Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 1. Keaton

The Stromgar Kingdom, 113 C.E.

A kingdom built on the supremacy of humans over all other races, and the bulwark of humanity fending off wave after wave of encroaching wilderness. The thing about the wilderness here is that it’s a living hell, not at all like how things were on Earth. Think of all the stories about evil and mystical creatures in the forests, lakes, in the dark, we had so many when they weren’t even real… here they ARE real, and they are worse than any story I remember.

At least that’s what I’ve been told, I’ve never left the safety of home. I’m the youngest of twelve sons, Keaton, of the Pel family. My father, Lauel Pel, is a minor noble in the kingdom. Mother was one of his wives, but she passed away shortly after I was born. I have no memories of her. Having no living mother, not to mention being the youngest, I was in no position to inherit. Am I unhappy? Not particularly, I have no interest in these mud and monster infested lands that my father lords over while my brothers openly covet, if only it didn’t mean that I’d hav… “Tsk—“

While I was lost in my thoughts, the warm and wet sensation moving below the blankets came to a peak. I forced it deeper, fully encompassing my member inside the pleasurable mouth while steadying her head under the thick down blankets as I filled her throat.

The early morning light shone through a small window, the frost patterns decorating the glass sending light scattering across the room. The room was small but tidy, mostly thanks my personal maid Belle who my father had given to me as a child. She has served me for as long as I have had memories, memories of this world I mean. This world is foreign to me, terrifying, especially from the perspective of someone who grew up with modern western sensibilities. I grew up in the city and was modestly successful in my time, at least I think I was… I don’t think I died, but something happened. I am not entirely clear on the matter myself, I didn’t know I was from another world originally, but memories started coming to me when I was younger here. Bits and pieces at first, but enough that it truly changed my character. It’s gotten to the point that I’m not sure which one is the real me anymore. The memories stopped coming a few years ago, even if I sympathize more with the utopian-like “Earth” that I catch glimpses of from this alter-ego, the process of it terrified me to no end. Every time the memories came, I’d feel myself dying inside, changing, and becoming one with another being who WAS NOT ME. The years of calm had finally allowed me some stability to gather myself and my thoughts into a coherent being. —“Nhgh”

I shivered in pleasure as the wet, lovely sensation continued even as my sensitivity was at its peak.

“…How long are you going to be down there?”

With a hint of annoyance, I threw off the heavy covers. Unveiling a pretty petite face with silky black hair, and a lithe pale hairless body, perfect in every way other than the small black ears jutting out like a cat’s, and a black silky tail to match.

I’m not sure what part of me it bothered, or why it didn’t bother me more. By the sensibilities of this era, beast-like features like the one’s Belle had were revolting, it was only by my father’s grace and status that she keeps her head. Most prisoners of subjugation, like the ones regularly exercised upon the beast-lands to the west, would only be so lucky. Barbarian kingdoms with barbarian kings, full of uncivilized and thoroughly unfriendly inhuman-folk, who would do much worse to us in a heartbeart. The thought alone had me boiling in rage.

“Enough. Dress me. I’m meeting with father today.”

I commanded, the gleam fading from my eyes, replaced instead with resignation and a hint of fear. I knew perfectly well what was going to happen today, I even accepted why, but the cowardly part of me still welled up in dread.

—“Yes, Master!”

Belle squeaked and she scurried up from the bed, digging through my wardrobe and emerging with fine linen undergarments that she helped me into. The reflection cast from the wall-hanging mirror was handsome. A skinny body, toned only through light training and not a day of labor, a pure face with boyish features, well trimmed matte black hair, and dull blue eyes. I watched as she brought me my boiled leather armor off of its stand near the room’s corner, laying the armor over my clothes and lacing it up with deft fingers. Once the boots were on, she tied my sword scabbard to my waist as I gave myself one last appraisal.

Name: Keaton Pel


STR: 5

DEX: 7

CON: 5

INT: 10

WIS: 9

CHA: 13

Class: (None | None)

Status Points: 0

Skills: None

The wall of glowing green-blue text greeted me as always. This secret was both my greatest pride and my greatest frustration. I am no scholar but such phenomenon are unheard of, and a more religiously devoted man would have me dead for describing such ill-omened things. Dark gods and their practitioners had strange powers that manifested in odd-ways, unknown phenomenon is not looked on favorably as a result.

It did frighten me somewhat, but I felt strongly this was something unique to myself. Never once have I read any accounts resembling this, even the dark worshipers had nothing similar, and because of it I took great pride. I am a unique existence, this was my calling to greatness. And yet, I look around me and see only… mediocrity. I look at these words, and feel only bitterness. What rotten system like this brings no benefits. My eyes swung to the side, with renewed focus as Belle finished arranging a sleek fur cloak around my shoulders.

“Make sure my things are packed, and don’t forget a mirror.”

I warned her, as she squeaked again affirmatively.

It would be an embarrassment if we had to come back here again. She was generally acceptable as far as servants went, but given circumstances she never had formal education and was somewhat dependent on me for reminders such as these. It was a kindness that I remind her in private now, and spare her from the consequences should she embarrass me like that in public.

Alright then… I steeled myself one last time before pushing out the door.

The cold winds buffeted my face as I exited the small cabin, situated away from my father’s manor it made for a brisk walk in these winter months. No snow falls in these lands, we aren’t North enough for that, even so it’s cold enough to bother me with my delicate constitution.

Father’s estate is not particularly large, he lives with his wives in the main household while the sons in separately built accommodations around the outskirts. A few minutes of marching over partially frozen mud later I was there. The house decorated plainly except for the occasional war trinkets and ornamental weapons, a reminder of my father’s occupation as a Stromgarian knight. A noble position, albeit the lowest of them. Entering my fathers room, I let him know I was here.


“Keaton, it’s good you’ve come. I really want to congratulate you.”

I nodded. Today was my birthday, however this fact did not particularly please me as I looked on nervously. I was now old enough to be counted as a man, and that meant I would be leaving. I held many expectations, but even more apprehensions.

Later that morning I met up with Belle and the luggage. My father had arranged a carriage ride for us into town and enough coins for a month of living arrangements. My plans were to register as an adventurer and strike it on my own.

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