A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 91: Getting reacquainted (part-3)

Catherine darted back towards his parents' location only to stop when she came across her sister, whom she dragged along with her.

"Catherine, stop what happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Catherine simply looked back as she spoke hastily, "Sis, it is an emergency we need a family meeting now."

As such within a few minutes later their entire family comprising of her father, mother, grandmother, her sister and of course her was present, since they were having a family meeting they commandeered a corner, even then they had as much privacy as a crowded room offered which meant none.

Marcel leaned back on the wall as he spoke, "So, what is the emergency, Catherine? I was busy helping in the kitchen area."

Catherine lowered her head slightly as she spoke, "Sorry father for interrupting your work."

Marcel simply waved his head as he spoke with a small smile on his face, "No need to worry about the small stuff.", his face then gained a serious look as he spoke, "What is the emergency, Catherine?"

Catherine bit her lips as she spoke, "Father I found him."

At her words, Eleanora gained a confused look on her face as she spoke, "Found whom?"

"Brother, I found my brother, he is travelling with us."

A stunning expression descended on Catherine's audience only for Eleanora to jump up but before she could leave, she was stopped by Beth who firmly grasped hold of her hand as she spoke, "Where are you going? Do you even know which compartment he is? Not to mention the last time you spoke it was a huge argument after which he left, so do you think that something would be different if you suddenly barge in front of him."

Eleanora looked down with an uncertain look on her face as her husband pulled her down by his side as Marcel spoke, "So what do you suggest we do mother."

Beth looked towards Catherine as she spoke with a frown, "So how is he?"

Catherine sighed as she began to speak, "Ryan is the one who created the vehicle we are riding."

Once again a stunning silence descended as Isabella suddenly broke out into a small giggle before she spoke, "Please sister even if the joke was funny, I do not think today was first of April."

Catherine scowled at her as she spoke, "I am not joking."

Both Beth and Eleanora on the other hand suddenly gained an excited on their faces as Beth spoke, "That grandson of mine really outdid us all, he is such a kind helpful boy who is helping others with his powers."

If Ryan was present he would have vomited blood upon hearing words of praise from someone who before the apocalypse always thought him to be a disappointment, the reason was simple she was and even after mellowing a bit still is a bit of controlling person, the person who would love to chalk out the whole life of their child and whose hobby was showing a great amount of disappointment if even a single tiny mistake was done while falling the path.

Beth was the type that of a parent who was utterly disappointed if their child would have ended up becoming an Emperor instead of a doctor like she had planned for him just after birth.

Ciara had been an utter disappointment to her because instead of being an obedient housewife who would have a lovely family of four with one daughter and son, chose to serve in the military, as such Ryan would be extremely shocked upon seeing her reaction.

While the duo was rejoicing Marcel's mind went in a different direction, he looked towards Catherine as he spoke with a barely concealed concern on his face, "Catherine, how is he? Was the news that the creator of this land train severely injured true?"

At his words, Catherine gave a nod confirming his fears as she began with a soft sigh, "Yes, it is true dad, he could barely walk without help and his entire torso was covered with bandages, not to mention how pale he and weak he seemed."

A gasp was heard from her female audiences while her father's hand balled into a fist as Catherine continued, "But, what threw me back were his eyes."

Her words only managed to add more fuel to the fire as her twin could not help but ask out loud, "What do you mean by his eyes? Did his eyes get injured as well?"

Catherine held back a shudder as she spoke, "No I do not know, but his eyes had changed so much, before everything happened his eyes were full of spark, full of life but now it is dead as if some machine is wearing his skin, his eyes look like those movie robots, completely inorganic and mechanical."

Beth tilted her head as she spoke, "Sorry but I failed to understand your talk about robots and whatnot."

Catherine sighed in exasperation before she spoke in a sombre tone, "You will understand, when you see him, grandma, you will understand."


Back with Ryan, the apostle of Avtis, just after he had returned from his quick chastisement of some troublemakers a now he was planning to take a small nap only for his most dreaded enemy to appear.

Ryan gulped as he was greeted by the sight of a smiling Nikita with a glass in her hands, Ryan was not afraid of Nikita, but he was deadly afraid of the concoction of that she held in her hand, the concoction tasted had an extreme bitter metallic taste, not to mention the pungent foul stink that it emanated, Ryan dread it because of that.

