Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 114. Fishing for trouble

Our destination was supposed to be the church district, that is, Bael and the church were the ones sponsoring our stay in the capital and given that they wanted us here so quickly in the first place, of course they had made some arrangements... it's just that... how big was this city exactly?

At first we were amazed at the size of the streets and the sheer number of people, but after walking for two hours and still not seeing the end of the commercial and citizen's district, our amazement grew another fold. This wasn't the entire town, only a single quadrant, and yet we still couldn't see the end in sight. Passing by shop after shop, which included everything from exotic imported spices and textiles brought in from the southern kingdoms, to local specialities and ordinary commodities. Not only was there a larger range of goods than I had ever seen before, or even imagined existed, some of the items looked truly bizarre or magical in nature. Seeing one particular store that had an old pointed hat carved into its signboard, the wood-engraved hat leaping about, carving and mending its shape on the wooden board as it tried to catch the eye of any prospective customers. If it wasn't for my financial situation right now I'd even be tempted to pay a visit.

Every twenty or so shops seemed to be organized into an almost evenly spaced block that allowed for a crossroads to pass by for more pedestrian and carriage traffic. Small alleyways weaving through through the spaces between shops, where it looked like the beastkin slaves liked the spend their time from how it was the only place I had seen them. 

Beastkin weren't allowed to walk the main streets alone, but most shops had beastkin attendants or workers for the cheap manual labor they could provide and these alleyways seemed to be the only spot they could go during the day when they weren't needed. Even so, they were still clearly on edge at being seen by us. The few beastkin women quickly vanishing back into their owner's shops after noticing my gaze. Perhaps the fact that we had a church carriage along with us made them more apprehensive, but it was still an odd feeling to see them so afraid of being seen. 

Every so often the bustle of the trading-blocks would give way to an open plaza, containing larger junctures with a main road like the one we were following along. The center of the plazas were often recreational park in their own right, complete with ponds of overly fat fish, ones that had more than caught Belle's attention.

"Belle, no! Put that back!" Tammy cried while she tugged on Belle's tail and dress. Trying to keep the girl from falling in completely as she wrestled with the overgrown meals, the fatty blobs with tiny fins swimming around before her eyes were just the right size for a snack, and too tempting to resist. 

I couldn't help but feel a headache coming on as I watched the two pulling out the fish, Belle's fangs sunk deeply in the fatty blob as she refused to let go of her new prize. Comparatively, Marcella was aghast, the most shocked out of any of us and looking like she wanted to run away in shame if she could, but the slave's collar around her neck kept her in place.  

"Keaton! Make Belle put that down... right now!" Her voice somewhere between a whisper and a yell, a sense of urgency present. "Those aren't for the public... nobody eats those because they're owned by the king! She needs to put it down now!"

My eyes widening as well, suddenly a bit more conscious of the the disapproving looks from the passerby's.

"Can you let go of the fish, Belle?" I pleaded with Belle, trying to get her to put it down so we could go, but she only clamped her fangs harder as the fish wriggled in her mouth. I'd never taken food from her mouth before, and even if I was her master... for Belle that was a line too far. Becoming obstinate over the oddest of things but perfectly obedient otherwise. 

I wasn't particularly worried about the sentiment of the citizens, I probably didn't need to follow the common rules after all, but there really wasn't a reason to cause a big scene on our first day here, and the reaction of the crowd was starting to make it seem like we were committing murder in broad daylight. 

Deciding the scene had played out enough, I put an end to the fish with a flicker of sword aura from my finger, sending a spark like needle through its brain and turning it into an 'item' rather than a 'living-thing' so it could be stored. Snatching the fish straight from Belle's mouth with a bit of spatial trickery. 

"Mmmu! Master stole Belle's fish!" Belle pouted angrily once she realize I had succeeded in taking it from her, tail standing up straight in distress as she began positioned to catch another of those fattened fish before I stopped her again.

"Wouldn't you rather have a nice cooked lunch somewhere here Belle? I'm sure they have food you've never tried before." I offered, knowing her outbursts were more than likely just a way of saying she was hungry.

Belle mulled the idea, her previously flattened ears perking back up slowly and tail resuming its normal wiggling posture. "Nn! Belle wants." Finally acceding to reason, but totally shameless in the face of a disapproving crowd. 

The bystanders continuing to watch our caravan and guards moving on as if we were criminals fleeing the scene. Marking us in their mind as just another stuck-up rural nobleman and his pet too ignorant of the way the world works, simultaneously jealous of our wealth and angered at the thought that we would so blatantly flout the royal laws. I could see some of them running off somewhere while a few were even following us, probably to alert the guards no doubt. 

