A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 20

There is an old saying, something that went along these lines. "If you stare at the abyss, the abyss will stare right back at you."

I have lived by those words since I was six. 

I tried to run from the abyss, but all it does is chase me down.

I feel cold, my body feels like it's sinking in tar, I feel heavy, I can't breathe. It's funny, I should feel immense discomfort, yet I feel serene and calm. Everything seems distant, it feels like I'm inside an endless void.

"Kill..." there is a voice, a deep, dark voice.

"Kill..." there it was again. It's becoming clearer.

"Kill them..." it's coming closer and closer.








The adventurers from Loki's familia stopped on their tracks, they felt an extremely dark, and malicious magic bursting in the air. It felt terrifying, they felt the magic prick their skin, it felt like a swarm of bugs crawling all over them.

Riveria who was the most sensitive to magic fell on her knees, she was shaking in fear. She felt a hand clasping at her heart, a hand that may crush it anytime. She felt magic so dark, so angry, sinister and evil. "Gods help us."

The others followed suit, Tiona couldn't handle the pressure, she vomited out of fear, as her body uncontrollably shook. She never experienced fear quite like this.

Tiona wasn't doing well either. She clutches her chest as she breathes roughly, she felt suffocated by the magic, cold sweet started to drip all over her body. 

Bete tried standing tall, facing the magic, but his knees gave out, he fell flat on his ass, biting his lips drawing blood as his hands clench into a fist. "what the fuck is that?!"

Gareth used his axe as support, not allowing himself to fall down, he grit his teeth as his eyes stared straight at the epicenter of the magic that was assaulting his whole squad. But he couldn't hold on for long, as the magic continued to grow, stronger and stronger by the second. He took a knee and panted heavily. 

Finn saw his friends and comrades collapse, yet he couldn't do anything, his body wouldn't move no matter how hard he tried to move it. His breathing was getting rougher, his heart beat at an extremely fast rate. He feels like he was in the very same room with death itself. 

Ais hands moved, her fingers touched the hilt of her sword, and with all her strength she was able to unsheathe her blade. But that was all that she could do. As no matter how hard she'd forced herself to take a step forward. Her feet won't budge. They are glued to the ground. Her mind is telling her to fight but her body won't allow it. 

"Haha." they all heard a chuckle coming from the center of the magic. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" It gets louder and louder and as the dust finally settles, everything becomes clear for them to see. 

The incoming fist that the monster rex had thrown, vanished as a rain of blood fell inside the room. Goliath's right hand has been cut off cleanly.

And there a boy stands. The magic radiated from him, as sparks flew off his body, his spear producing miasma. His hand is now fixed, his body smoking as the wounds he received closed and vanished. 

Goliath was shocked, it was about to finish this boy with its fist, and the very next moment pain assaulted it as his right arm was gone from the elbow down.

"ROAR!!!" It roared in pain and anger as it stare the being in front of it. Its eyes turned red, as its muscles bulged.

It slammed its other hand down towards August, but with only one hand he caught the blow with ease.

"Pathetic..." August's cold voice echoed all throughout the room, it sent shivers down everyone's spines.

'That's August?' Finn couldn't believe it, he was moments away from collapsing earlier, but now he is overpowering the monster rex.

With a swift jump, August vanished on his spot and appeared in front of the monster face. He then delivered a devastating kick which broke the face of the beast and sent it flying, crashing deep inside the dungeon wall.

"Roar!!!" the monster got up and picked up a handful of rocks and with a huff it threw the debris towards August who just smiled at the weak show of force. 

August moved his spear with terrifying accuracy as he turned the incoming projectile into fine powders. He caught one of the stones and channeled his mana into it. 

He then gave the monster a vicious smile. And said. "My turn." and like a sonic boom he threw the overloaded stone back, traveling almost instantaneously. Hitting the monster in the shoulder and removing the chunk of its flesh.

The monster trashed in pain as it clutches its shoulder that's bleeding non stop. But that was a mistake. It took its eyes off its opponent. A split second but a split second was all that August needed. 


He stabs the beast in the eye, as blood splashed at him, yet he did not care, he felt joy in bathing in the blood of his enemies. 

The monster cries in pain, as August twists and pushes his spear deeper into its eyes. It tried swinging its hand at him, but August was just too fast and too strong for the monster at this moment of time.

He kicked the beast as his spear was still in its eye, the kick landed and sent the best falling down, but August never let go of his spear. The result of such action leads to him pulling the eye out of its socket. 

August felt bliss by such a scene, oh how he reveled in the misery of the trash of this world. He wants it to experience more pain. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" A maniacal laugh can be heard by the monster as the August walked nearer and nearer towards it. 

For the first time in its existence inside the dungeon, it felt fear. Primal fear. 

At this moment he no longer was the monster. The one stalking it has taken its place.

It tried standing up, no matter what it would still fight. It was programmed that way after all. But with one swing of the spear its ankles were both cut off.

