Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 109. Breaking Point (R-18)

It wasn't that night that Marcella visited my tent, but the next. Having gone through a full day without the comforts she had grown used to, most of all without the 'potion' that she had grown to so desire. 

It wasn't that my blood had 'withdrawal' symptoms to be exact, as far as I could tell there was nothing bad that would happen to the consumer. Rather such pure vitality could never be a bad thing for the body, the body immediately recognized it as such a powerfully beneficial force that it was constantly demanding more. After experiencing a higher concentration of life essence, the state she had lived her life was now akin to a state of malaise. The potion made her practically immune to disease, healing injuries old and new alike, and rejuvenating cells so that they became younger over time rather than being subjected to the forces of aging. Without that state of blissful revitalization, it was like her body was slowly being killed the longer she went without drinking it. Although this had always been the state her body was in, normally a human would never be aware of it. 

Belle and Tammy so far had yet to realize what it was that made them feel this way, having never separated contact from me since the start. My constitution wasn't always this overwhelming, so for them it had been a gradual acclimation, one that had always been shared with the experience of love-making and climax, their bodies rejoicing ever time we laid together. Forming a bond that made us more than lovers. 

As we shared in that experience again, Marcella waited outside the tent, hesitant to go in or not. Listening to the heated sounds coming from within and knowing full well that was what she would have to do in order to get what she wanted. 

Finally gathering her courage before entering, the first thing that greeted her was the sight of Belle splayed out on all fours, her breasts jiggling back and forth rhythmically as she took Keaton deeply within her. Panting with a greedy expression before moaning uncontrollably, her legs shaking with orgasm as she felt herself filling with hot cream. Toes curling and pointing inwards with her minor claws digging the ground. Her feet essentially that of a human's except for the tips of the toes, which had the beginning of what looked like subtly cat-like pads on the bottoms of her toes and nails that resembled that of a feline's claws. 

A pleasured and content look on Belle's face as she basked in the warmth that filled her belly. Her legs stretching back as they shook, and her tail stretching upwards as she arched her back, savoring the orgasm that wracked her body.

Tammy was on her knees, fondling with Belle's breasts as she rubbed herself, having already received one load and looking forward to another. The entrance of the 'intruder' waking her up out of her lustful state of concentration, her eyes narrowing at the sight of Marcella. Neither Tammy nor Belle had any warm feelings left for Marcella, who as they saw it was an enemy who deserved the worst. Given she had harmed and almost killed their man, not to mention plotted against him on several occasions, there was little that could be done to reconcile the relationship between the three of them. 

"I-I'm here..." Marcella announced, red in the face, embarrassed and looking like she would cry at any moment in the face of Belle and Tammy's hostile stares. 

Pulling myself out of Belle before taking a seat in the corner of our oversized tent, one that was practically the size of a large room, lantern lights illuminating the interior that was stocked with furniture. 'Space magic' had made making camp such an easy task that that we could make something like this in only a few minutes, even a king with hundreds of retainers would struggle to travel more lavishly.

"I was wondering when you would come in...  take a seat." I took out a throw pillow and allowed it to fall a short ways in front of my chair. Beckoning Marcella over as she came forward hesitantly. 

"I-I'm willing to do... that is... if you wanted... whatever you wanted..." Marcella seemed to have had some practiced words she had in mind before she came in, but in the actual moment she was flustered and couldn't speak the words as she wanted, her tongue feeling like sandpaper in her mouth as she was come over with anxiety.

"I understand... just take a seat." I said while smiling gently, the only one with a light mood in the tent as Belle and Tammy stared daggers at the spoiled noblewoman-turned-slave. 

"You want this, I presume?" Retrieving a vial of my blood after she had taken her place, sitting awkwardly as she looked up at me in my chair. Holding the vial prominently for her to see, her mouth watered at the sight, audibly swallowing in anticipation. A reaction that amused me to no end, to think that someone as proud as Marcella could covet something of mine so desperately. 

"I reckon at the very least, this amount is worth two hundred fifty gold. At auction it could go for as much as five-hundred. These are exceptionally expensive items that use the blood of a powerful and rare magical beast. We are the sole possessors of this item, and depending on initial market interest that price could rise even higher." Finding some amusement at describing my own blood in that way, but enjoying the reaction Marcella was having at hearing such figures.

She didn't have a firm understanding of what the rate of labor was, nor the worth of gold, to her gold was always a cheap commodity so I had to take the time to explain to her. Her naive idea of acting as a personal maid would take her nearly hundred years of service, even at a generous rate, before she could afford one of these potions.

