Above Naruto

Chapter 253 Gods and ghosts?

♂nbsp; Within the Kingdom of Whirlpool, this place has long been in ruins. The sky is dim and dull, without any sunlight, and it is very cold and dim.

Naruto and Karin stepped forward, walking side by side.

Xiang Lu took off his mask, revealing his delicate jade face, with a smile on his lips, looking very happy.

I haven't been alone with Naruto for a long time. Since the establishment of God Killing, Naruto has had more and more things to do. He needs to take care of Konoha and the Akatsuki organization. His time is tight and it is difficult to spare time.

She looked at Naruto aside, stretched out her small jade-like hand and grabbed Naruto's palm.

Warm chakra breath flowed from the palms of his body to his body. This feeling was only experienced by Naruto.

"It's not peaceful here." Naruto looked up at the sky, an inexplicable light emitting from his eyes.

He glanced around. It was not far from the Uzumaki Ancestral Temple. There was a different kind of atmosphere in the air, and the surrounding area was silent, like a ghost.

What happened to the Uzumaki clan?

Naruto thought secretly.

The death energy here is gathering and never dissipating. The deeper you go into the whirlpool ancestral temple, the more terrifying it becomes, as if there is a life-threatening god of death, which makes people shudder.

"What's wrong Naruto?"

Xianglin asked.

Naruto replied: "The death energy here is gathering and not dissipating. It should be because there was a big problem before. When we came here a few years ago, the aura was not so strong. Now it seems that the Uzumaki clan should have issued a It took a major incident to cause the genocide.”

"Isn't it a war?" Xiang Ling said doubtfully. She looked around and couldn't see the so-called death aura. She only felt a coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow.

Naruto shook his head without elaborating, and he didn't understand the reason.

But this place gave him a very strong sense of crisis. He gathered all his energy, clenched his little hands and walked slowly into a dense forest.

The ancient trees are towering into the sky, and the deep and dark ancient forest seems to swallow up all the light. The wind blows through and whistles like a roaring demon.

The two walked through the ancient forest, and a long-abandoned ancestral hall appeared in sight, surrounded by ruins and ruins, like stars over the moon.

This makes the ancestral temple more majestic.

This village is large in scale, but now it is deserted and deserted, but it is not difficult to see its former heyday and glorious past.

Naruto frowned and stared at the ancestral temple, his heart beating faster and faster, and the strong sense of crisis even made him have the urge to destroy this place.

Not only did he think of the statue he saw a few years ago, the ferocious evil ghost, the scarlet blood, the sky-covering white hair, and the soul-eating sword light.

"It's incredible, this place" Naruto sighed, feeling a little scared in his heart.

His strength is not invincible in the ninja world, but the number of known people who can fight with him is only one palm. He has the belief that he is invincible, and no one can resist him.

But this ancestral temple made him want to quit. A few years ago, he felt that this place was extraordinary. But now it seems that he was wrong. This place is obviously a terrible place.

"Naruto-kun" Xianglan's face turned pale, and his hands unconsciously grasped Naruto's arms.

A bone-chilling chill invaded her body, causing her to tremble slightly.

Naruto patted Xiang Lian's shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, don't leave me later, follow closely."

He put his arm around Xiang Ling's shoulders and hugged him into his arms. The field formed by chakra protected him within one foot, and he stepped into the village.

As soon as he stepped in, the sky changed and became three points darker.

Naruto felt something in his heart, paused slightly, and stepped in.

Walking through an abandoned village, we arrived in front of the ancestral temple. The place had not changed much from a few years ago, but it became more and more desolate and lifeless, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

"Naruto-kun" Xiang Ling was a little scared. She also understood the weirdness of this place. If she were to come alone, she would never dare to step foot here. Now her only support is Naruto.

After saying that, she held on to Naruto even tighter, fearing that he would disappear in the next second.

"It's alright, let's go in."

Naruto said, striding in with Xianglan in his arms.

As soon as they entered, a cold wind blew towards the two of them. Xiang Phosphorus's face suddenly turned white. The bone-piercing cold wind seemed to freeze his flesh and blood, and a sharp pain spread to his nerves.

"Ah" Kosu screamed, her nails digging deeply into Naruto's flesh.

A flash of light flashed in Naruto's eyes, and the nine-tailed Yang attribute chakra formed a demon fox coat and attached to Xiang Ling's body, dispelling the cold wind.

Naruto hugged Xianglan tightly and looked up.

In the dark hall, a statue stood in the middle.

The evil ghost is ferocious, with scarlet ghost eyes, three feet tall, wearing a kimono, as pale as snow, with hair covering the sky.

These eyes were vivid and shining with a coquettish light, staring into Naruto's eyes. A short knife was placed in front of his mouth, with a green face and fangs, and a scarlet tongue licking the blade.