"I'm gonna tear you apart, limb from limb. Hahaha!"

It heard the voice of the man, he couldn't understand it, but it does not care.

"ROA--" It tried to roar in defiance, but a swift slash cut its jaw off its hinges along with its tongue. 

"You're fucking noisy for a trash." 

August walked slowly towards the downed beast, he was cutting the limbs off the monster while doing so. He felt sensational, he's slashes felt like nothing, literally nothing was resisting each slash he made.

Not the skin, muscle, nor the bones, it was just so soft.

August stared at the monster's one good eye, he then jammed his spear straight at it, the blood gushing all over him as he smiled victoriously. the monster can't even cry in pain now as August cuts its jaw and tongue off. 

Laughing as he stabs the monster's head over and over again. Making sure it won't die just yet.




*August PoV* 

I feel like I'm floating, It feels peaceful, the moment I heard that voice everything became distant. It was all too sudden, like I was pulled out of my body.

I looked around and I can't seem to find anything, am I dead? Is this what death feels like? The fuck. I'm too young and handsome to die like this.

"Hello!!!" I tried screaming. But nothing came out of it. 

I looked around again then I saw I silhouette. I walked closer towards it only to see a spear imbedded to the ground, the spear doesn't have a shape, it felt like it was there and was not at the same time. 

It feels weird staring at it. I tried to reach out and grab it, maybe this is my way out. 

But my hand stop when I heard the voice all around me.

"Hello August." I heard a voice calling my name, it was the same voice that I heard earlier. 

"Who are you?" I said, as I looked around me, all that I could see was darkness, the abyss. 

"I feel hurt, I thought we had a bond."

"Beowulf?" I took a guess, And my eyes snapped back towards the spear. 


"How? How is this possible? Where am I?" confused and bewildered, I asked the weapon for answers. 

"Relax August... I won't do anything to harm you, after all you are my master. This is possible because I willed it so. I can't have my master dying now can I? And for where we are right now. Let's just say that your mind is a very powerful weapon if you know how to use it."

"So what exactly are you?"

"I am what you would call a weapon with a soul, a Theïkó Óplo."

"theïkó óplo?"

"I'm afraid that is all that I can tell for now young August. You can learn more about me when you have gained more strength."

"..." I was silent, more questions were piling up, a weapon with a soul. Even I know that that's forbidden magic. The Only clue I have is the name of the weapon Theïko óplo.

"Do not worry about it young August. All will be answered in time."

"Wait I have so many more questions..."

"I'm afraid we are running out of time, I can only do much as I am right now, you should focus on growing stronger. And all will be answered after that."

"W-Will I ever see you again? Will I be able to come here again?" I asked.

"Yes, when you gain strength. But do know that this is the first and last time that you will receive my help. After this you will have to use me yourself. To pull my power out yourself."

"That's what I plan to do." I smiled at it, as I felt its presence fade.

"Good, now you have to find your way out of this space alone. I trust that you can do so young August."

"Of course. See you on the other side Beowulf."

And everything returned to darkness once again, the floating feeling is back. I'm back in the darkness that is the abyss.

There is an old saying, something that went along these lines. "If you stare at the abyss, the abyss will stare right back at you."

I have lived by those words since I was six. 

I tried to run from the abyss, but all it does is chase me down.

I feel cold, my body feels like it's sinking in tar, I feel heavy, I can't breathe. It's funny, I should feel immense discomfort, yet I feel serene and calm. Everything seems distant, it feels like I'm inside an endless void.

"Kill..." there is a voice, a deep, dark voice.

"Kill..." there it was again. It's becoming clearer.

"Kill them..." it's coming closer and closer.

"KILL THEM ALL!!!" it's mine

"I'll KILL THEM ALL FOR YOU!!!" the voice is mine.

I'm staring at myself, stabbing the monster over and over, what the hell happened?

Why aren't I killing that thing. Just one good stab to the core and it will be all over, why am I prolonging this?

I took a deep breath and organized my senses, I tried remembering everything that happened, the voice, Beowulf called out to me, it said that it would lend me its strength. Then I was floating inside the endless void. And the next thing I know I'm standing on top of this monster stabbing it over and over its head, turning it into a bloody pulp.

"What the hell happened." I asked myself, as I finally stabbed the monster at its core, breaking it in one strike, turning the rex into dust.

"This feels like a shallow victory." I sigh and look around, honestly, I don't feel tired at all, my body feels light, and I'm shocked because last time I checked my left hand was pretty much broken and bent in half.

Then I spotted seven figures at the distance. And is that Finn, Riveria, and Gareth?

The Hell are they doing here. And I don't recognize those four. If they are here why didn't they help? Oh well...

"Hey Finn!!! Nice to see you again." I said as I ran towards their direction. 

But the next thing I know I'm lying on the ground with all seven of them pointing their weapon right at my face.












That's chapter 20 done, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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