A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 3. Adapt or die

“Shit,” Leo groaned. Waking up for the second time this day didn’t seem much better than the previous one. He rolled onto his back and opened his eyes in one go. Bright light instantly filled Leo’s vision, earning a string of curses and closed eyelids from him.

Where the hell am I? Just as the thought went through his head, the memories hit him like a speeding train. The red light, screaming and the pain… oh man the pain, he shuddered. There had to be some explanation for all of this. Maybe he slipped, knocked himself out and his mind decided to make up excuses for those events.

No, Leo shook his head. It was too real.

“It indeed was, human,” A voice echoed through… well, something. Inch by inch, Leo slowly opened his eyes again, this time letting them get used to the stabbing brightness. He had to see and find out who managed to address his thoughts. Thoughts, for fuck sake!

“Here,” The voice that sounded almost like Leo's — Just more dead? Indifferent? Calm? Something like that — came from behind.

Climbing to his feet, Leo’s gaze first fell on the wall in front of him. Bright like a star, but covered in crimson glowing stains that somehow slowly grew, consuming more and more of the wall.

Leo gulped and turned to face the rest of the small square room. All of the walls were the same and yet, in the center of the closed chamber, a lone silver table stood, two chairs on each side with one already claimed by a very familiar figure.

Eyes wide, Leo took a few steps back, his hands coming up. “Who are you?! Why do you look like me?” He shouted, gray connecting with gray as the two inhabitants of the room locked gaze.

Leo’s exact clone, as that was literally what the person was, just motioned to the other empty chair, all the while maintaining his — its? — completely stone-cold expression.

“Take a seat, human. We have much to discuss and your soul can withstand my presence for only so long,” The clone spoke again, his voice never wavering.

Shakily, Leo moved forward, more out of the confusion and curiosity of whatever was happening. He even pinched himself repeatedly, hoping that it was just another of his new dreams.

Mild pain shot through Leo’s arm and yet he never woke up. Something is wrong. I never had any control over my dreams and this is way too realistic. Maybe it really is some kind of a new virus and it’s just mutating?

Eyes still on the clone, Leo took a seat, quickly scooting a few feet away from the table.

The clone sighed in the first show of emotion. “I mean you no harm, User… Now, I don’t even need you to believe that what you see is real. What I need from you, is to listen carefully to everything I say, like it’s the last thing you are going to hear... Time for believing will come once you leave this place.”

Leo narrowed his eyes. The clone didn’t make much sense, but its tone alone made him wary. As much as Leo wanted to believe this to be just another dream, there was also no harm in humoring the being in front of him. Not that he had another option as waking up seemed impossible.

“This place?” Leo decided to ask. They had to start from somewhere.

The clone nodded and spread his arms, “We are inside of your soul as it’s going through its awakening process. Although to be more specific this is the manifestation of the System, an entity I’m a part of, that is currently adjusting to the Essence flowing inside your soul. And before you ask, I took this form to lessen the pressure on your entire being so we can have just a little more time to talk.”

Leo blinked at the terms used in an unfamiliar setting. “Hold on for a damn minute. Soul? Essence? The System? The hell are you talking about?”

As if the clone didn’t hear Leo, it just continued, “Approximately two hours ago, the First Cataclysm of the 64th Outbreak happened. This single event changed your entire Universe, the release of Void Essence twisted everything in its path while the System, like always, attempted to save as many as it could. You, User, are one of the roughly ten percent of beings of this Universe that managed to last long enough for the System to reach them and force their Awakening. A small number, I know and it will only get lower and lower.”

Leo stiffened, his mouth suddenly going dry. “W-what?” He stammered out, the thoughts of everything being a dream momentarily forgotten. “Ten percent? What about the rest?”

When the clone hung his head low, Leo had a sudden urge to vomit. “I’m truly sorry, User,” it said, the stone-cold tone vanishing.

“The remaining population will suffer a fate worse than death. They will become twisted by the Void Essence, transformed into creatures straight out of your darkest nightmares. From now on their only goal is to evolve by hunting and growing stronger from the Essence that fills the air. Voidlings, the System calls them, one of the main threats you will encounter once you go back.”

