifi! Speak. Now.”

“Th- th- the elders declared a state of emergency! You and the other ancients are requested to take care of affairs at home until-”

“Why can't the administrative body take care of matters!” I barked.

“Clan Jeng was attacked. I- I- I don't know how bad it is, but if the reports are true, the Ancient Grove is destroyed. They are evacuating everyone they can through the wormgate. We are about to get a lot of refugees and we don't know where to put them.”

“The bugs are coming to my home?” I blinked. “Who allowed those kids to invite foreigners to the mountain? I don't want the bugs here!” By Gaia, I had enough of those fuckers and their nitpicking during the war. I was glad I could retreat to the mountains once everything was said and done!

“Th- th- they are people too!” Fifi stuttered. “And m- my name is Fiona. Could you s- stop waving the k- knife around? Y- You are making me nervous.”

“When did this happen?” I asked.

“A few hours ago,” Fifi answered.

“If it’s that bad, then why are you waking me up only now!?”

The attendant gave the alarm bell above the door of my bedroom a pointed look. It had a fist-sized hole which perfectly matched the size of my hand.

I grumbled and got out of bed.

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