A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 89: Getting reacquainted (part-1)

Ryan opened his eyes as he looked at Nikita and Maralyn fretting over him trying to heal his injuries while an unknown woman was assisting them in trying to heal his wounds.

"Brother Ryan, are you alright?"

With a weak smile on his face, Ryan spoke, "I am feeling a bit dizzy but otherwise I am alright, was the creature killed?

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "Yes it was killed.", her eyes then gained a hard look as she spoke, "Though the creature lacked any organic parts, it looked like some kind of puppet made out of iron, as such we took the carcass with us to study."

Ryan coughed as small spittle of blood came out of his mouth as his breathing became laboured again while the trio mainly Maralyn and Shakidra worked their magic while Nikita tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

Nikita's brow furrowed as she spoke, "That does not make any sense, we healed him yet why did his injuries appear."

As Maralyn bit her lips, Shakidra spoke with a frown on her face, "This indeed does not make any sense, there was nothing foreign in His Holiness's body, nor was there any sign of curses."

"I am cursed for the next six days with open wounds curse, so what can you tell me about it."

Shakidra looked at Ryan with a confused look on her face as she replied to him, "Your Holiness that causes your wounds to reopen and bleed from time to time."

Nikita's eyes widen at that as she spoke, "What something like that exists!!"

Maralyn could not help but nod with a wary look on her face as she spoke, "Yes and it is a troublesome curse and I will go and get help to dispel it till then just try to keep His Holiness wounds closed till then."

As Maralyn was about to stand up only to be stopped by Ryan who spoke with a tired sigh, "I am not trying to look down on your expert on curses but can he dispel the curse laid by my patron God on me."


An unknown voice drew his attention as he looked at a rather tall woman with horns, his eyes narrowed as he spoke, "Who are you?"

The woman's eyes narrowed as a scowl formed on her face but before she could speak Ylerias spoke on her behalf, "Brother Ryan this is Xuelong Victorum, Apostle of Holy Lord Vahmjir, God of War and Victory"

Xuelong gave a curt nod as Ylerias spoke, "And this is Ryan Von Ruinesca, Apostle of Holy Lord Avtis, God of Creation and Destruction."

Ryan send a weak smile at Xuelong as Ylerias continued to speak, "Why did Holy Lord Avtis decide to punish you?", her eyes narrowed as she spoke, "I hope you did not do anything stupid."

"I got injured and failed to kill the enemy."

Ylerias gawked at him while Xuelong spoke with her brows furrowed in deep thought, "From what I learned you pushed them away from harm, and took the brunt of the attack, if it were not for you they would have died, did Lord Avtis not take that into consideration."

Ryan was silent for a moment before he spoke with a tired sigh, "No he did not, as according to him we three especially have to survive by any means necessary whereas others are expendable."

The other two apostles' frown disappeared as they gained a stony visage on their face as Ryan continued, "There is something else that I wished to discuss with you."

Ylerias frowned as she watched his wounds disappear under the onslaught of haling magic used by Shakidra and Maralyn, as she spoke, "Is it extremely important."

Ryan nodded weakly as he replied, "Yes it is.", his eyes then fell on Nikita as he spoke, "Nikita tell my sister to be present here as well I want her to hear everything."

Nikita nodded as she quickly left while Xuelong pursed her lips as she spoke, "Sister? You still maintain a connection with your family."

"Of course I do, and I will in the future."

Xuelong did not say anything except she shrugged at his words while waiting patiently for her subordinate to finish her work.

Meanwhile, Nikita quickly made her way towards Michalina who sat in a corner with a downtrodden look on her face as she approached her, Michalina quickly stood up as she spoke, "How is he? How is my brother?"

Nikita shook her head as she spoke, "Not good, although we managed to stop his blood and heal him, Ryan lost a lot of blood in the process not to mention, he is now cursed."

Angela who was nearby her commander spoke with a startled look on his face as she spoke, "What? What do you mean by cursed?"

Nikita balled her fist as she spoke with a snarl, "Exactly what I said, as he is cursed now to have his wounds reopen again and again despite being healed."

A gasp of shock ran through the surrounding area specially the eavesdroppers who were patiently waiting for some news about Ryan's heath, they had ventured out with him simply because of his powers and now if he dies everything would be meaningless.

"He is asking for you."

Hearing those words Michalina turned a bit pale as she hesitated upon hearing her words only for Nikita to glare at her as she spoke, "Your brother needs you so stop moping and start marching."

Meanwhile, back with Ryan he had been properly healed again and both Shakidra and Maralyn had taken leave after getting permission from their respective leaders, while the two Apostles waited for the arrival of Ryan's sister, and they did not have to wait for too long as Michalina arrived soon following after Nikita.

As the duo arrived Nikita spoke with a smile, "Well I will leave you here.", with that she left.

Ryan opened his eyes as he gave a weak smile towards his sister as he spoke, "Hey Micha, are you alright?"

Michalina's heart broke as she spoke, "You are asking me if I am alright, please speak for yourself."

With that, she quickly went by his side as Ryan let out a loose chuckle only for their moment to be disturbed by a slight cough from Xuelong.

"I know we are being rude and preventing in your tender moment but I believe you were advised to rest as such if we finish our work you can go back to rest while your sister can spend some time with you."