Ryan tried to crawl away from Nikita and her foul creation only to find his back against the wall, as Nikita smile widen as she spoke, "Oh my look how eager he is to drink it, he is already trying to sit up by himself."

Shakidra stifled a giggle as she spoke, "It would seem so, now Your Holiness, please drink it."

"I refuse.", Was his immediate retort.

Shakidra simply shook her head as she spoke, "I am afraid, Your Holiness this is for your own good."

A look of horror crept up on Ryan's face as he spoke, "Am I not an apostle? So why are you going against me, support me Shakidra against this dreadful transgression."

Shakidra simply shook her head as she spoke, "You are indeed an Apostle, but you forgot my true loyalties lie with my Her Holiness and she has instructed me to nurse you back to health as such I will follow her orders."

Ryan looked like a cornered cat, which fought back with as much intensity as he could muster under his weakened condition and that was what Xuelong who had just arrived stumbled into.

"What is going on here?"

Her stern voice drew the attention of the trio, as Xuelong spoke while looking towards Shakidra, "What is going on Shakidra?"

Shakidra gulped as she spoke while bowing, "Your Holiness, we were trying to feed the blood replenishing draught to His Holiness but he is refusing on account of the smell and taste."

Xuelong sighed as she spoke, "I see, but that does not excuse you to manhandle an Apostle like that.", Shakidra could only bow upon being chastised as Xuelong flashed a small smile towards Ryan who returned one to her.

'Ylerias was right we always look after each other.'

As the thought passed through his mind, he suddenly found himself bound tightly, tight enough that he could not move, not to mention he felt something hit his throat making his jaw open wide as a familiar voice came to his ears, "What are you two waiting for, start to pour it inside his mouth."

As the foul concoction was poured into his mouth Ryan gagged and he would have vomited it out if not for a hand to clasp over his mouth preventing him from vomiting it, as such Ryan had no choice but to gulp it down, and as soon had he finished drinking it, he was free again.

As Ryan was freed he hastily turned towards his captor only for his face to gain a look of horror as he came face to face with his captor who was none other than Xuelong, who simply patted his head with a smile as she spoke, "See that was not so hard now, I hope next time I will not have to get involve."

Ryan simply grumbled while Nikita simply looked with barely concealed appreciation towards Xuelong, she really marvelled the way Xuelong lowered Ryan's guard, before springing into action, she watched how Xulong with a great feat of agility and strength got hold of Ryan, who was sleeping pulling him over her as she shelf him down from the back, completely immobilizing him and rest was history.

Xuelong then looked towards Nikita and Shakidra as she spoke, "No matter what you have to be firm with him, this medicine is absolutely necessary.", she then frowned in thought before she spoke towards Ryan, "Ryan, I understand you do not like to drink this but this is only for a few days before you no longer have to suffer the effects of the terrible curse, so please bear with it little."

Ryan's face had taken an unhealthy greenish shade as he glared at her making Xuelong speak with a soft sigh, "I am sorry for forcing you to drink that sludge, but it was necessary for you, this is the strongest blood replenishing potion that is available to us and the gatherers failed to find anything that would make it bearable for you, also in the meantime except for sleeping do you have anything to do?"

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "I have nothing else to do."

"Then how about it, while you are resting I will ask some of our more experienced gatherers a quick course on herbs."

Ryan frowned in deep thought before he spoke with a nod, "I would appreciate it."

Xuelong placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as she spoke, "I am sorry you had to drink this foul stuff, and I know how it feels when you finally after hours of anguishing for the aftertaste to disappear from your tongue, the second dose of it arrives, but please bear with it for a few days, your blood levels are dangerously low."

"You look like some B-rated movie vampire reject-with how pale you are looking like.", was Nikita's helpful addition making Ryan grown.

"It would be helpful if you were not enjoying my suffering."

Xuelong snorted as she spoke, "Pease Ryan they seem to bask in their patients suffering from time immemorial as such there is no use arguing with one who is putting back your body, after all, they could do worse."

Ryan could not help but let out a loose chuckle as he spoke, "So true, so true."

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