"A prostitute's wages are a silver per act. A noble's daughter is certainly exotic, but even if you were still a virgin you'd hardly command more than a gold per go. If you think you could get a better rate elsewhere, you could try raising money amongst the men." I meant it as a joke, mainly to demonstrate how little her body was worth compared to her own self-estimation, but Marcella was frightened to death by the words, the very idea revolting her. Even if she managed to prostitute herself for a generous one gold a-piece, she'd need to do it well over two hundred times. This was impossible to her, and what I was telling her was that these potions were more than she could ever afford, but that fit with my goal.

I didn't want her to buy the potions, I wanted her to 'buy' something else. Much like how Tammy and Belle's received their's, there was a perfectly acceptable alternative to these bottled and sale-ready potions.

"Belle come over here, share some of your treasure with Marcella here. I'll give you more later." Belle still looking hesitant to share anything with Marcella, especially something she valued so much, but the promise of receiving another helping as a reward perked her ears up in interest. 

Obediently following my words as she covered her pussy, trying to prevent any drops of the precious liquid from spilling out. Only allowing a small amount to pool in her cupped hands as an offering. Looking at Marcella like she expected her to take it, who was simply stunned at the unexpected turn of events.

"Try it." I ordered Marcella, who despite her disgust dipped a finger into the milky liquid and licked it with her tongue. The hesitation on her face soon replaced with confusion. 

"Feel familiar?" I asked. Knowing fully from Belle and Tammy that the effect should have been very similar to the potions made from my blood. 

"Do you understand now? The reason why only I can ever produce such a potion?"

Marcella knew now, but the fact that she desired it was still engraved in her face. The sudden rush of lust brought on by the consumption of 'potion' removing her last inhibitions as she turned back towards the offered prize still cupped in Belle's hands. Licking at it slowly, timidly at first, but then with gluttony as she gave in to her body's cravings. Cleaning Belle's hands and looking disappointed once it was gone. Her face flushing with shame after she realized what she had just done. She had become nothing more than a beast in heat, an existence even lower than a beastkin, who she had only ever seen as exotic and interesting pets, and despite the shame it brought her, her body still craved more.  Wet juices leaked from her sex while her mouth watered, as if she had just eaten the most delicious thing in her life.

"Would you like more?" I offered another temptation to her, focusing her eyes back on my waiting member. Which she crawled towards on all fours from her spot on the floor, coming face to face with my cock before giving it a kiss sweetly. Tasting and cleaning it as she licked it addictively. Too enraptured by getting what she craved that she didn't pay any mind to the 'flavor' of it having been inside Belle just minutes earlier. 

Bringing her pink lips around the head of my cock, her tongue licking timidly, then with increasingly furor as she acclimated to the act, switching to rough broad licks that elicited pleasure across the length.

Marcella's tongue polishing my glands as she worked her way across, continuing the act as she began lowering her head by herself, her raven black hair with its subtle red sheen blocking the view as she bobbed downwards, gagging because of her naivety and lack of skill but forcing herself lower despite the suffering it caused her. Allowing all of me into her throat before she gagged again, her reaction much stronger this time, forcing her to withdraw as she panted to catch her breath, coughing occasionally. 

"Do you want to stop?" I asked, already knowing the answer as Marcella shook her head, her body shuddering in pleasure as if it looked like she had cum just from her throat alone, much to my amusement. She had been in a forced heat for a week's time and denied climax, but even so I had done nothing tonight to pleasure her. Did the abuse alone send her over the edge?

Looking at Marcella with novelty as if I had just found a new toy. 

"Lay down." I ordered her after she had recovered enough to try again, stopping her after she tried to begin again.

She obliged and took off her blouse and skirt before obediently laid down on the rug that covered the floor of our tent, brushing her hair back as she did so, most of the length laying out in a halo around her head as it flattened against the ground, opening her mouth as she prepared to accept me.

Taking her arms, I pinned them above her head. Her wrists positioned over her flowing hair, the red glow catching the lamp-light in a brilliant manner. Her larger breasts were perfectly firm and toned, and her more active lifestyle was obvious when looking at her naked body. Taking the view in with my eyes, from her smooth armpits that led to perky round breasts, down to her ever so slightly toned stomach and well-defined valley between her legs where her pussy dripped expectantly. 

Positioning myself over her waiting mouth, I lowered my cock into the warm embrace of her mouth and tongue, driving deeper and eliciting another gag but continuing onwards regardless. She moved her head reflexively in retreat but the floor pinned her in place, and her arms remained firmly in my grasp above her head. Only her legs could move as she arched her back upwards while kicking. As much as she wanted to take me in, she was completely unused to the act, and she gagged whenever taking anything deeply.