Ryan flashed Xuelong a smile as he spoke, "An excellent idea Sister Xuelong."

Ryan then cleared his throat as he began to speak, "The reason for the merger from what I have learned from my patron God is because of some unknown enemy."

Xuelong nodded as she spoke, "Yes my patron God said the same but at the same time he refused to elaborate much, just telling me to reach my previous level."

"I was told that he would elaborate after I gain my fifth circle."

Ylerias meanwhile shrugged as she spoke, "I cannot say anything in that regard as I have been unable to contact my patron Goddess."

Xuelong did a double-take as she spoke with disbelief, "Are you serious?"

Ylerias nodded with a sad look on her face as Ryan spoke with a growl, "I bet it is something to do with my patron God."

Xuelong narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "Why do you think so?"

"Let me finish my tale and then you would realize, why?", he let out a sigh before he began to speak, "Now from what I know there is an unknown enemy and the creature out there is the weakest of its minions not to mention a scout suitable only for gathering intelligence."

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "But, that does not make any sense a scout does not attack like that, they try to gather intelligence and then try to survive for as long as possible so that they can get the enemy intelligence back home."

Xuelong nodded as he spoke, "I agree with your sister, an enemy unit that is scouting should not act like that, I was already hot on its heels and it should have run off not changed course and attacked you."

"I know but according to my patron God he made the creature do it as a test of some sort that I failed spectacularly and as such I am cursed now."

Michalina let out a cry of dismay as she spoke, "What nonsense is this? Nobody could have been able to react in such a manner it attacked us out of blue."

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "No I was able to perceive an incoming attack as such I was able to push you and one of Ylerias's subordinate out of harm, but according to Him, if I had not done so I would not have been injured, in fact, I should have used you to stop the creature before killing it."

Ylerias's fists tighten while Xuelong's face did not betray any emotion while Ryan continued to speak, "According to him I am his tool, a sword to wield and use against his foes, and according to him I am blunt with dire need of sharpening."

His words caused Michalina to gasp again as Ylerias spoke with a tired sigh, "I get it why you said that he might be responsible."

Xuelong's face gained a frown as she spoke, "This is troubling I will have to consult patron God over this, why is he acting as such, normally any God treats his apostle as their disciple and in some cases even as their children, I know it because my patron God treats me as his daughter, but then," ~Sigh~," I do not know what to think except ask my patron God for advice."

Ylerias bit her lips as she spoke, "Xuelong I have a favour to ask.", as Xullong nodded her to continue Ylerias began to speak again, "If possible until I can contact my patron Goddess I want to send message to her with your patron God's help, please I wish to send a message that I am doing well to her, so if possible…."

"I will see what I can do", with that her eyes fell on Ryan as she spoke, "I hope it is time for you to rest and if you do not have anything else we would take our leave so that you might take some rest."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "No there is none but I need some help to stand up and..."

"You wish to go to the toilet then let me help you.", was the quick retort of Michalina making Ryan blush from embarrassment.

"Nothing like that sis, I have repairing work to do."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "There is no need to overwork yourself, Ryan, our subordinates are keeping a lookout."

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "Ylerias, I am not looking down on either of your subordinates but I am feeling extremely unease about it, not to mention some of the finer workings have been hampered as such it is imperative that I repair the vehicle."

Ylerias bit her lips as she spoke, "Okay, I understand."

Ryan was about to stand up only to be stopped by Michalina as she spoke quickly, "Ryan wait a couple of minutes, I am going to bring Nikita here, and since both of us are near your height it would be easier to support you.", Ryan simply nodded in acceptance as he closed his eyes waiting patiently for the Michalina to arrive with help.

A few minutes later Ryan found himself standing in front of the large holes that were present in the driver compartment while being supported by Michalina and Nikita.

Jessica was busy driving the vehicle, while Xuelong stood by her side watching Ryan work like a hawk, she watched as Ryan touched the side of the vehicle for a moment with his eyes closed as his gauntlets reappeared covering his hands.

A few seconds later Ryan reopened his eyes and then he raised his right hand in front of him as the walls appeared and soon after it the seats and the turret control reappeared, he then followed the same procedure on the other side.

"Please, someone do a check to see if everything is alright."

One of Ylerias's subordinates quickly checked the turrets before speaking with a smile, "Your Holiness they are working fine."

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "Since my work is done I will take my leave and if any issue arises please do not hesitate to inform Me.", with his piece said Ryan left the compartment with Michalina and Nikita's help.

And as they were out of earshot Xuelong approached Ylerias as she spoke, "His powers are interesting."

Ylerias smiled as she spoke with a nod, "So what do you think about him?"

"I do not much about him, so I will refrain my judgment, though seeing his work ethics, even after getting injured he is still thinking about others, I can say he is nice though, but as I said before since I do not know much about him I will refrain my judgment for now."

"Fair enough Sister Xuelong, though I will have to ask you, what your thoughts on his patron God."

Xuelong bit her lips as she spoke, "It is very troubling so I will have to consult with mine before I can say something.", then a small smile formed on her lips as she spoke, "Though please do not fret too much I am going to ask my patron God to send a message to your Goddess on your behalf."

Ylerias gave a small bow as she spoke, "Thank you, sister."

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