Abyssal Road Trip

14 - The tolling of the Iron bell

After days in Darkness, drifting in the tides of Ki, the bitter red light stabbing from above surprised Julia. While floating in those waters, she hadn’t paid conscious attention to the passing of time, nor the Darkness. Yet as she nestled deep within the Ki both had paid attention to her.

The Ki was and would always be. The Darkness was and would always be. When the Suns all died, the Darkness would remain. Darkness wasn’t evil; it was merely Light’s other side. It didn’t destroy it concealed, hid, and protected. Time wasn’t even evil even though Time consumes all things, choices, restrictions, dreams, nightmares, peace and conflict alike.

[Darkness affinity unlocked.

Dark Mana is now accessible via Mana Manipulation.

Dark Sight unlocked.

Dark Sight (1).

Time Mana affinity unlocked.

Time Mana is now accessible via Mana Manipulation.

Time Sense (15 -> [B] 1)

Harmony (9 -> [B] 1)

Ki Meditation [Ap] (7 -> 9)]

I was meditating for days. They just drifted away. Yet Time Sense just kept cataloguing the movements of my flexing fingers and tracked the time, yikes. Wonder how accurate it is. Is it a count that is out by hours, days, or only minutes.

That sense of time itself doesn't matter. Is that from the Ki Mediation? Yet its only apprentice. Another option is some Demonic eternal weirdness. Or is it because I got lost in the meditation? Then again, without the prompts of hunger or fatigue. Well, there's nothing to push me to stop?

Mana Manipulation, guess that’s part of spell casting. Wonder if I’ll need anything further.

[Skill point allocated presently thirty-two points still available to distribute.

Mana Manipulation Unlocked.

Mana Manipulation (1).

Mana Pool Unlocked.

Base Mana Pool set to 21.

Mana Pool adjusted by high Intelligence attribute (21 -> 28)

Mana Pool adjusted by high Willpower attribute (28 -> 43)

Ki Meditation Synergy with Mana Manipulation detected

Bonus ranks from class allocated because of skill synergy.

Mana Manipulation (1 -> 9)

Mana Pool increased (43 -> 51)

Wizard class unlocked and selected.

Magic increased (21 -> 22)

Advancement in class paths currently at:

Monk - Level 14

Wizard - Level 1]

Guess I should have looked into Magic and Mana earlier. It has said something about Wizard's magic using researched methods. Though research requires experiments and experiments sometimes mean things go boom. No rushing allowed, be careful.

It’s what you don’t know that can come back and bite you in the arse. Not a big fan of magic-user types, I'll look at it later though.

Julia heard the skin of her severed wings slap wetly against whatever opening that was there. Cursing carried down from above and almost made her smile. With a simple flowing movement, Julia stepped up and into the light that speared into the chamber. Her gaze roamed up the arching height of the cathedral-like pillar that held her captive, and she looked to the light.

“I grew tired of hanging around, so I sat out the wait.”

“Stand back. Will drop rope. You climb up. Try nothing. You summoned.”

It was her first time hearing a Dretch speak. Its halting words did nothing to raise her opinion of them, especially what she'd witnessed. Julia just hoped it would actually secure the rope, and not just drop it in.

At last, when its rope dropped like an uncoiling arm, she skipped back from its weight. The sound of leather slapping against stone rose from it, as its end licked against the floor.

"Climb. Now,"

The tricks Mal had taught her to climb a rope unaided came back readily. Every motion upwards added memories of their fun times together, their joyous times adding to the Ki's tranquil pool. Swinging from ropes into rivers, climbing into tree houses, one families' property or another. The little shadow skipping and running along in the wake of her older brother. So much life that had flittered by enjoyed but not cherished now vanished into flames.

The Dretch was standing well back when she finished the climb out, yet its sheer mass seemed to loom close. Her eyes took in its massive form standing over 2.5 meters; its shoulders breadth longer than the length of her arm. Its clothes looked formed from patches of weirdly textured leather. There was no apparent sense or reason to the colour or shape of each beyond filling gaps. Then her mind clicked the pieces together, and the chaos made sense, like a magic eye picture Julia couldn’t unsee.

