A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 29


Their two aura clashed as the pressure from it made lesser adventurers faint by its sheer magnitude. 

August gripped his weapon hard, his eyes glued towards the werewolf that was in front of him. He can feel his mana raging inside of him. "Let's do this partner." he said softly towards his spear as it vibrates in his hands.

Bete did the same, making an X in front of him as he crouched low to the ground, digging his feet deep in it. He took his stance, at any moment he was poised to strike.

A thundering sound fills the air as the two simultaneously charge at each other, their speed blindingly fast as they brandish their weapon in a tempest of blow.

August jab his spear straight forward, and Bete seeing this reacted in a blink of an eye, using one of his swords to parry and the other to launch a counter attack.

As Bete parried the spear, August moved with the blow and spun dodging the sword that was heading at his biceps, as he did he used both his hands and held his spear at the tip using it like a bat and slamming it vertically towards the werewolf.

Bete used his legs to block the incoming attack, his greaves blocking the blow of August and siphoning mana as well. He used the momentum of the blow to deliver a front flip axe kick hitting August in the shoulder.

The blow staggered August, but he took advantage of the hit, with a twist of his hands he delivered a sneaky hit at Bete's calf drawing blood which Beowulf greedily devoured, which in turn gave August another boost of speed, strength, and mana. His skill Lethal tempo and Beowulf's greed are making him stronger and stronger as the fight rages on.

August then used his palm, charging it with mana and slamming it at Bete's solar plexus blowing him away.

'How much mana does this bastard have?' Bete was confused as he flies in the air, he had siphoned August multiple times using his artifact. The Flosvirt a pair of mithril boots that are able to absorb magic and use its power to increase the wielder's own power. 

He landed on his feet but August was already rushing him with a barrage of stabs with his spear. He didn't have the time to think about the mana capacity of August, instead he focused entirely on blocking and dodging the hail of blades.

A stab got inside his guard as the blade of the spear grazed his cheek drawing blood from it and as he did he was shocked that August suddenly became faster and stronger.


A blindingly fast blow threatened to impale his head, his instinct screamed at him and using his reflexes he dodged the blow by leaning his body back his head near at the ground. 

Bete used his hands as he let his momentum carry him, doing a hand stand he decided to deliver an attack of his own as he blasted August with multiple kicks hitting him at his abdominal, chest, and head.

August was pushed up in the air, he did not expect a counter from Bete at that angle and it was too fast for him to block or dodge since he over extended on his part when he went for his head. The blow discombobulated him and sent him in a bad spot. 

And Bete was experienced enough to take advantage of this, he pushed himself up and charged up his mana into his sword making them glow a light blue hue. 

August can see Bete coming in his peripheral vision, he was in the air and he knows that he is in a vulnerable spot. Seeing that he won't come out of Bete's attack unharmed he decided to trade blows with him. 'If I get hit I'm making sure I'll hit you back as well.' he thought to himself as he charged his weapon with his mana. "COME!!!" 

Bete arrived in front of August and slashed his swords simultaneously. "It's over boy!" 

August let his mana roar as he shoved his spear in Bete's way. "ARGHHHH!!!" roaring on top of his lungs, August's spear aims true.


The simultaneous blow created a powerful shockwave which sent blasting gale all throughout the 18th floor. The weaker adventurers were pushed back tumbling to the ground by the force of the two.

Bete saw the attack coming, as a matter of fact he expected it. He raised his shin up in the last second using his greaves Flosvirt meet the spear head on. While his sword slashed August cleanly on his chest as blood gushed out from the wound.


The sound of metal breaking echoes all throughout. 

"Fuck!!!" Bete can only curse as Beowulf penetrated his greaves, impaling his shin with its vicious blade. He was sent flying back as an audible crunch sounded when the spear was pulled out of his shin. His right foot was destroyed by Beowulf's bite.

August was even worse off, as a huge wound ran across his chest, he was as well as Bete sent beaming down the ground as he grit his teeth from the pain.

The adventurers watching the match were dumbstruck. This was supposed to be a friendly spar, yet the two of them seemed to have other ideas. It was brutal and bloody.

"Riveria!" Finn shouts, signaling his friend to rush in and check the two. He was mesmerized by the match which made him unable to react when the two went in for the kill. He could have stopped it but he didn't.

"On it." The elf took a step forward but stopped as she felt pressure radiating from the two combatants.

"Oy!!! Fights not over." Bete said as he stood up shakily, his right foot destroyed and unrecognized, it was a bloody pulp at this point as the bones protruded out from its wound. "Isn't that right boy?" his eyes are glued towards August as he as well was standing up unsteadily.

"You're damn right it isn't!" August spat as he bleeds heavily from his wounds, two long slashes run across his chest forming an X as he stood bloodied and mangled from it. "We're just getting started." he answered Bete with a dangerous smile plastered on his bloody face.




