Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 272

“My name is Abel. I am the leader of Nebula Clazier.”

“…Nebula Clazier?”

“Yes. Have you heard of it?”

Abel asked, but Iril didn’t answer and took a step back slowly. Each time her heel touched the ground, it made a splashing sound in the pooled blood.

“Well, this is surprising. To think that boring man would meet a woman and have a child. And judging by your looks, he must have met quite a beauty.”

Abel spoke in a tone of admiration, his gaze fixed on Iril’s face. Even after living for countless ages, her beauty was still remarkable.

Thud. Iril’s back hit the wall. She had nowhere left to retreat. Regaining a bit of composure, she spoke.

“I know about Nebula Clazier.”


“They’re bad people. They want to destroy the Empire and the world…”

Iril trailed off. Despite living in peace, she knew at least that much. Ronan and Schlieffen had always warned about their dangers.

The reason her beloved brother couldn’t come home often was because of those villains. Abel scratched his head.

“Bad people… Well, that’s not entirely wrong.”

Abel didn’t follow her further, remaining where he stood. The fact that he was calm despite committing such a massacre in the heart of the capital indicated his prowess. As he continued to eat the food on the table, Abel spoke again.

“To be precise, it’s not destruction but a step towards evolution. It’s similar to a bird breaking out of its shell to fly. Your father, foolish as he was, never understood that.”

“…What is your relationship with my father?”

Iril’s gaze locked onto his face. He resembled her father too much. It was clear he had some connection. Abel played with his silver hair as he replied.

“There’s no need to hide it now. I am Cain’s twin brother.”

“Twin brother?”

“Yes. So, in human familial terms, I would be your uncle.”

“Uncle… How can that be…”

Iril’s face hardened. She never imagined she had living relatives.

“What is your purpose? Why are you doing this?”

Her legs were still trembling, but she could now look him in the eye. She quickly scanned the surroundings, but there was nothing she could use to escape. Abel paused before speaking.

“It’s to take you with me. This conversation is getting long, so let’s discuss the details once we leave.”

“Take me… with you?”

“Yes. I’m truly glad I found you even now. While Ronan is certainly extraordinary, the most dangerous ability of your father’s has been passed down to you.”


Iril was confused. Abel’s expression suddenly turned serious. He lifted his robe, revealing a sword at his waist.

“Your power is dangerous, Iril. The fact that I only realized your and your brother’s existence now proves it. If I had known earlier, I would have eliminated you both ten years ago.”

“That’s… absurd.”

Iril shrank back at his threatening tone. Abel constantly fiddled with the hilt as if ready to draw it any moment. The sword’s sheath was pure white, like ivory. Abel approached her again.

“Come now. It won’t take long.”

“D-don’t come any closer…!”

Iril quickly shook her head. But Abel didn’t stop. Just as he reached out his hand, she screamed with desperation.

“Go away!!”


Her voice was urgent and clear. A formless wave erupted from her. Abel’s movements suddenly stopped. He repeated her words softly.

“Go… away.”


Iril’s eyes widened. Abel was frozen in the posture of reaching out. Except for the trembling of his eyelids, he looked like a wax statue.

“I-I need to escape…”

Though she didn’t understand the situation, it was a perfect opportunity. She carefully slipped under Abel’s stiffened arm.

“Is anyone there?! Help!”

Iril shouted, but there was no reply from the quiet street. She avoided the bodies and ran, reaching for the doorknob. Suddenly, Abel’s eyes regained focus.

“Damned brat!”


Abel grabbed her hair and pulled her back, slapping her hard. Slap! She was flung into a pool of blood.


The blow was strong enough to make her head spin. She held her face and looked up. A delayed pain spread through her.

Bright red blood trickled from her burst lip. She felt something squishy behind her. Turning, she realized she was sitting among the headless bodies.


She quickly got up. Abel, breathing heavily, alternated his gaze between his hand and her face. He brushed his hair back and spoke.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to.”

His tone suggested genuine surprise. Iril silently glared at him. It was her first time being struck by someone.

“Despite all my precautions, I almost fell for it again. Your power is too dangerous.”

“Power… I don’t know anything about that.”

Iril started backing towards the kitchen again. The white dress Ronan had given her was turning red.

“Of course you wouldn’t. If you could control it, I would never have found you. Haven’t you ever wondered why, despite your beauty, no one ever bothered you? Why you lived in peace as if it were natural?”

