Above Eden: Of Science, Magic, and Gods

Chapter 16: The Grand Elder

Caelu stared at the dimmed ceiling and sighed, wrapping her arms around her legs and cradling herself back and forth on the uncomfortable wooden chair. She and her friends from Earth were waiting for their meeting with the Grand Elder. They had been escorted into a private room holding the entrance to the Grand Elder's chamber, though they had yet to enter their destination.

The dimly lit room was bare except for a few seats and a long purple rug that filled the entire length. The dirt walls held numerous light stones embedded in them, and the floor was lined with limestone.

A light stone above Caelu's head flickered before dimming completely, causing another streak of light to fade and darken Caelu's face further. She felt the air around her chill, and a slight breeze swept her hair, prompting her to look around. None of the humans had used magic, and they all looked deep in thought.

Yet, she had sensed the rift in the air. That shouldn't have been possible deep underground, especially since there wasn't a Windstone embedded within the room's walls.

It was… peculiar.

The past few hours had gone by in a blur. One moment, she was smiling and looking up at Elder Septen, offering a Symbol of Friendship between her tribe and the humans. After a single blink, she was sprawled on the plaza floor, her clothes and hair in a whirlwind of a mess, while the other elves stared at her in a mix of fear and shock.

It was only after the elder spoke that everything became crystal clear; she had become a vessel of Bie.

She sniffed the air without a thought, and a small whirlwind swept into her nostrils. Caelu could smell it all: the charred metallic smell from the light stones, the chocolate in Leader Moore's pocket, and the burning candle wax in the Grand Elder's chamber.

Even the gentle whispers between her friends were crystal clear, even more so than before. Her senses had always been sharp…, but now the air seemed to obey her will and move even without concentration on her part.

She was far below the sky, within the earth itself, yet the powers of the sky lingered within her due to that goddess.

The sky… it was beautiful. Caelu enjoyed the breeze, the endless sea of air, and the feeling of liberation from the confines of the forest she called home. Yet, even now, her hands were pressed together in prayer to Tesa: for a sign, for reassurance.

Chiu had been chosen for his faith and suitability… so wasn't she just as suitable?

"Please…" Caelu whispered. "Tesa… Father of the Earth. Am I not your child?"

Her heart sank with each passing moment, her ears shut and surrounding her silently. There was no purple glow, no godly presence. There wasn't even a sliver of a pulse from the earth.

A small cloud manifested next to her, causing her to grit her teeth and wave it away with her hands.

"Just because she was possessed by… whatever that god's name is, they decide to treat her like an outsider?" Group Leader Wells said, leaning in his chair with his arms crossed. The short man was fiery like his hair and grunted like a wild boar with every sentence. He was on the opposite end of the room and talking gruffly, though Caelu could easily hear him.

Caelu smiled despite her situation. Wells' crude language was refreshing, considering the way her tribal members and even many of the humans spoke. Many within her tribe would've called him barbaric, but she thought he was noble despite his relatively limited vernacular. She could sense his frustration for her being and his anger at the seeming injustice stemming from her tribe's newfound treatment of her.

She silently thanked him for it behind the lingering tears in her eyes.

"Bie," Group Leader Li answered. "She is considered the chief rival and foe of their tribe's patron god. Considering these elves' lives revolve around Tesa, it shouldn't be that surprising."

On the other hand, the group's newest member was the complete opposite of Li. She could tell he was like Nedurp: intelligent, well-spoken, analytical. Unlike most of her new friends, he hailed from a tribe called "Chai-na," a tribe that had a complicated relationship with "Am-ar-eca."

Caelu had assumed he was some sort of hostage until Elize reassured her that he was a warrior sent by Chai-na to observe Am-ar-eca's warriors. And Am-ar-eca was fine with it.

Even though only rotations prior, the two nations had apparently fought each other over control over… an ocean in their world. And millions died from it.

She still had much to learn about Earth.

"Caelu being possessed by the sky deity should not subject her to isolation by her tribe," Elize commented, her tone rising at the end of her sentence. Her voice was usually monotone, yet when it came to Caelu, her tone dipped ever so slightly. Caelu had discovered only she noticed this and that the "golem" had far more emotions than the humans believed.

