A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 135: The Hallowed Square (Part-2)

Ryan fidgeted while trying the smooth the cresses of the pure white dress that he had worn today was a big day for them, but now he was extremely nervous and he desperately needed some help.

'I am so screwed, I am so screwed.'

His eye then travelled towards a certain someone as a large smile blossomed on his face.

'If anyone there is anyone who can advise me on this matter it is her.'

With that thought in his mind, Ryan dashed towards Amellantha as he spoke out loud, "Granny Ame, just the person I was looking for."

Amellantha looked at Ryan curiously as she spoke, "How may I be of service to you Your Holiness?"

Ryan spoke with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Granny Ame, I need some advice and help but the matter is a bit of discretion."

Amellanatha simply gave a small nod as those near her made herself scarce as Ryuu spoke, "You see Granny Ame I do not know any special prayers or songs or any religious scriptures so I do not know how I should pray, today we are having such an auspicious day and I do not wish it to be ruined because of my ignorance."

Amellatha simply gave him a kind smile as she spoke, "Your Holiness there is nothing to fret about it, at the end of the day every prayer is simply derived from the sense of gratitude, just sincerely thanking them for their blessings is enough and then ask for their blessings to continue to shower upon us, just do so sincerely and I do not believe you would need to recite from some sacred scriptures."

Ryan sighed as he spoke with a small smile on his face, "Thank you Granny Ame you just took off a large pressure off of my shoulder."

"There is nothing to worry about Your Holiness just do your best."

A few minutes later every resident of New Hope had gathered at the large square that had been created by Ryan as was his task and upon completion of his task given by Avtis but upon completion, he had received nothing and now the square would be put to use.

'The 'God's blood stone', 'Village Heart Stone' it had been called by various names and from what I have been told that it is very rare but we have managed to find four of them, and now the final stage of the process.'

One of the 'God's Blood Stone' was placed at the centre with three others placed around it and near each other stood the three apostles.

The smell of the incense was incredibly soothing to Ryan as he relished in the smell with a small smile on his face.

'It reminds of the Hindu temple that I went to, which was created by local Indian community, those sweets that they gave medak or modak I do not remember its name properly but it was delicious.'

Ryan's eyes glazed as his mind wandered off to his distant memories as he could not help but let out a longing sigh.

'I liked those 'Presadams'  they were so good I almost ended up becoming a Hindu because of them until I learned the horrible truth many food items specially consumption of certain varieties of meat is considered sacrilegious as such I had to gave up becoming a Hindu but fortunately I never had to give up on 'Presadams'.'

A frown appeared on his face as he continued his internal monologue, 'I have to work hard to preserve the culture of the people of the earth I cannot and will not allow them to disappear, especially all those delicious food.'

His inner monologue came to a grinding halt as Ylerias's voice came to his ears, "Brother Ryan you remember the plan right?"

Ryan gave a bright smile as he spoke, "Yes, I do Sister Ylerias so shall we begin."

The trio made their way towards God's Blood Stone before kneeling on the ground offering prayers to their respective Gods.

Michalina looked at Ryan who was kneeling in front of one of the large red stone, stones that they all had to touch in order to view their stats and in order to level up.

'What a cumbersome and ineffective system, if only we were not so depended on the stone everything would have been way better, easier and faster and then there was no need to crowd in front of them to level up or see our stats.', Michalina's internal musing was cut off as she low humming sound came to her ears.

The 'God's Blood Stones' were pulsing with a red glow and then they slowly began to rotate at their axis before the three on the outside began to revolve around the one at the centre, and as time passed both the rotation and revolution increased while the trio of Apostle's seemed to be in a trance.

"Micha those tattoos on the Apostle's are glowing."

Michalina's attention was drawn towards Ryan's face followed by the bodies of the other two Apostles and true to Jessica's words the sacred tattoos on their bodies were glowing, glowing so brightly that everyone could make out the tattoos hidden behind their clothes.

'They seemed to have way more tattoos compared to my brother.'

As they all paid undivided attention to the scene in front of them, revolving stones became a blur as a loud rumbling came from the cloudless sky which was soon followed by a loud roar of thunder as a golden-coloured lightning hit the 'God Blood Stone'.

Michalina's eyes widen with fear while her heart leapt out from her throat at the sight, 'The lightning was too close to Ryan.' as such she tried to dash towards Ryan's position only to find herself unable to move.

"Child, do not try to move your brother is safe."

Michalina greeted her teeth as Amellantha's voice came to her ears, but then her fear and anxiousness disappeared upon seeing the unharmed figure of Ryan, and then it hit her with full force.

Marcel did not know what to think of the entire situation, it had been some time since they had started living in 'New Hope', and each of them accept his mother has done some job, he has been working in construction while his wife is working in the farms and then his daughters one of them is in the militia and the other in the hospital trying to be a healer.

'A year ago if someone told me I would be working in construction like this I would have laughed at him and called him insane, how fast everything changed.'

Marcel's eyes then travelled towards his youngest as a sense of sadness hit him hard, over the months since they had found him, they had tried hard to reconnect with him and for a moment they were happy and relieved to learn that they had finally managed to chip at his hatred of them only to be slapped hard by the reality.

'Huh, at the end of the day we are like strangers to him, I do not know what is worse being hated or being treated as strangers.'

Then a shiver ran down his spine as he saw the large lightning strike that came from nowhere only to feel relief upon seeing Ryan safe, and then he felt as if a large tidal wave hit him and passed him by.

'What was that feeling? It felt as if I was suddenly hit by a wave.'

His questions were answered in the form of shouts of joy and reverence as he understood one thing his son had succeeded in.

Meanwhile, Ryan had a small smile on his face as he looked at the latest piece of information that he had received.


Sanctuary (Tier-1) has been completed….

Sanctuary Crystal has been created….

Safe Zone Size: 10Km Diameter

Resource needed to upgrade to next Tier: 3 Crystals…


Ryan looked at Xuelong who spoke with a smile, "With this monster would not wish to venture anywhere near this place and everyone here is baptized so they do no longer need to touch the crystals to see their status and level up."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Then it is a good thing then, as Micha was complaining about it so much now she will be happy."

Ylerias smirked at him as she spoke, "Well since everything is over it is time for a feast."

Ryan mirrored her smirk only for it to vanish as a new message popped up.


Host start preparing for the mission….

Time until mission commences: 6Days 23Hours 60Mins 59Secs…

Penalty: God is extremely displeased with you.


Ryan let out a tired sigh as he spoke, "Sorry but it seems I will have to begin preparation the mission will start seven days time."

Both Ylerias and Xuelong's jaws harden as they heard Ryan's words, they both had been informed by their respective patron Gods that they might be working on something very dangerous mission whose contents they have yet to learn and now Ryan received the words to begin preparation.

As such Xuelong could not help but speak with a frown, "How will you prepare if you do not know for what you have to prepare?"

Ryan shrugged as he spoke, "I do not know and no matter how many times I ask him he will only grant me an audience whenever he would want to and most of the times He dictates the conversation so I have no idea but I know what I want for now, I want to deal with the hive and get a look at the depot."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "I see so should we prepare and leave now."

Ryan gave a brief nod as Ylerias spoke, "Since this mission would require stealth I would be accompanying you, maybe we can turn this into a training mission."

"I would love to learn something new from you Sister Ylerias so shall we begin our preparations."

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