Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

Not A Chapter: An Explanation

I've received a lot of negative attention over how Honor Harrington was portrayed in the end of the last chapter. Some of you don't want to hear any explanation as to why, either.

Honor isn't the experienced or seasoned military professional you all know. She hasn't had 30 years or so of saving millions of people, several planets and star systems, or 'Rode the Valkyries' to her death several times, sacrificed and lost most of her crew on several ships, been hurt and damaged in dozens of firefights, or had any great loves in her life. She hasn't been through any great trials. At all.

She is just starting out in her military career. She met Hamish and Emily about 20 years before she was supposed to and doesn't have the hard-earned reluctance to open herself up, thanks to John's actions. She has everything in common with Hamish (because they are both military officers) and Emily is her best (and only) female friend.

Just like in canon, they hit it off like gangbusters... except she doesn't have any reluctance opening up to them or has any experience in dealing with relationships. She's fully accepted into their lives and she loves them, only she doesn't realize that John was trying to stay monogamous this time and he overreacted. They easily could have talked things out (since John's been in a polyamory relationship before); but, when he confronted Honor, she retaliated, as did Hamish. It's in their natures to fight against attackers, even loved ones.

Yes, John was irrational. Yes, he made mistakes. He was doing his best to save Honor and everyone on Manticore, only to have it blow up in his face. His determination to make her happy backfired, mostly because he didn't realize he was pretty much putting her out of a job and removing what she enjoyed most in her life. Her military career.

I think that's pretty much it. I know it doesn't help much or will change anyone's opinions. That wasn't the point. I just wanted to say that this Honor Harrington (in her 20s) was not the same Honor Harrington (in her late 40s and early 50s) we all read the adventurers of.

I'm about 7,000 words into the next chapter, only I don't like how it's turning out and abandoned it. It's not even worth posting in the Oops files.

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