Abyssal Road Trip

23 - A Hard Day's Knight

“I need to communicate, not just mime.”

Analysis: Languages

[Language: The formal or informal language for a social group, species, etc. Those using a language might be a small group or extend over multiple planes.

Unlocked languages currently possessed by the enquiring entity are:

Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English.

Languages that experience has exposed the enquiring entity to:




Elvish - Moon Elf dialect]

Hearing stuff from Ari’s memory counted as exposure?

Analysis: Unlocking Languages


Analysis: Language Unlock.

[Language Unlock: Achieved by standard learning of a language, magical or divine implanting of the language(s) knowledge, or finally a Skill/Knowledge Point. ]

Well, I’m on a time limit, and I need to talk to people to save Livia.

Spend Knowledge Point on Language, Norse

[Norse Language Unlocked]

Goodness, it worked the first time, first time for everything.

So tempted to unlock Elvish as well, but no point until I actually spot an Elf that can’t speak to me. Maybe.

“What do you think Livia. We might need resources for getting help. Bag, bag what’s in the Bag?”

Pulling the pouch back out from her inventory, she triggered analysis on it.

Analysis: Magic Pouch

[Pouch of Shielded Treasure: Crafted from the stomach lining of a Sphinx, the enchantment weaved into its manufacture provides resistance to location spell forms. This effect extends to the contents and its owner. It provides storage capacity for a total space of 4 metres cubed, regardless of weight.

To store an item, place at least part of it inside the pouch’s opening, and will the Pouch to absorb it. Retrieve items by focusing on the desired item appearing. Retrieved items will appear fully outside the mouth of the pouch.]

“Ok, well that’s cool. This could be a mistake, but I’m claiming you, just hope Analysis isn’t lying to me. It sounds like I’m not getting any use from you unless I own you.”

So what if you don’t know what’s inside?

As soon as she considered what could be in the pouch, Julia felt a listing of its contents impress themselves into her awareness. The list spun along for a bit, as it listed each item, till she didn’t want to know anything further.

“Fuck. Now I’ve got another mess to clean up. Why would she have something like that?”

She quickly dropped out a pack, and a few other items to keep up appearance and give her funds for travelling. Securing everything in place and the pouch back in her inventory, she set out on foot to join the road North. Feeling a gossamer touch on her fingers, she glanced to see Livia holding her hand as she walked with her.

“So now I have more stuff to find out the value of, and figure out what the magic in this place can do. Maybe sending you off in peace isn’t the only option. Let’s see if I can talk with someone, without them just writing my words off as lies to my face.”

A dirt road to the west of where she landed seemed heavily compressed by whatever traffic used it. Yet the knoll she had rested on promised to set this stretch awash if there was any heavy rain. For whatever reason, no one had seen fit to establish something more substantial, like the Romans had been fond of doing. The sensation from her heel pressing against the back of her thigh set off mental giggles when she realised she was stretching on autopilot.

Don’t think I need to worry about warming up properly before a run now.

Maybe I’ll be able to level up Ki Movement a bit. Really would like to get in some practise time.

Yet Julia felt Livia’s bond was her highest imperative at present, so didn't consider it for more than a fleeting instant. Ki already in motion on the internal dance floor, she beckoned more forth and headed north. The rhyme of her stride beating time on the soft ground beside the road. Julia opened herself up to the details around her as she settled into the run. She’d been running a few hours when more signs of civilisation showed. River stones stacked to form rough walls running along its course. Trees showing sign of having planted their placement far too orderly for nature, even if the apples hanging from their branches hadn’t made their purpose clear.

First, small walled farms set close to the road appeared alongside the road. The first sign of traffic was the tail end of a hay wagon heading northwards. Other roads and paths merged, and the increasing traffic slipped away beside her pace. The occasional armed warrior looked in her direction, but keeping clear of their charges turned out to be a safe play. Towards midday morning walls had shown ahead and grown clearer as she powered on. It was after midday before the gate grew close enough to make out, and a square copper coin had gained her a pair of apples from a roadside stall.

