Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Practice Game

Both coaches greeted each other.

Osaka Kiryuu's coach was surprised that Kataoka was using first years in this match he felt offended that Kataoka didn't think they deserved 2nd or 3rd years pitching against them.

After a while, both teams gathered and lined up to start the game.

"Bow!", yelled the umpire.

"Have a good game!", yelled both teams and walked to their separate dugouts.

Furuya was the starting pitcher for this match.

As the game started Furuya pitched. The audience was shocked at his speed but remained disappointed because he kept throwing balls the whole first inning.

In Seido's dugout.


"Even though he's fatigued, I didn't think he'd do this badly. Shouldn't we switch him out before he begins to doubt himself?", said Director Oota worryingly.

"He's pitching 3 Innings, not now", said Kataoka.

Director Oota nodded not that worried since he wasn't pitching that many innings.

Furuya's ball was hit, and he was saved by Kuramochi and Ryo's duo defense.

"The infield saved you but if you don't focus Coach will switch you out for Rei", said Miyuki walking up to Furuya while gesturing toward Rei who was sitting in the dugout writing something on a notepad.

"I'm not giving up any more runs", said Furuya determined.

After 3 innings Furuya had let through 10 runs already.

In Seido's dugout.

"Call for a pitcher change. Switch out Furuya for Rei", said Kataoka.

Director Oota nodded and followed Kataoka's orders.

Rei was sitting in the dugout writing something in his notepad. Recently he had been writing down 1st string members' strengths and weaknesses because he thought that listing them would make it more effective for players to improve on them.

"Rei, get ready it's your turn to pitch", Rei raised his head and saw Director Oota speaking to him.

Rei nodded and walked to the mound while grabbing his glove.

The audience was about to leave but when they saw Rei coming up to the mound they sat back down and cheered for him.

On the mound when Furuya got the news that he was being switched out he was disappointed in himself and thought why couldn't he throw today?

"The ball", said Rei approaching Furuya on the mound.

Furuya nodded and gave him the ball reluctantly. He walked back to the dugout clenching his hand in frustration.

"Just throw fastballs where my mitt is", said Miyuki approaching Rei.

Rei nodded and Miyuki went back to his position.

Exhaling and inhaling on the mound Rei's mind was cleared of thoughts and he felt no nervousness as his Cool Heart skill kicked in. He prepared to pitch using a rosin bag.

Miyuki got ready and positioned his mitt for an inside pitch.

Rei smiled and thought as expected of Miyuki seeing the reckless calling.

Rei took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

The ball went 150 KM hitting the strike zone.

Miyuki felt exhilarated as he received the ball in his mitt and thought, "He definitely has the skills of an ace".

In Seido's dugout.

Sawamura was shocked at Rei's pitch and yelled, "I want to pitch, let me go".

"Eijun-Kun, wait for your turn", said Harucchi holding back Sawamura.

Kataoka was delighted to see the match back on track through Rei's pitching.

Rei struck out every batter with his fastball straight down the middle.

When the inning ended Rei walked back to the mound and was overwhelmed with his teammate's praises.

Rei just stood there not knowing how to deal with this.

"With your skills, you can become an ace this year or maybe next year if you just learn to open up to your team members", said Miyuki.

Rei nodded and thanked Miyuki while blushing.

Seeing the blush on Rei's face, Miyuki laughed and said, "Are you embarrassed? I knew it you're not a cocky brat".

"Did you think of me as a cocky brat", said Rei stupefied.

"Yeah", said Miyuki with no hesitation.

"I just like doing everything on my own, training…", as Rei continued his list, he realized he did everything alone and only went to ask for help from Miyuki and Chris when he needed advice.

"Don't tell me you just realized it", said Miyuki dumbfounded.

Rei nodded.

"Anyways, just try to talk more with your teammates and get to know them. You want to be an ace, don't you? So, follow my advice it would be good for you", said Miyuki.

"I will try my best", said Rei with determination in his eyes.

Seeing the newfound determination in Rei's eyes Miyuki smiled.

So far Seido had only scored 2 runs. Currently, it was Seido's batting turn.

Kuramochi was the first batsman. He swung on the first pitch and ran.

He ran fast and as soon as the defense got the ball to throw back Kuramochi was already near the 3rd base.

The ball was thrown to the 3rd base before Kuramochi even made it to the 3rd base.

"OUT!", yelled the umpire.

