Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 278


Ronan bowed his head slightly. The savior smiled gently in return. So far, so good, but he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

‘This is really awkward.’

He gave Elcia a quick glance, but she was too busy sobbing joyfully over the savior’s resurrection to notice Ronan’s expression.

“Sniff… finally…”

‘Damn it.’

Ronan bit his lip. The savior, having finished his greeting, just looked at him without saying a word. Damn, doesn’t he have anything to say to his son after all this time? Scratching his head, Ronan broke the silence.

“So, how are you feeling?”

“I’m much better. A lot better, in fact.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

Ronan narrowed his eyes. The savior seemed to have improved from earlier, but it was still amazing he was alive after such a mortal wound. He could still see through the child-sized hole to the scenery behind him.

“Well, let’s just say the critical phase has passed. I’ve healed to the point where I can regenerate, so it’s just a matter of time now.”

“That’s a relief.”

“I never thought you’d actually bring back Abel’s blood… I must commend your bravery and strength.”

The savior spoke. As he said, his wounds were slowly healing. It seemed Ronan hadn’t made the journey in vain.

However, there was one part that pricked his conscience. Ronan answered sheepishly.

“Well, I just picked it up. I don’t know who hurt that monster.”

“I see. If it wasn’t you, then it must have been Iril, that child.”

“What? My sister?”

Ronan’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His sister was the type to ask him for help even to kill a chicken.

He still vividly remembered how she would confidently offer to cook meat but come running to him in tears at the sight of blood.

And now, they were saying she dueled the cult leader of Nebula Klazier and even wounded him? It was easier to imagine Asel using telekinesis to kiss Marja. The savior continued.

“Your sister, Iril, inherited the blood much more strongly than you. Of course, your martial prowess is superior, but she can at least defend herself.”

His voice was calm, as if explaining the obvious. Ronan was still trying to picture Iril in a swordfight.

“No way.”

“It’s true. Her other abilities prevented her from awakening her martial skills. I had hoped she would never awaken…”

“Let’s say that’s true. By the way, I have something to ask.”

Suddenly, Ronan snapped his fingers. The shocking news had delayed him from getting to the point.

There were plenty of things he wanted to ask and stories to catch up on, but right now, rescuing Iril was his priority. He was about to explain the situation.

“There’s no need to explain everything. I’ve already seen it all. Iril has been kidnapped by my foolish brother, and you’re here to seek advice on that.”

“What? How do you know?”

Ronan raised his eyebrows. Now that he thought about it, the conversation they just had wouldn’t have made sense unless he knew what had happened to Iril. It was all so natural that he hadn’t noticed.

“It’s nothing. I may have had my eyes closed, but my ears were open. I remember everything you and Elcia discussed in here.”


Ronan chuckled dryly. He hadn’t expected the savior to be conscious even inside the glass chamber. But it was good news that he didn’t have to explain everything. The savior sighed.

“Hmm… In any case, if Abel has taken her, the situation isn’t good. Not only because of his motives but because he probably took her to the main base, meaning you’d have to face Abel and the archbishops all at once…”

“Exactly. So, any ideas? And if you have a way to deal with the winged baldies, that’d be great too.”

“…First, let’s get out of here. Elcia, help me out of this, will you?”


Elcia’s eyes widened at the savior’s sudden request. Her cheeks were still streaked with tears. She quickly shook her head.

“But your wounds haven’t healed yet. If you strain yourself…”

“Hurry. We don’t have much time.”

The savior spoke firmly. His previously gentle face now bore a stern expression. Perhaps because his only daughter had been kidnapped. Elcia, unable to argue, finally nodded.


She walked to a corner of the room and operated a complex-looking machine. Pssshhh… The liquid inside the glass chamber drained, and the exit opened.

“Ah, how long it’s been since I stood on my own two feet…”

The savior, moving his limbs cautiously, stepped out. But as soon as he stepped outside the glass chamber, his legs gave way.

“Oh no.”


Elcia screamed. Ronan quickly reached out and caught him before he hit the ground. He asked with concern.

“Damn, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes. It seems my muscles are a bit surprised after not being used for so long. Thank you.”

The savior nodded. He struggled to stand, wobbling like a newborn deer. Elcia hurriedly draped a thick robe over his shoulders.

“Here, wear this. You can’t afford to catch a cold.”

“Thank you.”

Ronan frowned. He wondered if he should put the savior back into the glass chamber and let him recover fully. But the savior insisted he was fine. Facing Ronan, the savior spoke.

