Accidentally Married a Fox God

Chapter 92: It Was Terrible!

Bai Qingyue hadn't planned a response in advance, instead, he came up with the best answer he could at that exact moment, "I struggled to drag you back inside the cabin with my inner powers. I licked you clean and used my low-level Foxfire to dry us." Partly true, he did lick her and he did use his Foxfire. Indeed, it could almost be counted as him being honest…

Ignorant of her fox's conniving nature, Li Meirong felt glad to have Snowball by her side, she bent down and kissed the tip of his nose. "You've worked hard, Snowball. Thank you for taking care of me when I should be the one taking care of you."

However, Li Meirong was surprised by his words for a different reason. She wasn't even aware of her Snowball's capabilities, utilizing his inner powers at such a young age.

If anything, Li Meirong felt a little envious to discover that such a young fox was already so much stronger than her. She had to seriously devote herself to hone her newfound energy, and practice cultivation to the point where no one would be able to bully her or her loved ones ever again!

"It was my duty and pleasure to do so..." Bai Qingyue answered rather conceitedly from his position on her lap.

Li Meirong was grateful for her little one's consideration. She should be the one tending to him and yet it ended up being the other way around.

Nighttime swiftly arrived. Shadows submerged the cabin's confined space into darkness. Attempting to organise the surroundings into a cosier and more agreeable place. Li Meirong went and lit a few candles around. Afterwards, she assembled a collection of puffy blankets for Snowball, making sure he was kept content.

Meanwhile, she heated up a light meal using the mini charcoal stove. After placing a slice of cured mutton onto the greased iron pan, the fragrant smell of savoury meat immediately spread throughout the room. With swift, practised movements, she arranged a plate of chopped vegetables seasoned with herbs, using the garden's plants.

Bai Qingyue sat on the bed, silently observing his wife meandering back and forth whilst the pleasant aroma permeating from the frying pan caused his appetite to increase. His eyes lingered unabashedly on Li Meirong's pert backside, remembering how soft and comfortable it felt when he was placed between those warm, tender cheeks during the-

"Snowball!" Li Meirong's scolding voice snapped him out of his absent-minded state.

His fluffy ears perked up as his molten gaze snapped to hers.

"I told you to come, the food is ready! Seriously..." said Li Meirong indignantly. She had called him a few times already!

They ate in silent companionship. Bai Qingyue surprisingly found himself becoming obsessed with her cooking, uncertain as to the reason. He used to practise abstinence with ease, not only from physical intimacy but from eating as well. Fundamentally, gods are able to indulge but do not necessarily need to.

Perhaps his wife was just that skilled? She outclasses the chefs in his palace with ease! When they return to the heavens, he had to ascertain that all the meals being made will be up to par with her expectations.

Thoroughly sated from the sumptuous meal, Snowball returned to the bed and Li Meirong washed the dishes that were used. The room was silent but felt snug and homely to Bai Qingyue.

Nevermind the palace, he thought to himself, changing his mind.

He would just stay with her in the mortal realm for as long as she wished. Wasn't he the Sovereign Lord? He could just move his work over here!

A while later, Li Meirong finished her chores and went to sit by Snowball's side, gently stroking the fur on his back as she contemplated her next course of action.

Tomorrow, she will have to attend the morning ceremony in the presence of Grandmaster Zhu Zhang and Zhu Qingyue and take on the mantle of a personal disciple under the Grandmaster, as well as being a temporary student to his son. That would have been the case, only if the events of the Spirit Beast shop don't condemn her to go on trial again.

Her cheeks heated up slightly at the thought of facing the domineering man she had those wild fantasies about. Wouldn't she have to see him every day, now that he was assigned to teach her martial arts?!

Vehemently shaking her head, Li Meirong decided that whatever her thoughts were, she should never let him find out!

Bai Qingyue carefully observed his wife. Even with her simple garb, her beauty and gentleness managed to shine through, enrapturing all who laid eyes on her. Her dark tresses, he now knew, not only looked as soft as silk but feel that way, too. Her rosy cheeks only added to her innocent demeanour, heightening his desire to ravage her. The noticeable red marks on her throat stood out in stark contrast to her tender flesh.

He acquired a new sense of pleasure, seeing her marked by him.

Regretfully, Li Meirong was about to discover them and think otherwise. Grabbing a hand mirror from the nearby storage closet, she brought it to her face in order to examine the sore feeling from her nape. She stared, horrified by her own reflection and ended up dropping the mirror from her quivering fingers onto the hardwood floor, nearly shattering it. Her eyes widened and her palms shook.

It looked as if she had been abused!

Dark red and nearly purple marks marred her neck!

Alert to her frightened reaction, Bai Qingyue jumped to clarify before she could start to question the anomaly.

"Oh, it was terrible! After you fainted, a swarm of mosquitoes passed by!"

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