The opponent team was shocked at Kuromochi's speed.

Even Rei sitting in the dugout was surprised at Kuramochi's speed. Seeing Kuramochi's speed in real life was different compared to the anime.

"Damn", said Kuramochi not being able to make it to the base.

Now Ryosuke the 2nd batsman was up to bat. He fouled off many balls to exhaust the pitcher because they were exhausted too. What a twisted personality this guy has. Ryo was walked.

Jun was the 3rd batsman who hit the ball with a heavy swing, but it only resulted in a bunt.

Yuki was up to the bat THE CAPTAIN, he hit a line drive to the left field fence! as expected he was in a different league compared to other batters.

Masuko the hard hitter, hit the ball and it went far but it was a fly to an outfielder.

In the end, they only scored a run during the inning. Total 3 runs.

Rei came to the mound to pitch for the 5th inning.

He struck out every batter. The opponents were trying to get a read on his fastball but couldn't.

Seido's turn to score came but they still couldn't score the whole 5th inning.

In Seido's Dugout.

As Rei was getting ready to pitch for the 6th inning, Kataoka ordered the players to gather up.

"I am deeply disappointed in you guys. 3 years of practicing batting and this is what you

show for yourselves", yelled Kataoka.

Every batter in the dugout was feeling disappointed in themselves and all the confidence they had built up shattered to pieces hearing Kataoka.

Kuramochi was clenching his fist because he was mad at himself for not being able to score and help the team.

Yuki had a detrimental expression on his face and thought of ways to increase the team's batter techniques and efficiency.

"I am going to change the batting order for the next practice game", declared Kataoka sighing.

The 3rd year batters didn't like this, but they saw this change coming.

Hearing this Haruichi was excited because he thought he might get a chance in the lineup, but he knew there was a lot of competition in the team to get a spot and since there were a lot of 3rd years, he didn't think he would get it, but he still wanted to give it a try.

The 6th inning started, and as usual, Rei struck out every batter with his fastball right down the middle.

Miyuki and Kataoka were impressed by Rei's pitching.

"I'll beat your cool pitching one day", yelled Sawamura from the bench.

Hearing this Rei looked toward Sawamura and ignored him.

"DON'T YOU DARE!! IGNORE ME", yelled Sawamura.

"You're going to pitch the next inning so calm down Eijun-Kun", said Haruichi.

Remembering that he was going to pitch the next inning Sawamura aggressively nodded his head.

Rei was smiling on the mound he liked the chaotic Sawamura; it somehow cheered him up.

The 6th inning closed, and Rei went back to the dugout.

He sat down on the bench sweating. Sawamura and Furuya had a cup of water in their hands for Rei.

"Thank you, My Servants", said Rei grabbing the drinks.

"I am not your servant, you arrogant piece of shit", said Sawamura pissed.

Furuya just took his drink back and walked back to his seat.

While Rei and Sawamura were arguing, Chris and Miyuki looked at them and smiled thinking that the future of this team was bright, and they might even get to go to Koshien this year.

Bottom of the 6th inning, Seido scored nothing, and Kiryuu had 0 runs in this inning since Rei gave them no chance.

Sawamura was sent to the mound for the 7th inning and the Osaka Kiryuu's team relaxed.

"Oh, they changed their pitcher thank god"

"I was getting restless because of that monster pitcher"

"Don't mind it we are still winning the match by 4 runs. Seido only has 3 runs"

Discussed the players on the Kiryuu Osaka team.

Sawamura came to the mound and threw a bulk on his first pitch.

Chris was embarrassed in the dugout that his student was such a slow learner.

Sawamura continued pitching high balls on the inside course.

Miyuki kept using Low and inside pitches for him because it was the best-suited course for Sawamura.

Sawamura started throwing balls straight down the middle and didn't let a run through.

Seido's lineup couldn't score in the 6th inning either.

Sawamura pitched in the 8th and 9th inning only letting through 3 runs.

After the match, the team said goodbye to the Osaka Kiryuu team.

At night in the dorms.

Laying on his bed Rei was thinking about the match today and he felt like he pitched great today. But he did have trouble with fielding. He needed to practice more on that.

Today he witnessed the problems with the current lineup of the team he knew they were going to have even more trouble during the summer tournament because of it.

The first step to change, he needed to change the lineup and he decided tomorrow he would discuss it with Miyuki and Chris senpai about what kind of lineup would be suitable for the team currently.

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