Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 51. Cleaning off.

The girls and I were soaking in the bathing room. A dozen young maids, nude around us, washing us all as we relaxed. 

A pool-sized heated bath, set into the floor and inlaid in marble. Polished wooden flooring treated with water-repellent properties surrounded us, with decorative diamond lattice stone material set into the wood that ensured the floor was never slippery. 

Marcella seemed the most relaxed of all of us, ready to fall asleep in the maid's arms as they soaped her up and washed her hair. Enjoying the moment now that she was away from my grasp for the moment.

Belle also seemed quite happy for the attention, purring with delight as they petted her ears and washed her hair. Having maids attend to her so intimately was a totally new experience for her, just as it was for Tammy. But Tammy was clearly the shyer one of the two. Sinking her head down to the water level in embarrassment while the maids pampered her. 

Around me the maids were being a little more adventurous. Jagen might not have any interest outside his two wives, but a young man like me was a perfect target for their seduction. Washing me with their soaped up breasts, one in front of me, rubbing my cock with her fingers trying to 'wash' me, hoping for a reaction. Each of them aiming to take their place alongside the three girls they were currently attending to in the bath. 

Eventually they got the reaction they wanted, as they each in turn looked greedily at my erection, but I had no intention of sharing right now.

None of them had the confidence to go for it and cross the line, just continuing to seduce without any concrete actions. Marcella was in the bath with me after all, and the one thing I had picked up in my time here was that the servants were all equally terrified of her.

The Marcet family, like all noble houses was hierarchical, and Marcella made sure the servants all knew their place. Beyond that, she was strictly monogamous and highly aggressive to anyone she thought was jeopardizing her position or the position of her mother. She was already so antagonistic towards the second wife and her children and they were her family. Who knew what she would do to a servant who crossed the line? 

Well I had heard some rumors at least. If they made a move and failed to earn my favor, she'd probably have them pressed into prostitution service in the local brothels. A common punishment here for adulterous women, and something in-particular that I'd heard she's ordered done to the occasional maid who stepped out of line. If it wasn't for Cal's interference she probably would have sentenced a lot more women to that fate.

In frontier towns like this the ruling lord's family could act like absolute tyrants if they wanted to. They made the laws, and they executed the laws. The only thing they had to bind them were royal decrees, but out here so far away from the capital there were no royalty.  The only ones with any authority over Marcella here would be her father, her mothers, her two brothers, and now... me.

I swam over to Marcella's spot, hugging her nude form in the water. 

"What do you want?" She said tired and upset at my presence. 

"Can't I be with my wife?" I teased her, rubbing her breasts and down below. 

She didn't resist me this time. 

"Why do you do this to me... do you hate me?" She asked me quietly with resignation. I was her husband now, and there was very little she could do to change that.

"I thought I told you, I like you. If I didn't I wouldn't have asked for your hand in the first place..."

She relaxed her head on my chest, the both of us leaning back in the water. 

"Then... why?"

I didn't say much in response. I was 'disciplining' her, but even so, I had definitely taken it farther than was appropriate. It's true she was out of line, but my reaction had been intense... to say the least.

She reflected silently, while I continued to play with her in plain view of the others. Belle and Tammy not saying a word having gotten used to my antics, choosing instead to focus on enjoy the luxurious bath and massage.

"Say Marcella, what do you think about doing another adventure sometime soon? Would you like to do that?"

I did enjoy being in the forest, although there was always an aspect of danger there, to me it was a treasure trove.

Her eyes lit up again, the usual fire reviving somewhat after hearing she could go out again.

"I thought you were still angry with me..." She looked at me warily.

Well, it's true I did want to reconcile with her somewhat, but my intentions were never so pure and that wasn't my sole reason. She really was a big help with hunting the bigger prey, when it came to things like the giant snake or the aurochs, I wasn't entirely confident in killing so easily on my own, even with the knights it still had a bit of danger involved.

"Sometime in the next week then?" 

She went quiet for a minute, like she was contemplating the proposal. A little strange to me considering I didn't particularly think it required that much thought.

Suddenly smiling with one of the widest smiles I had ever seen her give, her usual confident appearance restoring itself. 

"I'd like that..." She added, laughing a little strangely.

When we were done with our bath, we retired again to the room that had been prepared for us. Bringing Marcella in along with the girls to enjoy the rest of her bedding ceremony. 

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