A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 96: A new quest (part-3)

Michalina turned her head as she spoke with a frown, "What do you mean by that you now know there location?"

Ryan shrugged as he replied, "I have no idea, as it seems that I have suddenly seemed to have gained approximate knowledge of their location."

Xuelong frowned as she spoke, "Must be your patron God's blessings."

Ryan nodded as Michalina slowed the car before parking it as she spoke, "Then I think we should recall the scouting team."

As she received nods from others, she picked up her radio as she tried to establish contact with the scouting group.

Ylerias looked at the sight of her as she let out a tired sigh, a large building full of undead lay in front of her when all of a sudden the device she had received from Ryan began to vibrate.

She quickly left her initial scouting position lest she somehow manages to draw the attention of the undead roaming around.

'Now how to responds, ah yes I have to hold this one to speak.'

She pressed the button as the radio in her hand crackled, while Michalina's voice came from the other side, "This is Alpha Charlie One-One how copy."

Ylerias tilted her head as a confused look appeared on her face as she spoke while pressing another button, "Um I am Ylerias, and are you Michalina?"

Her words were greeted by a bout of laughter as a male voice came from the other side, "Sis, she was not in the army with you as such she is unfamiliar with the proper call signs so please talk normally and be discreet, who knows what position she is in."

A loud huff was heard as Michalina's voice came from the other side, "Lady Ylerias, my brother just received approximate locations of the stashes as such we are requesting your presence at our place."

"Tell Xuelong to send a silent marker up in the sky."

"Okay, over and out.", with that the radio went silent.

Ylerias simply looked at the device in her hand as one of her subordinates spoke, "Such a wonderful device."

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "Yes something that can be used by anyone is incredibly wonderful, even back in our world there was no portable magical device like this."

The same speaker nodded as she continued, "Even the magic that could replicate this could only be wielded by only a handful."

Ylerias nodded before spotting a red flare going up in the sky while leaving behind smoking trails, she simply signalled her subordinates to move.

Ryan watched Xuelong, who was sitting with her legs dangling outside of the vehicle, she had just sent a red signal flare using magic and was now waiting for Ylerias's arrival.

"From what I have seen so far, do the two of you often work together."

Xuelong looked towards Ryan as she spoke with a nod, "We do in fact, though we have worked with others from our brethren but how should I put.", she squinted for a moment before speaking with a smile, "I guess I am more comfortable working with her, unlike others we can work seamlessly together."

Michalina who was listening to her spoke with a nod, "I understand where you are going Your Holiness, in fact, I myself have encountered others who can work with you so seamlessly that you do not even need to speak with them yet both of you know what each other wants."

"So true, so true.", she then turned towards Ryan as she spoke, "Ryan, I hope one day you can meet the rest of our small family as well."

"So did I, Xuelong."

He then closed his eyes for a moment as his thoughts went to his fellow brethren who were scattered out in the world, 'What kind of people are they, Ylerias looks like an Elf from video games, so does Xuelong, who looks like a Beast kin, a Dragon-type Beast kin, what other races are there I want to know but at the same time I fear I might end up unknowingly insult them as such I held my tongue, more importantly, I wonder what kind of person they all are.'

The group did not have to wait too long as a few moments later, Ylerias, as well as the rest of her group, had arrived shortly surrounding the Goliath whose occupants promptly climbed out of it."

Ylerias looked at Ryan as she spoke, "So you now know their location."

Ryan nodded as she replied to her, "Yes I do now, well at least their approximate location."

"I see, we have covered a rather large area, as such if you can point us to their location we might be able to tell you if you have to face immediate danger."

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "If only we had a proper map."

"Excuse me commander.", Angela's voice interrupted them and as she gained their undivided attention she pointed towards a certain direction, and upon gazing towards it both Michalina and Ryan's eyes widen.

With an excited tone, Michalina spoke, "That is the administrative office of this place, there is bound to be a map or two.", she then turned towards Ryan as she spoke, "Brother you stay here I will be back soon."

As Michalina was about to venture forth Xuelong joined her, "I hope you do not mind me joining you, it would not be bad to have another hand not to mention I am bored."

Michalina flashed her smile as she spoke, "Please Your Holiness, feel free to follow me."

As the duo left towards the building Ryan turned towards the administrative building Ryan looked towards Ylerias as he spoke, "How is the situation?"

Ylerias shook her head as she spoke, "Not good, too many undead in this place, though from what I have seen undead are mostly concentrated on few places, mainly the bigger buildings."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "That might be troublesome especially if we somehow manage to attract their attention."

