A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 110: Upgrading (part-3)

Lierin pinched the bridge of her nose as she spoke, "I was having a nice chat with my sister, now what happened? What did you all do to earn apostles' wrath?"

The person who brought the news to her looked ashamed and as she recalled the entire event Lierin let out a groan.

She stood from her seat before she spoke with a frown, "I am going to inform Ciara about it, and hopefully she would deal with her son."

Siora frowned as she spoke, "How angry was His Holiness?"

The person shivered as she spoke, "He was very angry, we could feel his killing intent, not to mention his circle was active, his strange eyes were blood red and looked to me as if it were glowing, then the sacred mark on his body began to glow and it was letting out huge amounts of fumes."

Siora let out a sigh before she rubbed her temples in exasperation before she spoke, "I see, Lierin let us go and meet up with His Holiness's mother post haste, she must be the only one who can calm him down."

A few minutes later, Ciara listened to the duo with a stoic look on her visage before a small smile broke on her face before she spoke, "So what do you want me to do?"

"Lady Ciara we would request you to please mollify His Holiness's anger as the people have become restless thinking about it."

Ciara looked towards Siora as she spoke, "I see, I will make sure he is calm and as for the people you know what he said is correct."

Lierin nodded as she spoke, "Absolutely, but people tend to be foolish that is why we have to tie them down with rules and regulations, and upon saying that I wholeheartedly support His Holiness's decision."

Ciara looked into the distance her mind playing hosts to various thoughts most of them concerning her son, she stood silently for a moment before she spoke with a sigh, "I will speak with my son but know this if you follow his edict then it would calm him down faster, and I know my son he is very friendly, he might be angry at the moment but I know he will open up more with everyone."

Siora simply gave a small bow as she spoke, "Thank you."

As the duo left Ciara found herself facing her long time friend, her second in command Zhan, she smiled at her as she spoke, "Zhan so what do you think of the so-called apostles."

Zhan sighed as she spoke, "The horned warn seemed a bit bloodthirsty to me, she challenged me to a fight, and the other, the elven one seemed to be more level headed than the other."

"I see, I will have to speak with Ryan, about this thing."

"Actually Major I think we should ask his companions so we can get a clear picture of what happened during his journey."

Ciara waved her off as she spoke, "I can simply ask him face to face there is no need to go behind him and ask others, as I would like to speak to him face to face later, but for now, I want to know where he is."

Zhan simply gave her commander a small smile as she replied back to Ciara, "Ah, about that, the brother and sister…"


Meanwhile, back with Ryan and Michalina, after Ryan had left the communal kitchen area, Michalina quickly chased after him seeing his apocalyptic anger, she did not wish to leave Ryan alone.

She winced as she saw the rear door of the Alpha Raven was swung open with enough force that for a moment she thought that the hinges would break off.

As he stomped onto the vehicle she could hear the road train grown and protest as if it was trying to prevent itself from bursting out of immense anger.

'This is amazing to think that even his creations would show their displeasure because of his anger, it is as if the machines created by him is alive and is now growling aloud because of Ryan's anger.'

Michalina quickly spotted Ryan removing a bike that was kept fastened to the side, before taking it out through the door, as such she intervened him before he could leave, "Where are you going, brother?"

Ryan took a deep breath to calm his nerves before he spoke, "I am going to take a small hike, a few hours to clear my mind."

"I am going with you then."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "There is no need for…"

"Yes, there is an extremely high need for me to follow you, you are not emotionally stable at present as such I need to be by your side so you may not do something nasty."

With a huff, Ryan climbed on the bike as he spoke, "Do as you please."

As soon as Michalina climbed behind Ryan the bike sped off towards the forest in the distance, Ryan was grateful for the fact that Ylerias had kept a narrow piece of land still attached to the other side of the trench, which acted as a bridge enabling them to cross easily to the other side.

The duo was silent for a moment before Michalina spoke, "So what happened? Never have I seen you getting so much angry as you were today."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "I do not know maybe I exploded because of the irritation I felt, the way they were treating me was too much, it was very annoying, they were treating me like some exotic animal whose attention they were trying to vie for my attention, a few of them who were bold enough to touch me was acting as they have achieved the biggest goal in their lives, it was too much."

