Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 260

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Just as Duaru was about to throw his spear, a roar like a thousand thunderclaps echoed.


The echo reverberated, turning into a wave. Some of the injured giants couldn’t withstand the pressure and vanished. Duaru lowered his gaze. The owner of this voice couldn’t possibly still be alive.

As soon as his gaze reached the ground, Boom-! The barrier of giants shattered, and a massive two-headed dragon burst forth. The Dragon King’s wings moved effortlessly, even with hundreds of giants of light clinging to them.


【Stop right now-】

【You demon!】

The Dragon King roared again. All the giants clinging to him fell off. Duaru’s eyes twitched ever so slightly.

At that moment, the right head lunged forward with its jaws open. Boom! A beam of light, reminiscent of the summer sun, erupted.


Despite the great distance, the beam crossed the night sky without wavering. Dozens of giants of light formed a defense, but they were obliterated without even slowing the beam down.

Just as the beam reached Duaru’s position, Boooom! A massive explosion brought daylight to Adren. Long shadows stretched across the battlefield. Dragons and giants alike flinched.


【Your Majesty…!】

The dragons gasped in awe. It was the power fitting of the ruler of Adren. Within seconds, the flash subsided. The Dragon King’s face contorted.

How can this be?】

Duaru stood unscathed, enveloped by a bizarrely colored spherical barrier. He spoke in an emotionless voice.

『King in a cage, why do you persist in such futile efforts?』

Duaru could not comprehend the Dragon King. Somehow surviving a direct hit from his spear, the Dragon King was in worse shape than during their first encounter.

The once radiant golden scales had lost their luster, now resembling withered leaves. Blood still seeped from the hastily patched wound on his side. It was evident that the Dragon King was enduring great pain.

The Dragon King did not answer Duaru’s question. Instead, he roared with the pride of a king.

【What is futile and what is worthwhile-】

【I, decide!】

The right head opened its jaws again. Seeing mana gather in its throat, Duaru silently raised his spear. Despite being the leader of the most superior race on this star, he was proving to be just another inferior being.

As the Dragon King prepared to unleash another beam, Duaru’s arm vanished from sight. In his weakened state, the Dragon King couldn’t track the trajectory of the incoming spear.


Whoosh! Just as the comet-like light spear was about to pierce the right head’s forehead, a shadow darted along the neck.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow reached the crown of the right head, intersecting with the spear. Ssslahs! The spear split in two, narrowly missing the Dragon King.


Duaru paused. The shadow that had sliced through the spear regained its stance. Booom! The divided spear exploded near the Dragon King’s wings. Having evaded death, the Dragon King cheered.

【That’s it!】


Shullifen steadied his breath and gripped his sword. The Dragon King wasn’t the only one who had gambled his life. For a moment, Shullifen’s sword had become blisteringly hot from intersecting with the light spear.

I can’t believe it worked.”

Shullifen murmured. The once blue blade was now stained with dried red. It was Ronan’s blood, applied by him.

Instead of basking in the aftermath, Shullifen refocused. A storm of aura began swirling along the blade. Just as Duaru was about to speak.

【Leave my city at once-】


The Dragon King roared again. Blast! The right head, fully prepared, unleashed an even stronger beam of light across the night sky.

Futile effort.』

Duaru muttered. Even though the spear was cut, the Protection of the Stars remained intact. As he extended his hand, lights gathered to form another spear.

Just then, Shullifen, silently concentrating, swung his sword. Whoosh! The aura of the storm, tinged with crimson from Ronan’s blood, shot towards Duaru like a massive arrow.

The arrow, moving faster than the Dragon King’s beam, struck the Protection of the Stars. Crack! The condensed wind exploded, creating an eerie shattering sound.


Duaru froze. The protection wasn’t broken, but spiderweb-like cracks spread across it.

An impossible occurrence. Mana was seeping in through the cracks. It wasn’t until he felt the heat of the approaching beam that Duaru realized something had gone wrong.

For the first time, a hint of confusion flickered across Duaru’s face. Just as he hurriedly spread his wings. Boooom! The beam enveloped him and his barrier.

【It hit!】

The watching dragons shouted in astonishment. The beam extended towards the stars.

Having unleashed all his power, Shullifen steadied his breath. He had clearly seen his strike leave cracks on the Protection of the Stars.

Ronan’s hypothesis, proposed during their fight with the Archbishop, had been proven. His blood, when applied, could stand against the power of Nebula Clazier and the giants.

Not bad.”

He murmured quietly. Soon, the light subsided.


There was nothing where Duaru had been. The Dragon King’s eyes widened. Only a few falling feathers marked the spot.

【Look, human-】

【We did it!】

The Dragon King shouted, unable to contain his excitement. It seemed as though Duaru had met the same fate as other enemies struck by his beam—total obliteration.

However, Shullifen remained silent. Something felt off. If Duaru were truly dead, the behavior of his summoned giants of light should have changed.

Just as he was about to warn them–Whoosh! A light spear suddenly flew from a blind spot. Shullifen shouted.



The Dragon King, sensing the threat too late, turned his head. The light spear struck his left hind leg. Before he could react, Boooom! An explosion, accompanied by a flash, erupted with a deafening roar.


A harrowing scream burst forth. The sturdy leg was obliterated. The torn wound spewed blood.

The Dragon King’s belly was ravaged, seemingly on the verge of spilling his entrails. His exposed flesh was a deep crimson. The Dragon King’s massive body staggered. An all-too-familiar voice echoed from the direction the spear came.