"I would imagine it's like finding out your neighbor was actually a spy for another nation," Leader Moore said. "Or at least, something akin to it. Maybe the Salem Witch Trials is a better example?"

There were always a few words mixed into the humans' speech that she barely understood, though Caelu felt like she was learning the "lingo" they used rapidly. She tapped the dictionary in her chest pocket and smiled at the thick stack of parchment neatly bundled behind the hard cover.

"Regardless, it's… illogical. Caelu is clearly not happy with the possession, nor is she showing any inclination to betray her tribe or her faith in the earth god."

"People are illogical, especially in the face of gods and religion."

"Elves are different from humans."

"They are much more alike than they would want to believe."

"Stop it." Caelu's voice rang out before her mind could process her action. She looked around and saw the people around her, humans she had only met a week prior. Yet, despite the abnormalities the curse placed upon her, they still stood by her.

Unlike the members of her tribe.

Caelu took a deep breath and straightened her posture. "Thank you for standing up to the others for me. But it doesn't matter. I've been… marked by Bie. Unfortunately, that mark is permanent, and no matter what I do, the others will always look at me with suspicion and scorn."

"Is that why your brother was paraded by the villagers and treated as some sort of prophet?" Lieutenant Li asked.

"Yes. He is the first in many rotations to be personally blessed by Tesa's touch. The gods only commune through mortals if they are fit to represent the gods that commune through them. By communing through Chiu, Tesa has displayed his favor and approval of Chiu being his representative in the mortal realm. They are called the Touched and receive a much stronger blessing to amplify their life and magic."


"And Bie has done the same through me." Caelu frowned while she explained. Her friends lacked information, and she knew Group Leader Li would write it down for them to read later on. "Being chosen by a god is… a rarity and a blessing. Seldom is the day that gods and goddesses choose lower beings to wield their will within the mortal realm.

"Only the most powerful gods and goddesses could occupy multiple hosts, those on the Superior Synod and some. For Tesa and Bie, who had fallen wayward with much of the immortals of Eden, only one or two were possible."

Captain Moore held up his hand. "Are you saying that Bie personally approved of you? But how? Why?"

"The sky," Specialist Smith said. "According to Bie's own words, Caelu was chosen because "because she believes in the divines of this world, the Synod. And because she loves the sky.""

"So what you're saying is, it's our fault, ain't it?" Sergeant Wells grunted. She felt a pang of guilt from his words, despite his tough exterior.

Caelu shook her head. "It's not."

"Yeah, I'm sure our planes and shuttles didn't have anything to do with your love for the sky."

"Admittedly, they did help me appreciate the sky more than before… but my love for flying and the sky happened due to me, and me alone. None of you are at fault for what I decided."

"That would've been a bit reassuring if you weren't in tears, Caelu," Captain Moore mentioned. He walked over to her and patted her shoulders lightly before bowing his head. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's… alright." Caelu rubbed some tears that still lingered. Despite her urges, they remained stubbornly attached to her. "What is done is done. All I can do is live with the consequences of my choices."

"So…. is Bie any good? Like, is she a decent goddess or what?" Sergeant Wells asked.

Caelu felt him changing the topic to lighten the mood, though she knew none of them would like her answer. "To my knowledge, Bie killed the remaining believers that survived the War hundreds of rotations prior. They survived the destruction of the elven kingdom, Lonsaure. When they fled from the charred ruins, Bie struck them down for their cowardice and failure."

"That does not inspire confidence at all," Elize noted. "I fail to see how this is a blessing."

"She certainly isn't Jesus," Leader Moore said. The other humans scoffed, though Caelu failed to understand his words. He saw his confusion and clarified. "Jesus is… was a god on our planet. Or at least, some believe as so."

"I see. What sort of god is he?"

"A kind one, the son of God. Nothing like what you've said about Bie."

"She is certainly… demanding, from the stories I have heard," Caelu admitted. She had always heard the tales of Bie's epic clashes with Tesa and her wickedness upon her poor elvish followers. "Yet, even from our tales, I could tell she was a… free-spirited goddess. One that moved the sky her own way. According to legends, she even challenged Cheth to duels for fun several times."

"Who is Cheth?" Group Leader Li asked.

"The God of Death. He is one of the strongest deities and sits upon the Superior Synod with four others."