Traffic on the road was a mixture of various wagons, horse, travellers on foot with packs or handcarts. Everyone seemed armed, in one fashion or another, from simple weapons to let’s cleave a horse in two. Clothing ranged from rough homespun to almost silky smooth on the wealthier riders. The quality of clothing materials making a clear distinction in the gap of wealth, even if their transport hadn’t been enough.

The folks she encountered on the road looked to be widespread. Analysis confirming that they were humans descending from various African tribes, Egyptian, Greek, Persian, Norse, Gaul, and even Pict. There were also a few exotic individuals who were a challenge to her composure. Dwarves decked out in chain hauberks, sheaths or ties holding assorted weapons and carrying packs bigger than themselves, trudged along the road with heavy steps. While bipedal Rats, fur hidden by cloaks, long twitchy tails glided between other travels. Their tails in frequent danger from the feet of other travellers, yet they had no apparent concern as they walked squeaking and chirping at each other. Atop the wall, she could see cat-faced individuals amid Norse warriors, their whiskers twitching to her sharpened sight. All the guards focused on the travellers, their body language looking like someone eager for a fight.

Cats and rats. How about dogs? If they have Dogs and Cats living together, would they have mass Hysteria? Do the cats have tails as well?

Mate, I want a refund on this tour. So wanted to drool over an Elf. No Elf for you.

The Norse had greater representation but still weren’t the clear majority. The locals, if that was the Norse, didn’t react surprised or displeased by the other’s presence. A few of the farmers even selling goods straight from their wagons to a few passing groups. As they drew closer to the walled gates, the slowing traffic was almost like a rolling market. Translate having a field day, as various words started turning from sounds into meaning as she progressed.

Mana Sense showed a scattering of sources, some stronger than others. Heavily armoured riders possessed armour, weapons, and other items woven with mana and a fancy wagon gleamed with it. Those were just the more obvious sources among the travellers, but even the wall glowed. Golden flowing scripts overlay areas she could see while sharp-edged runes of silvery-blue lightning appeared engraved into the stones. The light from either source wasn’t overwhelming, but they were obvious, and wards had already placed her at the Sisterhood mercy.

Enough. Observe, be aware and watch.

“Business in Eyrarháls.” The guard handling the foot travellers, at last, asked her.

“Seeking a Priest, for blessing, and instruction,” Julia said, giving a slight smile, that the guard seemed surprised to return.

“Temple Square straight north, follow the road when it curves towards the lakeside. Proof of coin for your stay, no vagrants allowed within the walls.”

Julia showed a cluster of various silvers she had palmed earlier from her pouch, not wanting to make a show of the coin pouch in her pack. She held it braced against her chest with one hand while the other showed.

“Alright. No entry fee for being on foot. You'll be issued with a chit that will give you 3 days access. Name for the Chit?”

“Livia.” Julia mentally apologised to the girl for using her name, but she didn’t know enough local names to pick another she’d remember.

The guards made a few notations on a scroll and handed her a chit.

“Your name and chit number are on today’s record. When you leave hand in the chit, if you are within the walls and don’t have the chit to present, you’ll be in trouble. So keep it safe, move on.”

No level ups at all? Doh, I turned them all off last night.

I’ll leave them off for now in case it wants to hammer me with them.

One small step for Julia, one hopefully not oh fuck I’m doomed.

Trying to pretend she was just a nervous girl new to a big place, she stepped forward through the gate. Her active Mana Sense let her feel something tingle over her skin, but nothing seemed to scream or grab at her. She dipped her hand into the pack against her chest, and the chit disappeared into her inventory.

So far, so good.

On the other side of the gate, the press of travellers mingled with the locals. Within the streets narrowed compared to the exterior approach, forcing them all closer still. The buildings loomed up either side of a paved stone street, she’d been expecting to trip on rough cobblestones, but there was barely any irregularity. The major hazard to watch out for was the fresh organic side product steaming straight from its tail end vendors. Each road seemed to have a side path clear of debris, and the other hazard when crossing side streets.

