A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 93: Getting reacquainted (part-5)

Eleanora clung to Marcel as if he was her lifeline as she spoke, "What is happening with him? He looked so sick and then he suddenly started to bleed all over."

Marcel hugged his wife as he spoke, "I know, I know.", he then looked towards Angela as he pleaded to her, "Lady please tell us what is going on with him."

Angela sighed as she spoke, "Sir, you arrived with the group led by Lady Xulong, were you not?"

Marcel nodded as he replied to her, "Yes I did."

"Then do you know what an Apostle is?"

Marcel once again nodded as Isabella spoke, "Yes, I have heard she is like the right hand of God of war and she works on his behalf."

Angela nodded as she spoke, "Yes you are right, and what do you think about it, and please be honest."

Beth scoffed as she spoke, "There is only one true God and he is mentioned in the bible."

Hearing her words Angela grimaced inwardly, 'Ugh, considering the way she spoke she is one of those types who believe in a particular God and considers others' belief as trash.'

Angela sent a pleasant smile towards Beth as she spoke, "Ma'am I would highly advise you to not say such a thing in front of them, they can bit violent and merciless."

Beth simply huffed at that as Catherine spoke with a frown, "What is being an apostle to do with my brother?", before her eyes widen as she spoke, "Do not tell me an apostle was the reason my brother is like this."

Angela quickly shook her head as she spoke, "Ryan, or as his station dictate, His Holiness, is the current Apostle of God Avtis, God of Creation and Destruction."

Ryan's ex-family gawked at her words before Marcel spoke with a snarl, "What nonsense is this?"

Beth frowned as she spoke, "My grandson is a devout Christian, he is not some cultist, as such young lady mind your words."

Angela gritted her teeth as her smile became forced as she continued, "With due respect ma'am, I know Ryan for a couple of years, and I can safely say that at the end of the day Ryan changes his religion according to festivals, not because of his belief and faith, but because of food as such please do not tell me he is a devout Christian."

Eleanora frowned as she spoke, "You know him, how? And why is he referring to that woman as his big sister."

Angela gained a smug look on her face as she spoke, "That is something you will learn eventually within a few days but most importantly a word of advice, my commander whom Ryan referred to as his older sister tends to become incredibly violent if she thinks her brother is being manhandled so please be careful around her, after all, she has a mean sadistic streak and loves to cripple people for life."

Hearing that group gulped as Angela continued, "Now I know you all are sceptical about the presence of their Gods, and I am not going to enter a debate on whether ours are real or merely imaginary since I am a proud atheist, but there are things that I have seen that makes me believe their Gods are very real and very active."

Beth growled as she was about to retort back, Angela raised her hand stopping her as she spoke, "I know it is very difficult to believe me ma'am, but I ask you to observe and then make your judgment, and also please do so without being bias."

Beth growled before she spoke with a huff, "When and what did Ryan do to get into this cult business."

Angela inwardly rolled her eyes as she spoke, "The reasons the Apostle's are chosen is known only to their respective patron Gods, and as for when he became the Apostle, well it was the very day the Earth changed."

Hearing about that day always reminded him about the day his family broke apart, and it brought him immense pain making him as he spoke, "Why did he become one?"

"Ryan was never given the choice on the matter, he was near to the ground zero when the meteorite went off knocking him out, only to awaken the next day, and since that day he had exhibited those powers."

Eleanora let out a gasp as she spoke covered her mouth with her hand as she spoke, "He was there."

Angela continued with a nod, "Yes ma'am he was there all alone, when my scouting party came across him, he was running from a group of undead."

"It must have been quite scary."

Angela looked towards Beth as she replied with a nod, "It really had been, since on this side of the chasm, except us the only person present was Ryan, and since that day his powers began to evolve more and more, and once day he received an audience with his patron God, where he learned of his position."

"So you are telling me that my brother ended up becoming an Apostle without being given a choice."

Angela sent a nod of confirmation towards Isabella as Marcel spoke with a frown on his face, "That is not right at all, why did he not resign for the position then, he has no reason to work for a foreign God."

Catherine bit her lips as she spoke, "Father I think he chooses to remain because of the powers he is receiving, by serving the God he can receive the powers to create things like this vehicle."

Beth scowled as she spoke with intense distaste, "That creature is no God, but a simple creature with a delusion of grandeur."

Angela wisely did not pay any attention while she saw a few of the native people of the otherworld gained a thunderous look on their faces, something that both Marcel and Eleanora did not miss.

"Mother please, there is no need to keep insulting others faith and religion, please try to keep it to yourself."

Marcel all but pleaded to her mother, who was about to argue but stopped upon being pointed towards the disgruntled people of the otherworld.

'How is she Major's mother I will never understand, but now I know, why she detests this woman, such narrow mindedness.'

Isabella quickly tried to change the attention as such she hastily spoke, "Excuse me miss, but in which way is my brother being an Apostle relates to his current condition."

"The day you had joined us, you have seen that there was an attack on the vehicle."

Marcel nodded as he spoke, "Yes I do remember it clearly."

"The attack was too sudden, but Ryan was able to move others from the harm's way, all though he himself was not so lucky, the creature had gored through Ryan with the help of its long sword-like finger."

Another gasp followed as Eleanora spoke with concern in her voice, "Is those injuries that suddenly appeared on him was because of that."

Angela nodded as she spoke, "Yes, it was because of that, it is a curse that is reopening the wounds now and then, but there is no need to worry as he is not only under professional care but would also be healed within the next few days."

Marcel frowned as he spoke, "Next few days if he keeps on bleeding then it would be difficult for him to stay alive no matter how much help he receives."

"I want to be by his side, that amount of blood is too much."

"Of course not", was the immediate reply by Angela as she rejected Eleanora's plea, before continuing, "Ryan needs complete rest without worrying too much, and the last interaction before that day was not too kind between you all as such it would unwise to aggravate him."

Marcel's grip on his wife's shoulder tighten as he spoke, "I believe she is right, if it were any other time I would have allowed you to barge into there but not at the moment when he needs healing."

"But, I can care for him."

Angela looked at the crying visage of Eleanora as she spoke, "I know you can but what if the patient does not want to be anywhere near you, then would your presence not be aggravating the situation, I agree the amount of blood he is losing is too much and in a normal situation, he would have died already, but he is a tough guy, not to mention all the help he is getting whether they be magical or mundane."

Beth sighed as she spoke, "I know where you are coming from, I understand such we will not force ourselves but can you give us some updates when you have some time."

Angela nodded as she spoke, "Of course I would be happy to, he is a dear friend of mine and I hate to see him suffer in such a manner."

After she finished talking with the group she made her way back to Ryan's location and by the time she had reached there, Ryan was fast asleep with Maralyn just finishing dealing with his wounds.

"Did you have a nice chat with that group of scoundrels?"

Angela sighed as she spoke, "That woman how she is Major's mother is beyond my understanding, I have never heard or seen someone so narrow-minded, and sooner or later because of her words a riot may break out."

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "It is troubling then, I do not know why they are showing concern all of a sudden but we have to keep an eye on them."

Angela nodded before she spoke with a smirk, "That is why I said I will give them update on Ryan from time to time, and in turn, it will help me to keep an eye on them."

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