Before anyone could ask more questions, the doors to the Grand Elder's chambers swung open, revealing a grave Elder Septen at the widened entrance. He looked up at Caelu, a head taller than him, and grimaced. "You may enter with the humans, child. Be warned, we are more than prepared to deal with any of Bie's trickery should you be possessed by her again."

Sergeant Wells growled, but Caelu raised her hand at him and bowed to Elder Septen smoothly. The wince that appeared on her face at the scathing "child" remark was long gone, replaced by a serene smile. "I assure you, elder, I harbor no ill will to the Grand Elder or the tribe."

"That remains to be seen," Elder Septen answered, pounding his staff and huffing back into the chamber. "Leave your weapons here, all of you. Remember humans to respect the Grand Elder. He is revered even amongst the Council of Elders. You are to show deference to him when he speaks and only respond when he calls for you. Do not forget where you are."

Her smile masked her heart beating faster with every step towards the chamber's entrance. Caelu had never met the Grand Elder; very few had the opportunity and honor to do so. Despite her predicament, her hands shook with excitement at meeting the longest-lived elf within the tribe, one that had guided her people for generations.

When she finally stepped into the sacred room, Caelu covered her eyes and blinked due to a large sunrock blinding her sight. The immense heat from the stone sizzled her skin and provoked beads of sweat to rise to the surface. The overwhelming sensations prevented her from reaching out and feeling for her friends, which caused a pang of worry to strike her heart.

Yet, she continued forward, unwilling to back down to meet with the Grand Elder.

"If anyone can help… it's the Grand Elder," Caelu muttered with her eyes closed. She felt her body scream in protest from the burning sensation spreading through her joints and the heat raging from her hair. Even so, she stepped forward again, placing her bare feet onto the firm ground, cooking the soles and toes like slabs of meat on a grill.

She could even smell the sizzling from below.

"I see… they are worthy," a man's voice rang out. It was unlike any voice she had heard before, a mix between the mortal and the divine. There was power, echoes, behind the voice. Yet, he was contently mortal, a 'mere' elf.

The heat disappatiated in an instant and she blinked when she saw the sunrock on the floor flicker off. Her vision was finally restored, and she witnessed a large chamber lit with candles rather than lighstones. Mountains of books towered to the ceiling, and several parchments filled with maps and unintelligible notes filled the walls. Amidst all this was a single throne in the center, occupied by someone.

Caelu glanced at her own body and tapped down her arms and legs. Nothing was burnt or out of place as if her experience for the past several minutes were… illusions. She glanced at her friends, and they, too, looked confused and in pain, though there was a distinct lack of visible marks on their bodies.

Magic. Magic beyond her understanding.

When she looked up, she saw the Grand Elder face to face. The older elf was ancient, yet he hardly looked a day over thirty rotations. His neat mustache and beard were braided, a deep brown with the sheen of rusetal. He wore a dark purple robe with buttons and belts made of gold, his long hair just covering the ears that held numerous silver piercings. Instead of looking like a wise man who guided her tribe, he looked more akin to the tales of kings and princes Caelu had heard from her caretakers.

More importantly, he was completely clean, unlike her other tribal members who decorated themselves with the earth in honor of Tesa. None of the familiar streaks of dirt and mud blessed his pale skin. Instead, he was bare and clean like her human friends, wearing some leather coverings on his feet while holding a golden staff with his hands. His clear golden eyes watched all the new arrivals with a dispassionate interest as if he were observing a new set of tools.

Seeing an elf's bare face, with visible age lines, was an unfamiliar experience. However, something about the Grand Elder's presence, his aura as he sat upon his large yet simple wooden throne, forced Caelu to focus her attention on him.

Strangely, much like Elize, the Grand Elder's soul seemed… missing—a void where the center of a mortal being was supposed to be. Instead of the warmth and heat she felt prior, all she felt was an odd coldness icing through her veins at the sight of her tribe's beloved Grand Elder.

Realizing she was gawking in his presence, she fell upon both knees and bowed her head onto the granite-cut floor. "I greet the Grand Elder of our tribe."

Her human friends remained on their feet, though they also bowed in respect. A few elders awaited quietly towards the side walls of the room, though some growled in annoyance at the sight of the human warriors.