With a deep breath, he continued again, "And then the sight of that pregnant woman being pushed around finally triggered my anger."

Michalina simply gave him a pat on his back as she spoke, "You did well brother, those edicts were necessary and if they follow it, it is even better."

"If what I have seen is true then they would surely follow it, but now on the other hand I am very hungry."

Michalina giggled before she replied to him, "Aww, but after your lecture and edict I believe it would be hypocritical of you to break them."

Ryan harrumphed out loud before he spoke, "Hmm, something like that is not going to stop moi, I am going to hunt and eat, not to mention the mere thought of going near them makes me lose my appetite."

A comforting squeeze of his shoulder was the answer he received from Michalina before she spoke, "There is nothing to worry about, as we can simply hunt for food just like that time we went camping with mom."

A large smile blossomed on Ryan's face as he spoke, "yes, I remember and I wanted to try something that I had learned since then."

"What is it, brother?"

"That is a secret though we have arrived at the beginning of the forest let me park the bike here, and then we would continue on foot."

"A great idea, I do not fancy myself having a rather bumpy ride through the woods."

Ryan parked the bike against one of the trees before the duo ventured forward on their foot weaving through the tall trees talking in whispers when all of a sudden Michalina pointed towards a certain direction as she whispered, "Is that not a rabbit?"

Ryan looked towards direction before replying back with a nod, "Yes it is, and they are tasty."

"Then what are you waiting for kill it."

Taking aim Ryan pulled the trigger of his pistol and with a small 'pew' sound the rabbit fell dead.

Michalina quickly dashed towards it picking it up she inspected it carefully before she spoke with awe, "Look at its head brother, it has multiple horns and a couple of them are golden in colour."

Ryan shared her awe before he spoke, "It was a Tier 4 Golden Horn rabbit, but it was a General class."

"Cool, it is at least near about as big as an adult lamb and weighs a lot."

"Big sister, why don't you skin the rabbit and clean it, while I will prepare means to cook it."

"Hey, brother it would be great if I had a few tools."

"What kind of tools do you need?"

"A shovel, and maybe a few things to store the meat and means to clean it."

Ryan nodded and within a few minutes he had created not only a shovel for her but a pair of buckets for her, he then extended his hand before he used one of his newly learned magic, "Water ball."

With a couple of tries, the bucket was filled with water, while Michalina had dug out a hole on the ground and with a help of a string and a few sticks she hung the carcass to drain it off the blood which was slowly pooling into the freshly dug hole.

While Michalina was busy cleaning the carcass Ryan was busing making the stove to cook, a stove which was actually a Swedish torch, which Ryan wanted to make after getting acquainted with it while surfing the internet.

Ryan looked at the large amount of meat that Michalina bought making him gasp in shock as he spoke with disbelief, "That is too much."

Michalina simply shrugged as she spoke, "Well it was a large rabbit as such it yielded too much meat, but rest assured I remember you do not like anything that is a bit more exotic, that is why I only brought the meat and maybe the liver but nothing more."

"You brought the entire thing what else is there to eat except them."

"We can eat the brains for example."

A disgusted look passed through Ryan's face before he spoke with a grimace, "Who eats that stuff, eww."

Michalina rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Despite your disgust, those are considered delicacies in many parts of the world."

"Maybe so big sis, anyone who finds them a delicacy can go ahead and eat them but please excuse me."

Michalina shrugged as she spoke, "Well you are missing something big time, now let us start cooking this meet I am starving."


Zhan simply gave her commander a small smile as she replied back to Ciara, "Ah, about that, the brother and sister duo was spotted near the entrance to the forest, making their lunch."

"I see, then after he arrives back I will speak with him, and if possible after dinner tonight I will definitely call for a meeting where we can all ask questions about his latest experience, there are so many things I want to know."

Zhan nodded before she spoke with a serious look on her face, "Ciara how was your talk with your mother and your ex-family."

Ciara's face soured as she spoke with a snarl, "Please Zhan, please do not mention them in front of me again, especially that decrepit old witch, I had half a mind to throw her into that gorge and let her die."

"Then why did you not."

Ciara sent a look of disbelief towards Zhan as she spoke, "And give some poor creature extreme case of food poisoning, sorry but I am not so cruel."

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