More annoyed at the hostile crowd than anything, I picked a nearby tavern that looked large enough to accommodate all of us. Acting the part of the carefree arrogant noble as we settled in for a meal. Crying a little inside when I realized how empty my pocketbooks would be after all of this, especially seeing as our party had taken up enough tables to fill half the pub. 

An excited owner ran over to greet us, seeing as we had turned a normally off-hour for them into an enormous opportunity, this wasn't a group he wanted to lose. Bringing with him four beastkin bunny waitresses, rabbit ears flopping timidly, and each wearing a revealing enough outfit that clearly embarrassed them. Strange that slaves would be so easily embarrassed, but none-the-less they tried taking our orders anyways.

"Hello sirs, are you visiting the capital?" The owner tried to make small talk with me as the waitresses bobbed around, their short fluffy bunny tails exposed and visible, plain against their bare back. Each wearing a skirt that was essentially just frills decorating their waistline, leaving them in nothing more than panties and a decorative bra that emphasized their bountiful breasts. Their only other clothing being a garter-belt hooked to the skirt and secured around their legs. Given this was a tavern with rooms available, clearly the implication was that they offered another kind of nightly room-service. 

"How would you know that we're from out of town?" I asked curiously, before stopping to consider our own getup, dirty and straight from a month's travel. I didn't think we looked all that different from what I normally saw in Tromwell, but thinking of what clothes everyone else in the capital was wearing, it was certainly out of place. Clearing my throat to excuse my previous question, "anyways, a drink and a meal for each of the men here. Only one drink. They're still on duty."

"Certainly! And would you happen to need rooms for the night? You won't find better rooms for the price than here, and... should you or your men feel the need..." his eyes wandering over to the bunnies, who appeared to tremble at their owner's words. For slaves they really didn't seem used to their work... as if reading the question on my mind the owner replied.

"They're brand new, less than week in from the Antalushia's, courtesy of the king." He said with a smile at the mention of the king and his successful campaign, "If you're looking for slaves now's the time for buying, got these four lasses for less than a gold each I did. Still need training so I'm letting the customers have 'em. Good thing for your men, good for morale. You rent some rooms and I'll throw in these rabbits for free."

The rabbits in question shuddered at the thought.

Smiling wryly I could only decline. "Just the meals, thank you. We already have our rooms for the night." Motioning to the church carriage that was visible through the tavern's windows. Letting him know we were with the church. 

"Didn't take you for holy men, but my offer stands if you ever change your mind, even if it's just for the rabbits. I'll throw in a discount, out of respect for the church." He offered matter of factly, and I raised an eyebrow in response. He would offer beastkin prostitutes to clergymen? Having grown up in the sticks, my knowledge of church matters was relatively limited, but even that seemed to be something I never expected to be commonplace. 

"We're not all with the church, just Bael here." Motioning to the man with the fake smile who had taken a seat for himself. 

"Ah, 'tis a good name. Bless you sir and bless the king's soul." The owner nodded his head slightly in deference, to which Bael just looked indifferent. 

"Baelwyn is the name of the royal line, but the word is the king himself just goes by Bael. It's a name with great honor attached, and a lot of people here in the capital are taking it up." Bael explained, noticing my interest in the tavern owner's reaction. I could only nod, taking up a cup of sweet-mead that one of the bunnygirls had just set down in front of me. 

There were still a few onlookers from our earlier incident that I could see through the window, all of whom appeared to be waiting around across the street. 

Feeling a jab in my side that woke me up from my thoughts. "We just got here and already making trouble? You seem to have a knack for it, I'll give you that." Cal laughed as he passed by, his hands wrapped leisurely around Ashley and Kaya's waist's as he ushered them to their seats. His hands taking advantage of their position as he rubbed openly, exposing his playboy nature for all to see. Ashley reacting as if this was only normal while Kaya's face reddened at being teased so publicly by her brother, while Marcella looked on in disgust over her half-siblings actions.

Clearly Cal wasn't feeling too worried about the situation: knowing my own capabilities and the fact that Bael had a black coin with him, we could probably get away with open murder at this point. Sighing and letting my own thoughts go as I decided to just enjoy the moment as well. Pulling in Tammy and Belle closer, while Marcella looked awkwardly from her seat next to Tammy's. Kissing each deeply and not letting any of my passion go. Giving a special teasing to Belle, who had caused our current predicament.

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