Leo just sat there frozen, barely registering the clone’s words beyond the first sentence. A fate worse than death. Those words echoed through Leo’s mind like a never-ending chant.

Lily, Nick, Adam, Mom, Dad, Edward. Hell, even Ava… Leo swallowed, still trapped in his own head. They are fine, this is just a stupid dream or a hallucination. There is nothing to worry about. And yet despite those thoughts running through his head, Leo could do nothing to stop the deep-seated terror from settling in his gut.

At once Leo reeled back, his cheek stinging. Snapping his gaze towards the clone, he watched as it lowered its glowing hand. “You have to calm down, human! Nothing is certain, your friends and family might still be alive, it happened many times in the past."

Might. Might be alive, Leo repeated like a mantra. The word ‘might’ just barely calmed his raging emotions that threatened to burst like a waking volcano. Suddenly the matter of this being a dream or not didn’t seem too important, not when there was even a sliver of a chance that something happened to his family.

Leo took a deep breath and gave the clone a nod. “Okay. Okay, you can continue, but please tell me first what is this Essence you keep talking about.”

The doppelganger gave him a hard stare before raising his palm. “That’s agreeable as it’s essential knowledge,” he replied, voice once again turning cold. “Essence had many names before and after the System. Mana, Chi, Ki, and Chakra are just a few among them. It’s the energy of the whole Multiverse. Everything has it, be it inanimate or animate. Although, those with a soul can store Essence inside it. The thing is that non-awakened beings cannot regenerate their Essence, and when it ends, so does their life.”

Lights swirled above the clone’s palm, slowly forming an image of a human body. The clone made a few more movements with its hand and instantly a crimson light — The same color as the stains on the wall — entered the image.

Looking at the mass of crimson, the clone spoke, “Soul stores and strengthens your Essence.” Nodding towards the image’s head, it continued, “Mind is responsible for control, including regeneration.” The crimson light pulsed as it covered the entire image, “Essence then flows through the entire body, where it’s utilized to perform feats you can only dream of.”

The clone waved its hand, snapping the image out of existence, “The System just calls it Essence Manipulation, but throughout the Multiverse, many call it Magic, Sorcery, or the Arts of Soul. The secrets of Essence know no limits and I could spend years explaining only a small part of them… However that is not a subject for today, let us move on to your Interface.”

So pretty much a weird energy that makes you a superhuman. Wonderful… Leo sighed and shot the clone a blank look.

“Just focus on bringing it out.”

Right, just focus on it, Leo scowled, only for his eyes to widen as a wall of text appeared in front of his vision. “What the fu...”

Name: Leonardo Brown
Title: N/A
Evolution Stage: I - Tainted Human
Class: N/A
Job: N/A
Rank: N/A

Might Tier I (5) | LB: 0
Grace: Tier I (8) | LB: 0
Vision: Tier I (6) | LB: 0
Mind: Tier I (7) | LB: 0
Soul: Tier I (4) | LB: 0

Ether: 0

Traits: Tainted (Uncommon)

Racial Skills: Universal Linguist (Unique), Identify (Unique), Essence Manipulation (Common), Drain (Uncommon)

General Skills: N/A

Leonardo Brown… Been a while since anyone called me that, Leo grimaced as he scanned the wall of text. It definitely resembled some of the roleplaying games he played in the past, although he was by no means a specialist in gaming that could understand everything the status provided.

Title, class, and rank seemed somewhat self-explanatory, or so Leo hoped. The two last attributes also made some sense thanks to the clone’s explanation about Essence, even if the tiers didn't make much sense. The rest though? Leo had only some inkling of what they did, same with skills and the one trait. And what in the flying fuck is the ‘LB’ next to the attributes. More bloody questions…

Leo raised a hopeful eyebrow. “Can you explain what some of this means?”

The clone shook his head before nodding to his side. “The System gave you enough tools to do that on your own and we don’t have much time left. The process is over halfway done.”