{{It has a hobby. Does it collect them itself? Skin them from the living or those shells with the souls screaming inside the drowned flesh.}}

Her intelligence and perception combined to take away any confusion about the pattern’s source. Coldly they sliced apart the details, to make sense of the clues present, some bits of hair still, and then some other shapes. A corner softly turned like a lip. That was the last clue it needed, and it all fell together: the lumps became noses, a bit of hair, an eyebrow, or eyelash. Its patches were all human faces, and it had enough to cover the whole of its massive frame. It's texture making her wonder about the rope.

The chamber which she climbed into was more passageway than a room. Storage racks irregularly spotted the wall along one side. Their content was a cluttered mixture of ordinary tools, with spikes, presses, among other fun only an inquisitor would love.

A stone plug, almost as thick as her torso was broad, tilted away from the opening. A block and tackle still attached showed how it unsealed. She could see stones about the same size set with hooks, along the passage, they could hold the twenty prisoners at least just in this stretch. Archways towards the middle seemed to lead to further passageways, so lots of room for everyone at the block party. Not that she figured it was the time, place or individual to enquiry about the cost of a tour.

{{Fuck it and drain the energy from it. Make its strength ours.}}


It pushed her towards an intersection and followed with heavy steps. She didn’t want any Demon, especially not one of this ilk at her back. Yet that option had long since vanished over the horizon. As they got to a blank wall, the Dretch pushed past her with a groping hand. Julia’s gritted teeth were the only thing that saved it from a crotch punch. Its slab-like hand slapped against a stone, and a section before them melted like wax.

The stone flowed downwards but didn’t spill out of the wall. Its motion provided Julia with no clue to determine if it was illusion or stone shaping that formed it. Another uniformed Succubus leaned against a wall beyond; it appeared to have come from the same mould as the other four. Before the wall had finished shifting away, it stepped forward to look past the Dretch and regarded her with malevolent disinterest.

{{Oh, careful}}

“What happened to its Wings?”

“On when she goes in. Opened hatch they weren’t. Wings set on holders, they still on them; she wasn’t on Wings. She climbed rope out. Should I put it back?”

“No, it comes with me for now.”

The Succubus reached out, and with a seemingly negligent push sent the massive Dretch staggering away. The now cleared ‘doorway’ gave Julia plenty of space to step forward, as the Succubus moved back. Questions formed on lips as Julia's brain raced in thought, even as she moved forward into the gap. Yet a glint of concealed anticipation caused her to still her tongue.

[Perception [B](16 -> 17)

Sense Motive (1 -> 3)]

I’m fine. I’ve had a lovely rest. How has your day been?

When she had stepped in the chamber beyond a blow struck towards her face. Only her instinctive flinch spared her contact and gave her sight of the glistening strand connected to the hand. Pain clamped around Julia's neck at its touch. The collar suddenly seemed to squeeze as if within a giant's grasp.

The other didn’t seem inclined to explain or wait for her to understand. With effortless striding motions, it's 'walking' speed was so fast Julia needed to run to match its pace. The strand still formed a bridge between them, stretching between collar to hand. Feeling the pain climbing as the ‘leash’ thinned further, Julia darted forward to stop it from snapping tight. Embracing Pain Tolerance even while endeavouring to keep up, as their path carried her towards the unknown.

Glad it hasn’t blocked that skill as well.

Still, she moved to keep pace, and the painful pressure ebbed: levelling Pain Tolerance on the Cliff had been one thing. Julia didn’t want to risk being insensible in this place if they overwhelmed it. Ignoring the hiss of ‘Danger Sense’, as it was clear the proverbial shit creek would be happy to drown her in its floodwaters given even one mistake. As the pace picked up, she beckoned to the Ki, and it drifted along with flesh a tranquil contrast to her hurried motions.

