Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 111. Obedience Training (R-18)

It took a while for the idea of having power over Marcella to sink in, but Belle was actually the first one on the uptake, making Marcella massage her feet during the carriage ride, thrilled with a kind of simple-minded glee that only Belle was capable of.

She didn't really even have punishing Marcella in mind but was simply doing as she pleased. If Belle wasn't allowed to do something then she was the type that really wanted to do it, and bossing around Marcella seemed to really scratch an itch for her that she always wanted to scratch.

Exhibiting happiness from little things like having another slave that was below her in status, her tail swishing in delight, curling out in front of Marcella like a snake as Marcella rubbed the catkin's faintly feline feet reluctantly. Belle purring loudly as she proudly lorded over the fallen noble. 

"Nyaats the spot. Right there." She pointed Marcella in the right direction every time she strayed from a spot she liked. Sprawling out in her seat as she appeared to be enjoying the massage very much. 

While the two of them were busy, I leaned over to Tammy's side, whispering to her secretly. Feeding her ideas that were in line with what I had in mind for Marcella's development. Her face flushing with anticipation. I knew she enjoyed some of the time she shared with Belle, but Belle was someone with clear likes and dislikes.

No matter what, Belle would never be the willing female partner that Tammy was looking for. Bribing Belle worked fine enough for the few times we did it, but it was never something that I took lightly. Even if she seemed simple-minded at first, Belle always had a knack for choosing the most expensive and time-consuming rewards possible, and if she thought you were short-changing her for something she felt she was owed then she would remember that. Pouting for months on end until you made up with her. Now that I owed her two promises, any further favors would probably be increasingly steep. And while I enjoyed spoiling her to an extent, I wanted to keep it within reasonable limits. 

"Belle, why are you doing this? Wasn't I always good to you?" Marcella finally spoke up, obviously her feelings hurt at being treated like this. Belle's straight forward and direct reprimanding, along with her repeated micro-management of the foot massage made it seem to Marcella like she was being bullied in the most petty manner, but I knew... this was just how Belle was. Even if she despised Marcella she probably had no ill-will at all. 

Belle put her finger to her cheek like she needed to think on it, remembering the times Marcella had pet her ears, or fed her scraps of meat from the table, her expression brightening somewhat as she nodded happily in agreement. 

"Marcella do bad things, but old Marcella do good things too. Belle not hate Marcella, Belle listen to master, Belle also be good master to Marcella." Speaking proudly about how great of a master she would be to her, immediately proceeding to point out more spots on her foot for Marcella to rub.

"...Belle, aren't we both slaves? Can't we both just get along?" Marcella spoke up after a few more minutes of Belle's 'bullying'. 

Belle just looked at her in incomprehension, as if none of Marcella's words made sense at all. 

"Belle not slave nyaa, Belle is pet." Puffing out her chest proudly as she fingered the pet collar around her neck, causing the bells on it to jingle with a pleasant sound. 

Ah, there was that. I remembered it now that she brought it up again. I had almost forgotten about it after the novelty of that 'sex-play' had worn off, but Belle had taken me quite literally it appeared, and in her mind she was no longer a slave but rather my exclusive pet, which was apparently a promotion in her eyes, judging by how proud she was acting about it. 

Marcella had no way to retort, her mouth open as if in total awe or utter confusion, resigning herself back to foot rubbing for the remainder of the trip. 

Both Tammy and I putting on lewd smiles as we looked forward to tonight.

When camp was made and done, and everyone had settled in for the night. Our action started early and strong, as I repeatedly chose to engage with Belle, leaving her panting, filled, and fulfilled. Stuffing her kitty with cream many times over as Tammy and Marcella sat on the side. Marcella still acted like an embarrassed a virgin, covering her face with her hands and catching glimpses through the gaps in her fingers. She still couldn't believe how she burned with lust towards a man that she hated, and even now looking at him made her heart race, the feelings bringing shame to her face. Her body tingling, and breath quickening as she anticipated receiving that wonderful dose in front of her eyes, the one and only thing she had to look forward to in this life. The daily conditioning turning her into no more than a dog in heat. 

