Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 268

【Let’s start the meeting right away. The agenda is the eradication of Nebula Clazier.】

Nabarrodoje’s voice resonated through the meeting hall. The atmosphere had completely changed from when she was interacting with Ronan and his companions. The attendees straightened their postures and listened intently to her words.

【I believe you are all aware of the tragedy that occurred in Adren five days ago. The once-glorious city of dragons has been reduced to ruins. If not for the brave souls who fought with their lives on the line, the giant would have turned its gaze towards the mainland of the continent.】

Nabarrodoje briefly summarized the events that had transpired. The faces of the attendees twisted slightly. Despite having been informed beforehand, they couldn’t hide their shock.

Duaru’s descent had turned the continent upside down. There had been a similar transformation by a Nebula Clazier member named Darman during the Sword Festival, but this was on a completely different scale.

The Dragon King, Azidahaka, had lost a leg, and more than thirty percent of the residing dragons had perished. The mightiest city and nation in the world had become a floating ruin.

【I take full responsibility. Although I had other duties, I was too complacent. This time, I have summoned you all to completely uproot this fanatic group from the continent.】

“But how can we eradicate an enemy wielding such peculiar power?”

An old man familiar to Ronan raised his hand and asked a question. It was Elder Allogin of Farzan, who had narrowly escaped death on the summit of Farzan. Thankfully, he seemed fully recovered now.

“My colleagues and I sent warnings across the continent after the Sword Festival. Many nations and organizations, including the Empire, heeded our advice and launched large-scale purges. However, we hit a wall at some point.”

【Is it because of that barrier?】

“Yes, indeed.”

Allogin confirmed, and a few others nodded in agreement.

As he said, most purge operations had encountered significant difficulties. Nebula Clazier wasn’t a group composed of fools. During the initial days of disorganized defenses, the purges saw some success. However, over time, Nebula Clazier developed effective countermeasures. The most significant change was that even ordinary followers were beginning to wield the Star’s Blessing, albeit to a minor extent.

These so-called ‘Shells’ were special forces deployed in groups of at least two or three at each branch. The purging forces had to expend considerable resources to deplete their blessings, leading to significant losses. Zaifa muttered quietly.

“I don’t understand. Why not just strike them when the barrier drops?”

“Shut up, cat.”

Naviroze pulled his tail sharply. Though individual fighters like Zaifa and Naviroze who had independently learned to counter the barrier could minimize losses, such skilled and seasoned individuals were rare across the continent and had their limits. Most who faced the Star’s Blessing either fled or were annihilated without breaking through the barrier. Nabarrodoje nodded.

【Yes. Some of them use a magic that unconditionally blocks our attacks. We couldn’t mobilize large forces because of this. Being surrounded by such a barrier and subjected to concentrated attacks would be the end.】

“Yes, many brave souls have perished this way.”

【I mourn their noble deaths. But today, you may find some reason to rejoice. I have called you here to share and develop a method to counteract that trick.】

“What? What do you mean…?”

Allogin’s eyes widened. Nabarrodoje smiled meaningfully. She turned to Ronan and Asel.

【Children, could you show them what you demonstrated to me once more?】

“That’s no problem.”

Ronan nodded readily. He stood up with Asel, who was struggling to hold back hiccups. Several attendees began to murmur as they recognized Ronan.

“What’s this? Isn’t that the Phileon uniform? Are those the ones who took down the giant?”

“…So, that’s him.”

“I heard he also defeated the monster at the sacred site of Farzan. I didn’t expect him to be so young.”

Most were impressed, but some cast skeptical glances. Suddenly, Adeshan tugged on Ronan’s sleeve. He tilted his head.

“Hm? What’s wrong?”

[There are suspicious people here.]

Adeshan communicated telepathically. Shadows of mana were subtly emanating from her shoulders as she scanned the attendees. She had sensed something unusual.


Ronan realized what she meant and sighed. He hadn’t considered the possibility of Nebula Clazier spies among them. Adeshan’s ability would undoubtedly help identify them. Satisfied with having a competent partner, he was about to suggest a sweep to Nabarrodoje when she spoke with a friendly smile.

【Wait. There’s something we need to do first. Isran?】

“I’ve confirmed it.”

Nabarrodoje turned her gaze to the Shadow Grand Duke. He nodded, having observed the room closely. His calm voice carried through the hall.

“As you instructed, I have been monitoring everyone here. When the barrier was mentioned, some people reacted with undue alarm. The sound of their hearts racing still echoes in my ears.”

【As expected. Who are they?】

“The ones with a red circle above their heads.”