“T-that’s because people are kind…”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Humanity isn’t inherently good. The reason you and your brother lived in peace is that you found life with those insects beautiful.”

Abel’s voice was filled with unknown madness. Regaining his composure, he started walking again.

“This is enough chatter. Let’s go.”

“I don’t want to…”

Iril instinctively grabbed a kitchen knife. Her hands were trembling. Abel snorted.

“Don’t be foolish. What do you think you can do with those shaking hands?”

Ignoring her, he reached out. Iril closed her eyes and swung the knife.

“D-don’t come closer!”

It was too weak to be called an attack. She was just a young woman who had never wielded a weapon. Abel sighed and slipped behind her. Chop! He struck the back of her neck with his hand.


Iril collapsed forward. Abel caught her before she hit the ground. Even unconscious, her small hands still gripped the knife.

“So stubborn. Still our bloodline, after all.”

Abel chuckled. Despite being diluted, the blood couldn’t be denied.

But it wouldn’t do to carry her around like this. As he tried to take the knife from her, it suddenly accelerated and disappeared from sight.


Abel tilted his head. A red line appeared on his cheek. Slit! The wound opened, and blood spurted out.

“What the…”

A delayed sting alerted him. Abel tried to speak, but another strike came. He instinctively turned his head. Swish! The sharp knife narrowly missed his nose.

In that moment, his grip on Iril loosened. She curled up and slipped from his hold.


Abel realized too late. She had already escaped his grip and stood a few steps away, gripping the knife with one hand, showing no openings.

“…Ferocious. Were you hiding your skills?”

Abel asked. It had been centuries since he had bled.

But there was no answer. Iril’s eyes were unfocused. Her long, thick hair hung like willow leaves, covering her face.


Abel scratched his head. Her sunset-colored eyes stared at nothing. She was clearly unconscious.

‘Is this subconscious potential manifesting…?’

He didn’t understand what was happening. But his task remained unchanged. Placing his hand on the hilt, Abel muttered.

“I hoped to take you without bloodshed.”

Clicking his tongue, Abel drew his sword. Glittering mana swirled around him like a storm. Thud! Abel and the wavering Iril disappeared from sight simultaneously.


“Sis, I’m home.”

Knock, knock. Ronan called out as he knocked on the door. The streets were busier than usual, possibly due to a large shipment.

“What’s that? A dragon?”

“Wow. That’s cool.”

All eyes were on Sita, sitting in the middle of the street. In the bright blue sky, Sita’s presence was like a giant tree.

His fluffy fur and still cute face prevented people from screaming and running away in fear. Excited to see Iril, Sita let out a cheerful cry.


“Sorry, I’m late. Something came up at the last minute. But I got here as soon as I could.”

There was no response from inside the house. Feeling a bit guilty, Ronan apologized. He was about twenty minutes late from the promised time of noon due to wrapping up things at Felgrand Mountain.

In his hand was a bouquet of daffodils, Iril’s favorite. He had picked them himself to apologize and to see her happy face. Thinking she hadn’t heard him, Ronan knocked again, but there was still no answer.

“Did she step out? I’ll go in.”

Ronan opened the door. It was unlocked, as usual. The inside was as clean and tidy as always.


Thud. As he closed the front door again, the noise from outside drastically diminished. The house was empty. Turning his head, he noticed the dining table laden with food, filling the air with a delicious aroma.

It seemed to be a birthday feast prepared by Iril. The potato stew at the center confirmed it. As Ronan looked around the kitchen, his brow furrowed.

“Something’s off…”

An inexplicable sense of unease kept nagging at him. It was undoubtedly their house, only without his sister, yet something felt wrong. Suddenly, his gaze fell on a kitchen knife placed in the corner of the kitchen.


A few drops of red blood were beaded on the kitchen knife. The moment Ronan saw this, his face hardened. The eerie crimson stains were not from livestock.


He felt like he was beginning to understand the source of the unease. Ronan instinctively pulled out his sword. Clang! As he swung his blade through the air, the scenery shattered like glass, falling apart into countless pieces.


It was an exceptionally sophisticated illusion spell. Sita, who had been peering inside from the window, let out a cry of astonishment. As the true appearance of the house emerged, Ronan’s eyes widened in shock.

“What the hell is this shit?”

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