Silently, an aura erupted, impacting Naruto. In a daze, he seemed to see an evil ghost slowly approaching, and the blade in his hand was about to cut off.

Naruto was calm, his eyes glowed green, and all illusions were shattered

The ancestral temple is still the same ancestral temple, and the statue is still the same statue, but the feeling has changed. The statue is dilapidated, half of its body is gone, and it no longer has any luster.


Naruto murmured to himself, but the uneasiness in his heart never disappeared.

It's better not to come here in the future, at least until I don't have the power of life.

"Okay Xiang Phosphorus, it's okay."

Naruto said looking down at Karin.

Xiang Ling came back to his senses, and his snow-white complexion improved slightly. The demon fox coat blocked the cold air, and the yang chakra warmed Xiang Ling's body.

She nodded, still holding onto Naruto's arm, but not as gaffey as before.

"Look carefully, the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan is not that simple. There must be some technique here that we haven't discovered." Naruto said.


Xiang Ling nodded and agreed: "There are indeed some spells here. The sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan is extremely complicated. Even the first generation did not fully master the sealing technique. The most powerful known one is the sealing of zombies. However, although the sealing technique here is not as powerful as the sealing of the zombies, it is still extremely powerful."

Xiang Ling observed with great interest and did not miss a single bit. The sealing techniques were imprinted on the rock wall of the ancestral temple one by one. Although the ancestral temple was dilapidated, these imprints did not disappear at all. When connected in series, they seemed to form a huge Like a technique.

Densely packed.

Xiang Ling took Naruto to browse through the ancestral temple completely. Time passed unknowingly, one hour passed, and two hours passed.

During this period of time, Xiang Phosphorus mastered more and more techniques. Every time she mastered a technique, she felt like she was enlightened. All the previous doubts were solved, and each technique was continuously perfected.

Xiang Ling couldn't help but exclaim, the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan was so amazing.

She kept absorbing it, and soon the sun set. The place became colder and colder, and darkness returned as before. Naruto had no choice but to release chakra to form a ball of light for illumination.

He couldn't help but take a look at the statue in the middle. There was nothing strange about it.

Xiang Ling fell into a state of selflessness, practicing sealing spells one after another in her mind. She made up for the shortcomings of the last time. This time she browsed all the spells in the ancestral temple, and the sealing spells became imprints in her mind and were constantly reorganized and evolved.

Naruto stood aside quietly, not disturbing, and guarding his surroundings.

After a long time, Xiang Li opened his eyes, with a happy smile on his lips.

"It worked Naruto, but there are too many techniques and I need some time to digest them."

Naruto nodded and said: "That's good, we're not in a hurry. We'd better leave here. This place is too weird. Leave as soon as possible."

Naruto wasn't kidding, this place made him a little hairy and he felt very uneasy.

Xiang Ling shrank her head and looked around. The darkness was like a curtain, which made her heart tremble, her whole body trembled, and her scalp felt numb.

I had been so absorbed in the sealing technique that I didn't notice it before. Now I came back to my senses and realized that it was already night, darkness had fallen, and I felt an inexplicable fear.

"Hurry, let's go."

Xiang Ling trembled, pulling Naruto's arm and holding it close, her voice trembling.

The village fell into darkness, with only the ancestral temple emitting light, like fireflies in the endless wilderness, as small as gravel in the dark forest.

Naruto stopped talking, pulled Xiang Lian, and quickly walked out of the ancestral temple. He held the ball of light in his palm, and hugged Xiang Lian's slim waist with his other hand. Chakra turned into a ribbon and surrounded the two of them, using Wushuang Taijutsu. Unfolding it, Naruto rose into the air and flew away.

He looked back and saw the ancestral temple looming in the darkness, entrenched on the ground like a giant beast.

He cleared away the distracting thoughts in his mind and left this place.

The abandoned ancestral land of the Uzumaki clan once again fell into darkness. It was like a ghost. No strangers were allowed to enter. It was silent and there was not even an insect.

In the ancestral temple, a white mist emerged, and a shadow appeared in a trance. It was three feet high, and there was a scene like a group of demons dancing wildly. It was white hair that covered the sky and danced.

The scarlet blood light loomed in the white mist, and a strange laughter seemed to echo faintly, from low to high, from shrill to roaring.

The sky cleared up, but it was still dark here. Thick dark clouds blocked the sunlight. The white mist disappeared in the ancestral temple, and a complete statue appeared in the middle. There was a sly smile in the evil ghost's ferocity.

Suddenly, a large piece of the ancestral temple's ceiling fell off, hitting the ground and sending up a burst of smoke and dust. Along with that, the mark on that piece also disappeared.

Darkness returns, white fog rises, and the evil ghosts appear again and again.

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