Wait. What process? Brow furrowing, Leo followed the clone’s gaze not really sure what he was looking for. The walls were still there, no surprises there, although the crimson — My Essence, Soul? — now covered over half of the previously bright surface. “What? You mean the walls?”

“The Awakening process,” the clone corrected. “As soon as your Essence consumes every surface of this room, I need to depart. Now…” Leo’s eyebrows raised slightly when he noticed the small grimace on the doppelganger’s face, “We have two last matters to discuss before my time runs out. Your race and class selection.”

Reading in between the lines, Leo murmured, “Great. What’s wrong now? Weren’t the news of my family’s possible demise enough?”

Once again the clone ignored Leo, though its gaze was back on him. “You’re a part of a small percentage of the remaining survivors that were unfortunate to absorb too much Void Essence before the System could reach them and jumpstart the Awakening process. As a result, your evolution stage isn’t listed as an ‘Awakened’ variant, but a ‘Tainted’ one.”

Leo’s gaze fell to the table. “T-that doesn’t sound too good,” he whispered before once again facing the clone. “Am I going to die? Just like that?” Leo refused to accept that. He still had so much to do, family that was waiting out there.

“No, you won’t,” Leo released a breath he didn’t know he had been holding while he waited for the clone’s reply. “At least not if you play your cards right. Think of your race and then bring out the description of your ‘Tainted’ trait. Those two things should explain almost everything.”

Nodding, Leo did just that.

Tainted Human (Stage: I)
A variant of Awakened Human cursed by the power of the Void. Due to absorbing too much of Void Essence before your awakening, the corrupted power couldn’t be fully cleansed from your being. It will fight and consume you if you don’t satiate its hunger.
Causes some physical changes. Grants Tainted trait. Soul Effectiveness: +5%. +2 Free Attribute points per class level. Mutations: Locked.

Your time is limited.

Because that doesn’t sound ominous at all… And physical changes? What does that even mean? Leo grimaced as a shiver ran down his spine. The streak of bad news was slowly making him feel just like after that night ten years ago.

Trying to repress those thoughts, Leo pulled up his trait’s description.

Tainted (Uncommon):
For some, it's a curse, for others a blessing. You are the Tainted One. Fight and consume or be consumed. In the Void, only the strong survive… Can you adapt?
Requires a constant supply of Pure Void Essence to stop the taint from spreading. Limit Break: +1 Soul, Might and Grace per level when satiated. Various negative effects applied if the taint begins to spread. Grants Drain skill.

Somehow this doesn’t make me feel any better, Leo thought as his fists clenched under the table. The tainted trait only confirmed how fucked Leo really was. At least now I know what the ‘LB’ stands for, although that just adds another question.

“How do I survive?” Leo snarled instead. Limit Break, whatever that was, could wait.

“Exactly like your trait explained. Adapt,” the clone stated coldly. “Or in other words, consume and evolve. The System gave you the ability to extract Pure Void Essence from every Voidling you've killed. The rest is up to you.”

“Consume and evolve...” Leo murmured slowly, head hung low.

Not that long ago Leo managed to put the worst of his past away, years of therapy and the support of his foster family finally helped him accept what happened. And yet here he was, with the possibility of his world and his family being gone, hanging above his head.

“No,” he whispered. Even if the world changed, Leo had to go out there and survive. His situation might look quite bleak, but he had to use this chance and at least try. For his family. For his own sake. Leo owed himself and the people that supported him that much.

Gritting his teeth, he nodded, “Alright then. What’s left?”

The doppelganger gave a nod of its own, lips dipping into an almost unnoticeable grin. “Class selection. Probably one of your most important decisions. After all, a class will be the main tool in your journey. Just remember that classes are here to guide you, not limit your learning capabilities. Almost anything is possible as long as you try.”

With a flick of its wrist, letters began to form between Leo and the doppelganger. “Here, have a look and decide. We barely have any time left.”

The letters stopped moving, forming a straight list of classes and their very short descriptions.

