A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

27. A mysterious and strange book

[Third Person POV]

On a stage, in front of hundreds of cameras, micro, and journalists. It was also lived on all social media and platforms, millions of humans from all around the world were watching this.

And half of them were recently bought by the boss of Facebook for unknown reasons, of course, this displeased some people but did the 'reptilian' care? No, it was for the Earth's future, something more important than some teenager tantrum0. 

On this stage stood a caucasian middle-aged man with brown hair and brown eyes. 

Around him and hidden in the crowd were hundreds of mercenaries, all fanatical believers and part of the Caelian Collective, ready to protect the current supreme leader of the religion at any moment and any cost, even their own life.

For very simple reasons, he will reveal information that many would prefer that they had stayed hidden. Such as the video sent by xXBîtchyWhôreXx, he didn't know her personally and thought she was a teen or young adult behind her Internet facade. 

He didn't know how she got that information but they were real and that was what mattered. They preferred to wait two months before they revealed the video to the world to prepare everything.

The man on the stage was dressed in a golden suit embroidered on its front was a triangle with the constellation of the whale in the middle and all over the suit symbols of whales were present. 

"Hello, people from all over the world. You must already know me, I won't reintroduce myself.", he said heartily with a light chuckle in his Tesla micro. He then made a T-pose, and one-third of the crowd responded by doing the same. 

He didn't do any sign languages, dozens of teams were working in real-time, translating into different languages and sign languages. To affect a maximum of people.

Around the man's neck was the Cross of Cael, and another be less with the symbol of Moon and the same symbol was embroidered on his suit.

"Today I want to show you something.", he declared, spreading his arms as he walked to the left of the stage. The wall, not the giant screen behind him turned from black to white then to a photo of the current Mars(Caelum) taken with the newly developed technology of Tesla sold to Monarch.

The crowd gasped in shock. On Mars, there was a lot of water so much so that it looked like Earth but the land mass was arranged differently and it was not all green, they were blue and purple, which added to the beauty of the planet.

"This is the planet that we humans call Mars, yes that might surprise you but this is the same red planet.", then the screen changed to images of the Moon with different data. The crowd gasped in shock yet again. 

The Moon was different; only a bit of 'plant' life was found but there was an atmosphere dense enough to matter and liquid water.

"Same as the red planet, life is developing. You might ask yourself, how is this possible? As a man of science myself, I can confirm with certainty that this is due to the divine intervention of our God, Caelicetus. He brings life.", the screen changed again.

A video started to play, the one given to them by xXBîtchyWhôre, aka Madison Russel. 

For the duration of the video, there was absolute silence in the audience, but the reactions were more explicit on the Internet and with important figures such as the President of the USA who spitted his tea as he heard from his hidden headset about what was happening in the country of freedom. He excused himself.

Queen Elizabeth II only chuckled at his reaction. As if she knew what happened and knew she did.

Back in the USA.

"This is an endless cycle of death and rebirth for humanity. Caelicetus has known humanity since our first civilization, one that we, the 'most' powerful race didn't know until now.", the sarcasm was clear in his voice and body language. 

This offended a lot of people, one mother on Twitter was already insulting Ellon Musk by every name and she wasn't the only one but they were as many if not more defending him and their God.

"Do you all remember one of our God's first sentences? The cake is a lie. And our current society is this cake, a lie made by the old generation and their parents, the parents of their parents, and kept until now. 

The future generations will also act this way, we like to be stagnant. Some tend to think that; It's old so it must be true, and I think that people that continue to say this need to be set on the right path.", a faint smile appeared as he heard the feedback from his headset.

"We hide what we do not like by saying it doesn't exist, using censure, or fear it like racism, homophobia, transphobia and I could continue on like this for multiple weeks, no, more like years. Humans are fascinating right?

But we aren't here for this, these problems will take time and effort to solve, and everyone will need to work on them. I know the world of humans is not ready for this. But it is needed.", he walked back and forth, sometimes stopping to search for simpler terms.

"Humanity will soon enter an age of change, we are not the dominant species anymore, we never were to begin. Another example of cakes, something sweet while it last but ultimately fake.", he said, a gesture of his hand that made the screen change to see everything that the whale wrote, even the two new sentences.

"Caelicetus sent us a warning, something grave will happen and we must be ready. May you join the Caelian Collective and even if you don't the Divine Whale is always watching. I bid you goodbye.", he finished with a T-pose, more than half of the audience cheered while the rest murmured, most angry, feeling insulted and the ones that were part of Monarch were alarmed by the fact that there still was still an intruder among them.

This new religion vexed many. Elon then walked away, ignoring the pesky journalists with their more often than not retarded questions. 

He needed to move fast. Prison was far from where he wanted to go or had a surprise stair accident.

On the other side of the globe, a pudgy, one-armed man was scoffing at the American words that were directly translated to him in Korean. 

He could understand English but why should he bother or even listen to this 'primitive' language, he heard it too much already in his youth.

He was seated in front of his personal desk, something made for a god, made with the finest wood and metal by the most talented of people. An invaluable piece of art.

He absolutely arbored this stupid cult that was believing in a monster, the monster who stalls his arm, he also hated Godzilla and the other titans but to a lesser extent.

Though, he was smart enough to understand their danger. His declaration of war on Mars was made hastily but what's done is done. 

He passed for an idiot to the entire world but it was like he always acted like that. You underestimate people you think are stupid. He was bred and raised to be like this.

He was always right anyways, slav-people, yes, people saying the contrary will be eaten alive by his rabid dogs and this is when he felt merciful which happened every 30th of February.

He culled the advancement of this cult in his beautiful nation, it was easy since his country was one of the most isolated in the world and he held an iron fist on the populace and everything going in and out.

A 'servant' walked into his office, he didn't react as he knew what she was bringing, behind her were dozens of guards. However, he was getting excited.

In her hand was a strange book, it seemed old and mesmerizing to every human around it. 

The dictator resisted the urge to jump at it. On the cover were three golden heads intertwined together, he blinked as he thought he saw them move. There also was strange a strange circle made of multiple triangles with an unknown language around it.

"As agreed, Mister Kim Jung-un.", the woman spoke in perfect Korean, and placed the book on the table, her eyes became reptilian for the briefest of moments, this was unnoticed by the dictator, and she was running out of time.

She then walked out, she walked faster and faster and 'her' skin started to peel off, in its place were blue scales. 

While on the other side of the mansion the half-devoured and skinned body of a young woman could be seen. The head was missing. The gardener will have a surprise.

"Stupid ape.", she muttered with contempt in a deep male voice and an alien language composed of hiss and growl, imperceptible to the human ears. 

He/she was one of the Exif, a species modified long ago by their beloved God of Destruction, they were on Venus not long ago. 

They were similar physically to those humans before, hence their current appearance as humanoid dragons.

The Exif didn't know it, it was only now that they were authorized to start the 'summoning', a long process and complicated that could take between 5 years to 200 years. The longer the process the better the result.

The reason they weren't authorized was simple, the rest of the Ghidorah didn't want their progenitor, Void Ghidorah to be here, they judges that he was better left alone in this horrifying dimension of madness where time and space were meaningless.

This lovely place fueled with the despair of their victims was specially made by the Astrocetus and it served as a prison and anchor.

Desghidorah might have overreacted and might attract the ire of the others when they learn of what he did and he wasn't surprised to start it either, not the Exif knew. The summoning can still be interrupted anyways.

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