Steamed food smells made her nose twitch, and as she passed one door, the air filled with the scent of roasting meat and gravy. The small windows on street level let her see the folks clustered within eating off dark bread trenchers. They served up meals on a trencher of dark bread, the looked and smell tempting, yet for her food was but a luxury. The apples from early had been unneeded, but she had given into the temptation of the familiar.

It was getting late in the day before she finally made it to the inner gate. Another guard checked the chit, as she came in under the shadow of the gate, and had to repeat her reason. Scars from more than a few fights decorated his face, adding character, even if he’d almost strangely kept his nose unbroken. The pale wolf’s blue eyes weren’t friendly, as Julia didn't hesitate to repeat the same information she’d given the other guard. This time her attempt at drawing a smile gained nothing but further questions.

“Which Temple?”

“Týr, if I can, or a Priestess of Freya,” Julia said. If she was right and it wasn't just game lore, Týr was a Norse justice deity and a few other things. While Freya she mainly remembered was the goddess wife of Odin, hopefully, someone you represented a mother would have compassion for Livia’s fate. Though even that could blow up in her face as who said that was their role here.

“You aren’t local, so you’ve travelled here. Expect me to believe you’ve come here for honest reasons. Yet you don’t know if the Priest you seek a blessing from is even here?”

“I’d prefer to speak to a Priest of Týr. However, I’m not able to speak for their time, nor if they wish to speak to me in return.” Julia replied, mentally cursing herself for not having found more about the temples in the press of getting through the town.

“Go through. Come back through this gate so I can be sure you’ve left. If you stay after gate closure, the Temple will need to vouch for your stay, or you’ll regret it when we find you.”

Gesturing for her to move through, he recorded the symbol from her chit. A mental touch on the guard’s mind at least let her learn where Týr’s temple was, though the guard from his thought followed Heimdall.

Hard arse. So scared. I got the feeling he’d rather strangle me than talk. Would like to know what he said on the job interview. Well, I was hoping for a class option of blood splatter analyst, but it only gave this guard class.

Once again, the wards on the wall let her inside without even a ripple as it brushed her awareness.

Just hope it’s not a ‘you can check-in, but you can never leave’ situation here.

The Temple square wasn’t too far from the gate, the road beyond opened into a large space more than a precise square. Enough tree planted within seemed to show it wasn’t intended for gathering outside the Temple grounds. She didn’t recognise most of the symbols in the keystones of individual gates, and the architecture of each seemed somewhat varied. Yet at their core, they were all solidly built, decorated only to add to them, rather than detract from their sturdiness of each.

As she walked towards the Temple of Týr, her eyes flickered over the golden flowing scripts. It layered all the buildings, which appeared to be one Deity’s temple, or another, around the Square. Unlike the town’s walls, only two of them also carried the silvery-blue lightning runes. Every temple seemed to have guards at their entryway, and more than a few eyes turned to look at her while venturing deeper into the square. A few even adjusting their grip on a spear, or weapon hilt close by their sides.

Lion’s den

Standing in her form’s original litheness made her feel tiny compared to men standing guard around the place. Yet another man standing within the Temple of Týr’s grounds made them look small. The man was massive, and as she looked him over, his features flickered in her Mana Sense. Behind humanity’s visage, a shortened wolf-like muzzle and ice blue wolf’s eyes locked on her. Yet curiosity weighed with caution mingled in his body language, hand signs flickered, and two guards near him headed in her direction. She slowed her pace but kept moving, wondering how many leagues under this sea she’d fallen already.

Her attention remained fixed on the wolf-like man not breaking free from his gaze as they approached, and the briefest moment of Soul Sight showed the purity of the energies within him. The human visage concealed a Celestial beneath whose sense of compassionate Justice left her wide-eyed and still blinking as the guards spoke to her and broke her from her daze.

