Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 121. Slave Blocks

Coming upon the slave blocks, we looked around inquisitively. There were pens for the slaves prepared everywhere, and even at this time, late in the day as it was, there were many prospective merchants or townsfolk visiting to buy slaves for themselves.

Passing by one particular cage after another, I couldn't help but notice that most weren't even going for more than a gold.

"How could they sell slaves so cheaply?" The economics of it escaped me, surely the logistics involved warranted more than this?

"It's the sheer number of them they're bringing in, tens of thousands a month, sometimes more. If they didn't sell them off constantly to be sent to foreign soil the capital would be overrun by now."

As if making his point, a line of beastkin women all shakled together were led out from the massive tent complex in the center of the slave blocks. The mercenaries leading them were dressed in armor that I had never quite seen before, the jagged edges and rune inscriptions were not something an ordinary blacksmith could make, looking almost dwarven in appearance.

Sure as I thought, a stout looking fellow, no more than waist-tall pushed his way out of the tent. Dressed in such richly embroidered cloth that gave him an almost princely air. It actually was a dwarf. Watching enraptured as the dwarf treated the human mercenaries like air, moving with practiced arrogance despite needing to walk at a brisk pace just to keep up.

"I didn't realize the dwarves were interested in slave trading." The line of slaves continuing to grow.

"More than anything else we have to offer, that's for sure. They don't keep human slaves by law, part of their peace accords with the northerners from what I've heard. Though I'll admit my knowledge on the subject is rather shallow." Cal commented as the caravan passed us by.

The dwarf shot us an irritated look, unhappy to be talked about so openly but used to it by now. Tolerating us with an air of generosity.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Cal asked, after the line of slaves finally passed. "let's go in and see."

The three of us pushing the curtains aside in the main tent, entering into the massive structure. The man behind a desk counter perked up as he saw two perspective customers, and giving Belle an appraising look as if she was a potential product. Stepping out to greet.

"Hello young masters? Coming to buy? Or maybe to sell?" Grinning toothily at Belle, who glared back fiercely in reply.

"Just here to look, maybe buy. It's our first time in a venue this large after all." Taking in the sights with a hint of awe. The tent here was obviously more for exhibition than for holding, but there were nonetheless hundreds lining both the exterior and arranged throughout the center.

"Then I welcome you to our humble shop. Any particular slaves you would be interested in today?"

Glancing at Belle again, I figured she was probably more interested in those of her own kind. "Could you show us where you keep the catkins? For a start. I am curious about all the kinds though, to be honest. I've never seen such a variety before."

"Certainly, we can have that done." The man stated before calling out abruptly. "Tommy! Customers!"

A few moments later a lanky and sallow looking youth popped his head in from the outside.

"We've got customers. Show them to the catkins, would you? And anything else they want to see too."

The youth sighed, before beckoning us to follow. The small stick in his hands clanking against the bars of every beastkin's cage as we walked, causing them to shrink back in fear.

We exited the tent and followed along, taking in the rows of tents each of which seemed to contain a different species of beastkin. It seemed that for ease of sale, they had already sorted them out and held them amongst others of the same kind.

We stopped briefly to allow a half-woman half-horse creature be led into a stable across our path, all of except for the guide enraptured by the sight. "Centaurs. Never seen one before?" The sallow youth asked, sounding experienced beyond his years.

"Can't say I have... do they use them for work?" I suppose I could see the advantages of a sentient horse.

"Among other things." He nodded, not bothering to explain. Knowing what he meant my eyebrows lifted somewhat in surprise, I didn't expect that people would have an interest in women with the lower-half of a horse, but it seems the capital served all.

Passing by another tent, Belle perked up unexpectedly. Stopping in place while facing the tent's entrance, sniffing in the air excitedly.

"Smelled it, has she?"

"What's in there? Other catkin?" I asked, seeing Belle's alert tail, ears, and dilated eyes she was clearly fascinated by whatever she smelled. I'd never seen anything like it.

"Not catkin, no. But this kind of reaction is pretty typical of the catkin we see. There's mice in there. Want to take a look."

Beyond Belle's own interest, my own had be piqued. Mice? Why would they keep mice? Parting the tent's entrance and sticking my head through. Belle coming in after me, trotting along with her tail curling in the air.

The tent was dark and dimly lit, with cages filling every corner. And from the cages fearful chatter and mice-like squeaks greeted us, especially so after Belle's appearance became clearer to them. Just as easily as Belle could smell them, they could smell her. 

"What are they?" I asked again, crouching down to see into the small cages.

Small half human creatures filled each one, fairly similar in proportions to Belle, other than their small stature that is, with each of them standing no taller than my shins. All of them adorned with small mouse ears and tails that poked out from underneath their skirts.

"Mousekins. Naturally they're everywhere in the beastlands."

Started a new story here, please check it out if you have the time. It's a non-smut, modern-day fantasy/apocalypse setting.

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