Way of the Blood. Show your enemies no fear and face them head-on. Be the unmovable shield and the deadliest blade for your foes.
Grants the necessary skills and knowledge to begin your path as a warrior. Offers Warrior’s Body trait. +3 MIGHT, +1 SOUL per level.

Way of the Essence. Show your enemies the control you possess and decimate them with the power of your soul. Grind them all to dust.
Grants the necessary skills and knowledge to begin your path as a mage. Offers Enlightened Mind trait. +2 MIND and SOUL, per level.

Way of the Shadows. Show nothing and leave nothing behind. No one is safe from your blade. The shadows welcome you.
Grants the necessary skills and knowledge to begin your path as an assassin. Offers Assassin's Grace trait. +2 GRACE, +1 VISION and MIND per level.

Way of the Arrow. Show your enemies your skill and blow them apart with your aim. Your eyes see everything. Well, almost.
Grants the necessary skills and knowledge to begin your path as a ranger. Offers Ranger’s Eyes trait. +2 VISION, +1 GRACE and MIND per level.

To be honest, Leo expected more complicated choices, especially with everything that had been going on. Instead, he received a list of four pretty straightforward classes. Well, almost straightforward.

The descriptions only gave the most basic information and some clues as to what Leo could expect from each class, no more, no less. He could make assumptions going by the names, though he still felt like it wasn’t enough to make such an important decision. Although now I have some ideas about the purpose of the three remaining attributes.

“I take you won’t tell me what the ‘necessary skills’ are, hmm?” Wishful thinking at this point, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.

As the doppelganger shook his head, Leo scoffed. “Right…” He murmured and went back to the list.

He had to make a decision. Leo just hoped that it would be the right one…

Warrior was instantly out in Leo’s opinion. Rushing head-on toward an unknown enemy in an unknown situation went against the prime principle that the clone was constantly hinting at.


So yeah, no suicidal charges for Leo. Or so he hoped...

With one option out, Leo’s mind traveled to the Mage class. It certainly could be interesting to become a Sorcerer, but then again, how did this class help him survive? With no knowledge about Essence Manipulation, he couldn't just go and predict what abilities he would gain.

No, too many unknowns, Leo shook his head. Besides, the clone just told me that a class doesn’t limit my ability to learn other skills. Magic, or whatever it is, will still be within my grasp.

Nodding, Leo looked at his last two choices. Assassin and Ranger.

Both options were good when it came to helping him survive in a dark world. One should grant Leo the ability to stealthily make his way around the world, while the other offered him the capabilities of long-range combat.

Unfortunately, as Leo read the description of Ranger class once again, he grimaced.

Way of the Arrow. Yeah, no thanks.

A few years back, Lily tried to introduce Leo to a few unique sports disciplines and archery was one of them. This special tryout didn’t really go well. Leo could remember perfectly how he failed every attempt at even replicating the proper grasp of the bow, and the less said about aiming the better.

After that experience, Leo hated anything that could shoot arrows with heated passion. His face always turned sour when anyone mentioned it. No amount of persuading could ever make him grab a bow again.

Even now Leo could recall his sister’s laughter when they left the archery range…

As a nasty frown began to spread on Leo’s face, he quickly shook his head. Don’t go there, not yet. She’s fine, she must be.

Closing his eyes, Leo released a deep breath, “I choose Assassin.”

“Are you sure? There’s no going back.”

Leo nodded and opened his eyes. “I am. If the System has a similar definition of Assassin as my world then it is my best bet on survival.”

Besides, where the hell would I find a bow and arrows...

“So be it,” The clone responded and the list of classes disappeared only to be replaced by a few new lines of text.

Assassin class gained.

Trait: Assassin’s Grace received. Skills: Vital Strike, Stealth, Dagger Mastery received.

Leo expected more information or even some rush of knowledge like the class’ description mentioned, but there was no such thing. Nothing changed.

Frowning, Leo addressed the clone, “Wasn’t I supposed to gain the ‘knowledge of how to begin my path?’”