Shullifen turned. Duaru was looking down at them. He had descended to a much lower altitude. The Protection of the Stars still surrounded him.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Though intact, the barrier bore the cracks Shullifen had made. Within, a faint burn mark marred Duaru’s chest.

『This is the first time I have been wounded. Stand proud.』

Duaru spoke, his praise carrying a hint of sincerity, but neither Shullifen nor the Dragon King responded. The oppressive weight of the situation made even breathing difficult.

『However, this ends here.』

Duaru continued, his voice unyielding. Words flowed from his slightly parted lips in a language unknown to any being of this world.

The starlight in the dawn sky intensified. Swaaa… Particles of light gathered from all directions, forming dozens of spears around him.

My god.】

『Despair, great warriors. For you shall protect nothing.』

There was no way to counter this. Just as the Dragon King was about to speak, the spears, each aimed at different targets, were launched simultaneously.

The sight of the white spears showering down resembled a beautiful meteor shower. The spears embedded themselves in the bodies of the dragons embroiled in battle.



There was no time for death cries. Booom! A chain of explosions accompanied by flashes of light turned the night into day. The Dragon King’s face hardened at the sight of the suddenly brightened night sky.

【Stop this at once!】

The Dragon King roared. His staggering form charged towards Duaru. Several redirected spears shot towards the Dragon King. Shullifen, gripping his sword, dispersed the blade into a form of wind. Slaaash! With a swing, he cleaved three of the spears in half.

But three more remained. The Dragon King narrowly dodged the remaining spears with nimble movements unbefitting his massive size. Catching his breath, he looked up. Another dozen spears were already descending towards him.

Damn it.”

Exchanging glances with the Dragon King, Shullifen bit his lip. Despite the distance still remaining, they seemed to have reached their limit. Taking a deep breath, the Dragon King’s left head shouted loudly.

【It’s frustrating, but this is as far as we go!】


【Now, execute that grand plan of yours! Everything depends on your success! Arrogant Dark Dragon, and

Duaru tilted his head, puzzled. It sounded more like an order than a final plea. Even as the spears rained down, the Dragon King did not slow his charge. After a brief pause, the Dragon King’s voice boomed once more.


At that moment, the Dragon King’s right head, which had been silent until now, opened its jaws. Two dark shadows shot out, propelled by his tongue.

One was a young man with a fierce gaze, the other a pale, handsome man with long hair reaching his waist. Shedding his black coat, the pale man roared.

【I was growing tired of enduring this stench!】

Simultaneously, Orsay’s body expanded rapidly. A massive black dragon materialized in the sky. Fwoooosh! The four wings spread explosively, generating a powerful gale. Leaping onto his head, Ronan swung his sword horizontally.


The crimson Lamancha carved a wide arc. Blasts of condensed sword energy shot out in a fan shape. The number of blasts matched the thirteen incoming spears. Just before the spears reached the Dragon King and Shullifen, Booom! The accurately aimed blasts intercepted the spears.


Not a single spear hit its mark, exploding harmlessly in midair. Duaru’s eyes widened in genuine surprise, unlike his previous reaction to Shullifen’s strike.

“Enjoying yourself, huh? You bald-headed bastard.”

Ronan growled. The sacrifices made to get here were too many. Regaining his composure, Duaru raised his arm again.


Swiiiish! Hundreds of spears aimed at Ronan and Orsay, far too many to intercept.

But Ronan remained unfazed. He had anticipated this, and thanks to the efforts of the Dragon King and Shullifen, they had closed the distance sufficiently. Orsay folded his wings and roared.

【Here we go!】

Instead of responding, Ronan gripped his horns and lowered his stance. Just as the leading spear was about to pierce them, Orsay and Ronan’s forms became shadows, scattering. Pop! They reappeared outside the range of the spears.

Once again, a look of bewilderment crossed Duaru’s face. Pop! Pop! Pop! Orsay continued to use Blink, rapidly closing the gap. Ronan slashed at any spears that came too close.

They were now close enough. Ronan launched a strike at Duaru’s feet. A red crescent moon shot towards him.

“Fuck off!”


Duaru gripped his spear. Compared to the Dragon King’s beam or Shullifen’s storm, this attack was insignificant.

He assumed it would have no effect on him or his Protection of the Stars. He didn’t bother to defend or dodge, instead raising his spear. Ronan’s lips curled into a smirk.

“You idiot.”


Duaru hesitated. In that moment, the crescent moon tore through the Protection of the Stars and pierced his left shoulder, spraying blue blood.


Duaru’s usually stoic face twisted in pain. The blood splattered on Ronan and Orsay. An arm, severed from his body, fell into the night sky.

『This… cannot be.』

The confidence vanished from Duaru’s face. Something had gone terribly wrong. As he tried to assess the situation and pull back, suddenly, he was enveloped in a red glow, reminiscent of a sunset.

“Sorry, but at this distance, I can reach you.”

Ronan said. Duaru’s eyes widened in shock. The young man who had been far away was now right in front of him.


Duaru swung his spear in a panic. Ronan’s arm vanished from view. Though their speeds were comparable, Ronan evaded the spear with featherlight movements. He never forgot how to fight an opponent he had faced before. Ronan murmured.

“Children of the stars share their senses, right?”


A blue line appeared on Duaru’s neck. Ronan’s sword completed its arc and returned to its original position. The dragons, including the Dragon King, watched in breathless silence.

“Come on if you want to die.”

Ronan spun his sword and muttered. Slaash! Duaru’s head soared into the sky. The dawn breaking over the horizon cast light upon Adren.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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