Moving alongside the Succubus who seemed intent on towing her, would clearly be a bad thing. Yet following in its wake was a dangerous game as it randomly flexed or even speared its wings towards her. Apparently seeking to prevent her from staying close enough to eliminate the pressure completely. It acted as a sadist playing with a pet, amused to give it cause to jump, run and bounce.

They went up some stairs, down others, in a twisting, confusing pattern, running through groups in training halls, only to sprint back through the spaces, and jogged by ashen gardens. Then spent her strength racing to keep up along galleries, the windows of which overlooked the same places.

Isn’t that how brainwashing starts they make you pick an option? Cause out of options that suck. Well, you still selected it, so whatever is happening is what you chose.

Right, and no introductions, so my exercise instructor for the day is Ms Bitchy McBitchyPants.

Yeah, and you ripped your own wings off. Honey, you ride that train.

They’ve not grown back yet, but Health is full. Suppression of ‘Shapeshift’ maybe? Something else, no idea? More questions and no answers.

[Mental Resilience [J] (4 -> 5)]

Yet even in that scurry, Julia's sharpened mind still found time to catalogue what she saw. Combat training, in all its forms; as gatherings of Succubi smashed against each other in churning cycles of violence. Their lavish chambers and bare stone rooms seemed to have no apparent rhyme or reason to their use. A massive room filled with once opulent furnishings appeared as if a grand melee was being held within.

Some appeared to come from the first uniformed mould she'd seen, face, hair, wings, apparel alike. It grew beyond four she'd seen to ten, twenty, perhaps thirty or more unless they were flittering back and forth.

Maybe Shapeshift used to look identical so no one can tell them apart? Phantom Ghost who walks, a man who cannot die.

[Perception [B](17 -> 18)]

Yeah. Okay.

I’m enjoying this run.

Days stuck in a black pit; it’s nice to stretch the old or new legs.

I’m weird. I know, but the leash and stabbing wings are the only downsides to this workout. Well, that and being stark naked, plus the girls' weight, the way they bounce, being in the Abyss, oh the joy goes on.

The pain from the leash occasionally gets through Pain Tolerance, but no change in Health. At least I can stop most of it.

{{Makes me feel so much more alive.}}

It’s suppressing my Succubus Powers, not all my Powers, not my skills, nor my Attributes.

{{Locked in a collar, and a leash, I'll be good to you, Mistress.}}

[Ki Movement Unlocked

Ki Movement (1)

Base ground movement increased.]

Getting into the mental zone of the run, she only just avoided ploughing straight into the back of the leash holder when it suddenly stopped. Glancing beyond her wings, it was clear they’d stopped in front of a fancy set of double doors. Their material looked similar to rosewood, inlaid like the crafter had taken a liking to filigree. Then decided their artistic calling was porn with a side order of snuff films. Yet along the doorframe, it seemed they’d given up on porn and moved onto slasher flicks, really gory slasher flicks.

Bells rang somewhere far above them, like a weird screaming church bell; their 'ringing' sounds pulverised her. Feeling as if spikes of power had struck through every major bone; even the protections Pain Tolerance and the Ki Meditation provided were not enough. Julia fought to stay upright. She certainly wouldn't trust McBitchyPants not to take off while rendered unable to follow, or at all.

[Mental Resilience [J] (5 -> 6)

Mana - Improved (1 -> 2)]

Oh, Joy. They’ve got a magic car alarm or was that just their joy buzzer.

{{I would love a buzzer now.}}

As the Bells ceased, a raised voice came clearly from beyond the doors. While it sounded kin to the Abyssal she knew, she failed to grasp a single word.

So what I speak common Abyssal or something, but not whatever that language is.

So the effect suppresses Translate Languages along with the rest of the Succubus kit? J, how about magic on the doors? You can hear bitch, but you can't understand.

I want to have a chat to the Quartermaster these pants don’t fit. Oh wait, they took those as well.