Why was it I wondered, did Marcella have such a strong reaction to my blood... or to my 'source of life'. I could tell the other girls went into heat with it, but never with the intensity Marcella had shown. Her body was certainly outrageously sensual, and I enjoyed playing around with her greatly, but could there really be such a gap between women? Even down to the way she could orgasm from receiving abuse, it was almost like she was built for sex. Even if what she was after right now was just the substance rather than the act. 

Marcella was clearly impatient, bothered by the slow pace and my doting focus on Belle. She would probably only get her share after both Tammy and Belle had went, and since I had stayed with Belle so long already, she might not get a chance tonight. 

"Tammy would you care for a turn yet?" To which she just shook her head politely, acting like I could continue on my own.

She did pass on sex from time to time, so it wasn't entirely unexpected that she might decline, but the two of us had something of a knowing agreement. Smirking subtly without betraying the plot to Marcella, who seemed to take Tammy's decline as an invitation of her own. Stepping up eagerly to take Belle's place, who was already filled beyond capacity and beyond reason. 

"Sorry Marcella, it wouldn't be right if I skipped Tammy. She has precedence." I smiled wryly before explaining to her. Subconsciously reminding her that a pecking order existed between her and the other two. It wasn't as if this something that Marcella couldn't understand either, as a noblewoman surely she understood that the amount of time spent with a wife largely determined their influence in the household, a rule that was especially true the more wives there were. However if this analogy were applied here, then Belle would be the clear 'head-wife', given how often she wrung me dry of semen. 

Marcella looked again at Tammy, who again shook her head. Causing a sense of panic to set in for Marcella, who was clearly addicted to my blood potion or the stand-in substitute I allowed her to indulge in straight from the source. 

"You could ask Belle, she has plenty that I'm sure she would share if you asked nicely?" Knowing Belle there was no pretty much no way this would happen. 

Marcella was starting to go red in the face over how unexpectedly hard it was to get a share of my semen. Even if she had use her body, that at least involved a direct transaction between herself and me. But here she was now being forced to ask Belle to share a creampie with her. 

Gulping as she watched drop after drop of the precious white dribble running down Belle's swollen pussy. 

"Belle... em... Belle... this may sound odd... but could I ask of you something?" Marcella sounded humiliated, dying of shame as she asked a beastkin pet for something so debauched.

Fluffy ears perked up in response, moving to target the sound as they listened intently. Curious as to what Marcella would ask of them. 

"Could you let me... let me have some of what Keaton gave y-you... you know... down there..." 

Belle finally sat up from her resting position, huffing angrily with puffed cheeks, some of the cream I had shared with her overflowing out from the sudden movement. 

"No. Mine." She said defensively, guarding her belly swollen with seed as if she were a fat goblin protecting its hoard. Her silky tail acting on its own to cover her privates. 

Marcella almost couldn't believe her ears... not only had she begged Belle to share something so dirty, she was actually even turned down for it? Looking back to me with tears beginning to dot her eyes, to which I just shrugged and directed her eyes back to Tammy, as if to say 'ask her instead of me'. 

"Tammy... um... do you think you could sleep with Keaton?" For her turn to come up, she needed Tammy to go first. 

To which Tammy just lifted her dress, revealing a pantieless smooth and glistening mound. Clearly having come prepared. 

"That depends... could you put me in the mood?" Tammy said while leaning back into the fur wrappings of some gigantic beast, something I had picked up on a whim that almost acted like something between a cushion and a chair with how massive it was. A small smirk appearing on her face.

"She likes women almost as much as she likes men." I explained to Marcella, who was still not understanding the situation. Tammy's preference had become even stronger recently, along with the knowledge she was pregnant. Whether it was superstitious or not, having sex while pregnant was somewhat frowned upon, perhaps out of fear of what it would do for the baby, and although she did still make love on occasional, it clearly worried her. 

Marcella's lip quivered, face hot with embarrassment. Even though she had lowered herself to this point Keaton didn't even want to sleep with her... and now she needed to pleasure another woman just to get the chance? Wanting to turn it down but feeling her tongue dry in her mouth at the thought of going through the night without what Belle had in her. That feeling of 'aliveness' was so attractive to her, especially at a time when she felt so down. 

Getting down on her hands and knees before crawling over to Tammy's open legs and lifted skirt, getting a good view of Tammy's pale and flushed lower lips. Beginning to lick timidly around the outside, causing Tammy to arch her back in pleasure, resting her hands onto Marcella's head as she worked her tongue. 