“Why do you approach the Temple of Týr?” The first guard asked, apparently surprised by something in his instructions. His stance seemed ready and balanced to move, but he wasn’t as wary as the second guard, who seemed almost on edge.

“A matter of justice for a murdered young girl.”

“A serious matter. Why not take the matter to a local Jarl’s court? Or a local temple? Neither your appearance nor your armour appears local.”

“I need to speak to a Priest, please,” Julia stated.

“The watch commander has instructed me to enquiry your reason and then bid you wait if required. We’ll return shortly. Please stay here, Miss.”

Julia just nodded head politely to both guards and watched as they walked away. Her Telepathy hadn’t been able to get a purchase on either of them; also didn’t seem to even taste the minds inside that boundary. The stillness in which he watched their interaction was almost eerie, making the grace of his following motion disconcerting. The stillness of his body giving way into quick action, yet his grace didn’t carry menace, only decisiveness.

The commander disappeared inside the temple, and time sense helpful ticked off the seconds and minutes before returning. All the while feeling like she was in the middle of a free-fire zone, waiting for someone to give the signal to fire. The wolf faced figure had seemed massive behind the fence, but as he passed it, she got a better perspective on his height. He was over two metres in height and gave a sense of being even sturdier than stone. While it was hard to tell with the hauberk and shoulder guards, exactly how broad he was, it felt like he could provide sunshade to Conan. His hands big enough that his fingers would overlap without strain if he wanted to wrap one around her neck. As the commander approached, he looked over at Julia yet seemed to at least momentarily focus on a spot beside her.

Can he see Livia?

“The High Priest of Týr will meet with you, but not here, nor in the Temple. She asked me to escort you to the Silver Chalice. We’re to wait for her in a dining room. This is so we can discuss the matter of the girl and her Justice. Is this acceptable?” His voice was as massive as the man, and its deep vibrations almost made her bones resonant.

“That’s acceptable, and I thank you both for taking this time to listen. I wish justice for Livia. There is also another matter that I firmly believe will be important to you. But my priority at present is her.” Julia said, giving him a martial arts bow since it was the only formal manners that she knew.

“Back towards the gate and across the square, the Silver Chalice is further east across from the Jarl’s home.” The commander gestured.

“I was given instruction by the gate guard to inform them if my stay would take me beyond gate closure,” Julia said, not making any motion to move immediately.

“You would ensure there is no misunderstanding. Interesting. We’ll go there before the Chalice. Depending on your conversation. You might well not leave the gates before they close.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t sound at all ominous,” Julia said, but turned and walked back towards the inner gate, his only reply a chuffing laugh which set her ears twitching. The aura from him behind her as different from the Abyss as it could get, solid, dependable order.

“Not by my intent. Matters of Souls are no simple thing; taking the proper time for deliberations is better than rushing. I’ve never heard of one like you bring a bound in themselves.“

“Okay. That’s true; my priority is doing the right thing for Livia.”

The commander just left the conversation hanging at that point, so Julia kept moving, feeling like she was marching in a military formation. Despite his overwhelming height on her, he moved at a pace in perfect time with each of her steps.

“She’ll be staying at the Silver Chalice. I don’t expect her to be leaving before gate closure given how late in the afternoon it is now.” The commander stated, not bothered by the heat in the guard’s eyes, a smugness he directed at her as she approached.

“I had thought you were escorting her out. Very well, I’ll put her on the list to check in on before they close for the evening then.”

“That won’t be necessary.” The commander said and simply turned away to head back the way they had come, leaving Julia jumping to catch up.

“Not one for goodbyes, I take it?”

“Not in the conduct of duty.” The commander tone oddly just matter-of-fact. Her nerves had been on edge with since the guards had stared at her. She was sure this fellow was more dangerous than most of them, yet he didn’t bristle with hostility, he just was intent on the moment.

Not sure what he is, but he sure knows what I am.