Yeah, I could try the Telepathy out, to see if that they also locked it down. However, don’t think I want to go looking into these Demon’s thoughts if I can help it.

{{Would rather stick my tongue deep in. Lick her silken white skin. Need to feel more than this calm fog suffocating me.}}

The apparent monologue from within the chamber came to a halt, and the doors cracked open. Ms Bitch stepped forward far slower than before, and Julia followed her in, wondering what sort of dog and pony show she was in for now.

After getting led through an antechamber, Julia didn’t get to look at the primary room immediately. She blamed her guide, who seemed to turn game show hostess, putting on a fancy extended flourish of her wings for those already within.

Look at these amazing prizes you could win today.

The chamber looked like it could fit a lot more Succubi in it than were in attendance. Rows of backless flat seats, in various styles, stood scattered along either side of the room. The ones close to the door were each just straightforward construction with no ornamentation at all. As they got closer to the raised platform at the end of the room, they gained carvings and then scattered gemstones. The final ones nearest the raised platform looked to be of precious metals. Though costly enough on its own, the crafter had thrown themselves deep beyond the border of tasteless. Gemstones stacked up like nodules from every surface and seemed to compete with the occupants for space.

There seemed but fifteen Succubi waiting for them, randomly distributed among the seats. Only a few of those present sat anywhere near the one that felt, from its position and isolation, to be their CEO. All present wore the same fitted uniforms, no matter how fancy their seat, yet the rest of their appearance varied as much as a gathering of the UN.

The room was bleakly white, stark in its sameness it felt as if reality roiled along its boundaries. While no colours shifted, the roiling energies seemed to lend everything a strange distorted texture as the material wavered in and out of phase.

It seemed at first only the chairs, and the seated Succubi were the only thing not made of that whiteness. That was until Julia came close to the centre of the chamber, and her attention scuttled off a dark red block squatting there. When she saw it, it was as if it had always been there, waiting, lingering, merely filtered completely from her mind before now. Yet even now knowing its presence, her eyes continued to want to slide off it even as the force of it grasped for her.

As the distance closed to a few body lengths, the details of it snapped clear. It squatted possessively on the floor, maybe her forearm squared in size, the lower of its height dipped to her ankles. However, that was hard to be sure of as its surface seemed crisscrossed with gullies, ridges, and spikes. Getting this close to it made her skin want to crawl, yet her guide took them closer still.

You can keep this one. Can I get one made from memory foam instead? That would be lovely.

When they finally reached the proximity of the twisted looking Church kneeler, her guide stopped, and the leash vanished.


Another sharply flicked gesture showed precisely where, and Julia’s focus threatened to balk at the demand.

Not even a please or thank you. Ms Bitchy McBitchyPants.

Having stopped, her knees didn’t want to flex again, but with one shuffled step forward and then another, things changed. With that step, Julia broke a bubble of resistance, and motion became easier. A final step forward carried her across the last of the separation. Sure that any delay might be far worse than what was to come, Julia knelt on it gingerly. The only comfort is that while the spikes’ pressure was clear, none of them pierced into flesh. The hissing of anger that came from several Succubi, however, cast that comfort away.

Guess they hoped it was just going to eat me whole or something?

Julia’s position cast her gaze upwards towards the ‘CEO’ seated maybe five meters directly ahead. The CEO was a study in contrasts. Her face looked classical, somehow almost angelic, serene, at peace, but violence spoke from her even in sheer stillness. The serenity wasn’t from kindness. Rather it was the serenity of the emptiness between stars—a serenity of an eternally consuming void of destruction where not even emotion lived.

{{She's so strong; I want that sort of Power.}}

The guide twitched nearby as if wanting to strike Julia, who, deep in the tranquillity of Ki, couldn’t manage even fake meekness. Under her knees, the block’s material felt as if composed of the Abyssal Heat itself. Yet like the Heat hiding her Ki, to her, it seemed a veneer hiding something stronger lurking beneath it.

