Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 54. A Strange Knight

I somehow managed to convince Cal to mass produce those poison elixirs. He was shocked at my resistance to poisons at first, unsure of whether I was involved in something nefarious. What I showed him was something that no human should be capable of. Poisoners and assassins would sometimes be capable of this, spending years ingesting their own wares to build a tolerance, but Cal knew me well enough to know that was not the case.

I assured him that I wasn't doing anything bad, relying on our long standing friendship and the trust we had built up between us. Maybe Cal did think I was involved in some sort of dark magic, with my strange actions and bizarre behavior, but I knew he wasn't particularly the religious type either. He did what was in his own best interest, and if that meant supporting someone involved in the occult, then so be it. 

I of course was less concerned, having the knowledge that I had no connection with black magic. So long as I didn't make my powers too flashy, nobody would dare question someone of my station. Perhaps in the capital I might need to show more restraint, but that shouldn't be a problem at all with how subtle enhanced constitution normally was.

Equally important, my constitution allowed me to take full advantage of Cal's cheap alternative to the other elixirs, something I could capitalize on with Cal's support.

In the meantime, I commandeered the entire chest that was intended for nurturing Marcella's talent. Drinking a handful more in a few minutes, it occurred to me just how inefficient this was. Feeling some sympathy for the mages of the world who could only rely on such methods. But if it could save me a few points from the system, any amount of investment was worth it for me. 

I had no real plans for the day, only that I knew I wanted to go exploring outside again. I found a maid that was willing to help her learn how to read, allowing me to leave Belle in her care for the time being. 

Afterwards, heading on my way to the family barracks, slightly away from the mansion but not far. The grounds were busy, but nobody barred my way as I made for the front door, opening it to find what was essentially an oversized parlor room. Dozens of knights conversing with themselves, relaxing, and wasting time while off-duty. 

Cringing as I noticed one of my older brothers, Tristan. Hoping he didn't notice me... but it looked like I didn't have any such luck. In the last few years I really haven't gotten along with my family very well, especially my brothers. I was always something of a black sheep, far skinnier and scrawnier than the rest. I'm not sure if it was a consequence of the merged-soul situation, but I suspected as much. If I didn't have the system, it would have always remained a curse instead of a blessing. 

He saw me, but just smiled and returned to his previous conversation with another young man who was holding a flowery letter in his hands as they stood about the fireplace, tossing the letter in to burn. I thought things were going great until he pointed me out, wrapping his arm around my brother's neck and walking up to me with a swagger in his step. 

"We were just talking about you, Keaton. Gawn here has been dying to meet you since this morning."

Triston introduced his friend, who stepped up confidently, sticking out a hand for me to shake, which I obliged. 

The man was trying to crush my hand with his grip, leaving me confused as to whether he was trying to show off... he had a pleasant enough face, smiling, but his gaze was really intense gaze and he maintained direct eye contact the entire time. His eyes never leaving mine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Keaton. I've heard a lot of things about you." He said while continuing the grip.

"Like what?" I asked, somewhat interested. 

"Things." He replied cryptically. 

Good things, I hoped. Looking at my brother suspiciously. 

"You're a knight I assume?" I asked him, trying to probe why he was so interested in me. 

"And only the most talented swordsman in the entire city." My brother bragged for him, seeming to hold this Gawn character in high regard.

Amazingly young for such a boast, he looked my age...

Well that's good I supposed, I could use some muscle for where I was going.

"I was actually coming here to pick up some guards, I'm headed out to the forest today. There was a commission I wanted to take a look at for the guild." I explained to him.

"Do you care if I join you?" He seemed a little forceful with his words, but there really wasn't a reason not to have him. I'll take as many as I can get.

"I don't mind particularly, but I'm curious what you find so interesting about me?" He was honestly being a little creepy. 

"You're too humble. A space mage like yourself is plenty interesting. Not to mention you have such a beautiful wife. You're a very lucky man." He said to me with an earnest glint, finally letting go of my hand. 

"How many men would you like to bring? I'll find them for you." He offered.

"About twenty or so should be good, but I want them to avoid killing when possible. A policy of mine."

"I didn't take you for a pacifist." He let out a brief chuckle.

"Well... not exactly a pacifist per-say, just maim them instead of killing and it should be good. I'll take care of the rest." 

"An interesting man, didn't I say?" He responded.

I averted my gaze, a little uncomfortable that another man was finding such interest in me. 

Gawn did find the men though, and quite quickly I might add. Not even an hour later we were headed out the city gates, eight knights and twelve soldiers leading the way. My brother joining, but only really to tag along with this Gawn character. 

I wasn't really sure how to ever bring up the becoming a mage thing with my family, and my interactions with Tristan were just reaffirming to myself why I had such hesitation in meeting them. Trying to talk with him was so awkward, and in the end we just ended up marching in silence.  

Making our way through the grasslands, killing the occasional muck-rat enclave on our way. 


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