"Caelu," the Grand Elder stated. His deep voice rumbled throughout the occupied chamber, snuffing out a few nearby candles. "Daughter of Tesa… and Bie."

"Only Tesa," Caelu answered.

"Once you are possessed by the divine, you are theirs till your death."

"That does not make me a Daughter of Bie."

The Grand Elder thumped his long staff on the floor, prompting a flurry of magic to vibrate through the room. Caelu could feel the elements swirling at the Grand Elder's fingertips: earth, air, fire, water, and even the most coveted magic, life. "So it would seem. I am not here to debate semantics, Caelu. I sit here, distracted from my studies, to meet the… strangers from afar."

"You're a sage," Caelu said inadvertently, covering her mouth for her insolent behavior.

Instead of berating her outburst, the Grand Elder chuckled. "That I am, only made possible due to trials of fire and blood. Pray that you are never forced to be a sage when blessed by a divine child."

Those blessed by gods or goddesses were inherently blessed with the magic of their patron. Yet, being a sage while blessed meant… they needed far greater magic—for power… or survival.

Sacrificing their soul for immortality and magic.

"Now," the Grand Elder continued. "I believe it was… Moore. Yes, Leader Moore. Step forward."

Leader Moore approached the old elf and stood at attention, bowing his head once again. "I thank you for your hospitality."

"Be at ease. I have heard much already from Elder Septen and the others. I gave them my permission for the Symbol of Friendship, sealed and guaranteed by my own magic. I am eager to always learn more, especially about this new world called "Earth."

"Yet, the words of our Lord Tesa and even his chief rival Bie have painted a bleak painting for our tribe's future. One that is filled with misery and war, like all those years ago. Even now, the local human duchy has taken notice of this forest. The presence of two divines in a span of days has not gone unnoticed, and you have invited them to invade our sacred home."

"How do you know?" Leader Moore asked.

The Grand Elder frowned. "You may be unfamiliar with the workings of this world, but the divine descending upon the mortal realm is an event that can be sensed by mages and sages alike for leagues on end. I have no doubt the humans have a few among their tribes. To them, this forest is now a beacon, like gold to a troll. They will investigate, whether by those well-versed in magic or the local fiefdoms investigating the source."

"If worst comes to worst, we will defend the forest," Leader Moore declared, folding his hands on his stomach and standing erect. The tone of his voice held a distinct lack of fear or worry, which made Caelu sigh in relief. "But we will first pursue diplomacy and ensure they turn back."

"And yet, if you are to leave this realm and return to your own, we will be stuck here with newfound hostility and enemies. No, it is better for you to destroy them and make them fear taking a step into this holy forest."

"We have been ordered to avoid bloodshed."

"Then abandon your naive mindset because your tribe and ours will only be safe when those threats are destroyed, not catered to. If Lord Tesa is correct, and he always is, it is better to destroy those following the Superior Synod before the beginning of another War of Eden.."

Captain Moore stiffened, drawing a long look from the Grand Elder. "We will deal with them, but we will not resort to mass murder for an… advantage. No matter who we may face in the future."

Caelu suppressed the shock that threatened to spill over on her face. Even the elders who held greater hostility toward outsiders were not as… bloodthirsty. The Grand Elder's emotions felt flat, devoid of the intensity and colors she was familiar with in others, as if the thought of killing thousands of humans was akin to wiping out a colony of ants.

"Do not say that I did not warn you, human," the Grand Elder replied, the few age lines on his face deepening with each word. "But should you fail, I will release the beasts of this forest to deal with the invaders."

She felt only one emotion echo from the Grand Elder: glee. It was more potent than the muffled mockeries of emotions she had felt from him so far.

As the Grand Elder offered his staff for Leader Moore to shake, Caelu bit her lips and shuddered while she stared at the unnerving smile on the elderly elf's face.


AN: I did finish part 1 for the Omake. I'll be posting that tomorrow!

Shoutout to Shabab Didar, Stikulzon, CJ Moran, Philip Mackinoths, Demoniose Oculus, Rémi Dufour, and deathraven181 for their support on Patreon. Thank you so much 

As always, thank you for the support. Any comments, criticism, and suggestions are always appreciated.

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