“Her mind is but a blank to all measure of questioning Lady Balnérith; Caster and Power alike.”

Did they question me?

“I see what you mean Castellan; her mental protection is formidable for a whelp. Fetch it.”

Oh, hidden so CEO Lady Balnérith can’t read my mind either.

{{I rule me. Fuck you all.}}

And shut up ‘Danger Sense’ do you think I can’t tell, the depth of this water. Not even giving me any level-ups.

None of the Succubi that Julia could see had so much as shifted on their seat. Making her wonder who was doing the fetching and what was coming. The Succubus that quickly came into Julia's view, without even a whisper of noise, was among those who had been closest to the entryway.

Guess you get to play fetch if you’re a pleb in this place.

In her hands was a solid block set atop four long barbed spikes. The object drank in the room’s light and appeared made from a single black seamless piece of metal. As they set it down carefully in front of Julia, the spikes sank into the floor with its weight alone. Despite its apparent weight, the Succubus had been carrying it with a delicate grip upon the metal. Yet that grip still required obvious effort to remove once the block was in place. As its hands came free, a spray of Demonic blood splattered across the floor. The black droplets blurred even as they hit and colour faded into the white, till only whiteness remained.

Oh yeah, I'd treat something with kid gloves if it was trying to eat my hands as well. No, really. It's okay. You can take the toy back.

The Succubus held out an impatient and unhealing hand, clearly expecting her own. The flesh of her fingers and palm appeared as if it had left chunks of flesh behind, though if so the block had cleared them from its smooth surface.

Oh shit.

The guide didn’t wait for Julia to gather herself and instead stepped forward. Grabbing her forearm, she hauled Julia’s hand upwards towards the waiting Succubus. Though the force and angle should have yanked her up, something held her shins to the block. Julia found herself secured between them, holding her fingers and forearm in a crushing vice.

One moment Lady Balnérith was still sitting; then she was there next to the block, leaving behind but a flickering after image. Her hands danced over the material, manipulating it with no sign of injury or uncertainty. When done, her fingers lifted easily away, and the block shifted its surface to fall open, revealing a thick spike within.

Julia’s fingers and arm held still between the two Succubi; they moved with blinding speed. She didn’t even have time to blink as they smashed her palm onto the spike. As the tip of it shoved up through the middle of her palm, blood splattering over them because of the force. Bones displaced outwards in a rush of agony, pain washing past her tolerance, as hollowing energy emanated from the wound as if to consume her.

The spike's sides folded outwards in quarters, the segments unfurling as if a blooming Orchid. Metal like they still flexed as if wings before spearing down to pin her hand to the base. Searing cold scoured into flesh and bone, as the spike's inner core flattened and drooped downwards. That core moved about with motions as if it was tasting the air before it bent to lick at her pooling blood.

“We shall have the Truth of you.”

Lady Balnérith looked down serenely as Julia screamed, her sense of Ki, and even reality itself shattering. The pain she felt made the memory of Ascending's Inferno but a Paradise. As even her sense of time ruptured, oblivion remained teasingly out of reach. Agony lovingly, with sharpened caresses pressed hard, thrust her against reality's mirrored shards, seeming to drive her perception into the beyond. Sores bloomed slowly outwards, spiralling upwards along her arm. Flesh betraying her, as it rotted from within, the skin then muscle slid from bones in the bloom's wake.

Julia’s body convulsed as her mind tried to break past the riptide of the spike's siren call. The Succubi had long since released her, yet the spike and block held her fast. As the creeping sores cascaded past her elbow, the strange licking tongue coalesced into a solid seed. A blade gleamed into existence, and within the room's whiteness, its silver shone like ice.

Ice that rose and fell with force to sever Julia’s arm from her shoulder with absent care. Where blade cleaved flesh and bone, frost followed, and cold beyond cold cauterised the wound. Flesh parted like ripping silk as the limb dropped away, still decaying to the floor.

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