“Then I suppose I should answer you. As you are now, it’s impossible.”


“Abel is strong. Much stronger than you think. Not even Navar could defeat him.”

His words were sharp as a knife. Ronan didn’t understand why the savior bothered to get out if that was the case. Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair.

“Damn it, I know that much. That’s why I came to you, to find a way to beat him.”

A vein popped on Ronan’s forehead. He had come seeking answers, only to hear the obvious. Elcia, who had been listening, cautiously intervened.

“Ronan, maybe you should—”

“Sorry, Elcia, but you’ll have to let it slide just this once. I’m only staying quiet because of my sister. Honestly, to me, this man isn’t a revered father but more like a deadbeat who abandoned my mother and us.”


“And it’s not just that. He cursed us with something no normal human could handle, then disappeared.”

Ronan growled. The resentment he had bottled up was boiling over. He would have punched the savior in the face or stomach if he had been in better shape. Something fiery.

Realizing this wasn’t her place, Elcia closed her mouth. The savior gave a bitter smile.

“You’re not wrong. I was far from being a good father.”

“At least you have a conscience. How did you meet my mother while being so sick? Were you not in pain back then?”

Ronan asked. It seemed odd. How could he be so ill that he’d climb into a glass chamber five years ago, yet still have the energy to meet his mother and have a child? The savior shook his head.

“I was in pain. But sometimes, love makes you forget even the agony of death.”


“You’ll understand someday. One of the truths I’ve learned in my long life is that no power in the universe is stronger than that.”

His voice was earnest. The savior explained that he had settled in Limbert for a while after meeting his mother during his illness. It was surprising to be having such a family-oriented conversation. Living a long life indeed brings unexpected moments.

“More than anything… your mother was so beautiful. I would have given up the rest of my life for her.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

Ronan chuckled. Anyone who knew Iril’s face could easily understand why the old man had gone to such lengths. A moment of awkward silence passed. The savior, reminiscing, spoke again.

“Well then, let’s go.”

“Go? Where?”

“We have to defeat Abel and save my daughter, don’t we?”

“Wait, didn’t you just say it’s impossible?”

Ronan’s eyes widened. This was different from what he had just heard. The savior shook his head.

“I said it’s impossible for you as you are now. There is a way to increase your chances.”

“What is it?”

“I’ll tell you on the way. Give me a piggyback ride.”


“Come on. It’s quite a distance, and I don’t think I can make it in my current condition.”

The savior explained that to stand a chance, they had to go to a specific place in the Sea of Phantoms. His straightforwardness made Ronan chuckle. It was baffling, but with nothing to lose, Ronan squatted down and lowered his back.

“Let’s do this…”

“Up we go… Thanks.”

Without hesitation, the savior climbed onto Ronan’s back. The more he talked to him, the more the savior seemed different from what Ronan had expected.

Perhaps because he had been stuck in a glass chamber for so long, the savior was surprisingly light. Patting Ronan’s back, he remarked.

“You have a broad back.”


Ronan chuckled. He couldn’t quite put his feelings into words. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it wasn’t bad

either. The savior, adjusting his position, addressed Elcia.

“Elcia, stay here. We won’t be gone too long.”

“I’ll follow your command.”

Elcia bowed. She watched them with a mix of concern and admiration. Guiding Ronan like a horse, the savior spoke.

“Then, let’s go.”


Unexpectedly, the path to the secret location was connected to the ruins. Leaving the room, Ronan followed the savior’s directions. They climbed down a ladder from a small room that looked like a food storage in the most secluded part of the ruins.

“How far does this go?”

“Deep… very deep. Are you tired?”

“Not really. Just curious how long it will take.”

Ronan replied nonchalantly. He wasn’t tired at all. After climbing down the ladder for about thirty minutes, they came across a long, steep slope.

“…It’s freezing.”

Even his breath seemed to freeze. It felt colder the deeper they went. The Sea of Phantoms held many surprises.

Contrary to his earlier words, the savior remained silent as they walked. His expression wasn’t good, perhaps he was tense. After a long walk down the slope, Ronan asked.

“So, what’s this method? How can I beat Abel?”

“…I sense the power of Bajura and the heat of the primordial flame in your heart. Using this method for redemption… how refreshing.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Ronan, I know you’ve tried everything to break the curse. Yet, half of it still lingers in your body.”

Ronan took a sharp breath. He hadn’t expected the curse to come up here. The savior continued, leaving the startled Ronan behind.

“I intend to remove it.”

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