Taking my cock out I allowed her a moment of reprieve, watching her chest heave up in down in deep panting breaths and the occasional wracking cough. Struggling to catch her breath and recover from the gagging reflex she had just endured. 

"Tammy, Belle, dears. Could I ask your help in holding Marcella's legs down?" 

Marcella whimpered in response but didn't protest. She didn't like what she had to do to get the reward, but she still wanted this to continue. Her pussy dripped even more in expectation, squeezing down tightly as she nearly orgasmed again at the thought. 

Neither of the girls showed any mercy, holding Marcella down firmly with glints in their eyes, neither having any warm feelings for Marcella and intent on giving her no leeway to squirm.

Putting myself back into Marcella's open mouth after she was fully secured, feeling her gag against my cock but continuing deeper regardless. The undulations and struggle of her throat as it revolted gave me the most wonderful massage. Pinning her head flat with my hips and keeping her arms flat above her against the ground. Her belly rising as she tried to squirm, only her back was able to move as she lay constrained and subdued, unable to close her mouth or force away in the slightest as I moved my hips. Driving myself as far down her throat as she could humanly manage. 

Her eyes watering up from the abuse as her sex tingled and oozed pleasantly, trying to kick reflexively as her body screamed but finding her legs pinned, which only stimulated her pussy further, peeing herself in the struggle as she suckled my cock willingly. Submitting her throat to me as I pleasured myself inside her. Using her as if she were a toy. Paying no heed to her bucking hips as she tried to free herself. 

Pulling out once more to let her breath.

"Would you like to stop?" I asked her, seeing as she how fiercely she had been fighting until up to a second ago. Sending her into another coughing fit as she desperately caught her breath. Her eyes teared up, trying to speak, but seeming to be incapable of doing so do to her heightened emotions. Ultimately nodding her head to indicate she wanted to go on, opening her mouth wider yet as she prepared again to take me.

 Smiling wickedly in response, Marcella was turning out better than I had possibly imagined. Readying myself over her, I slid back into her waiting mouth and began the last spurt. 

Hammering away without any regard for the discomfort it caused, the wet slapping of flesh and the sounds of gagging echoing throughout the tent. Her eyes were shut tight in anguish, but the pleasure her body remembered and the promise of the soon to be delivered 'potion' tingled her body to no end, beginning to lick alongside my wild thrusts, the end of her tongue catching the deepest portions of my cock and adding a wonderful texture to the already pleasurable activity as she began syncing the timing of her licks alongside my actions, trying her best to make me cum even a second sooner. Her body shaking from the lack of oxygen as I sped up even faster.


I felt myself rising in a desirous heat.

Her throat squeezed and sucked, her lips forming a vacuum on the shaft squeezing up to my balls as I plunged as deep as possible. Withdrawing myself to the tip and doing it all again, locking Marcella's head in place with my knees and hips as I used her. The struggling she had tried at first was soon turning into a cooperative agreement between the two of us. The tingling of her pussy had somehow suppressed her gag reflex, if only temporarily as she shut her eyes tight in anticipation. Knowing that the desired liquid would soon be in her. 

An explosion of warmth filling her mouth first then being shoved to the deepest portions of her throat as I deposited it directly.

Marcella moaned as she felt an unbelievable ecstasy wash over her. Her hips bucking against her restraints as her pussy squeezed, gulping the air as it opened and closed repeatedly as her whole body shook. Suckling eagerly at my cock as she tried to encourage me to cum into her throat, adding in her tongue as if she were trying to drain me entirely. Swallowing and gulping each time I poured into her, but greedily continuing to work me and coax out more.

Seconds passing, stretching on as if it were an eternity, until I felt like I had released my very soul into this fallen vixen who was willing to take all that I could give and more. Staying down there without breath, so long as I was releasing, Marcella was content to stay. Still swallowing long after I had shot my last. As if by sucking so desperately she could get even a drop more.

"That was great..." I said while panting. Pulling myself out reluctantly, looking at her mouth and tongue that were still sucking, even as I pulled out she continued. Her eyes half-vacant as if she were doing it all subconsciously, her mind still in a haze from the pleasure she was basking in.

I looked over Marcella's corrupted and fallen form, her chest rising and falling in peaceful rhythm, her eyes watching me with a lustful intent contained within. Smiling with the knowledge that she was mine now. 

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