Isran raised his index finger, and a blood-red orb formed above it, splitting into smaller spheres that dispersed throughout the room.

“Why is this coming to me?”


Uuuuum… The orbs settled precisely above thirteen individuals. Three were soldiers, one was a mage, two had crowns, and seven looked high-ranking though their positions were unclear. Adeshan, scrutinizing them, murmured in surprise.

“…They’re all correct. Those are the ones.”

“Holy crap, we almost got screwed.”

Ronan cursed under his breath. He hadn’t expected there to be so many traitors. With Adeshan’s cross-checking, the identification was accurate. There was no need to suggest a sweep now. Nabarrodoje, observing each of them, spoke coldly.

【I’m disappointed. If you have any last words, say them now.】

Her compassionate demeanor was completely gone. The identified individuals began to speak up, their breaths heavy.

“This is a baseless accusation! Mother of Fire, do you believe the words of a mosquito?!”

“Damn it, this is intolerable. Cratir! Send us back immediately!”

“This is a terrible misunderstanding. Please, give me a chance to defend myself…!”

Their reactions varied, but other attendees looked at them with a mix of contempt, pity, and shock. Isran spoke.

“What should we do with them?”

【Do as you please. They would have betrayed us eventually.】

“Ah, very well then.”

Isran smiled. His sharp eyes gleamed with the typical red glow of vampires. The accused were still protesting their innocence when suddenly, darkness enveloped the entire hall.

“What, what is this?!”

“Hey, someone turn on the lights!”

Voices of confusion erupted from all around. The impenetrable darkness made it impossible to see anything. Ronan noticed the voices of the accused disappearing one by one. After about five seconds, the light returned to the hall.

“How did this… Hyaaaah!”

Almost simultaneously, Asel screamed. He clung to Ronan, shrieking continuously. Shulipen’s normally composed face was distorted for the first time.

“What the…!”

The thirteen identified traitors were now mummified corpses, their bones and skin dried up, arranged on the table. Not a drop of blood remained under their pale skin. Their sunken eye sockets stared at the remaining people.

“Finally, a decent meal. Thank you for the consideration, Mother of Fire.”

Isran smiled, dabbing his mouth with a handkerchief. Nabarrodoje spoke.

【I’m grateful too. You always work so quickly.】

Clap! Nabarrodoje lightly snapped her fingers, and the mummified bodies crumbled to ashes like burning paper. The tension in the hall was palpable. Ronan looked at the two immortals, speechless. He was beginning to understand why Azidahaka had questioned her mercy.

‘Good thing they’re not our enemies.’

So, this was the reason for her supposed mercy. It made sense; she wouldn’t have single-handedly incinerated a giant otherwise. Satisfied that there were no more traitors, Nabarrodoje turned back to Ronan.

【Child, it seems you can proceed now.】

“…Yes, it does.”

【I’m sorry for overworking you. But please, show these people that there is still hope.】

Ronan nodded. Her words were reassuring. Her sharp eyes had softened back to the gentle look she had when she stroked his head.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. Asel, let’s start.”

“Hic… hic… The mummies…”

“Stop crying, man. You’re scarier than anything here.”

Asel was now openly weeping. After calming him down, Ronan demonstrated how to counteract the Star’s Blessing using his blood, just as he had done in Adren.

Shulipen and Adeshan assisted as instructors. Ronan smeared his blood on Adeshan’s whip and spoke.

“Alright. Now just swing it.”

“Like this?”

Adeshan swung her arm, and the whip lashed out, striking the Star’s Blessing. Crash! The eerie barrier shattered like glass. Asel clutched his head, screaming.



Adeshan’s eyes widened. The once-impenetrable barrier crumbled like fragile glass. She

and Shulipen took turns breaking the Star’s Blessing using Ronan’s blood-coated weapons.

“My god! It really works!”

“…Am I dreaming?”

Every time Asel conjured the Star’s Blessing and the others shattered it, gasps of astonishment echoed through the hall. Even the proud warriors like Isran, Zaifa, and Balzac couldn’t hide their surprise. Nabarrodoje, smiling in satisfaction, turned to a corner of the hall.

【What do you think? Do you see hope now?】

Blacksmiths and engineers, led by Doron, were gathered there. Katan from Aurora Skull, who had forged Ronan’s sword, was also present. They were mesmerized by the miracle unfolding before them. So engrossed were they that they didn’t even respond to Nabarrodoje’s question, but she let it pass graciously. Doron spoke.

“…What do you think, Didican?”

“What else is there to say?”

Didican, a werewolf blacksmith and brilliant researcher, nodded. He was proud to have such friends. He was already contemplating ways to make Ronan’s blood usable for more people.

