Above Naruto

Chapter 15 A Brand New Discovery

After the Zabuza incident, the group went smoothly and finally arrived at Tazuna's house.

Sasuke seemed very silent along the way. After seeing Naruto's strength, he was deeply shocked and completely lost his mind.

Sakura was also more or less affected and hugged Naruto's arm tightly.

Tazuna's home is by the sea. There is a woman and children at home, Tazuna's daughter and grandson, Tsunami and Inari.

As soon as the door was opened, Inari happily threw herself into Tazuna's arms.

"You're back, Grandpa."

Inari is an eight-year-old child with black hair and black eyes. He wears a hat.

He glanced at Naruto and the others, expressionless, and said to Tsunami, "Mom, they will die. Anyone who resists Cardo will die."

Tsunami is a long-haired young woman with a beautiful face and gentle temperament.At this moment, he put his hands on his hips and lectured: "Inari, don't talk nonsense. They are the ninjas who protect grandpa, so say hello obediently."

Inari ignored it, opened the door and went upstairs.

Because I was going to stay at Dazna's house for a few days, I had to go to town to buy some ingredients.Naruto couldn't move Sakura, so he had no choice but to follow him. Sakura held Naruto's hand with a happy face and followed Tatsuna towards the market.

Affected by Cardo, the entire Kingdom of Waves was in a state of decadence.The people were in dire straits, with sallow faces and thin skin, and despair in their eyes; the food ingredients in the market were pitiful, and only a little was purchased.

When they returned, a bald man stared at the bag around Sakura's waist. He stretched out a hand and was about to snatch it away when he was caught by Naruto.

Naruto grabbed the bald man's hand and exerted a slight force. The bald man screamed in pain and struggled, but Naruto's hand was as motionless as an iron hoop.

"Keep your hands and feet clean." Naruto said coldly to the bald man, with a cold light in his eyes that was frightening. The bald man was frightened and nodded crazily.

Naruto let go of his hand, and the bald man disappeared in a flash.

Dazuna on the side said with emotion: "If that bridge had been built, the Country of Waves wouldn't be like this." He looked into the distance, his voice choked with sobs.

"As long as that bridge is repaired, the country of Waves will have the courage to do so. That is a bridge of courage!"


in the forest

Kakashi said to the three Narutos: "Zabuza will definitely come again. We will do some basic training in the past few days."

"But what we can learn in these few days is why we might as well teach us some powerful ninjutsu." Sasuke retorted.

Naruto's strength had hit him hard, and now he desperately needed strong strength.

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke and said, "It's too early for you to learn ninjutsu now. You have to completely master chakra first, and that's what you need to do now. Let me first demonstrate the content of the training."

After saying that, Kakashi walked towards a big tree next to him, and walked up the tree step by step under the surprised eyes of Sasuke and Sakura.While Kakashi was waiting to explain, Naruto's voice came from another tree.

"Is that so? I already know how to do it." Naruto hung upside down on the branch, his feet pressed tightly against the tree body, and his arms crossed his chest.Immediately, he turned over and landed smoothly on the ground, his long golden hair fluttering, making Sakura look like a nymphomaniac.

Kakashi was helpless towards this student, and immediately said to Sasuke and Sakura: "As long as you gather the appropriate amount of chakra under your feet and maintain a delicate balance, you can achieve what I just did. Okay, then climb Tree training has begun. You must work hard."

Sasuke and Sakura quickly practiced, and seeing that Naruto had already learned it, they couldn't help but feel a little unwilling to admit defeat.

At this time, Naruto said to Kakashi: "Kakashi-sensei, I want to practice somewhere else." Kakashi nodded in agreement. From the battle with Zabuza, we can see Naruto's strength He was definitely at the level of a jounin, and he had nothing to teach him.

After getting Kakashi's agreement, Naruto thanked him and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Running wildly all the way, Naruto was extremely fast!The chakra in his body was consumed crazily, and every step would leave deep footprints on the tree. His figure was like a red flash of light, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.Naruto had a painful expression on his face, with sweat covering his face. There was a surge of energy exploding in his body, which he suppressed.

That was murderous intent, Naruto was very sure!

After running for several kilometers, and making sure that Kakashi and the others would not be discovered, Naruto stopped.

The suppressed energy in the body exploded crazily!


Naruto shouted, roaring like a wild beast!The murderous aura that was as solid as a substance exploded in all directions, covering a kilometer in radius. It was full of energy, leaves fell one after another, invisible waves spread, and the creatures in the surrounding areas shivered. The eyes of the creatures that were close had already turned white and they had fainted.

The entire space was covered with a layer of light black, and Naruto's pupils were dark, like an abyss, and his tied hair was spread out and flying, like a god of death walking out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

A brand new power was generated in Naruto's body!

100 meters away from Naruto, a young man wearing a pink kimono, with snow-white skin, and as beautiful as a crown jewel looked at Naruto, his body trembling, his eyes wide open with fear, his breathing almost stopped, and his face was pale and bloodless. , sweat flowed down, and my back was soaked.

so horrible!The handsome young man didn't even dare to move his eyes. He looked at the substantial light black murderous aura in the air and couldn't even swallow. His body was frozen there as if someone had cast a body-holding spell.

Naruto passed out and fell to the ground, while the handsome boy stood stiffly.

It's night, starry

Naruto opened his eyes, climbed up from his place with difficulty, and sat cross-legged to meditate.

Although he passed out, his consciousness was still awake, and everything that happened around him was very clear. He was confused about the young man who appeared next to him, and the changes that took place in his body also made Naruto curious.

The chakra in the body was exhausted, and the chakra flame became like a small flame. The green light energy emitted bursts of green light, repairing Naruto's body, and there was a light black air ball next to it.

This is the newly acquired power, the power generated by the concentration of murderous intent!It should be the ability that Naruto retained from his previous life, which was activated during the confrontation with Kakashi and Zabuza.

Naruto tried to use it to no avail and had no choice but to give up.

The green light energy wandering outside was absorbed into Naruto's body. He opened his eyes and looked at the sky. It was already very late.

It's better to go back, Sakura should be worried.

Naruto was extremely fast, lightning fast, and disappeared into the night.

The originally handsome young man had long since disappeared.


Sakura stood anxiously at the door of Dazuna's house, looking into the distance with worry.

Naruto has been out for a long time and has not come back yet.

At this time, a figure appeared in front of Sakura, it was Naruto.His long hair was hanging behind his head, and his face looked tired.

"Naruto" Sakura threw herself into Naruto's arms and hugged Naruto's neck tightly with both hands. With tears in her eyes, her fearful heart finally calmed down.

Naruto held Sakura in his arms and spoke softly.

"I made you worry, Sakura."

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