The doppelganger nodded, “The gift of knowledge will arrive once you leave this place, just like any other change you are required to go through.”

Suddenly the entire room shook, the chairs and table disappearing. Leo took a quick look around the chamber as he just barely managed to stay upright.

It’s done. A soft gasp left his lips. There is no more light left, only the crimson, my Essence. Spinning around, Leo faced the clone, whose form began to shimmer, the ends of its fingers slowly turning into specks of light.

The clone gave a small bow. “Do not worry, User. The time has come for me to depart. You made your choices and the Awakening process is finished. I wish you luck, Leonardo Brown…”

“No, wait! There is still so much I need to know!” Leo shouted, trying to reach out, only for his hand to pass through the clone.

“True, there is much more you should know, so much more every survivor should know,” the fading entity whispered. “But there is no time left. I can only offer you a piece of advice that saved many in the past.”

“The world you know is dead,” The clone continued. “Voidlings will get stronger with every night and hunt everything unique in their sight. If you ever hesitate, you will be left behind, consumed by the never-ending Void. Only the strong survive and you better realize this quickly or you will die like many before you. Use the time you have left here and adapt, User… Adapt or die.”

Frozen in place, Leo gulped and gave a slight nod as the entity faded out of existence. Never during their conversation did the clone use such an oppressive tone. And thus as Leo’s mind replayed the entity’s advice, the flame that held the hope of this being just a dream almost flickered out.

Adapt or die, Leo repeated as he slid down against the nearest wall and closed his eyes.

Despite listening to Lily’s various conspiracy theories, Leo never expected shit like this to happen. In movies and games? Definitely, but in real life? Leo shook his head. This entire situation went against everything he ever believed in.

I have to be ready, Leo opened his eyes. Even if this is just another dream, I have to be ready. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Nodding, Leo summoned his status once again. It was high time to find out what everything there meant.

Just like the clone instructed about class and traits, Leo thought about the other attributes, hoping to find out their full roles.

It didn’t work, well not really.

Leo only managed to confirm what the rank meant — his roughly estimated power level, currently sitting at F- — and how the evolution stage and class worked. Apparently, he had to achieve some sort of milestones or complete tasks to evolve, while his class required a certain level to advance.

Interesting, but it didn’t explain much.

Leo also attempted to investigate the mysterious, half-grayed-out Ether, but the System refused to give away any information about it.

Just great, Leo groaned. Let’s just see what all the skills and traits do. No way the System can keep this knowledge away from me.

Thankfully, it didn’t.

Universal Linguist (Unique):
With a vast Universe comes a wide array of languages. To help achieve communication between different civilizations, the System created this skill for each survivor.
Grants the ability to understand almost every spoken language in the Universe. Be wary that any written form of a foreign language is still mostly beyond you.

Vast Universe? The ability to understand almost everything? Okay, it certainly could be useful, Leo admitted. Though he had to pity all those people that worked hard to learn multiple languages.

Shaking his head, Leo moved on to another skill.

Identify (Unique):
The most common tool of every system user. Created by the System to help the users find their way along the journey.
Allows you to discover details about certain parts of this new world. The efficiency of this skill improves with your Vision and Level.

Is this the tool the clone spoke of? The one that the System provided to learn everything I needed?

Almost instantly Leo attempted to use this ability, though without success. No amount of forceful thinking and shouting worked, it was like the ability wasn’t available to him yet.

Maybe it isn’t, Leo frowned, and as to answer his question, everything around him shook.

Climbing to his feet, Leo’s eyes widened as the crimson glow of the room dimmed. In a matter of seconds, the color gave way to darkness.

Leo’s back hugged the wall behind him as another tremor shook the room. He tried to move again, to maybe escape whatever was happening, but to no avail. His body refused to listen to his commands, leaving Leo as a passenger in his own body.

Then, out of nowhere, an unknown force slammed into him, claiming a weak groan from his mouth. Leo had no strength to fight the next strike and just let the darkness claim what was left of his consciousness, the clone’s last words suddenly ringing in his head.

Adapt or die.


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