“I’m proud to call them my friends. Truly.”

Nabarrodoje continued.

【Collaborate with the children of the night. They can help you find the answers.】

“We will.”

【Alright. Let’s resume the meeting. If anyone has suggestions, don’t hesitate to speak up.】

Nabarrodoje smiled. No sooner had she finished speaking than a dozen hands shot up. The trans-racial conference concluded shortly thereafter. The attendees were assigned their respective tasks and returned to their origins.


The moon was bright. Though clouds drifted across the sky, they didn’t obscure the celestial light. The Oculus Fortress, the headquarters of Nebula Clazier’s southeastern district, stood amidst the dim twilight of the night.

“Another communication lost? This time it’s the Manta branch?”


“Damn it, how is this happening? Ten branches lost contact in three days. Does that make sense to you?”

The subordinate, trembling with fear, bowed his head. Lamirin, the bishop of the southeastern district, clicked her tongue. Recently, she had been under extreme stress. Communication with nearby branches had been severed.

At first, only small branches lost contact, which wasn’t a big deal. Bait branches were often purged to cause losses to the opposing forces. But since yesterday, medium-sized branches, each housing at least five hundred members and two branch leaders blessed with divine power, had gone silent. It was incomprehensible.

Who could face the elites wielding the Star’s Blessing? Occasionally, news came of a monster like Zaifa killing a branch leader, but such cases were rare and considered fortunate. Lamirin, running her fingers through her hair, gave orders to her subordinate.

“Strengthen the defenses. The church is in a foul mood because of what happened in Adren. Do your best to prevent any incidents.”

“Y-yes, ma’am!”

The subordinate scurried away like a kicked dog. Decent in bed but otherwise pathetic. Lamirin sighed deeply and collapsed into a chair.

“What the hell…”

The organization’s morale had been low since the failed descent in Adren. The church had executed many responsible for the failure.

“…Maybe some fresh recruits would help.”

She decided a distraction was needed. She was about to call in a few male followers when a scream echoed from outside the door.


“What’s going on?”

It was the voice of the subordinate who had just left. Lamirin hurried out and rounded the corner, her eyes widening in shock.

“What in the world…!”

The stench of blood was overwhelming. The corridor was littered with corpses. Hundreds of white-robed bodies lay dismembered.

“Ulkantho, the branch leader…”

Staring at one of the corpses, Lamirin muttered in disbelief. The branch leader Ulkantho, who handled the Star’s power well and was quite capable at night, was now a headless torso. From the other end of the corridor, a woman’s voice called out.

“Are you the leader here?”

“You are…”

Lamirin gasped. A woman, recognizable to anyone living in this era, stood there. Shaking the blood off her greatsword, she spat out her words.

“So you are.”


It was the former Swordmaster Naviroze. Lamirin was about to speak when she sensed a killing intent and quickly bent backwards. A crescent-shaped blade sliced through the air where her chest had been.


“Show yourself.”

Naviroze, who had unleashed the blade, immediately closed the distance. Lamirin gritted her teeth. As she straightened up, Naviroze was already swinging her sword.

“You fool, do you think I’m like the others?”

But Lamirin didn’t dodge. She had a way to counter this critical moment and strike back. Raising her arm, she summoned a barrier with a surge of mana. It was the Star’s Blessing, which had made her undefeated since she was twenty.

Prepared to counterattack, Lamirin’s eyes widened in disbelief as Naviroze’s blade effortlessly sliced through the barrier and her throat.


There was no time to understand what had happened. Naviroze’s face remained impassive as Lamirin’s head soared into the air. With a thud, it hit the ceiling and fell to the floor.

It was over. Naviroze wiped the blood off her sword, which was a deep crimson rather than its usual green.

‘It’s tougher than I thought.’

Flexing her fingers, Naviroze reflected on the resistance. It had taken more effort than expected. Cutting through the barrier like tofu, Ronan’s prowess remained impressive.

“Diluted, it can’t be helped…”

She muttered and stepped into the bishop’s quarters. The large bed was surrounded by various crude tools. Behind it was a huge window.

Naviroze swung her sword at the window. Crash! The glass shattered, and moonlight poured in. Suddenly, the previously silent surroundings erupted with noise.


“Please, spare me! I beg you!”

Screams echoed from all over the fortress. Imperial troops were pouring in through the broken gates. Nebula Clazier’s followers were being systematically slaughtered, unable to mount any meaningful resistance.

“At this rate, it’ll be over soon.”

Watching the scene, Naviroze muttered. Today marked the start of a large-scale purge operation. It was exactly two months since the tragedy in Adren.

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