Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 105. Crow’s Forbidden Candy

The lumbering abomination towered over me, staring at me curiously through the stitched mask on its face as it scratched its stitched leather beak with one of the many long claws that adorned its fingers, its vaguely human form only served to make it more intimidating. 

Panic rushing through my mind as I witnessed the monster that had snuck up on me, materializing a sword into my hand mid-swing. The sword screaming through the air with all of might colliding with what felt like a steel wall, the blade catching into the dense black feathers covering its body; the creature laughing in turn as if it found my attempts to hurt it as funny.

The crow beast leaning in to reveal a shark-like grin, its pointed set of teeth gleaming beneath the crow mask as it spoke to me. 

"What... level... are you... little one?" The crow monster crouched down to my height, speaking in labored breaths and displaying its hands disarmingly as if it were trying to show it was not a threat. Reaching out to pat my head like it would an infant, causing me to flinch in instinctive fear, as if I was encountering a predator. It's true the creature had no weapons, but the blade-like claws were threatening enough on its own. 

Level? This... this thing a person? I could hardly believe it, but the realization was dawning on me. This monster was a user.

Looking over the crow monster with disproportioned limbs, black wings, and a bird shaped mask that seemed to be hiding completely monstrous features, I had some trepidation with connecting this sight back to a human. I knew classes made me stronger and attributes could change my physique, but this thing before me was something completely bizarre. Could the system really turn someone into something like this?

The crow looked at me expectantly, patiently waiting for my answer. 

"Why do you want to know? That's... why should I give you that information." I asked him, somewhat intimidated but unwilling to give out such sensitive information out so easily. Seeing how powerful the monster was, I was on high alert about what its intentions might be. But on the other-hand, I didn't want to upset the monster with an outright refusal, unsure of how it would react, seeing as it could probably tear me apart without breaking so much as a sweat.

The creature's shoulders, moving and heaving silently, almost as if it were trying to laugh like my question to it were a joke. But while I couldn't hear the sound it emitted in its throat, clearly one was produced. The horses in the camp neighing and shifting uncomfortably, as they pulled at their tethers. 

"That'ssss right. Apologies... Mr. Keaton isssssss it? I've gotten ahead of myself. My name is Crow, nicccccce to meet you." It held out its clawed index finger like it wanted to shake hands with me, the single claw large enough to fill my entire hand. Grabbing on with some hesitation the two of us shook in greeting.

"*Ahem* I like... new players. You... new player. I like. I help. Others would be disappointed, but Crow helpful." Crow struggled to express himself, trying as best as he could to suppress a lisp. Possibly a side-effect of his inhuman mouth. Covering his mouth with a claw like the lisp was embarrassing.

"Player...  you're a user aren't you? Why would you want to know my level?" I asked Crow for confirmation, seeing it nod its head in response. 

"I level... 34....ssss. *cough* Told you my level, know many things... share many things." The crow beat his wings excitedly as he watched me expectantly, like it couldn't wait to help me. Licking its lips behind the mask to wet its dry mouth. 

"You just want to know my level?"

It nodded again. 

Hesitating still... but fearing what would happen if I upset the creature. If it was just my level, I could answer truthfully without revealing my big secrets.

"I'm level 9 right now, I haven't been here very long." I spoke finally, trying to give an excuse since Bael seemed to think I was rather weak as well. 

"Not level 10 yet... not good... should get second class soon. Will helpssss much. Crow help, Crow have just the thing." It said while digging through the bag tied around its waist, ignoring the numerous potions before it dug out a hard looking glassy rock that was colored like flesh, looking at the stone fondly like it was invaluable before beckoning me to hold out my hand.

"Candy... eat. Very tasty." It said while licking its lips, drool beginning to pour down the beak of its mask.

"What is it?" I eyed the stone, studying the features that were carved in, seeing that the stone had what looked like faces embedded deeply within, twisted in a pained expression. This was candy?

"Others would be jealousssss. Very precious, very tasty." The crow looked like it was physically pained to be parting with the stone, like it had just done me a great favor by handing it over.

"I eat this?" I couldn't help but ask a second time, using my [identification] skill just to be sure. 

Getting a ping that pulled up the information in return.

[Crow's Candy]

Crow's speciality candy, provides a tremendous amount of experience when eaten.

This thing really was candy... and it certainly didn't seem to be anything harmful... scrunching my nose as I popped the ominous looking hard-candy into my mouth. Expecting a terrible taste, but instead being greeted by an intense and deep sweetness. One that penetrated through my mouth and seemed to seep into my very soul, followed by a warmth, like that of what I experienced when using [cultivation]. Confirmation enough for me that the candy really did provide experience when eaten. 

My senses overwhelmed with flavor as the celebratory tune and halo of light surrounded me, indicating I had just leveled up. 

"We friends now... right?" It slurped its tongue out happily, celebrating my level up for me. Perhaps even more pleased with the situation than I was, but watching the activity in the camp with a weary eye as a few guards began to emerge from their tents in the distance to check out the unsettled horses, who had yet to stop their panic. 

Seeing the Crow act so happy about my own success, I couldn't help but feel awkward about judging it from appearance. In truth, even now I was terrified of what the creature might do to me or the others here.

"Well... I appreciate the help, Crow. You're the first other user I've ever met, and I have to say that I honestly didn't know what to expect..."

"Friendssss then..." It gave a toothy grin as it watched the increasingly busy camp. "Crow should probably go... not good if seen. Otherwise must feed."

The camp lighting up in a flash of danger as my [protective instincts] triggered briefly before fading entirely again as Crow took off into the night, disappearing as silently as he had once appeared. Leaving me with a cold sweat, breathing out a sigh of relief to see the creature gone. 

Bringing out a mirror as I walked back to my tent unsteadily, my eyes coming across words that unsettled me more than anything I had ever experienced.

[Cannibal] [Blood Lust]

[Gross Eater] [Unstable Genes]

Two classes that I never expected to see, nor ever intended to get greeted me. My world span as I read the words. What did that thing just make me eat? 

Keaton's stat window


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