Ylerias nodded at his words as she spoke, "Yes it would be as most were of Tier four and a scant few were of Tier five."

A silence descended amongst them for a moment before Ryan spoke with a frown, "I have a question for you Ylerias."

As Ylerias simply gave a nod as Ryan began to speak, "During my travels, I have seen an undead cannibalizing one another thus increasing its strength and evolving, so if there are so many undead here should they not try and evolve?"

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "Yes, it is true they try to unless something is making them not, mainly something even stronger is forcing them not to evolve so that they may not challenge its lead."

Ryan's eyes widen as he spoke, "No way, an undead act in such a way."

"It is the show a peculiar type of hive mentality with the strongest leading them, the one that is strongest often decided who to evolve and who not to, as it commands the will of the other undead."

"Wow, I did not think that even the dead would have such a complex hierarchical structure, so how strong is the strongest."

Ylerias shrugged as she spoke, "There is no way of knowing until you can perceive its Tier, it can range from a single Tier six to tier hundred, though seeing the size of undead around, it should be easily above Tier ten, as I doubt anything less than a Tier ten can command so many of them."

Ryan felt a headache forming as he spoke, "Troublesome, truly troublesome, an enemy with an unknown strength."

"Are we going to light the bodies up in a fire? Because from what I remember from Dasyra's lecture that if I leave undead bodies in a place for a long time then they might turn to an abomination."

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "Yes it is true, though we might not have the luxury to give them proper burial because of various reasons."

"Which means more and more abominations would spawn."

Ylerias simply smiled as she spoke, "Brother Ryan did you forget that we gain souls by killing any living, as such anything killed by us can never resurrect by any means."

Ryan's eyes widen as he spoke, "So that means once we kill them, they cannot become an abomination."

Ylerias simply nodded in confirmation as Ryan gave a dazzling smile as he spoke, "That is so great."

Only for his excitement to be doused by Ylerias's next words, "I am afraid, brother, it is might not be that simple because there are only three of us and they are in thousands at least."

Ryan's shoulder dropped as his sister and Xuelong arrived shortly with the map of the area in her hand, which she then spread on top of the hood before she spoke, "Brother, can you now tell us which way we should move."

Ryan nodded before he spoke after studying the map for a little, "First of all I know the approximate location as such I cannot tell you the exact location of the stashes, saying that…", he looked up from the map as his head swivelled around before he spoke, "That, that, that, and that, and then towards that direction."

Michalina quickly marked the directions on the map as Ryan continued while now pointing towards the map, "Micha give your pen."

With the pen in his hand, he quickly assigned the marks numbers before he spoke again, "The numbers that I wrote represents the distance from our current location with the closest having the lowest number and the farthest having the highest number."

Xuelong narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "Define close."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "About a couple of hundred meters."

Xuelong frowned as she spoke, "I see.", she then turned towards Ylerias as she spoke, "What can you tell about our enemy positions now."

Ylerias frowned before she spoke, "It is good that the location is almost within the area we have counted, as such I suggest that we deal with the first, second and fifth first, leaving the other two later they are dangerously close to a rather large group."

Xuelong gave a nod before she spoke, "Though keep a few of your subordinates posted so that they might notice any change, after all, I do not think we should attempt all of them at once given Ryan's condition as fresh blood would attract them."

Ylerias nodded before her eyes fell on Ryan as she spoke, "True, but at the end of the day it is Ryan's quest as such it is his call."

Ryan ran his hand through his hair as he spoke, "Every time after my wound is closed I have sometime before it reopens again so the last third and fourth I will attempt after my wound reopens at least once, but before that, I wish to at least deal with the nearest one, and by putting them at the last, if worse comes to pass at least we can skedaddle easily as by that time the water tanks would have been filled as well."

Michalina gave a nod of acknowledgement as she spoke, "Fair enough brother."

Ryan's face then frowned as he spoke, "Although how is the pantry doing, will the food be enough."

"There is no need to worry about food, we have hunted many animals as well as gathered many wild vegetables, though I believe that a few extra condiments would not hurt."

Michalina looked towards Ylerias as she spoke, "Your right Your Holiness, an extra few condiments would not hurt."

Xuelong stretched her limbs as she spoke, "Since the meeting is over, shall we move."

Ryan nodded as his gun appeared in his hand while Michalina looked towards Angela as she spoke, "You stay inside the car, but be vigilant if any problem arises I want you to reach our location post haste."

Angela simply nodded as the group quickly moved towards their next destination, Ryan could have easily moved there with his car but he did not wish to draw out enemies needlessly because of the sound of his vehicle.

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