“I thought Týr was about justice, not duty. Things I’ve read concern about Duty were another fellow’s portfolio,” Julia said, not knowing why she felt like tugging this fellow's chain.

“My Liege Týr ensures the upholding of Law and Justice, and in times of need, helps lead the war host, with Óðinn and his son. My duty is to his requirements.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” Julia said, wondering the cause.



“Yes, it’s a word; it means something holds your attention. You speak our tongue well but don’t know the word?”

“Doesn’t it mean arousing of someone’s attention?” Julia asked, aware of how many eyes had returned to watching her. Even in the commander’s company, as they crossed the square, the guards were focused on her.

“Now you’re playing word games.”


“Some times, a game can be a dangerous thing. If neither parties understand the stakes nor rules, I would advise to remain clear of any games during the hearing. You requested Justice, for a murdered young girl. The truth of the matter and Justice is what they will seek.”

It was a few paces before the implications of his wording tripped the alarm bells.

“Hearing? I just needed to talk to someone to help Livia,” Julia stated, feeling the strain in her neck from looking up at him from so close.

Not like I can just float along at eye level and make this chat easier. Well, I could, but likely that wouldn’t be wise.

“You requested Justice for a murdered young girl; such requires a Hearing.”

{{Run, run now.}}

((Trust yourself and be true.))

“Okay,” Julia whispered as her brain raced off with more possibilities than she really wanted to consider.

“Previously, I’ve encountered others of the Sisterhood. Even given the difference in appearance, you do not seem like them.”



Fear squeeze tight through her, and the whirlwind of Demonic and Ki energy slipped free of Harmony's control. Their whirlwind came apart with a bent up power that broke flesh and staggered her in her stride. Julia squeezed the pack that still rested against her chest with both hands as her health dropped to just under half. The wash of freed energies rippling under her skin, like sparks of electricity from a slithering power line.

What the hell was that? Fuck, that didn't happen last night. What the hell? Don't play with power sockets, girl. Contents may be hot.


“You can tell?” Her stance shifted even as she asked, pain and fear setting her nerves on edge, as instincts readied her to flee. Escape options flicked through her mind’s eye, as various scenarios bounced for attention.

((Calm. Do not let its fear rule you. Rule yourself. Decide your own path.))

I’ve come this far, see it through.

Bracing herself, she looked up at him, squaring her shoulders.

“How can you tell?”

“I can see the Order’s sigil burnt into your essence.” Simply stated fact. He watched her with unruffled eyes, looking like he was studying all the damned held within her, or perhaps more. Apparently unconcerned about her readiness to flee.

“Yet you are happy to have a chat?” Julia asked, mentally ‘breathing’ through the pain. She really wasn’t sure what Naz’rilca would do to her if she levelled Pain Tolerance more. Instead, she just tried to mentally tough it out and kept her awareness focused.

Score one use from watching all of Sally’s birthing videos with her

“Yes, I crossed blades with one from the Order. My blade went through a demon’s front, while hers went in its back. It died, and without a word, the Succubus left. She had already butchered the other Demons, in the place; yet those I was looking to save were still alive. Made the rescue mission a lot easier.” Torm looked at her with amusement in his eyes for the first time, and it coloured the tone of his reply.


“Oh. Well, that’s alright then. Would like to hear more but right now, Livia is my Priority.”

“Interesting. Then shall we go to the Silver Chalice and wait. Neither of us requires refreshment, but they have some nice mead. Though I would suggest ‘playing games’ with primordial forces might not be a suitable form of entertainment. At least till you wish to send yourself back to your home plane quickly.”

“I’ll take your advice under due consideration. My insides likely would thank you as well.” Julia said, trying to keep a straight face. Then it was all too much, and she found herself bent over howling with laughter. The stabbing pain as her flesh rebuilt weirdly just set her off in further gales of laughter.

I was trying to clean her Soul, and I almost screwed us both. Whatever that energy was that exploded, I'd best tread carefully with mixing Ki and the Abyssal Heat.


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