"Oh... ohhh. There... keep going." Tammy gasped, pushing down a little to encourage Marcella's activity. 

Aroused again by the sight, I enticed Belle over with sweet words, who despite being tired out from our repeated love-making was always willing to try for more. Her maternal instinct for kittens overpowering any feelings of exhaustion. Plodding over before stretching out like a cat, her tail lifting up to offer me a look at her cream filled pussy.

A tight sensation embracing me as her entrance clamped down around my member, as if Belle were trying to suck all of me in from the start. The two of us entwined, bodies melting together hotly as we shared the moment, her heat enticing me to speed up... eventually the two of us going at it like wild animals. 

Looking to the side on occasion only to see that Tammy to the side had wrapped her legs around Marcella's neck, pulling her directly in contact with her dripping pussy and grinding herself as Marcella's tongue worked deeper inside. Tears dripping down her cheeks out of a burning sense of shame for what she was doing, just as love nectar flowed from behind her panties, soaking them through. The humiliation just arousing her more, which did nothing to help the shame she felt. 

Tammy's legs shaking in orgasm as she bucked her hips in sync with Marcella's tongue, nodding over to me with a satisfied expression after she had finished. The signal for me to pull out of Belle, who cried out quietly in a hazy voice, so overdrafted on lust that she could hardly tell I hadn't actually finished inside her. 

Bringing myself over to Tammy's side, who only now let Marcella go with her legs, pushing her out of the way to allow me access. Her vagina walls still dripping and convulsing from Marcella's deep tongue massage parted easily as I slid inside. Losing myself almost instantly as her insides milked me continuously. Pouring into her the culmination of every movement and every thrust Belle and I had done together in our workout routine. Knowing what it would be used for, I needed to give her an extra large helping. Enough to give Marcella something to eat. 

Slowly pulling out of Tammy's spread legs after the throbbing had stopped, taking a step back to watch the scene unfold. 

Marcella looked up from her spot on the floor, panting from a lack of breath. The forceful and deep licking she had just performed on Tammy having tested how long she could hold her breath. 

"Keaton... can... can I have my turn now?" She asked between breaths, seeing that I had came inside Tammy, this should have counted as her having a turn now... right? She was next now... right?

"I never said we'd be doing it tonight... but you have another option don't you? Belle wasn't willing to share, but maybe Tammy will? Why don't you try asking her?" 

Marcella reddened again. It wasn't that she was above that... she had already fallen so low to beg Belle for it, but being forced to do it all over was enough for even her to know when she was being bullied. It wasn't that she didn't care, but that she was already broken. She hated Keaton, but she loved what Keaton had... her body heating up with an excruciating lust now that she knew what she wanted was just a short ways away. All she had to do was humiliate herself, throw away her pride as a noble, her pride as a human. She hated how her body reacted like this, over time, even the abuse was beginning to feel good. 

Putting her head down, she began to grovel at Tammy's heels. "Please... Tammy. Please let me..."

Tammy lifted her feet, putting her toes under Marcella's chin and pushing her face up so she could look her in the eyes. Clearly enjoying the power she had over the little former tyrant. 

"You know what you need to do, right?" Tammy asked as she opened her legs again, wide enough to expose her perfectly creampied pussy. 

Offering Marcella salvation and hell simultaneously. The dripping white liquid too tempting for Marcella to resist as she crawled forward. Putting herself between Tammy's thighs, which snapped shut around her like a venus flytrap. Legs wrapping back around to lock her in place, forcing her mouth back in direct contact.  

It was clear what she needed to do, and she let her body fall into depravity willingly. The rich vitality and feeling of life from Keaton filling her mouth and bringing her ecstasy as she worked her tongue deeper. Cleaning the deep recesses of Tammy's cute pink walls, licking up every drop she could find even as she cried. What was happening to her? She couldn't even recognize what she had become, and she had no way to stop. Her mind accepting the whims of her captors as she pleasured Tammy in every manner conceivable, and only when Tammy was completely satisfied, well after she had licked everything clean, was she allowed to stop. Tammy's eyes now following hers like she was no longer looking at a human, but rather just looking at a convenient toy. 

I watched from a chair I had brought up, petting Belle's hair silky hair and furry ears as I witnessed both Marcella and Tammy's transformation in real time. Pleased beyond words at the result. 

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