The spectators couldn't believe it. Just getting started? Bullshit!!! In their mind the two of them are done. There is no way they can recover from an injury of that magnitude.

Bete's right foot is essentially useless, and August's body is a bloody mess, the two of them are done and the adventurers who are watching wholeheartedly believe that they are done.

"Bete, August!!! Stand down you are in no condition to fight anymore!" Finn barks, ordering the two to stop this madness.

"Captain stay out of this! This is between me and him!" Bete roared at Finn, he refused to stop this fight, he didn't want to admit it but he is enjoying himself. 

"Finn, let us continue. This fight is far from over." August looked at Finn's eyes. And Finn can see the fire that is inside it. He looked at his teammate and friend Bete and he could see the fire in his eyes as well. He realized that at that moment, the two of them cannot be stopped.

Finn sighed deeply and massaged the bridge of his nose. "Fine... But if it gets out of hand I'm stopping this fight whether you two.like if or not."

"FINN!!!" Riveria couldn't believe it. What in the world is her captain thinking? Allowing this to continue is pointless, the two of them are in no condition to stand, much less fight. "Are you sane?"

"I have to agree with Riveria on this one Finn." Gareth also stepped in. "The two of them are clearly proud men. This fight is nothing more than a prideful macho match between the two. I see no point in continuing this."

"Look at their eyes." Finn said not taking his gaze off the two. "Tell me, do you think they'll take us stopping the match well? The two of them had made up their mind and all we can do now is watch and step in if ever things go an ugly turn."

Gareth, and Riveria turned silent, they could see it in both men's eyes. Their fire, their will, and their pride.

The two of them stare off, they only have enough strength in them for one more shot and the two of them knew this.

"Now or never then." August grumbles to himself, he made up his mind. He will put his everything in this attack. His mana flared up as it raged in a violent storm, and he pushed every single mana in his body into his spear making it glow a violent dark red. "Endless Battle." 

A violent aura surged as August's mana ran amok, the ground shook as August unleashed his magic for everyone to see. 




The adventurers felt helpless in front of such a show of power. August right now felt like death itself. The spear of mortal death stood in front of them. August deserved his alias, he is the embodiment of the spear that brings mortal death.

"Riveria get ready to cast your strongest barrier." Finn spoke as he bit his thumb. 'He doubled his power... No he tripled it, right now August's stat is that of a high level 6.' he thought to himself as he watched August.

Riveria nodded and began chanting her magic. 

Bete seeing August bit his lips, does he really have to use it, he hates this magic of his. It reminds him of his loss, his failures. Using his magic forces him to face the scars of his past. He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. "Fuck it!" he cursed as his mana flared up. "Chained Fros. The first wound, Gelgja. The second wound, Gjöll. The third wound, Þviti." 

He began his chant, his past came rushing inside his head as he gritted his teeth drawing blood. "The ravenous slaver your only hope. May it form a river, mixing in the tide of blood, to wash away your tears. Never forget those irreparable wounds." 

Every word brings out wounds from his failure, every word brought pain. "This rage and hatred, thine infirmity and incandescence. Denounce the world, acknowledge fate, and dry thy tears. May the pain become your fangs, the lament your roar—and your lost companions your strength." 

He opened his eyes and stared at the man standing in front of him, unleashing a violent burst of mana aimed right at him. "Free yourself of the chains that bind you, and release your mad howl. O lineage of enmity, pray use this vessel and devour the moon, drink greedily from its overflowing cup. Bare your fangs—and devour all!" flames started to rise up his body, as the magical flames glows bright and violent he cast his magic "HATI!!!"


Bete's magic explodes as four violent flames burn from his hands and feet. The magic even burns Bete which in turn makes him even stronger.

"FUCK!!! GARETH!!!" Finn can only curse. Hati is magic that can absorb anything that has magical properties in them, be it spell, curse, or even barrier. Finn knows that Riveria cannot block it no matter how strong the barrier is.

"I hate to say I told you so." Gareth rushed with Finn to put a stop to this. The situation is getting out of hand.

The twins stared dumbstruck at the two. August because of the violent magic that he unleashed and Bete because of the destroying flames that is in his control. 

Ais couldn't take her eyes off the two. She clenched her first as she imagined herself fighting them for real. She wondered who would come out on top if she ever fought any of the two.

August and Bete's eyes met. And they charged at one another. 

August gripped Beowulf hard as he fed it all of his mana. The spear roared as it attempted to devour everything in its path.

Bete unleashed his flames making the whole floor burn in its heat. The flames enveloped his whole body as he become the sun inside the dungeon.

Riveria unleashed her strongest barrier to stop their clashes as Finn and Gareth stood at the middle of the two charging calamities.














That's chapter 29 done. How do you guys like the story so far?

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thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all. 


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